Midnight Secrets: A Dark Vampire Romance (Secret Series Book 2)

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Midnight Secrets: A Dark Vampire Romance (Secret Series Book 2) Page 1

by Ditter Kellen

  Midnight Secrets

  The Secret Series Book 2

  By Ditter Kellen


  Copyright © by Ditter Kellen

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Ditter Kellen. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Published in the United States of America.

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


  For Monica Wilson, one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known. I love you, my friend. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for taking notes! *Grin*


  I’d like to thank my amazing tribe for taking time out of their busy schedules to share, give advice and for cheering me on. You ladies have become my rock and I love you dearly!

  Cathe Green, you’ve been with me through some tough times as well as good. I appreciate the hand holding and late-night talks. You’ve become a sister to me and I love you all there is.

  Amy Bingham, bless you for putting up with me. Through good times and bad, you’re always there to listen, lend a hand and cheer me up. I love you, my friend.

  My editor, Johnny Mack. Where to begin? You’ve been a wealth of knowledge, a sounding board and an all-around great friend. I appreciate everything you do!

  My husband, my friend, my heart…thank you for always supporting me, laughing with me as well as at me. ?? I love you more than air…

  Chapter One

  Madison Wilson glanced in her rearview mirror, a feeling of unease tightening her gut. Though no lights could be seen following her, she had little doubt that she’d been stalked since leaving town with Jacie’s gift.

  In all the years that Madison had worked for Roman Castillo, she’d seen just about every kind of monster one could think up. And whatever followed her tonight definitely fit the monstrous bill.

  The fine hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She turned a corner, not bothering to slow for the stop sign ahead.

  Racing through the intersection, Madison down-shifted the Corvette, punched the gas, and shot past the car in front of her. If she could make it five more miles, she would reach the safety of Roman’s compound.

  The passenger side window suddenly shattered, spraying glass across Madison’s face, and sending cold air rushing throughout the car. She barely flinched, refusing to show her fear in the face of whatever had just joined her. And she did fear her new visitor, she’d be stupid not to.

  Madison jerked the wheel, sending the ‘Vette skidding off the side of the road and into the ditch.

  “Don’t even think about it,” a voice hissed next to her ear as she scrambled for the door handle. “We both know you’d never make it.”

  Her heart pounding in her chest, Madison bent forward and gripped the silver blade that rested inside her boot. She swung up and out, catching her visitor in the neck with her knife.

  An unholy sound filled the car, high pitched and full of fury.

  Madison took that opportunity to flee. She yanked on the door handle, kicked open the door, and hit the grass running.

  She was abruptly jerked off her feet, her body sailing through the air to slam unceremoniously against the hood of her ‘Vette.

  Pain rippled through her, taking her breath and locking her teeth together. She refused to cry out and pushed to her feet, her gaze darting from left to right.

  The figure appeared before her, his fangs gleaming white in the moonlight. “Will you look at what we have here. Castillo’s pet human.”

  Madison noticed blood oozing from the wound she’d left on the vampire’s neck. She narrowed her eyes, flicking her gaze back to his face. “You remind me of one of Slutlana’s patsies. Tell me, Patsy, do you bend over for her like a good little boy, or does she simply laugh while Simon takes you from behind?”

  The vampire’s eyes turned red, telling Madison her comment had hit her mark. Yeah, he was pissed off alright, and if she didn’t do something quick, she would be on the receiving end of his ire.

  “Simon is a joke,” he hissed, slamming into her before she could blink.

  All the air left Madison’s lungs on impact. She landed on her back somewhere in the ditch with the angry vampire straddling her.

  He leaned in close, rubbing his face along her neck. Madison could feel his tongue against her skin.

  So, this is it, she thought with a shudder, her heart hammering wildly. This is how it ends.

  The vampire suddenly reared back, another high-pitched cry wrenching from his throat before slumping heavily on top of her.

  Something warm seeped into her shirt. It took her a moment to realize the vampire had been staked and another to notice a smirking Simon standing over them.

  He crossed his arms over his muscular chest. “Sex in the ditch, Maddie? How…creative of you.”

  Madison ground her teeth, pushing the now dead vampire off her and getting to her feet. “Screw you, blood sucker.”

  “I don’t think so. Not after your little tryst with Patsy, here.” He nodded to the dead vampire. “I heard your less-than-ladylike taunts. I must say, as much as I enjoy a nice ass in the air, I prefer them without hair.”

  Stumbling around to the driver’s side of her car, Madison climbed back behind the wheel. “If you heard my doggie style comment, then you were here for a while. How long were you planning on standing idly by? Until he killed me, or turned me into one of you?”

  “You did shoot me,” Simon pointed out, opening the passenger’s side door and taking a seat. “Six times, if I remember correctly.”

