Irish Eyes and Mafia Lies

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Irish Eyes and Mafia Lies Page 11

by J Haney

  “You want him here or alone if something happens? Let me go get him. I already know where just tell me which cabin or have him meet me at the office.” I insist.

  “Why so you can add more cameras and stalk us?” She turns from me and hisses. “There’s money in the sock drawer. Top left one. You can-” She sighs. “Fine, I’ll send him that way. Just meet him at the office, and hopefully, I’ll be out of surgery by the time you get back. I’ll be fine; it’s minor. Just please be careful. If he tries anything. Good boy.” She hangs up and just drops the phone on the bed.

  Before I can open my mouth, a nurse comes in and checks the IV.

  “You about ready?” The nurse smiles.

  “C-Can we have another moment?”

  “Just.” The nurse walks out, and Noel stares out the window.

  “Look, ya ain’t gotta look at me, but ya are gonna hear me out. Mostly because ya ain't got nowhere else ya can go. Them cameras? They have been in that place since I was. Did I use um while ya was in there? Yeah, to make sure ya and Nolan were okay. Every time I couldn’t be there, I checked in with those cameras. They were my peace of mind. I worry about ya, probably a lot more than I ever should have. You an me gettin' together wasn’t some scheme. Hell, I fought myself tooth an nail to make it not happen. Thing is from the moment ya voice came through the phone I was done. T’was like a Siren’s song, callin’ me to the rocks. I ebbed with the tide for a long while, but eventually, I crashed against the rocks, and now I am yours.”

  Noel sighs wrapping her arms around her pillow. “What did you expect me to think?”

  “I expected ya to think more of me. To give me the benefit of the doubt. I mean couldn’t ya feel it? The passage between us? The love I have for ya?”

  She sniffs, a sure sign to know she’s about to cry. “You should have told me. I mean, what else are you keeping from me? Now I find out you lived there. What else, Rónán?”


  The room door opens and in come the orderlies to take her away. She looks at me.

  “We’ll be here when you come out. I promise. I love you.”

  “Please don’t hurt him.” She closes her eyes as they wheel her away.

  A nurse walks in. “I can show you the waiting room then you can go get your son. They’ll be working on a room for her. You may want to grab some clothes if you plan to stay with her.”

  Heading out of the hospital, I make a few calls. A little money goes a long way when it comes to procuring a decent hospital room. If we are going to be here a few days, we should be comfortable. I set it up to get us put into a family suite. She gets all her hospital care and Nolan, and I get decent sleeping areas. I asked how long it would take, and they said at least three hours. That gives me time to stop and grab an overnight bag and toiletries for us. Madilynn has since vacated, so I believe, as she couldn’t find me to have any knowledge beyond Noel’s last whereabouts. I gave her false names and a fake car model just in case to throw her off the scent. Hopefully, she’s halfway to Poughkeepsie by now.

  I pull up to the campground and see Nolan; He’s leaning against the counter of the field office.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Nolan asks, opening the door.

  “They say so. I grabbed some of your stuff; Your Switch is in the blue duffle there.” I point behind me.

  “You hurt her. I thought you’d be better.”

  “Listen, it wasn’t what it appeared to be. She just- she reacted before thinking about it completely. I’m sorry if I’ve broken our trust, but ya gotta know. I love her.”

  “You better start groveling now. Your name is mud where she’s concerned. She’s spoke more Italian this last three weeks then she has my entire life. She seems to forget I know what she’s saying.”

  “That’ll make two of us. Been learning a bit myself lately.” I pull on to the highway. “Can’t have her leavin’ more notes I can’t read.”

  “About time, you wisen up. She’s a tricky woman, and you’ve got a lot to learn if you want to stick around.”

  “I have an inkling.” I smile this is gonna be a long road, but at least I’ve got a little Italian in my corner.

  29 Onóra

  Pregnant, surgery, and a hospital stay. These are the things I'm remembering as I wake. I really am beginning to hate Kentucky. This is my second time at the hospital. My throat is dry, and my heads all groggy. I have to fight my eyes open they feel heavy and almost like they're matted together. I can hear a tv and some whispering, but I'm not sure where it's coming from. I'm trying to school my thoughts, but in my drugged state, I can't.

