Now were talking about the weather? I guess I really did overestimate that kiss...
A surge of excitement ran through my veins as I got an idea.
“How about a swim?”
* * * *
The bumpy dirt road leading out to old man Macready’s farm was dark, but still I turned off my truck’s headlights and slowed down to a crawl. I leaned forward and peered out at the darkness, squinting to see anything at all.
I could feel Kieran watching me from the passenger seat. I didn’t turn to see his expression, but I could feel him near and close.
“What?” I whispered without taking my eyes off of the road.
“I get the feeling that we’re not supposed to be here.”
“You would be right,” I said with a laugh. “A bunch of us kids used to come out here back in high school and more than once he chased us off.”
Kieran laughed as well and moved closer on the seat, “How would he chase you off?”
“He’d shoot at us with bird shot,” I said glancing over at him and just being able to make out his shocked expression.
I pulled the truck to a stop just as the road ended. I shut off the engine and got out, standing in the tall woody weeds.
“The pond is just on the other side of the trees,” I said as Kieran came around the truck.
Not giving myself time to think about it, I reached over and took his hand and started walking through the trees.
Easy Harmony... It’s just his hand... You’re just showing him the way... It doesn’t mean anything...
Despite the conversation in my head, I still trembled as our fingers intertwined. I didn’t look back at him, but I held his hand a little tighter.
“When I graduated from high school, and everyone else went off to college, I used to come out here by myself before Grandma got so bad.”
“What was that like? Coming out here all alone?” Kieran asked as he followed close behind.
“It was great,” I said with a quick glance back. “It was so quiet I could just forget everything else. I didn’t have to think. I didn’t have to take care of anyone. I didn’t have to do anything and there would be all these butterflies just flying around. I could sit and watch them for hours.”
“Sounds beautiful.”
“It was,” I said. “Have you ever noticed you never see butterflies that much anymore? I miss them.”
Oh God... That was a stupid thing to say...
Kieran pulled at my hand to stop me just as we reached the edge of the trees.
“Is something wrong?” I asked as I turned around.
“No,” Kieran said as he took my other hand as well and then tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Just wait.”
Suddenly, into the air rose a cloud of orange and black butterflies. They fluttered all around us, landed on my arms and shoulders.
I looked at him amazed, “How did you do that?”
Kieran stepped forward and brought his lips down on mine in a feathery soft kiss. When I opened my eyes, the butterflies were gone.
“Magic,” he whispered and backed away.
I wasn’t sure what to do next. It was more difficult to think with the moon reflecting on the pond and making it so that I could easily see him standing next to me.
Kieran peeled off his shirt, exposing his broad chest. My knees began to shake uncontrollably when his fingers went to the zipper of his jeans.
He stopped, “Would you turn around?”
“I know it’s old-fashioned,” he said with a shrug. “But the travellers have very strict rules about what goes on between men and women.”
I turned so that my back was to him. I could hear him getting undressed and there was something very thrilling about knowing that he was getting naked just behind me.
I heard him running toward the water and I turned just as he dove into the water in a flash of bare skin.
Watching him swim in circles, I began to get undressed. I was glad then that Kieran did have such old-fashioned ideas. I was self-conscious enough getting naked behind a screen of trees, I couldn’t even imagine doing in front of him.
I covered myself the best I could with my hands and started walking out from the trees, my skin naked and tingling.
Kieran saw me coming and immediately turned away. I hurried out into the water.
“Okay,” I said as I slid deeper into the water to hide my nudity. “You can turn around now.”
He turned around, “My ideas must really seem strange to you.”
“Not really.”
We circled each other, both of us careful to keep a safe distance. It was awkward and uncomfortable.
Well this idea sucked...
Kieran took a deep breath and disappeared below the surface of the water. I thought he would come immediately back up, but he didn’t.
I felt very vulnerable, all naked under the water, with him swimming somewhere nearby.
Suddenly something had my ankle and was pulling me under. I went to scream, but water filled my eyes and mouth.
I came up right beside Kieran he was laughing as I coughed. I splashed him repeatedly until he swam away for cover. From then on we relaxed and enjoyed the night, forgetting that we were naked and miles from prying eyes.
“This was a great idea,” Kieran said as we got dressed with our backs to each other. “So how often did you come here?”
“Back then I guess it was most summer nights.”
I heard Kieran turning around, the rustle of his feet in the dried leaves coming right up behind me. He took my hand and turned me to face him.
“Was it always like this?” He asked.
“It was never like this.”
Chapter 13
The glaring light of the morning sun woke me. I blinked a few times before I realized I was in my own room and in my own bed.
I sat up, realizing I was still in my clothes from the night before. I could still smell the earthy scent of the pond on my skin and on the strands of my hair that fell over my face.
It all came back to me as I yawned and stretched. I remembered the butterflies, swimming naked in the moonlight, and another kiss.
