Steele Your Soul (The Trouble With Elves Book 3)

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Steele Your Soul (The Trouble With Elves Book 3) Page 2

by Decadent Kane

  “A grandmother? You know, the older they are, the sweeter their soul tastes.” His eyelids dropped as if in memory. “Though families tend to have the same savoring taste as each other. Perhaps you will taste as sweet as I’m sure your grandmother does.”

  Pepper held her stomach. It flipped and threatened to spill its contents. The drow smelled like rotten eggs. The stench permeated the entire room, and the longer he stood there, the worse it became. She resisted the urge to cover her nose so she didn’t offend him any more than her mere presence already did. “I wouldn’t know, and I’m not very interested in finding out. I’d just like to get through please.” She kept her voice even, low, and hopefully he saw it as respectful. She’d learned long ago many drow thought themselves better than regular elves. As if the disease gave them some higher meaning or godlike abilities to do as they will.

  “What if I’d like a little taste before you go? Something small to tide me over. I promise not to rip your precious soul from your body. You’re far too pretty to kill. I’ll take a small nibble.” A grin spread across his gray face. “You might even like it.”

  Horror filled her as she realized he didn’t plan to let her leave.

  Chapter Two

  Joren caught sight of the small brown pouch lying on the wood deck by the crates. The girl was a beauty, and since he’d spotted her across his deck earlier, he knew he wanted her in his bed. The falling crates happened to be a sign surely sent from the Sea God himself tellin’ Joren he needed to claim this one. He chuckled as he bent down and picked up the spice. It was light with the outside packaging completely void of anything other than the tie and cover. He tossed it up and caught it. He’d rescued yet another distressed elfess. Already startin’ for a good day’s work.

  He docked in the village for a day, enough time to pick up his shipment, and then he would head back into the waters. He carried drow valuables from up top to deep below, as deep as it gets for the drow, which is a long way down into the earth. He delivered directly to the drow king, Mandrake, who never came topside. The feral elf leader hardly trusted anyone. Though if he ever did set foot topside, he’d be assassinated for sure. Nearly every elf city elder wanted him dead. He was the most ruthless of all drow, and even Joren didn’t cross Mandrake. Rumor had it, he’d consumed more souls than any other drow in the elven realm. Sons and daughters, mothers and fathers of elves from everywhere. Mandrake had no qualms about whom he devoured, and he didn’t need a reason to do it.

  The shipments were always the same, crates with jars of souls inside, magically bound, and wood crate cages of soulless elves. He couldn’t actually see the bodies inside the boxes, but he knew they were there. Much like anything else Joren didn’t like, if he didn’t have to look at it directly, it remained a great deal easier to ignore. Joren didn’t mind so much so long as it wasn’t his body, his soul, and payment had been made at the end of the day. Mandrake paid very well. As long as Joren did what the drow requested, carrying the souls and bodies down to the drow leader, Joren’s soul and body were not in danger. Even those on his ship were safe from harvests. He shuddered at the thought of his soul being leeched from his body. Goosebumps trailed down his arms. He would do nearly anything to make sure it didn’t happen to him.

  Though he couldn’t avoid being a pirate, family trade and all. His father had passed the soul-smuggling business right down to Joren. Not his father’s ship, of course, but the business all belonged to him. His father had gone down with his ship right about the time Joren became mature enough to grow his ears. He couldn’t say he missed the man. Joren never planned to do anything other than pirating anyways. He used to envy his dad when he butted heads with a restless crew. The elf never backed down, at least not in Joren’s presence. He respected his dad, and though he’d been a hard father, Joren had learned everything he needed to know to take over when the time came.

  “Well, well. Looks like I found my pirate.” A soft feminine voice cooed behind him. Kida. Every time he came to land, she managed to find him. He didn’t mind in the slightest. The beauty was fierce in bed, and Joren always came seeking. She had been the first female he’d met in this village.

  “Kida, me beauty!” Joren turned to wrap his arms around her, carefully placing the brown pouch in his shirt. He hugged her. Her vanilla scent wafted up to his nose.

  “You never call. When did you reach port?” She pushed him playfully away. Her light brown hair fell below her shoulders in tightly curled ringlets. She wore a fetching day dress with yellow flowers. It made her skin seem darker than it was. She gave him a puckered pout and batted her lashes at him. Such a pretty thing.

  “This mornin’.” He pulled her back into him. Enjoying the feel of her breasts lodged against his chest. She didn’t try to escape.

  She slid long slender fingers up his pants and brought his cock to attention in a few sweet caresses. Those fingers would be the death of him. There, behind her, a little nook. Secluded enough to bury himself into her without being noticed. Unless someone had to walk into the nook for a crate. Well then, maybe he’d ask ‘em to join. He slowly walked Kida toward the shadowy area. Instant gratification was his game these days, and he intended to live to his fullest. His kind didn’t last long.

  “Pirate, what are you doing?” She eyed him with those ocean-colored eyes. If nothing else, he could lose himself in their color. The elfess didn’t exist for one man, and he didn’t intend to settle her down anytime in the future. He enjoyed his freedom far too much. She was good all right, but appeasing each other’s appetites remained as far as it would ever go. The Sea God help the lad who wants to marry her.