  My eyes roll around a few times before I can adjust them enough to see. Finn is on a cot like thing watching tv and Rónán is right beside me. Rónán is the first to speak as he runs a hand over my face.

  “There’s our wee bird.” He whispers gently. “Ya thirsty?” I hear ice slush around in a cup; then a straw is being nudged at my face.


  “Liquid Plumer.”

  I shrug and take a drink. “How long was I down?”

  “Three hours from surgery and ya been in an out for about two hours since they wheeled ya in here.”

  “Has he eaten? Have you? How's your sugar?”

  “Ya never mind. I’m okay. The boy’s good. They’re gonna send up supper in just a few along with something light for ya.”

  “I'm not hungry. The water is fine for now.”

  He nods, just holding the cup for me. I can see the worry in his eyes washing over with relief.

  “Go, rest. I'm fine.” I try to roll from my back to side and cringe with pain. “Yup, no rolling over. Got it.”

  “Here, let’s get ya propped up with some more pillows. Maybe that will help ya?” Rónán presses the button on my bed, and my head starts to lift. “Do ya want yer feet up?”

  “I don't know what I want. I just know I'm not comfortable. Did they say how long they are keeping me?”

  “Not to us. I’d think at least the night I mean-”

  Rónán is cut off by a light knock to the door, followed by its opening. In walks a tallish man in scrubs and a white coat over top. “I see our patient is finally awake and trying to move.” He smiles, extending his hand to me. “I’m doctor Xenical; I don’t know if you remember me from this afternoon? I’m your surgeon. I just wanted to come in and explain how things went.”

  “I don't remember anything from before surgery so no I don't remember you.”

  “Well that’s to be expected, but it should come back as the anesthesia finally wears off, and over the next couple days. So your surgeries were successful. The perforation in your uterus while extensive enough to cause infection managed to miss your vital organs. The bowel and bladder were unremarkable, and I was able to remove the device with ease, and just a few stitches which will dissolve on their own took care of the tear. As for the pregnancy. As I explained and the ultrasound confirmed it was in fact inside the left fallopian tube, about three-quarters of the way down and not viable in any way. We were able to remove the embryo with no further complications to you. Your ovaries and tubes are intact and should you decide to have children I see no reason you should have any problems in the future.”

  “And birth control? Can I use any?”

  The doctor nods. “You may use any kind of birth control you prefer, including a safer type of IUD if you want. I can make you a referral to an OBGYN here in town that can happily discuss that with you. If you’d like to get on a low dose pill, I can add it to your meds now.”

  “The referral would be great. Thank you. I'd like not to be foggy when making this decision.”

  “Absolutely, Miss Packer.” He looks around a moment. “Can I have a moment with the patient, please? HIPPA laws and all.” He looks at Rónán and Finn. They look at me.

  “I'm fine. Go on and find you something to eat. Nolan make sure Rónán eats a salad or something.”

  “You heard her, nothing greasy for you.”

ónán grabs Finn by the head. “Come on you.”

  They leave the room, and the doctor looks at me with narrowed eyes. “As a person, it is not my business, how you live. As your doctor, I have to voice my concerns. Your intake information tells us you’re twenty-three. I think you and I both know better. So I’m to deduct that the boy isn’t biologically yours. We had to remove your contacts before surgery as well, and it’s apparent you color your hair. All of these things apart are random, but together? I’ve been around a while. I know a runner when I see one. Now I don’t know if your boyfriend knows, which is why I had him step out, but if you need help. We can help. We have programs and services that can help get you away and set up someplace. Please don’t hesitate if you need help.” He hands me a card. It’s blank except for a number and a name. “Now, as for your healing, you will be out of here in three days. We need to be sure that the infection is curbed. You will be sent home with antibiotics. Finish them all. Okay?”

  “Thank you for your services. I'm fine, really.” Well, goodbye, Kentucky.

  The doctor leaves, and I'm ready to crawl under a rock at this point. Rónán comes in, but Finn doesn’t. Just wonderful.

