Madame President

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by MK Moore

  “You want me to talk to him?” I ask, going into to water closet and closing the door.

  I do my business and come back out, laying the test on the counter. I wash my hands.

  “Nah, I can handle him. It’s like he has never talked to a woman before.”

  “Hmm. He is polite to me and Crystal.” I say and TL’s head snaps back up.

  “He talks to Crystal?” Oh, yeah. She’s fucked.

  “Not any more than necessary.” I say, to reassure her. She fidgets with her hair. Crystal comes in.

  “I am going to kill Mason.” She says as she sits on the fancy bench in front of my vanity. My side is messy and cluttered while Gavin’s is neat and orderly.

  “Why now?” I ask, putting on my mother’s pearls.

  “He doesn’t want me. I gave him everything and he ignores me. Well, he cannot ignore me anymore.”

  “I am sure it isn’t like that.” TL says.

  “He got what he wanted and now he doesn’t want me anymore. I know it.”

  I know that’s not true, but it isn't my place to say anything.

  “What does the test say?” TL asks.

  “What test?” Crystal has no idea.

  “A pregnancy tests.” I say, picking it up off the counter. Positive. I am going to be a mother.

  “Ooh. That’s awesome.”

  “It’s positive.” I tear up when they engulf me a huge double hug.

  “I have to tell Gavin.” I say.

  “Tell him tonight.” TL says. “Trust me. It will be worth the wait.” I get the feeling she knows something I don’t.

  “Ok, I’ll wait.” The ball starts at five tonight. First, I have a church ceremony where I will be blessed by the bishop, which is soon. TL made me a day dress in the same tulle and satin. I slip it on and the hairdresser comes in and puts my hair in a bun, while it is wet. She says it will give me the soft curls I am looking for tonight.

  Parliament stayed in session giving me the opportunity to address them at noon. For this meeting I wear a peach pantsuit she found for me that is quite elegant. There was a little backlash about being unmarried but imagine the noise when I announce my pregnancy. Which I don’t do currently for obvious reasons.

  Finally, a late supper is served at 3:30. I do manage to keep down the steak and baked potato that I requested. It is hard, because I haven’t seen Gavin all damn day and I am on edge.

  At four, I start getting ready. TL also made Crystal and herself a dress in the same color scheme, but different styles than mine. We look amazing, if I do say so myself. My hair turns out correctly for the first time ever and my makeup is fierce and flawless. The peach kitten heels I have worn all day complete the look.

  When I step out into the hall, Gavin is there. He looks positively sexy in his tux. TL has taken care of all the details. His bow tie is peach as is the handkerchief in the breast pocket.

  “Hello handsome.” I say coming up next to him.

  “Damn, you are gorgeous. I missed you today Tris.”

  “I missed you too.” I say leaning up for a kiss, which he gives me. My lipstick is smeared on his face, but I make it worse when I try to wipe it away.

  “Don’t worry about it baby. Let’s go.”

  “I cannot be late to my own party.” I say as I take his hand and head down the massive staircase into the foyer. TL and Crystal are standing and waiting at the bottom. As I make my way down and the hundreds of people gathered in the foyer, grand salon, and side room the applause begins. I smile and wave. It is being televised around the world and that makes me a little nervous.

  “Thank you for coming, everyone. It will be my pleasure to serve our nation as we strive toward the future. Welcome to the Palace. Let’s eat, drink, and be merry.” There is more applause as a line forms to formally meet me, though I have known most of these people my entire life. This will be the most tedious portion of the night.

  Crystal whispers in my ear the formal titles of the people who shake my hand, giving me the opportunity to address them properly. When I greet the last person, I let Gavin lead me in a dance. It is magical being in his arms. He dances well, and I don’t step on his toes once. Winning!

  Others join in the dancing and we leave the floor. A waiter brings me a glass of champagne, which I discreetly hand to Crystal who comes back with a water made to look like a vodka tonic.