Why did Kieran have to be so perfectly amazing?
I forced myself out of bed and into the shower. Standing under the stream, I closed my eyes. My mind immediately went back to last night and the feeling of Kieran’s hand in mine, his lips on my mouth...
Thanks to my fantasies, I didn’t realize how long I was in the shower until the water began to run cold. I got out of the shower and got dressed, combing my wet hair back into a quick ponytail.
I ran out the door, eating my breakfast as I hurried next door to the feed store. Shoving the last of the burnt toast in my mouth, I unlocked the door and went inside.
Flipping on the lights, I went to the counter and put down my empty coffee cup and keys. Still yawning, I went on to the back room and unlocked that door and switched on those lights as well.
I continued my morning routine going back to the front and changing the sign to read OPEN. I then went back to the counter and began making a fresh pot of coffee.
Just another any other...except...
“We should talk.”
I gasped and spun around, startled and expecting anything.
There, just a few feet away and dressed all in black, stood Kieran’s father.
I breathed a sigh of relief, “What is it with the men in your family getting such a kick out of scaring me?”
“I do apologize,” he said with a slight bow. “But you do know who I am then?”
“Yes,” I said as I switched on the coffee pot. “You’re Kieran's father.”
Doesn't anyone in that family have a normal name?
I shifted from one foot to the other and bit my lip nervously. It just seemed like he had this quiet energy that seemed t
o take over the entire room, it should have been comforting, but it made me self-conscious.
“What can I do for you?” I asked, twisting my hands.
He raised his eyebrows at my fidgeting, but was kind enough not to mention it.
“It seems that you and Kieran have been spending a lot of time together,” he said in that soft polite tone and enchanting accent.
Instantly, I blushed and dropped my eyes. “Yes.”
He sighed and shook his head, “This is becoming problematic.”
I looked up at him confused, “How so?”
“I don’t want to go into that now,” he said as the back door slammed. “Could you come out tonight after the show?”
There was something about his somber tone the made me uneasy.
“I guess,” I mumbled.
He smiled softly and bowed again, “Very good. I'll see you then.”
I nodded and he left just as Alec came from the back room.
“What did he want?” Alec asked.
“Nothing,” I mumbled as a few customers came walking in.
He picked up the broom and began sweeping, “I know I’m not supposed to talk to you about them, but I’ll be glad when they’re gone.”
“When who’s gone?” One of the older customers asked.
Alec twisted his mouth and shook his head, “The carnival people.”
I rolled my eyes and walked away. I was in no mood to deal with Alec and his small town way of thinking.
The old man seemed oblivious to the fact that I was trying to escape the conversation.
“I'll be glad too,” he said as he followed me to the counter. “I hear that they’re supposed to be moving on by the end of the week.”
I no longer felt my legs. I knew that I was walking because I could see the counter getting closer, but I couldn’t feel the floor under my feet.
“Yeah,” the man said as if I was still talking to him. “They should start tearing stuff down and packing up any day now.”
The man that came in with the old farmer agreed, “Yeah, they’ll be moving on, but I wonder what about all the mess they’ll leave at the fairgrounds.”
I could feel my skin getting clammy and there was a dizzy sick feeling in my stomach. I had to reach out and grab the edge of the counter to steady myself.
What was wrong with me? I always knew the Kieran would leave with the carnival, so why did I feel like my chest was being squeezed tight?
Because... It’s different now... Everything is different now...
Alec came up beside me as more customers came in and began placing orders.
“You okay?” He asked.
Knowing he would be the last person that would ever understand, I nodded. “I’m fine.”
I tried to wait on the growing line of customers, but my face had gone numb and I couldn’t seem to make my lips form words. I motioned for Alec and then slipped through the back to the tiny bathroom.
I locked the door and hugged myself, sliding down the wall next to the 1950’s style sink. I could feel a scream lodged in the nowhere land between my chest and throat.
I won’t cry... I won’t cry...
It seemed to take forever before I stopped feeling like I was coming apart from some crack deep inside my chest, but at last I was able to grab hold of the sink and pull myself up.
I looked in the mirror and wiped the tears away was shaking hands. I told myself again that I wasn’t going to cry, especially not over a boy that I didn’t really care about. He was fun... That was all...My life would be better once he was gone...
Even as I wipe the tears away, I knew that it was a lie.
Chapter 14
I went back to the fairgrounds that night after the sun went down. There wasn’t much of a crowd in and around the booths as the main performance was going on in the big top.
Taking my time, I walked up and down the rows of booths and games. The vendors called out to me, but I waved them off or ignored them altogether.
What am I doing here? I really don’t want to hear anything that man has to say... What is he going to do? Tell me the obvious... That Kieran is a traveller... And it’s time for the travellers to move on...
