The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1)

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The Baby Arrangement (A Winston Brother's Novel #1) Page 58

by J. L. Beck

  I drop my hands. “What do you mean why? The reason is obvious.”

  They all continue to stare at me.

  “Did he ask you out?” Trevor asks.

  I look over at him. “What?”

  “Yeah, he was here for a few minutes before I got out here,” Jake adds.

  I now look over at him.

  “Dammit,” Micah finally speaks. “I really didn’t think, guys.”

  “NO!” Jake retorts. “You didn’t.”

  I now have reached my limit. “Okay!”

  They all turn their gazes to me again.

  “You all need to clarify what…” I sit down. “You know what? Never mind. All I am saying is, he is a client and will come in here…” I tap the keys on my keyboard. “…Next Tuesday in fact.” I look up at Jake. “So, what? I pretend he is invisible?”

  He now smiles at me.

  Okay… What now?

  “So, you will just greet him and tell me he is here?” Jake asks.

  I drop my mouth open. What kind of question is that? I shut my mouth and stand up. What does he think I will do, drop at the man’s feet and kiss his expensive Italian shoes? “No, I will do a handstand and squawk like a bird!”

  Micah starts laughing.

  Trevor grins at me.

  Jake narrows his eyes at me.

  My smile slips. That look—it’s like he…

  “Do not be impertinent, Ms. Hawkins,” he warns in a low voice.

  I sit back down feeling like I just got spanked without the hand slapping my ass.

  Trevor turns a glare to Jake.

  Micah does too.

  Uh-oh. I look over at my boss, their boss. I really don’t want trouble over me, or for these two men to get fired or… “I’m sorry.” I meet Jake’s gaze straight on. “I have no excuse except this all confused me to no end. I-I have a bad habit of mouthing off when I get…um, lost.”

  All three men look at me.

  Jake now smiles.

  Why do I feel like I just lost all my clothes and am naked to those eyes? I shiver.

  “Well, that is fine.” He turns to look at the guys. “It will be fine.” He walks to his office and shuts the door.

  Trevor snickers.

  Micah looks over at him and chuckles.

  I sigh and tap the keys on my keyboard. Not because I have anything to do, just because I feel all these odd things, but cannot pin down any of it and I have to do something with my hands. Why do they think any of this is funny, is beyond me.

  “I’m sorry, Jenna,” Micah speaks.

  I look up. “For what? For the big play that just happened here? Where I somehow did something wrong, but cannot figure out what?”

  His eyes soften.

  “Peter is…” Trevor starts. “Well, he has a rep with women. Like the man is hard to resist and we…”

  I look up at him and it all suddenly clicks into place. They all thought the man would hit on me and I would what? Swoon and drool all over myself? This is finally too much as I do pride myself on not doing what they thought I would do. I mean Peter is a great looking guy, but truth be told, he did nothing for me. Not like the three men here in this office do, in fact. I stand up. “You thought I might fall prey to his charm?”

  They both look troubled.

  I lean forward and place my hands on my desk. “Well, let me tell you two something that you may be unaware of.”

  Their eyes widen and they both seem to lean close.

  “I don’t date clients or coworkers. In fact, I don’t date.”

  They look puzzled.

  “At all?” Trevor asks.

  At his perplexed look, I smile. “At all.”

  “Um…” Micah speaks up. “Ever?”

  Oh, wow. I get what they are wondering. “Sure, I have went out on dates. But…” Here, I falter. “I have never had a —I mean I never…” Oh, crap! I just painted myself self into such a tight corner I’m surprised I can breathe at all.

  Their mouths pop open.

  I stare at them. Oh, this is too much! They look like I know I looked all day yesterday. I start to laugh. It is maybe a release of the tension of before or just that two grown confident men were just gut punched with a fact that they never guessed.

  They shut their mouths but seem to have nothing to say, though if their eyes tell me anything, they have a dozen urgent questions to ask.

  I put my hand over my mouth to stop the laughter and glance over.

