Nuworld: The Saga Begins

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Nuworld: The Saga Begins Page 2

by Lorie O'Clare

  Tara also noticed a variety of handcrafted items in addition to the faded patchwork quilt on the sofa: a knitted afghan hung over the back of a rocker that waved back and forth as Reena gently rocked, and several embroidered wall hangings framed the walls. These items shared a bit of the woman sitting across from her, smiling peacefully and glancing at her occasionally with gentle blue eyes.

  * * * * *

  Reena tried hard not to stare at the beautiful young woman. Her light brown hair fell gracefully past her shoulders and was as supple and shiny as silk. Her complexion was fair although she had a red tint much as a person would from the sun. Reena realized it probably came from riding without a headscarf. Her skin was smooth, at least what Reena could see of it, with no scars or marks of battle on the young face. A novelty among Runners. The girl’s sapphire eyes took in everything around her, conveying intelligence and a bit too much wisdom for her age.

  “My goodness, you’re barely a woman, and so beautiful. The men of these parts won’t take kindly to knowing a looker like you avoided them so skillfully, I’m thinking. Their women don’t learn the skills you’ve learned, they don’t.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Well now, what’s your name and whose stories bring you here?”

  “I’m Tara of the Blood Circle Clan.”

  “Ah, Patha’s stories sent you here, they have.” Reena nodded and started to rock a bit faster in her chair.

  She’s finally come to me.

  So overjoyed was Reena to have the young woman sitting in her home, her heart forgot to beat for a second. “I’m Reena and you may call me that. Now, are you Patha’s daughter?”

  “I gained that honor at the age of four, but not by birth.” Tara chewed as she spoke. “I’m at the Age of Searching and have heard the stories about you. Those stories also told me that Gothman don’t like women.”

  Reena noticed her laugh interrupted Tara as the youngster stopped to look up from her pie with inquisitive eyes. It was hard not to get up and move closer to this young Runner.

  “Gothman like ladies just fine,” she said, still laughing. “They like them in the kitchen and in the bedroom. An unclaimed woman such as you will be plenty liked in this world, I fear.”

  The woman stopped laughing. “So, Tara of the Blood Circle Clan and daughter of the leader of all Runners, I would think you’ve come here with your head full of stories of Gothman, you have. I know a Runner doesn’t enter a land aimlessly without a plan, so let’s hear it.”


  “You must be an excellent warrior, I would think,” Reena continued on, “to get past the guards. But if you display your abilities you’ll be detected instantly, to be sure. Gothman women don’t fight, that is true. You’re young and unclaimed, yes. I daresay your destiny here is to be raped continually until you’re claimed, it will.”

  “I’m no stranger to being attacked, and I don’t fear Gothman men.” Tara gestured with her fork. “I came here to see if you had clothing that will help me mingle among the Gothman and learn their ways.”

  “I’m sure your skills are outstanding, but ten men against one woman aren’t good odds…even if that woman is a Runner, no.”

  “I thought—” Tara began.

  Reena didn’t hear her. “I might be able to find some clothes that will fit you, yes. You’re small, like me you are.” Reena chuckled again.

  “Would you be willing—” Tara’s rush of words were cut off once more.

  “I daresay in my youth I had much of your beauty. But the more you change to fit in, the more trouble you’ll bring on yourself, that much is true.”

  “So you’ll help me?” Tara’s expression brightened.

  Reena could see her warning had been ignored, but she answered just the same. “Yes.” Reena tried to hide the excitement in her voice. Patha had sent Tara to her; she just knew it. There was no way she could let this young woman out of her home without getting to know her first. “I’ve known a Runner or two in my day, I have. You want to know the Gothman, and if I don’t help you I’m sure you’ll resort to a backup plan, you will. You’ll stay the night here, though. I’m sure Lord Darius’ guards will be keeping an eye on the woods for a Runner through the rest of the night, they will.”