  Madison started the engine, and met Simon’s blue-eyed gaze. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m catching a ride. Surely you don’t expect me to walk back to the compound. I did just save your life.”

  She pulled her door shut, put the car in reverse and turned on the heater. “Fine, but I’d prefer not to speak, so if you could keep that hole under your nose closed, that’d be great.”

  The back tires began to spin as she gave the car some gas. “Son of a bitch!”

  Simon lounged back against the seat. “It would seem that you’re stuck.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. What gave it away?”

  The corner of Simon’s mouth lifted. “Such savage behavior.”

  “Are you going to just sit there, or do you think you can do something to get us out of this damn ditch?”

  He shrugged a broad shoulder. “I might be persuaded to get you back on the road.”

  Madison narrowed her eyes. “What do you want?”

  “A little blood would be

  “You can go to hell. And get out of my car while you’re at it. I’ll call for a tow truck.”

  Simon grinned, making him appear almost handsome. Shit, who was she kidding? The prick was gorgeous, and he knew it.

  “Not even a taste?”

  “Simon,” she ground out.

  A theatrical sigh escaped him. “So selfish.”

  He unfolded his great length from the car, lifted the rear of the ‘Vette from the ditch and guided it back onto the road.

  Madison waited for him to return to his seat and then quickly sped toward the compound. “How was it that you just so happened to be nearby when I was attacked?”

  “I sensed Herman’s presence in the area. Or Patsy as you referred to him. I was simply following his trail.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Madison murmured, not believing him for an instant.

  Simon sent her a wink. “Believe what you will, but you’d be dead right now if not for me.”

  As much as Madison hated to admit it, she knew he spoke the truth.

  Chapter Two

  Simon watched Madison shift the gears of her ‘Vette, the muscle in her thigh tightening with every push of the clutch. He shifted in his seat, fighting the urge to sink his fangs into her flesh.

  Her intoxicating scent drifted over to him, magnifying his need to taste her. Damn but she smelled good; like adrenaline and woman.

  His shaft became erect, beginning to throb behind the zipper of his jeans.

  Annoyed with his body’s reaction to the woman who’d almost killed him two years ago, Simon said the first thing that came to mind. “You stink of Patsy’s blood.”

  Her gaze remained on the road. “Hello, pot.”

  Simon feigned indifference to the age-old “pot calling the kettle black” reference. He glanced at her profile, fascinated by the fact that someone as tough as Madison could have the most delicate features. “Where is your family?”

  Obviously caught off guard by his question, she briefly met his gaze. “Why do you care?”

  “I don’t. I’m simply making conversation.”

  Madison sighed. “My parents are divorced. Mom is in Arkansas, and Dad lives in Alabama.”

  Simon’s eyebrows shot up. “Alabama and Arkansas? You mean, where the corn grows tall, and dueling banjos drown out the sounds of the whippoorwill?”

  “Like you have room to talk?” Madison downshifted the ‘Vette, slowing to a stop at the next light. “You’re all slung up in the south, sucking the local rednecks dry.”

  Simon inwardly laughed. He turned to gaze out the shattered window hoping the cold wind would dilute Madison’s incredible scent.

  “What about you?”

  Madison’s question brought his head back around. “What about me?”

  “Where are your people?”

  “I have no family.”

  “You must have had relatives at some point in your life.”

  It had been so long since his family had been dead, Simon could no longer recall their faces. “They died centuries ago.”

  Madison remained quiet for several heartbeats before responding. “So, you’re completely alone.” It wasn’t a question and he knew it.

  Simon turned back to the broken window, his gaze touching on the surrounding landscape. “I’ve been alone for a very long time, and as long as Svetlana walks the earth, I’ll remain that way.”

  “Why don’t you just have her killed?”

  He shifted his gaze back to Madison’s profile, sarcasm fairly dripping from his tongue. “I can’t believe I’ve never thought of that.”

  “She can’t be that hard to destroy,” Madison shot back, obviously ignoring his sarcastic tone. “I mean, I realize she’s a very old and powerful vampire, but beneath all that rotted skin and razor-sharp fangs, she’s still just a woman.”

  Simon’s humor returned. “You have a very low opinion of vampires, dear Maddie.”

  “Not all vampires.”

  Knowing to whom she referred, Simon muttered. “So Roman and Lydia get a free pass while the rest of us are rotted corpses.”

  “You forgot Niko and Alex. They get free passes also.”

  For some reason, it bothered Simon that Madison spoke highly of Niko and Alex while lumping him in the rotted corpse pile with Svetlana.

  They arrived at the gate to the compound a few moments later. Simon quickly got out, swiped a card through the key slot on the gate, and glanced up at the camera. He knew Sawyer would be watching him.