  Jake is standing in his open doorway. Staring hard at me.

  Our gazes meet and I suck in a breath. His eyes are like heat lasers or something, like they can reach into you and you feel exposed or something.

  He steps back and quietly shuts the door.

  My other two visitors still haven’t said a thing.

  “Um, well. Have a good day Jenna.” Micah turns and rushes down the hall.

  Trevor remains standing there. He looks at me with such tenderness.

  I’m unsure how to feel. Is that pity in his eyes? Or something else?

  “I think…” he starts.

  I sit up interested in what he does think. I mean what do any of them think?

  “I…Umm, have a good day and call me if you need me, okay?”

  I nod. Of course, he’s a guy and he won’t or cannot seem to tell me what he really thinks.

  He turns and walks down the hall.

  I shake my head. Okay, day two and it might’ve been wilder than even day one. What have I gotten myself into?

  I head back to my office.


  I am still reeling from what just happened. In fact, I have been since Jenna Hawkins stepped into my elevator. I stood there hoping she might be there to deliver something. Not an employee. I planned to get her number if I could. I leaned forward because I just had to take a whiff. Well, I shouldn’t have. I was hard as a rock afterward.

  So to find out she was Jake’s new EA? I mean the floor fell out from beneath my feet.

  I still cannot figure out why though. I mean there are lots of women. Lots of them in my life. This one? It felt like I got gut punched the minute she looked into my eyes. Afterward, I just could not seem to stay away from her. I would find myself in her area before I even knew I’d walked down that hall.

  What is it about her? Yes, I have asked this maybe a dozen times in the last two days. Last night as I lay in bed, I felt like I had an itch that just couldn’t be scratched. Yes, I have had the hots for women before and at first, thought this was just another attraction.

  I know I cannot date her. I know better. It was one of the things we all talked about when we took our positions here at Maxell six months ago.

  Then whenever I did wander to her desk, who would show up? Micah! It took me just two minutes to figure out he was interested too. This was a surprise, as we never liked the same type of girl. He likes the nerd type of girl. One who likes poetry and shit. No flash, no racy ways. Deep thinkers and all that cosmic talk. I snicker. I mean I like smart girls too, but Micah likes them with extremely high IQ’s. The kid cracks me up.

  But we have never competed for females. I would take the one on the left who is almost pushing herself at me and he would take the one on the right who is talking about world events and shit. And away…. we would go.

  Well, he’s in the same boat as I…he cannot date her either. Though, it doesn’t seem to stop him from hanging around her desk. Like this morning, with the latte and donuts?

  Who would have ever predicted we would be bringing Jenna something at the same time?

  It suddenly became a competition and we have never had that before. It’s not like we have forever been stealing each other’s girlfriends or something.

  But it was the latest thing I figured out that really threw me. Jake wants her too! This is a first. He always likes a type of girl I would never want. Submissive as yes, we all know what he does with women. Or well, we have guessed. He goes to that kinky club. So, we’ve never liked the same type bef
ore. I like my girls with fire, ones who might at any minute throw me down on the bed, get on top and fuck me senseless. Fun loving and mischievous.

  Then to find that glint in his eyes when he looks at Jenna. I don’t feel jealousy, just total and utter confusion. Is this girl something different to each of us?

  How odd. We all like a different kind of girl, and now we all have the hots for this one girl? I would laugh if it didn’t alarm me so much. We have never had any fights over women, nor competed. Yes, some brothers do that, but we just never did. We never had to I guess. Yes, we compete like is natural, in football, basketball and even video games with Micah and I. But never women.

  I sit down at my desk. Well, you cannot have her. You cannot taste those luscious lips. Feel that sweet body of hers against yours or take in her scent. You cannot kiss her, touch her, or fuck her.

  Is that it? That she is taboo? I shake my head. No, I don’t think so. If a girl is off limits, like an employee or a friend’s girl, I would just shrug it off and go my merry way.

  I do know only one thing at this point…I’ve never felt this way before and I am panicked.