  * * * * *

  Tara watched the old lady get up from her rocking chair and open a door leading to a bedroom. Tara didn’t move, but the woman continued to talk to her. From what Patha had taught her of Gothman society, Tara wondered why the woman didn’t have a man around.

  “I’m sure I’ve an extra nightgown for you, I do. We need to get you out of those clothes immediately, yes. I’ve many visitors and to be certain we’ll have to come up with a story to explain your presence, we will. The women around here use me for a midwife and the Gothman like to reproduce. I stay quite busy, that much is sure.” Reena laughed again as she retreated down a hall and into a dark room, her voice trailing off as she moved.

  “Let’s see.” She returned a minute later holding up a long paisley nightgown with white ruffles around the collar. “This is quite becoming, and I do think it might fit, it will. I’m thinking I’ll have to wash some clothes for you to wear during the day. Not to worry, I’ll provide you with a modest wardrobe, yes. Go change into this. We’ll figure out the rest in the morning. Tomorrow is a new day, you know. Now move along, get going.”

  Tara took the feminine nightgown to the bathroom and slowly disrobed. She felt ritualistic as she shed the black leather pants and jacket of her Runner heritage. She told herself, as she discarded her sleeveless black undershirt, that along with her clothes she also needed to shed the actions of the Runner. From this point forward she would be a Gothman woman, outwardly void of any rights, passive and submissive. Somehow she would do her best to be subservient and domestic. Oh boy! Talk about choosing a foreign lifestyle!

  Her thoughts drifted back to her first encounter with the Gothman in the forest.

  She hadn’t planned on making such close contact with the brutal race so soon. Now they knew she was here. It still didn’t make sense to her that she’d managed to get through the soldiers unscathed. Considering the close range when they used the bang sticks, she should be wounded or captured, if not killed.

  Tara couldn’t help but wonder if leaving her unharmed hadn’t been the plan all along. When she heard the knock on Reena’s front door, those thoughts quickly flew out of her head.

  Chapter Two

  Tara opened the bathroom door quickly. More Gothman soldiers? She hoped not. She began moving into the hallway when she stopped in her tracks. What happened to her vow of submissiveness? Her goal of blending in? Here she was, ready to protect the old lady who had been so hospitable toward her by barging in to the living room. And giving herself away in the process.

  Passive, she warned herself, be passive. Slowly and quietly she left the bathroom and tiptoed to the end of the hallway.

  “Joli, my dear, you’re not here for a social call at this hour…am I right?” There was sincere concern in Reena’s tone.

  From her post at the end of the hallway, Tara caught a glimpse of a very pregnant young woman standing in the middle of the living room, her gaze focused on the ground.

  Tara heard the thud of boots moving with slow determination, making floorboards creak. She pressed her body flat against the wall. She couldn’t see as well, but she definitely felt more protected.

  Just then somebody else entered the small house. The pitter-patter of small feet sounded everywhere. A young boy, with strawberry-colored curls that bounced ridiculously around his face, came into view for a split second.

  Tara didn’t move. Luckily the boy didn’t look her way but paid attention to another person in the room.

  “She’s got the pain, Reena. And I daresay it isn’t her time yet.” A booming male voice echoed off living room walls.

  Tara edged to the end of the hallway, but knew if she peeked around the corner, she would chance being seen. Instinct had her
reaching for her laser. She felt naked without her Runner attire for added protection. In the flowing nightgown she was vulnerable, exposed. Although the evening air felt cool against her skin, small beads of perspiration formed in the center of her cleavage.

  “I know it isn’t her time yet,” Reena snapped at the man, showing no fear of the burly man who stood almost twice her size. “Togin, you’re wound tight, you are. This is woman’s work…be gone with you. I’ll call for you when I need you.”

  “I know you can help, Reena. She isn’t taking it easy like you said, that’s for certain.”

  A shadow spread across the carpet, and floorboards moved beneath a heavy burden. From the sounds, Tara guessed the man was moving toward the door.

  “I’ll be at the tavern in town when you need me. Some of Lord Darius’ guards are hovering down that way, I hear. Figured I’d see what’s about in the town.”