  The Lord Speaker of Parliament, Fredson Graham, Becksons father, asks me to dance. Gavin reluctantly agrees. We make it to the other side of the dance floor, when suddenly there is a shout from across the room. I look up at Fredson as he smiles a wicked smile and shoves me toward the person shouting.

  I am confused for a minute, but I see that it is Cornwell. He has a gun. I shove the wife of the House of Commons speaker, Lady Greta Moncrief out of the way. Her round pregnant belly is all I can think about as she stumbles, but her husband pulls her away to safety. Thank God.

  When the shots ring out a split second later, a searing pain tears through my chest and then a second bullet hits my leg. I go down hard. People are screaming and trying to get out of the way of the shooter. Crystal and TL are by my side within seconds, with TL screaming at the Presidential Physician to save my baby.

  My baby.

  The baby that Gavin doesn’t know about, because I didn't tell him and now I am going to die.

  The last thing I remember, before everything turns black is how my pretty peach dress is ruined; as I watch the river of blood from chest floating down to meet the pool already on my leg.

  Chapter Ten


  Three Months after the Inauguration

  I will never forget the sight of all the blood that flowed on to the dance floor. I lost my jacket in the melee and discharged my weapon for the first time outside of the range. I shot Cornwell in the head and didn't think anything of it. I’d do again. When I reached Trista, I dropped to my knees and cried.

  At first, I couldn’t figure out why Trisha-Lynn was screaming at the doctor. When the word baby registered, I sprang into action. Dr. Gunner reminds me of Doogie Howser in his late twenties, but he was chosen by the medical board for the country to be the Presidential Physician. He cleared the floor and began to save her.

  I could only watch in awe. Eventually, the doctor had her moved to the hospital, where he took her into surgery. Trisha-Lynn called my parents and they met us at the hospital. Crystal couldn’t stop crying. I finally had to call Mason to come sit with her since she refused to leave. Nine hours later the Dr. came out of the surgery to give me the news. I had prepared myself for the worst because there was so much blood.

  “She’s resting and is going to be alright. Her baby is fine too. The heartbeat is strong, but she is only about six weeks along.” It is the best news I ever heard. I still have nightmares about losing her at least once a week. Tonight, is one of those nights. I am afraid I still have not asked her to marry me, but I made the decision that today is the day.

  There was a shit-show after the shooting as she remembered Fredson Graham was in on the assassination attempt. Beckson arrested his own father without a second thought and we had our first trial for treason. When it came down to the punishment for the crime, my woman couldn’t have him executed.

  However, when we raided Cornwell’s home after the shooting, we found shit we wish we hadn’t. He had been murdering people to get to the top for years. His other kills included Kelly Rothert, his predecessor as vice chancellor and Damien Haws, his predecessor in the Office of Land Management. No one noticed because they were all older and they appeared to die of natural causes.

  Fredson confirmed that he had the president killed, by using a rare poison that mimics a heart attack. She sentenced him to life in prison.

  Trista has taken the news very hard, knowing her father would be here right now if it wasn't for Cornwell. My heart is breaking for her over this, because there is nothing I can do to help her.

  She wakes when I stir.

  “Gavin, baby
. Are you OK?” She says rubbing her little hand over my heart, instantly calming me.

  “Yeah Tris. Are you?”

  “I’m good. Just worried about you.” This woman is my everything.

  “Don’t be. Go back to sleep.”

  “I’m wide awake now.” She says, her hand dipping down my stomach. I grab her wrist before she gets to my cock. I haven’t made love to her since she was shot. She is known in the media as the Gangster President. She thinks it’s hilarious. I do not.

  “Are my scars hideous or something? Why won’t you touch me anymore?” She says with an amount of fear in her voice.

  “Definitely not baby. I love you, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I love you too. You won’t hurt me. I am totally healed. Our baby boy is healthy. Fuck me please. I need you.” She pleads.

  “I can’t say no to you again Trista.” I say as I roll over on to her.