  Nah, I don’t usually feel panic. I love life. I go at it 110 percent. I like sex, sweet frolicking sex in almost any positon. I also like to have sex anywhere I can manage it. So I am a bit of a thrill seeker.

  Now, today. My protective instincts kicked in with a vengeance when I heard Peter was stalking her over there. Micah called me and let it slip. I almost ran over to her office. So, I want to protect her too. Not normal for someone I just wanna fuck.

  And damn, do I want to fuck her. I especially want to fuck her mouth. When she took a bite of that twist—I had been the one twisting. I got so hard and ached to be in that sweet mouth. Then that moan she let out. I almost came on the spot. I want to make her moan for a whole night, just immerse myself in that wonderful sexy sound, have her moan around my cock.

  I want to taste her all over. I bet she tastes like honey. Sweet liquid honey when she comes.

  With these nasty urges, I sit up at my desk as it all crashes down on me. The fact Micah and I just learned. She is a god dammed virgin!

  She’s got to be lying. What virgins existed today? And one that looks like her? Those blonde curls, an angelic face, luscious mouth and curves in all the right places. So fuckable. But never fucked? I slam my hand down on the desk. So, even if I stupidly go and break the rule and try to get her into bed?

  She would be giving me her virginity.

  I sigh and lay my head on my desk. I couldn’t do that and walk away. Yes, I admit, I always end up walking away. I love women and I date, but after a bit, I let them know I’m not ready to settle down. I am always up front with them.

  I also never wanted a girl that I didn’t end up having.

  A first again.

  And I already know she isn’t lying about being a virgin. The girl is an open book. I immediately picked up on this. She isn’t like some women. Secrets, innuendos, mind games, and shit. No. Jenna is one of those rare females that looks you in the eyes and is what she appears to be. No games, no hang ups and shit.

  Another first. I’ve met many chicks, hot and some not so hot. I don’t care if they aren’t beautiful. Part of the attraction is their story too. I am more interested in what makes them tick, then I get a taste and I’m set. More flavors, the better the palate dad always said.

  Now there was…is a womanizer. We all got our good looks from him, but we got our sexual prowess with women too, I believe.

  But I also want to know about them and most often when I find they are playing me or want me because I come from a rich family or some fucked up shit, I walk away fast. I can see that if Jenna wanted you, it would be for you, not any other hidden reason. I know I have known her for just two days, but I already feel like I know her.

  Has it only been two days? It feels like months. That’s another thing… it feels like the clock just slowed down when she came into our lives. Just slowed to some odd level where every minute around her was drawn out with such sweet torture. To be so attracted and on so many levels, like her voice. I find myself shutting the hell up, just so I can hear her talk. Have I ever been attracted to a woman’s voice? I shake my head. It is crazy!

  So, just two days and I am all fucked up over it? How pathetic is that? I also wonder just how my brothers feel? Maybe for them it is just flirting? Am I hoping so, or am I lying to myself? Cause it isn’t just flirting for me, I have to admit.

  But I have never seen the look Jake has in his eyes before this. Not even with the last EA. Yes, she was fucking hot. Long legs, plump lips, huge rack. Wore some sexy ass clothes as well. She flirted like crazy too. But none of us made a move. I saw her just a few times in fact. Then she was so not Micah’s type. He avoided her like the plague after her first day. I think we all did, even Jake.

  Except for Peter, he made a move all right. Jake and he went to college together and his parents are friends with ours. He was fucking her in the back kitchen and probably other areas too. She got all stuck on him and Jake had to let her go. He got her another job across town, double the pay and benefits just to get rid of a bad situation.

  So, in two days, I’ve seen Jenna twice as much as in all the three months what’s her slut face was working here.

  So, maybe this will all just wear off? I hope. Maybe if I avoid her and look elsewhere, I can get past it.

  Yeah, I need to just let this play out. I again, sit up at my desk when something occurs to me. What if one of my brothers ends up with her? I shudder. If Micah did, it might be for keeps. Then I would have to see her all the time and want her, my brother’s girl!