  The gate slid aside.

  Madison drove through and parked in her usual spot. She climbed out, holding a medium-sized gift box in her arms.

  The two of them entered the fortress together.

  “Aunt Madison!” Jacie squealed, rushing toward them. “Is that for me?”

  Madison smiled. “It sure is. But you have to wait until everyone is here before you can open it. Your party doesn’t start for another hour.”

  Jacie’s face paled. “You’re hurt!”

  Madison glanced down at her bloodstained blouse. “I’m fine, sweetheart. The blood isn’t mine.”

  Simon dropped to his haunches and held out his arms, hoping to divert Jacie’s attention. “I think you’re going to like what I brought you.”

  Jacie stepped into his waiting arms. “I can’t wait to open it. Can’t we have my party now?”

  It didn’t matter to Simon that Jacie was now a shifter. He cared only about her happiness. Strange that he could love a little person as much as he loved Lydia’s daughter.

  He leaned back to look into her different colored eyes. One sky-blue and one brown. The brown eye had appeared after Max turned her into a shifter two years ago. “I don’t think your mom would appreciate us changing the time of the party. Perhaps we should wait a little bit so we can all be together.”

  “Is Max going to be here?”

  Simon could hear the hopefulness in the little girl’s voice. He glanced up at Madison, noticing a certain sadness in her eyes.

  “I don’t think Max is going to make it this year,” Simon answered Jacie, while keeping his attention on Madison. “He has many important jobs to do. But I’m sure he would be here if he could.”

  Madison cleared her throat and held out her hand to Jacie. “Let’s go find your mom and see what the holdup is.”

  Jacie leaned forward, kissed Simon on the cheek, and took hold of Madison’s hand.

  Simon stayed rooted to that spot long after Madison and Jacie disappeared down the long hallway.

  He slowly rose to his feet, shaking off the feeling that had settled in his chest from Jacie’s words. It angered him that Max didn’t visit the little girl. Especially since she was obviously star struck over the damn shifter.

  He ran a hand down his face, noticing that Madison’s scent clung to his skin. From simply being in her car, he thought with an inward growl. Dammit.

  Chapter Three

  Madison stood next to Sawyer as the group around the table sang Happy Birthday to Jacie.

  The little girl blew out the eight candles on her cake with a flourish, grinning at the group surrounding her. Madison wasn’t fooled by her smile for a second. She’d noticed more than once how Jacie’s gaze would stray toward the door. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know who she waited for. But Max wouldn’t show. He hadn’t returned to her in two years.

  “Why don’t you open your presents?” Madison waved Jacie toward the side table against the wall.

  Jacie bounded from her chair, more than a little excitement evident in her every step.

  Madison handed her one of the boxes. “This one is from…” She pulled the small folded card open that was hanging from the lid. “Max.”

  With a soft gasp, Jacie rushed forward and snatched the lid off the box. Her eyes lit up with elation. “A puppy!”

  “Not just any puppy,” Simon informed her, coming to stand next to Jacie. “It looks like a timber wolf to me.”

  Madison glanced over at Lydia to
find her leaning against Roman’s side, her face full of joy and contentment.

  A twinge of loneliness settled inside Madison’s heart, only to disappear as quickly as it had arrived. Madison enjoyed being alone. She couldn’t imagine the thought of answering to another. Especially a vampire with a sarcastic tongue and a bad attitude.

  Why the hell had Simon even entered her mind? She couldn’t stand the creep. Never had.

  She shifted her gaze to Roman to find him watching her curiously.

  Attempting to avert Roman’s attention away from her, Madison plucked up another gift and read the card attached. “This one is from Alex.”

  Unwilling to part with her new puppy, Jacie nodded toward the box. “Will you open it for me?”

  And, so it went. Jacie held tightly to her white wolf puppy while Madison opened the rest of her gifts.

  “What are you going to name her?” Lydia trailed over and knelt down next to her daughter.

  Jacie appeared to think on it for a moment. “Maxine. Her name is Maxine.”

  Madison’s heart went out to the child. Though Madison understood Max’s reasons for staying away, it didn’t mean she agreed with him.

  Max felt guilty for turning Jacie into a shifter. Even though she would have died had he not. He feared Jacie would grow to resent him the older she got. She would never be able to attend school with normal children her age, never date, marry and have a family of her own unless she found another shifter she cared for. And they were few and far between.

  Max had altered Jacie’s life forever at an age where she’d been too young to decide for herself.

  The party quickly grew festive. Music played in the background as hotdogs, hamburgers, and chips were brought to the table. No one ate, of course, aside from Jacie, Madison, Sawyer, and Maxine.

  Madison laughed noticing Sawyer’s plate. He had three burgers, three hotdogs and a piece of cake in front of him.


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