Kem had bubbles of my favorite strawberry champagne scent nearly overflowing over the rim of the bath, surrounded by the soft glow of lit candles. The jets of the Jacuzzi were continuously creating new foam when I submerged my unclothed body into the near scalding liquid that offered pleasurable pain. He knocked at my bedroom door.
“Come in,” I murmured, sinking further under the lip of the water with closed eyes. The aroma of cooked food aroused me out of my relaxed daze. “What do you have there?” I asked trying to peek over at the mouthwatering aroma that made me want to tackle him.
“Go back to relaxing, Vic. Close your eyes and I’ll give you some.”
“Why are you playing with my emotions, Kem? Come on, give me the plate,” I begged.
“Ah ah ah. Victoria Sutter, do as I say. Close your eyes.” Knowing that he would not disappoint I leaned back, shutting out the world, waiting for my gift.
“Okay, Vic, ready yourself for the first bite.” Opening my mouth, he slid a forkful of goodness onto my tongue. The crispy lettuce dressed in honey-Dijon dressing was joined with the bite of a cherry tomato and topped with a chunk of a crispy catfish fillet from the day before. “Mmm. Leftover catfish topping a salad.” I opened my eyes and snatched the plate from his hands as he sat on the edge of the tub.
“Okay, so spill on your day.”
Talking with a mouthful, I started my unraveling of my complex last few days at work. “Sandra came to the office yesterday saying that she’s pregnant.”
“Is it yours?” he teased resulting in me giving him the look of death. “I’m just saying you know how close you two are and that night in your bedroom was enough for me to conclude anything,” he stated before his thunderous laugh.
“Anyway, today she told me that the baby is not her husband’s,” I said, cutting right to the heart of the problem.
“Whoa. Wow. That is a pretty big deal, Vic. Is she going to tell him?” I shook my head. “So what is she going to do?”
I shrugged, finishing my meal with a sip of wine. “She’s going to continue on with her life as if nothing has happened, which concerns me. You know how I feel about honesty.” He nodded. “Then, to top off the awful scale of crap day, I might have pissed her off by asking about the real father’s rights. Then she stormed out.”
“That is seriously messed up, Vic. I mean, if it was my child from a one-night stand, I would want to know. No wonder your day was terrible,” he said with the utmost sincerity.
“I know. I’ll apologize after the dust has settled on Monday for my bitchy remarks, but I don’t know how much of a support I can be for her with all this going on. Just messed up to know that her husband is being lied to when he has wanted a child for so long. Also, there are others out there who would kill to have a baby and are not blessed with one. She has one night of fun and forever changes her life with the blessing some never get.” Kem rubbed my shoulder to comfort me. “It’s a tough go, Vic, but it’s her call. I know you two are good friends, but if you want to remain friends, don’t push her over the edge.”
He collected my plate and empty glass and left, closing the door. I washed and dressed in an oversized, wide-neck tee. I was sitting on my bed, rubbing lotion onto my arms when Kem entered the room dressed in white, blue, and orange stained-glass print sports shirt, sixties era garbardine white skinny pants, and a clean white loafers. Where the hell is he going now? And how in the hell does he have the nerve to get me to open up then leave? Ass.
Grabbing the bottle of baby oil, he took his previous seat on the corner of the bed, pulling my leg into his lap. I watched him drip the oil onto my bent knee. The lines of oil began to separate and run down my burnt sienna skin. Tickling his finger through the drop, he then commenced to rub the oil into every muscle in my calf, ankle, and foot. My body began to betray me as I watched like a voyeur sneaking a peek at an intimate affair. Holding my heated breath in, my eyelids became heavy, batting slowly with every touch of his skin against my flesh. My nipples began to point through my shirt, pointing toward the object of their affection. I needed him so badly to inch his touch past my knee to my thigh, stopping at my carefully manicured mound that had been void of a man’s caress for a long period of time. Biting the corner of my bottom lip, devoting all my attention to his touch, I looked up to see his emerald eyes burning holes into mine. His hand rested at my knee as he watched me in silence, and our gazes met. I touched his hand, guiding it further up my thigh as I took in his heated glance. Clenching at my inner thigh, I invited him to lean in to taste the air that surrounded my lips. Fighting against his desires, he withdrew his hand, rising off the bed, leaving me cold. Knowing that his abruptness had me reeling, he doubled back, leaning in to plant the sweetest kiss to my temple. Rubbing his thumb against my chin, he mouth the words, “Good night, Vic,” sending shudders down my spine. He closed the door behind him, and I literally melted into my bed, asking myself the same question that I asked Kem the night before. Kem, what are you doing to me?