  “Then I shall call for you there, should I need you.” Reena’s tone gave no indication that guards in town bothered her in the slightest.

  The door closed soundly. Tara heard a loud sigh escape the young Gothman woman and the chattering questions of the small boy and another youngster. A girl. The tension in the room had disappeared with the hollow thud of the door.

  “Likely you can’t be taking it easy when he has you waiting on him hand and foot. I’m sure he’s not much help with the young ones either. My now, look how the three of you are growing, you are.” Reena’s words suddenly had laughter in them.

  Tara crept to the end of the hallway and spotted a teenage girl hovering over the pregnant woman.

  Reena ran her fingers through the girl’s pale red hair. “Most likely, you’ll be getting claimed before you’re much older, as pretty as you’re getting to be. That much is certain.”

  The young girl giggled and blushed.

  “Reena, the pains are steady. I fear I’ve thrown myself into labor.”

  The woman called Joli looked down the hallway and noticed Tara. “Oh my goodness, you’re already with someone, you are. Togin should have noticed before he left.”

  “Nonsense, this is my niece, Tara. My brother sent her to me just today. One of the Barg brothers wants to claim her, and my brother will have no doings with the likes of them. He sent her to me to see if I could get her claimed here in town, he did.” Reena gestured for Tara to come to her. “Help me get Joli into my bed, will you? I’ll get my herbs to brewing…they should stop that child from coming before his time.”

  Tara and Reena walked Joli into a large bedroom, which was no small feat, given that Joli was close to full term and quite heavy. Tara literally carried her to the bed, taking as much weight onto her shoulders as she could. She realized the old lady could not possibly handle the burden herself. Tara welcomed the distraction of making sure Joli felt comfortable, or as comfortable as possible.

  Having a fair bit of birthing knowledge through the winters with the women in the clan, Tara knew Joli had dropped; the babe already rested between the woman’s hipbones. Although Tara had never had a baby, she knew that cramping was common when the baby was positioned so low in the womb. She could also tell by the slender figure hinted at under the woman’s swollen breasts that the woman would be thin after the baby came.

  Tara remembered helping a clan member thrown into labor. Only a child at the time, Tara could still recall the memory of pounding Wild Yam root into powder to help soothe the pain.

  “Joli dear, I save this bedroom for all my special ladies who visit me,” Reena cooed as she pulled an old, but clean, blanket to the end of the bed.

  Tara half placed, half dropped Joli onto the sheet. The woman struggled in her arms, making it hard to place her gently.

  “Grab some more blankets from that shelf in the closet.” Reena pointed to a closed door and Tara turned. “I’ll put the kettle on to boil.” The older woman scurried from the room.

  “If we can get you to lie on your left side, it should stop some of the stomach discomfort, yes,” Tara said quietly, trying to match the dialect of the Gothman. She helped the woman but didn’t think she looked too comfortable when Tara finally left to find the old lady.

  Reena was digging through a drawer in one of the cupboards when Tara entered the living room. She saw the three children standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, their large brown eyes showing fear and worry for their mama.

  “Ah, not to worry, little ones.” Tara knelt in front of the three children and reached her arms out to hug them. “We’ll take care of her now, we will.”

  “I’m thinking you’ll have to give up the back room tonight, my dear,” Reena said to Tara. “Let’s give the children some of my pie, and then we can put them down in the bed back there. We have a long night ahead of us, I fear.”

  After a quick check of her herbs on the stove, Reena set out plates on the counter and began slicing pie. “Seems more nights than not, my house will fill with family members, it will. I get accustomed to having the bodies around. I daresay there’s plenty of blankets.”

  Tara sat the three children around Reena’s kitchen table and fed them each a slice of the pie she’d so recently enjoyed. The children eagerly took in the sweetness and had it gone in no time. Tara grabbed a cloth and started applying it to the fingers of the youngest before he could damage Reena’s house. The boy, who couldn’t be school-age Tara decided as she looked at his soft baby skin, immediately fought his restraints.