  “I am so glad, Gavin.” She pulls my head down and kisses me. She then drags her tongue down my neck as I slide my fingers into her wet pussy.

  “Are you ready for me baby?”

  “So, fucking ready. Please.”

  I slide my cock into her slowly.

  “Damn baby. Just as tight as the first time.” I pull all the way out before slamming back inside her. Pulling out again and flipping her over gently as I set her on her knees. “Hang on to the headboard.” I say before slamming into her from behind.

  “Fuck Gavin. It’s so much deeper this way. I love it.” She adjusts herself upward until her back is up against my chest. I keep pounding into her with my hands gripping her hips. She moans loud and long. It’s been a long time and I am about to cum, so I reach my hand down and pinch her clit. She cums on my cock and I fill her little pussy full.

  “Damn, woman. Are you going to marry me or what?” I ask while I am still inside her, in between kissing her neck.

  “Oh yea. Just waiting for you to ask me.” I tilt her head, so I can find her lips.

  “Thank God. I love you, Tris.”

  “I love you too.”

  “It’s still early, let’s go back to sleep.”

  A few hours later, the alarm goes off and I begin my day. Dressed in my shoulder holster and suit pants, I kiss her before tossing my coat on and leaving the room. I slide my grandmother's ring on her finger, while she is still sleeping. She has a busy day starting at ten, so I let her sleep until nine.

  At eleven, she calls me into her office.

  “You rang?” I say.

  “I love the ring. Thank you.”

  “Your welcome baby. How has your morning been so far?”

  “Long. Uh, has Mason said anything to you about Crystal?”

  “Not specifically. Why?”

  “Well, she is clearly pregnant, and she hasn’t told me a damn thing about it. I thought we were friends.”

  “You are, but she probably wants to tell Mason first. He is a stubborn ass. I know him. He thinks that his life of service is not good enough for a college girl like her. I know this because he got drunk down at the pub the other night and was lamenting. It was awful to witness. You want me to tell him to get his head out of his ass and claim her?”

  “Oh my God. She hated school. She only went because it was her job. Those two need to work this shit out, pronto. It’s making me crazy.

  “I agree, but speaking of working shit out, Beckson and TL are getting on my fucking nerves.”

  “I know. If we were in primary school, he’d be pulling her hair and she’d be ignoring him.”

  “I am so glad we have our shit together.”

  “Me too. It’s such a pleasure loving you.”

  “I serve to pleasure one of the hottest world leaders there has ever been.” I say, and she giggles.

  “Go back to work.” She says, kissing me and shooing me out the door.

  “My pleasure.” I say as wag my eyebrows at her. Closing the door behind me, I realize she doesn't get that she is my job, my love, and my whole damn world wrapped up in sexy pixie package. But she will. I guaran-damn-tee that.



  Three Years Later

  We had gotten married a few days after he proposed. I didn’t want it to be a big deal. The only ones I invited were Crystal, Mason, Beckson, TL, and Dr. Gunner also known as David, since we have all gotten quite close. I also invited Leslie from college. She flew out for the ceremony and never left. I invited her at the right time it seems. She left some douche at the altar, but that is another story.

  The Bishop of Norlyn married us at the Palace church. It was a quiet affair but one of the best days of my life. Our first son was born a couple of months later and Axel is almost three now. His sister, Anais is due any day. I’ve never been happier. I am surrounded by good friends who want me to succeed.

  I did a crazy thing and appointed Crystal the Vice Chancellor. She is more than qualified with her degree and all the things she already does behind the scenes. TL stayed on as her assistant. Leslie became mine and we work well together. Gavin is no longer my bodyguard, per se. He retired from the police force, but he still has a carry permit.

  There is nothing sexier than my man when he is getting ready in the morning. His shoulder holster is visible while he does up his cufflinks. Yum. We are together constantly, and it is pure bliss. I love that man more than life itself.