  “Is he eating?” I ask, trying not to make eye contact.

  “Yes. They brought up some soup for ya, though I’m sure it’s mostly broth. Jello and ginger ale. Do ya want me to go get it?”

  “No, I need something for a headache.” I say flicking the card enough it lands on the food tray.

  “I’ll get the nurse. I’m sure yer due something for breakthrough pain by now.” Rónán turns to leave.

  “We're leaving. We have to. The doctor knows I'm not who I say I am.”

  “It doesn’t matter what he thinks he knows. After we leave here all records of you will go up in smoke.”

  “That card right there is to help me disappear. It's time; we were never supposed to be stationary for this long. The point was to get somewhere they'd never find us.”

  “Here isn’t the place to have this talk. Let’s get you healed up; you can’t travel in your condition. Once we get out of here, you’re coming home with me. Then we’ll figure out the next step. There's so much you need to know.”

  “Rónán, I-we can't stay with you. What you did by not telling me about-” I stop as the word camera is like acid in my mouth. “It hurt. Especially after we started this; it doesn't matter.”

  Rónán comes back toward me. “Ya daft girl. I told ya. I apologized. I’m sorry that the anesthesia addled your noggin’ because it means I have to go through this again with ya. Frankly, I can't say it like I did before it wasn't rehearsed, just felt. The gist though, the house I put ya in, is mine under a pseudonym. The cameras were there long before ya. I only used them to keep track of ya for your protection; I’m not some skeevy perv. There are cameras outside too, all around the block. I’m a tad paranoid. Point is I did all of this because of how I feel about ya. You may not feel the same way, and that’s okay, but facts are facts, and I'm smitten with ya.” He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, and I see his eyes are glassy.

  “Answer me one question. Did you ever watch anything you shouldn't have? Like what was going on before I was attacked by the freaking cat?”

  “I saw some of it, yes. But only after I was called in as reinforcements. He said there was an emergency, which prompted my checking the cameras out of my typical schedule. I usually check in the evening after supper to be sure the house is secure, then once in the middle of the night and then the morning to be sure ya all are alive. His text had me in the position to see ya gettin’ groped by the swoop.”

  “He didn't delete the texts. I knew before the two of you admitted to it. I want to trust you, I do. I hated when you left, but then I found the cameras, and I was nothing but full of rage. Though if I wanted you dead, you would have been.”

  “We have a lot to talk about. Just not here.” He pushes my hair behind my ear. “I love ya, just know that. I know I broke yer trust; just give me a chance to earn it back?”

  “I'll try, but I can't make no promises. I wish I could. I hope the house didn't hurt you too badly, but I can't say I'm sorry. I did what I did because you hurt me.”

  “I was hurtin’ too, after a slugger to the nuts. I cleaned it all up though. Glad to know ya still cared enough to keep me alive. It gave me hope. Ya get some rest. You’ll be out of here in no time.” He kisses my forehead and whispers something I think was a prayer.

  “I’m sorry; I got pregnant and then couldn't carry it. Mom had the same issue. They think it's what killed her.”

  “Ah, wee bird, don’t ya be worrin’ about that. Ya goin’ to be just as right as rain on a hot summer day. We’ll see that OBGYN, and you’ll see. They say it’s all perfect, that you’ll be okay to have more babies. Be them with me or the one you actually fall in love with later. Ya don’t apologize to me, just make your peace with yourself and God.”

  “Thank you for ignoring me.” I say and lay my head to the side.

  30 Rónán

  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Three days in the hospital goes poof faster than a racehorse after the gun. As soon as they discharged Noel, I hit the button, and all notes, papers, and information were erased. I clouded the info so she can go see the OBGYN, letting it download to their server long enough for her to get treatment. I’ll be making her a second set of ID’s for these appointments as the doctors seem to know what they are looking at when they look at her. Which is a teen and not a young adult. Over the three weeks she and Nolan were gone I moved all of her stuff to my storage facility in Cadiz. It’s under another name and has all my bug out gear. My storage shed in Paducah holds all the antiques and items I have from the shop in climate-controlled spaces. This doesn’t include the stuff I just got from her estate. That’s over in Marion, and where we are headed now.