  Also, it might even be worse if Jake grabs her first. The fucker just might too. Then he would be turning her into a pet or something? I feel my entire body tensing up. I would go ballistic. She would only be on her knees for me when she wanted to be.

  God dammit!

  This just got worse, now that I realize what could happen.

  If they start to really make a move on her, I will have to step up. Step up and do what? Be her big brother? Date her and not fuck her, just so she will be safe from the dom big brother and not be my kid brother’s steady girlfriend?

  I let out a sigh. I feel so fucked up over this. How could I get so hung up in just 2 days…Over a girl?

  The rest of the week has gone by fairly quietly. After I admitted that I’m a virgin, it seemed to have a calming effect on the guys.

  I admitted it!

  How the hell did this happen?

  Your big mouth is how.

  Micah has been by with a donut every morning, then somehow, Trevor would be right there with my latte. So after some jokes and small talk they both would be on their way.

  Now, Jake has had lunch brought in everyday this week for the entire floor. So, I didn’t have any lunch dates either.

  Maybe the newness of me has worn off. So, now this would be the normal pace at work. Am I disappointed? Sure, but I cannot date any of them anyway, so it is for the best.

  It didn’t stop my journal writing though. Oh, there are now entries of the dreams I’ve been having at night. Explicit dreams. So the effect these men have had on me hasn’t gone away. What is odd is in each dream of each of them, the sex is so different. Just like I guessed about them at the start of my journal writing. I’m not so sure of it helping me much though. I still get flushed and some Greek god side effects whenever any of them do show up at my desk.

  So now, it’s Friday and I will have a whole weekend without any male eye candy. I sigh. I need to get a grip on myself. This is a job. A JOB. To be professional and act right. Not lust after your boss and coworkers. I keep reprimanding myself over this.

  It has helped that Jake is practically ignoring me, except when we have to speak. He’s the one that really gets to me. Maybe it’s because he is just so intriguing, and gives off this vibe I cannot seem to pin down.

  Well, I do have the art exhib
it tonight. That may distract me for a bit. I got tickets for it weeks back and I love the artist that they are showing.

  I turn off my PC and check around to make sure everything is in order for the weekend and the start up on Monday.

  I finally head to the elevator.

  As I get closer, I almost stumble, as there they are…all three standing at the elevator.

  Maybe I can back up and run back to the office before they see me. I mean it wouldn’t do for them to think I’m scared to be around them. One at a time is almost too much, but when they are all there, and god forbid, if they all look at me at once…Yeah, shivering wet panties.

  I slow my walk and almost stop when Micah turns his head and sees me.

  “Hey Jenna!”

  I take a deep breath and see the other two turn and look a me.

  Whew, dizzy effect. Baby Blues, dark and deep and emerald beacons all on me.

  I mean I dream about these eyes. These eyes have haunted me for a week now.

  Trevor smiles as I get to them. “Hey sweet Jenna. Ready for the weekend?”

  I nod.

  “Have plans?” Jake asks.

  Trevor looks over at him. “Kinda personal there, old man.”

  Jake rolls his eyes. “She does work here. It is a normal question.”

  Micah laughs.

  The doors open.

  I suddenly realize I will be in close confines with my fantasy men. I also remember I had a dream about this.

  The three of them step aside a little for me to go in first.

  I have no choice… I walk in.

  The three of them step in after me.

  A secretary runs up and stops before getting in.

  Jake smiles at her. “Sorry full.” Then he taps the button.

  I gasp.

  Micah chuckles. “The old man can be a rude one.”

  Trevor laughs. “Yeah, old man.”

  Jake shakes his head and looks at me.

  Oh, god. Those eyes. And I cannot like just look away, unless I look at one of the other sexies in this box. I can smell all three. Their scent mixes to be like some kind of male pheromone ambrosia. I could die from this effect. Then I even feel the heat off their bodies.


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