  I don’t think about Cornwell and his foiled assassination attempt often, but when I do, I remind myself that I am a survivor. The scars on my chest and leg remind me of that every day. It was one little blip in the scope of my life. It doesn’t define me, but occasionally “Gangster President” gets thrown around and I cannot help laughing at it.

  My people are thriving, and I like to think that I’ve ushered them into a golden era. Crime is next to nothing, businesses are thriving, and I pride myself on having some of the best people in the world living here.

  I am sitting in my office, when my water breaks. I call Leslie into my office.

  “LeLe, I need you to call David and ask him to come down here. I also need Gavin. Ask TL to take Axel to her mom.” I had his parents, Robert and Jessica move into the east wing of the palace. I wanted them nearby. It is nice having them close. I love hanging out with Jessica

  “Okay. Are you in labor?”

  “I am.”

  “How are you so calm right now?”

  “It doesn’t hurt...Yet.” I say shrugging.

  “You are such a bitch.” She says, laughing. I know she is scared to death. She is pregnant with her first right now and is looking for reassurance, but I don’t want to lie to her.

  “I know. The contractions haven’t started, so I am good for now.”

  She pulls out her cellphone and makes the calls I asked her to. Gavin comes into the office.

  “Is it time baby?”

  “Yes. Anais will be here soon.” I say to him.

  “Should I take Axel to my mom?” He asks. He is the best dad. I swoon a little when I see him with Axel.

  “TL is doing it.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “No, it’s still early.”

  When we get to the hospital, I am still calm. Gavin is pacing, but I am totally relaxed while my OB checks things out. David works closely with Dr. Enid to ensure my health is at its best.

  Anais is born at dusk. She weighs eight pounds and is the cutest little girl.

  I love my little family and can’t wait for it to grow even more. I still miss my father every day, but I feel him in the little things.

  I cannot help thinking if that bastard hadn’t murdered him, he’d be here now holding his grandchildren. I am not one for violence, but I don’t lose any sleep knowing the man is dead.

  I feel like my life is as close to perfect as it can be and that is all I can ask for.



  Seventeen Years Later

  Today is our twentieth wedding anniversary. My wife is still gorgeous
, even after five children. That part of our lives is done, but I still slide my rock-hard cock into her every chance I get. She purrs like a kitten every fucking time.

  Loving this woman has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Loving the children, she’s given me is a no brainer as well. Axel (20), Anais (17), Adrien (16), Alice (14), Alexa (10), keep me young.

  Trista is a loving mother and spends as much time with the kids as she can. She loves them all equally, but I think Anais is her favorite; though she would never admit that.

  My boy Axel has no desire to be president for life. He is all about his music. He started a band with Crystal’s youngest, Stephan and Leslie’s oldest, Aria. The Privileged Life are platinum selling artists.

  With his blessing, Trista named Anais her successor. She is already prepping for Brown and following in her mother’s footsteps. Crystal’s oldest, Tenneson is going with her. If they didn’t fight so much and so often about absolutely nothing, we wouldn’t know how much they love each other.

  We’ve had our ups and downs like any couple, but we don’t let that define us. I love her more than I can say, and every day it grows.

  Some men wouldn’t be able to handle the fact their woman has more power than they do, but not me. I strive to be the most supportive person in her life.

  Occasionally, I still have nightmares about that fated night twenty years ago, when I almost lost her. It still eats me up inside that bastard was able to get close enough to hurt her like he did.

  After he died, it came out how sick he was. He kept extensive records on the murders he committed to get to the Vice Chancellorship. He was a complete shite and I am glad my bullet ended him. I sometimes shudder to think about how different, how unfulfilled, how empty, and devoid of love, my life would be without her by my side. I don’t like that picture. I choose to focus on the good things in life.

  Retiring from active duty was harder than I thought it would be. I was elected Chief Constable every year since then and that has kept me busy. While I do very little police work, I am content with the knowledge that I usher in new generations of law enforcers as well as protective detail agents.


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