  “I had what I could get freighted to Ohio, then driven here. I was outbid for the hope chest, though I did manage the vanity and other items.” I say as we are pulling off 641 into town.

  “The hope chest was more for me anyway. It had pictures I stashed along with other odds and ends; then everything mom put in there.”

  “I tried, really, but yer uncle went above and beyond. He later sided me, saying that he wouldn't let his Niece's dowry go to waste. That he was confident that she would be found and one day would get the chest as it was her birthright.” I roll my shoulders. “He seemed to mourn your pa, and your mum alike. I know that he-” I hesitate because of Nolan. “Anyway, their want of ya two is far more humble than the fuckin’ Italians that’s for sure.”

  “I don’t know what the Irish want, but I know the Italian’s motives. I was approached at sixteen by the boss’s son. I had already heard rumors but couldn’t believe it. Nobody could be that stupid, right? Wrong. He’s gay and wanted me to marry him to save face. I’m a nice Italian girl. I knew how to behave. It was all a laughing matter. It had been decided when I was fourteen that at eighteen, I’d disappear.”

  We pull into the empty self-storage place. I prefer the places where they leave ya to yer own devices. “Well, yer on schedule now. As for them idiots. They still think they can make ya both fall in line. Yer uncle doesn't want that. He wants ya at the front of the line, leading the charge.”

  “He can go to hell too. I want nothing to do with it.” She looks in the mirror to see Nolan. “I won’t have it.”

  “Then we take steps to protect ya, both of ya. Starting with whatever is in the vanity.” I get out to unlock the unit. “What is in the big safe, the Italian’s hid it from the auction, and I know they need ya to gain access.”

  “You sure you want to know?”

  “I am aware from my days in Chicago that the things I don’t know about ya go to great depths, and the same goes for ya about me. We are two people who don’t do trust so well because it keeps us alive. There are things that I can’t tell ya in front of him.” I say, pulling her to me to whisper.

  She inhales slowly like she’s trying
to commit my scent to memory. “I’m sure you didn’t learn everything.”

  “Hardly scratched the surface. But one sees things when they go to the Boss’ house and are given the grand tour by a fawning Italian prince.” He smirks.

  “You would be his type. Tell me, how far did he get? First? Second? Homerun?”

  “My only type is a molten eyed bottle blonde with miles of curves I’ve missed in these past weeks. I simply averted him and told him the truth I love another.”

  “Honestly, I wouldn’t have been shocked. He’s charming in his own way but dumber than a box of rocks. I’ve watched him woo more straight men then one would think.”

  “I’m impervious as I belong to ya, and no one else. I’m at yer mercy, wee bird. Truly.” I lift the unit’s doors, and we go inside.

  “Rónán, is this one of those addiction things we talked about?”

  “If it is, it’s a good one. Though if it were an addiction and not something real, I would have lost more than my pride and my heart when you left me. I did things…” I look seeing Nolan never got out of the truck. Do you know what a cleaner for the Irish does?”

  She nods at me, watching me closely.

  “Well, Senan Ó Heanraig was a cleaner for them. You realize this?” I know we had spoken about Senan before and my prior relationship, but we never really talked about what she knew of her.

  “Yes, I knew. I know everything there is to know about all of the main players. Why?”

  “Let’s say that she should have trained harder.” I break eye contact.

  “She came looking? Who made it to the house first?”

  “Apparently she saw through my deviousness with your uncle. Came to try and prove I was hiding ya. She got there before me. Saw ya, was waiting ya out. Had slashed the tires on the truck. Then I showed up, and all hell broke loose. She had pictures on her phone but never sent them anywhere. I don't know her exact motives, but she tried to Lorena Bobbitt me, so I cut her fuckin’ throat.”

  “That’s her specialty. I was leaving as she pulled up to the house. She wouldn’t have found us if she tried. I’ve had lots of time on my hands since being here. I’ve had a route mapped since our second day there.” She looks around at the storage unit. “I may look like a stupid little girl; I’m anything but. What do you want me to open first?”


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