  “My mama always sends me out to the water buckets,” the boy complained.

  Tara kept a firm grip on the sticky hand until all remnants of pie were gone. “It’s dark outside.”

  “Being scared of the dark is for women.” The child stood in defiance and forgot to run when Tara released him.

  She ruffled his curls, bringing him back to reality, and then smiled at the older daughter who was clearing dishes.

  “Reena?” Joli called out, then groaned.

  The old lady patted Tara’s shoulder as she passed on her way to Joli.

  Joli’s grunts grew louder, and the children stared at the closed door.

  “Let’s check out the sleeping arrangement, shall we?” Tara herded the children toward the hallway.

  “I want to say goodnight to my Mama, I do.” It was the first time the middle child, a skinny girl with a shapeless dress hanging on her bony figure, had spoken.

  “As soon as your mama’s cramping has eased, I’m sure she’ll come gather the lot of you.” Tara smiled at the child, who didn’t smile back.

  She nestled the three under thick quilts covering the bed. A small lamp on a tall narrow dresser provided the only light for the room and sent long shadows up the wall. Tara sat with them and hummed quietly. She realized after a few minutes that she hummed a Runner lullaby. The children stared glassy-eyed at the ceiling and didn’t comment so she continued until she noticed eyelids bobbing.

  “Does it hurt terribly to have a babe?” the oldest asked, continuing to stare at the ceiling.

  “I’ve never had a baby, so I don’t know,” Tara whispered the half-truth, watching as the youngest curled into his sister and plugged his thumb into his mouth.

  “When our neighbor had her last baby, she screamed through the whole thing, she did. Couldn’t talk more than a whisper for almost a cycle after that. Her claim says he is gonna keep her with child just to keep her quiet.” The brief tale was said without inflection, and Tara couldn’t guess from the young girl’s expression how she felt about such an atrocity. Tara wanted to tell her the brute should be castrated.

  “I should be with Mama,” the oldest whispered, after pausing long enough to glance at her now sleeping siblings.

  “I’m thinking your Mama would appreciate you keeping an eye on your brother and sister for her. They will be scared if they wake in a strange bed, they will be.” Tara hoped she didn’t exaggerate the Gothman brogue, but the young girl seemed relaxed speaking with her.

  Tara remained with the children until she felt sure they were
asleep then went into the kitchen.

  “You’ve a way with the young ones,” Reena said as she stirred something over the stove. She reached beside her and picked up a bottle containing a green powder, then set about sprinkling it into her concoction.

  “I’ve had a fair bit of experience in that area.” Tara thought of all the children who were often left in her charge when the clan traveled. More times than not, she had longed to share in the adventures of the adults, instead of playing nursemaid. But she couldn’t deny she had learned from the experience of babysitting.

  “I daresay your knowing that will come in quite handy in these parts. As my niece, you’re now officially my apprentice. Come here and sift the root from the brew.”

  Tara accepted the strainer ladle. She slowly stirred through the dark tea, lifting the bark and placing it on the plate next to the unused portion.

  Reena observed Tara until she seemed satisfied with her work, then left for the bedroom.

  It was a long night. Tara stared at the almost empty pot on the stove, thinking there was no way Joli could possibly consume more of its liquid. She knew if she helped Joli to the bathroom one more time, her muscles would be too sore to defend herself against Gothman soldiers if the need arose.

  Suddenly, beneath the sound of branches brushing the roof, Tara was certain she heard someone moving outside the small wooden cottage. No one else in the house seemed to hear the boots crunching out front. Tara guessed the branches were loud enough to conceal the sound from them. Still, she knew what she heard, once even aware that someone had stepped onto the porch. The squeaking of wooden floorboards had given away their position.

  The curtains were drawn, and she had no light from outside to aid in seeing into the darkness. And that put her at a disadvantage she didn’t like. She knew whoever was outside could see through the thin curtains and into the cottage. With the two lamps in the living room and the overhead light burning in the kitchen, she felt on display to anyone who cared to look.


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