Waking up in a peaceful state of mind was something I found very refreshing that Saturday morning. The quick, hot shower warmed my muscles for the intense workout that I was going to have after breakfast. With all the happenings of my week, I knew that it was time to stop avoiding the grueling cardio sessions and go in to meet my proverbial maker. Sliding into my favorite gray formfitting shorts and matching sports bra, I laced up my sneakers and grabbed two bottles of water, a towel, and a banana, and ran out the door. Kem’s car wasn’t back, but I was not going to let him ruin a great start to my day.
My trainer was happy to see my return, but she punished me for my absence with endless squats and what seemed like a thousand laps around the track. After my hour in the torture chamber, I was dripping in sweat, and craving a protein bar that I planned on picking up on the way home.
I spotted Kem’s coupe when I pulled into the driveway, surprisingly with him leaning into the trunk. I got out of my car, then ambled behind him, trying to spy what he was diligently working on outside of my view. Shifting from side to side, playfully shielding me from whatever he had concealed, he joked, “There’s nothing here for you to see, Vic, so run along and play.”
“Come on, Kem, what are you hiding in there?”
He turned with the biggest grin, poked me in the side, and tried to get me to retreat to no avail. “Okay, if you must know, I was going to ride my board down some of these hills today since the weather is nice,” he stated.
“Board as in skateboard? You haven’t skateboarded in a while.”
“I’ve taken up the challenge in the past few months, and I’m back at my usual comfort level and love for it. Now if you don’t mind, I have a well-needed date with the open road.” Ever since I had known Kem he was a skater and a biker. If his parents would have allowed it he would’ve gone pro after high school, but of course participating in such barbaric activities was not the Sutter way.
I backed away with my hands in the air and said, “Have fun and good luck with that.” He stood with his lips curled into a mischievous grin drinking in my exposed glowing thighs and top that didn’t leave anything to the imagination.
“You could always join me. I have an extra board. I think you can handle it.”
Stopping dead in my tracks, I was amazed by the invitation. “I don’t know, Kem. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a skateboard. I’m not sure I remember how to anymore.”
“You’re dressed for the part, I think you’ll do fine. Plus, you know what they always say.”
“I know it’s like riding a bike. I’ll never forget how to do it.”
He shook his head. “No, I was thinking, ‘The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice.’” He winked those glistening emerald eyes in my direction giving me a jolt.
I stood with my hand cover my gaping mouth. “Why, Mr. Sutter, I do declare,” I said with a Southern belle accent. “I know what they say all right.”
“What’s that, Ms. Sutter?” he teased.
p; “Once you go white, your credit gets right,” I paused waiting on his reply to my joke. He held his stomach, erupting in laughter. “Hey that was no joke, mister, I’m still waiting on that statement to show dividends,” I said laughing as I approached him. “Where is this skateboard?”
We had a great time, gliding down large hills, laughing, and joking with one another with a great afternoon preautumn Texas breeze. To my surprise I did remember to balance and ride a skateboard. Using my thighs to move me around obstacles, we skated down high hills. Gaining speed was exhilarating, but the best part was witnessing Kem’s stolen glances as we rode side by side.