I wandered to the far side of the fairgrounds, opposite of the big top, where the travellers’ campsites dotted the large pasture. I moved along slowly, from camper to camper, taking in the tiny details like the potted flowers near the door and concrete statues of Mary Magdalene outside most of the trailers.
The doors to most of the campers were open wide, showing women and young girls working on each other’s hair while younger children ate at the other side of the table. Bits and pieces of their conversation drifted out to me, making me think that all of them, even the young children eating their dinner, were preparing for a party of some sort.
Eventually, one of the women noticed me staring into their home. After all that I’d heard about these people, I didn’t know what to expect. I blushed and took a few faltering steps back, not sure if I would stay or run if she came after me.
The woman stood behind the young girl seated on a step stool some sort. She seemed to be working at curling the young girl’s hair to match her own mass of curls when she noticed me.
“Pay her no mind,” she said as the others turned to see what she was staring at. “Just eat your dinner and finish getting ready.”
I backed away, taking my escape while I could, and walked away from the campsites and back to the carnival. I kept looking back, expecting to see one of the women following me, but no one was ever there.
I went back to the main tent. There was no one at the entrance. The opening flapped back and forth in the slight breeze, allowing the cheers and applause from inside to drift out.
Slipping inside, I kept my back against the canvas. No one seemed to notice me there in the back as I crept along behind the bleachers until I could see the center of the tent.
Kieran stood in the center of the ring, filling the spotlight as he made cards appear one after another with a wave of his hand.
Look at him... Does he even realize how amazing he is?
Seeing him there, so handsome and so close, made an ache spread through my chest like my insides were beings squeezed tight and pulled apart at the same time.
Oh Kieran...
As if I spoke his name, Kieran turned and looked directly at me.
My heart was pounding in my chest, making the blood rush in my ears. What was I doing here? What good could possibly come from this?
Kieran seemed to remember where he was and went back to performing, but his smile was strained and he was obviously shaken. No doubt he was wondering, as I was, just what I was doing here.
I shrank back as Kieran’s assistant noticed our exchange. Lightning fast, she motioned to someone. I turned and saw Niall standing on the opposite side of the tent; he bowed slightly to acknowledge me.
As Niall stepped into the center of the ring to bring the show to a close, I slipped back outside and around the back side of the tent. I leaned against a few bales of hay and tried to talk myself and just going back home.
There is nothing he is going to tell me that I don’t already know...
I heard a soft crunching sound and turned to look out into the darkness. There, on long lines attached to stakes in the ground, were the two draft horses from the parade. I walked toward them; both of them lifted their heads and perked their ears forward.
Reaching out, I stroked their velvety noses. They both moved closer, lowering their heads and pulling up grass to eat.
“I see you met some friends of mine.”
I turned and there was Kieran, looking so good that it hurt. How was I ever going to let him go? What guy would ever be able to replace him?
I lowered my eyes, afraid he might be able to see my thoughts then.
“I’m shocked no one steals them,” I mumbled.
Kieran stepped up beside me, stroking the muscular necks of the horses. “No on
e even thinks to steal from us.”
A chill came over me when I heard the underlining threat in his voice. Was it possible I didn’t know him at all? Could everyone be right about him and his fellow travelers?
“Besides,” he said as he smoothed the horses’ manes. “Smoky and Caesar wouldn’t want to go with anyone else.”
I could hear the caring tone when he spoke about the horses, but I couldn’t shake my apprehension.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Sure,” I said as I crossed my arms and stepped slightly away from him.
He continued petting the horses, “I was surprised to see you here tonight.”
“Your father asked me to come. He said we needed to talk.”
Kieran flinched as if I had slapped him, “About what?”
“He said that things with you and I had become problematic.”
Kieran looked down and brought his hands into fists, but said nothing. He didn’t even turn when his assistant and the beautiful fire eater came around the side of the tent dressed in sparkling skimpy dresses.
“Hello,” they said as they looked back and forth between us.
I mumbled a quick hello, but Kieran still didn’t turn around.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” The red haired beauty asked Kieran.
“No,” Kieran said and finally turned to them. “Just go away.”
The black haired girl waved her hand at him and turned to me, “I’m Megan, Kieran’s sister, and you must be Harmony.”
“We’ve heard a lot about you,” the pretty fire eater said with a smile. “I’m Alana.”
“Are you his sister too?
“No, I’m their cousin.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said while nervously eyeing Kieran.
Megan stepped in front of me to block my view, “Are you going to the party?”
Megan nodded, “Yes, one of the Clowns is throwing his daughter a birthday party.”
“I wasn’t invited.”
Both girls laughed as if my answer was somehow amusing.
“Travellers don’t bother with invitations,” Alana said with a smile. “If you’re anywhere near the party, you’re invited.”
Faery Realms: Ten Magical Titles: Multi-Author Bundle of Novels & Novellas Page 109