By the time we made it back home, I was famished and it was past lunchtime. Offering to make a couple of sandwiches and salads, I kicked off my sneakers, getting to work while Kem headed to his room to freshen up. It didn’t take long to prepare the meal, so I decided to take a quick shower before we ate. As I walked toward the master suite, I noticed that Kem’s bedroom door was ajar. Deciding to let him know of my plans to shower before lunch, I approached his room, halting once I caught sight of him walking around the room completely nude.
The masculine spiced smell of his cologne radiated in the air with his scent and my knees weakened. Rubbing a towel through his dampened cinnamon-kissed hair, I saw my name against his ribs. I remembered running my tongue over each letter before I dropped to taste. My inner depths began to heat to a dangerous temperature from the intimate memories. His semi-erect member was knocking against his thighs as he moved about the room making my wanton mouth water for him. If I was a reckless woman, I would barge through the door and shove him to the bed, straddle him and connect my body to his. Kem slid into his black navy blue boxer briefs that barely concealed his partial stiffness. One thing Kem was not lacking was length and size, which he attributed to the slight drop of Italian in his bloodline.
Not realizing my steps I inched closer to get a better visual when I accidentally pushed the door further into the room. He met my terrified gaze. I wished I could disappear on the spot. I slowly backed out of the room with him fast approaching me. The hallway wall blocked my further retreat, and Kem placed his arms up bracing me against my solid enclosure. Completely boxed in a war of heated bodies, I had no choice but to look into the eyes of the man that had me trapped. Kem moved his hips close to mine, swiveling slightly making me unlock my clenched knees allowing his body flush against mine. What was partially hard a few moments past became solid as stone poking into my weakened mound while his deadly cobra eyes had me hypnotized.
Our chests were heaving deep and heavy but nothing could be heard but the dust riding afloat the stale air of the corridor. Shattering the barrier of silence, I gulped down the yearnings that I had restrained myself from having over the past few days. He brought his heated lips to the sensitive area behind my ear, creating a fire in me that I did not realize wanted to be ignited. My head dropped to the side, allowing him any and all that he desired as the rest of my body remained still yet softened. Sliding his hand slowly down the wall, stopping at my hip, his touch explored the curvature of my hips and ass and pulled me harder onto his throbbing, clothed cock.
Finally finding the courage to reach out and touch the man that I wanted so badly, I braced myself against his chest as he palmed me with both of his hands, pushing us into the wall for stability. He lifted my thigh. To gain greater access to my treats, he rubbed the tip of his hardness against my slackened slit hiding beneath my shorts. “Oh, Kem,” I whispered biting into my bottom lip. It had been so long since I had received the touch of a man that I was getting lost in the moment. I sensed his slight apprehension, but there was no doubt that he wanted to be inside of my walls.
While he gripped me tighter I turned to meet his lips. As his hand ascended my body to fondle my breast, I could feel my nectar leaving its holding place as my moans traveled through the empty hallway. I kissed his bottom lip, threw my head back, wrapped my arm around his shoulders as he hoisted me up, and clamped my thighs around his hips. Soon he released cock resting in his boxers, aggressively shifting my shorts over my lowered hips, and inserting himself into my depths. The air burned my lungs, forcing me to exhale a moan of relief that had been waiting to escape for months.
Holding my thigh with one hand and gripping my lower back with the other hand, he moved me up and down and grunted against my ear, something that he knew drove me insane with lust. There was a time when I thought Kemington Sutter was the sexiest man on the face of the earth with other admirers willing to second me on that notion, and there I was making love to him, literally climbing up his body against the wall. Groaning and grinding, he swung me against his shaft causing me to scream out with each swift movement. “Oh yes, please more. Yes, Kem,” I shouted to his moans of ecstasy.
He stopped to lower me to the ground then turned me to face the wall, pulling down the neck of my sports bra, freeing my breasts to his waiting palms. As he entered me from behind, I took all of him to the hilt which had always proved difficult with me trying to accommodate his girth, but by holding on to my lower abdomen he was able to create a thrust so deep that I moaned at the pleasurable discomfort. I listened to the swatting of my rear to his abs, tipping me off the inevitable cliff of orgasmic pleasure as my explosion rained my essence over his throbbing cock and down my tender thighs. “That is what I’ve been waiting for,” he whispered into the back of my neck. He pushed harder and his breaths became faster and hotter against my ear and flesh. As he lightly grasped the base of my neck I felt the stickiness of his love blanket my walls while he cried out into my shoulder forcing a few deep thrusts before his finish line was reached. Both breathing deeply, I laid my head against the wall while his ear was against my back. Kem panted for oxygen, then released his spent member from my defeated chasm. He backed away, saying, “I’m sorry, Vic. I’m sorry.” Then he closed the door as I was left to decipher his words.
Chapter Five
The next morning I noticed that Kem had left the house. The events of the day before had clouded my mind the entire night, leaving me awake for the majority of the evening. I managed to grab one of the already made sandwiches for dinner, locking myself in my room watching old black-and-white movies, but he was gone and I wasn’t sure if he was returning. Trying not to worry, I dressed in a flowing peach wrap dress and headed out to the koi pond in the garden at the back of the house. The garden was the only part that I loved about that awful house. It brought me peace and serenity, leaving me with a clear state of mind in preparation for the next workweek.
I sat on a blanket in the grass, closing my eyes and shutting out the outside world, blanking out the stresses of Sandra and her drama, wiping Kem’s presence away, and ending with minimizing the sinful event that took place the day before. As I neared the peak of clarity that I was seeking, I was abruptly shaken out of my relaxed state when I heard a car door slam and the front entrance beep. I remained quiet while he rustled around in the house. All sounds soon came to an end when the beep of the front door sounded. He had left again. In that moment everything that I had successfully emptied from my brain came flooding back, resulting in a horrible migraine.
After popping a few pills for my nauseating headache, I ate two slices of toast with some water and chose to lay down for a nap. With the medicine being the only sedative that caused me to rest, I found myself waking near evening with my stomach aching from hunger. I crawled off the bed, dragging into the kitchen and feeling every single ounce of grogginess. To Kem’s credit, he somehow snuck back into the house and prepared a small roast chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and French green beans. All the feelings of agitation and irritation I harbored for him washed away, however, he had escaped the house once again. In order to not cross paths with him, I decided to dine in my room. A small portion of each item accompanied with a glass of apple juice fit the bill and I was on my way.
I sat in my oversize chair with my legs tucked under me when I realized I had forgotten the rolls. Turning the te
levision to the news channel, I walked out of my room during a commercial and into the marble slab that was Kem’s chest. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” he blurted, reaching out to offer a hand. “I’m okay,” I murmured, offering a nervous smile. Failing to avoid his direct eye contact, I decided to end his misery by continuing on my task that I set out to do before the awkward interruption. “Excuse me,” I said walking around him and feeling the burn of his eyes as he watched me walk away.
“Thank you for dinner,” I said looking back at him.
He curled a corner of his mouth into a grin. “Of course, no problem.” I made it to the kitchen to slide a roll onto a saucer when the vision of him trekking toward the front door caught my peripheral. With that, I reentered my room, finished my program while enjoying the herbed chicken and the rest of the meal. Kem should’ve been a chef.
The next day, I had a serious case of the Monday’s. My cream pantsuit was calling to me with a simple nude pump and a chignon. Both vehicles were parked out front, but I decided not to focus anymore of my attention on Kem and his drama. I couldn’t deny that the sex was the best we had ever had, but leaving it in that moment was the most important thing I could do for myself. I only had to deal with his presence in the house for another couple of weeks, then things would go back to normal. Toast and oatmeal was on the menu for breakfast with my cup of coffee hopefully waiting at work. Work means Sandra. Ugh, I really don’t feel up to dealing with any of that. I need to find a hobby so I don’t have to center myself around all this foolishness. Babies daddies and ex-husbands...yuck! While depositing my rinsed bowl and utensils in the dishwasher, the sound of a shower running motivated me to get along to work before another awkward moment was created.
Wronged Desires Page 5