  He flashed Kida a grin and raised his eyebrow. “Gettin’ what I be wantin’.” In a few short steps, they were shrouded by the crates and the shadows in the nook. He turned her around, pushed her slim body into the wall, and pulled up the back of her dress. She didn’t have any panties on and his prick reared to be set free against her soft flesh. Running a hand over her smooth ass, he closed his eyes, savoring the feel.

  He grabbed both her wrists and pinned them high above her head with one hand while he undid his belt and pushed down his pants with the other. He wanted her, craved her helpless against him. His cock throbbed when the cool air wisped by the sensitive head. The one thing he loved more than being a pirate was the act of lovemaking. And beauties like Kida flocked to him at every port. He’d have his way with all of ‘em, some maybe at the same time.

  “Joren, I’ve missed you.”

  “Aye.” He barely registered her words; he was too busy enjoying the sensations of her flesh.

  She pushed her pretty little ass back against him. He gave it a firm pinch and then smacked the skin, giving it a reddish tint. He bent his knees and moved his prick to her hot entrance. She moaned as he slowly pushed himself in. So hot, so wet, and by the Sea God, so tight. He had a difficult time making himself go slow. His dick wasn’t small, and he didn’t want to split her in two.

  “Give me more, please Joren. I’ve needed you...” Her hips wiggled as she tried to take him in further.

  With those words, he lost any control he had and buried himself deep inside her. She gasped, and he covered her mouth with his free hand so no one would hear the moan sure to follow. He used her mouth as a grasping point, pulling his cock out and thrusting back in, tugging her into him with each motion. He felt her hot sheath squeeze around him and sped up his pacing. Between her thighs, slick in juices, his orgasm bordered on the verge of claiming him. He watched as he slid in and out repeatedly. His eyes closed, and he let the wave of heat and need to come wash over his body, slamming again and again into her soft folds. His cock pulsed, and he felt the start of his climax, tipping him over the edge, his cock throbbing as he came. He let out a grunt with the last of his seed spilling from him, causing his balls to tighten.

  The thrill of outdoor sex always made quickies easy. He leaned against her body, pushing her heaving chest into the wall. He removed his hand and kissed her chee

  “You leave again tonight?” she breathed against him.

  “Yes.” He moved his prick slowly out of her. She whimpered at the loss. He pulled up his pants, redid his black belt, and waited for her to right herself. Kida pushed off the wall, letting the sundress fall around her knees again. With a cute little shimmy, she set her clothing back in place.

  Elves walked by the nook without a single glance in their direction. His eyes had grown used to the shadows. He ran his fingers through his hair and shifted in his clothes, making sure they weren’t askew. He noticed the spice pouch had dropped to the ground beside him and bent down to retrieve it. Only minutes had passed, but the other elfess was waitin’.

  Chapter Three

  Pepper dodged out of the way of the drow’s grasp as he lunged for her. His eyes grew black with his need of her. She saw an opening as he moved in on her and ran around the drow to get to the door. She was only a step away from escape when he caught her by the arms, effectively pinning her back against his body and squeezing her flesh so tightly it would end up leaving a bruise, and she tensed with the pain. The smell of rotten eggs flooded her nose, and she gagged, swallowing in an attempt to keep her stomach contents down.

  “A tiny little bite from my sweet butterfly.” He sniffed her hair, and she slammed her foot down as hard as she could on his.

  No way would she stand here and let him take a damn bite, or sniff, or lick or any-elfing-thing else. He growled at her and pulled his foot free without loosening his grip even a little. Instead, he tightened his fingers around her arms and walked her up against the cabin wall. Oh Mother Earth, please don’t let him take advantage. She squirmed, attempting to free herself, but he didn’t budge. He stood a giant compared to her smaller form and like a brick wall at her back.

  “Now, now butterfly. Wiggling will only get your wings clipped. Settle down and it will be over before you know it.” He rubbed his face against the back of her head. A shiver crawled down her spine.

  “Are you crazy? I don’t want this. You can’t do this.”

  “I’m a drow.”

  She huffed and blew a strand of hair from her cheek. She would not cry even though tears stung the corners of her eyes. If she kept talking... “So what. That doesn’t mean shit topside. I’m not afraid of you.” Yeah, lie to the crazy, diseased elf. That will help.

  “Yes you are. I can smell it, butterfly. It smells like nectar to me. Makes my mouth water.” He groaned in her ear.

  She felt slimy drool drop onto her neck and goosebumps zipped down her back. She shuddered, disgusted. What would he do to her if she didn’t break free? By Mother Earth’s blessing, she hoped not to find out. He pulled her arms up behind her back and pinned them to his chest with one hand. Icy cold fingers slid up her jaw line and over her lip. A little closer... He dipped the tip of his finger between her lips and groaned.

  Pepper took the opportunity and opened up to him, enough that he slipped his finger a tiny bit past her front teeth, then she bit down as hard as she could. Her teeth sank into flesh; warm coppery liquid oozed into her mouth. The drow ripped his hand away, leaving the taste of moldy flesh on her tongue. She spat it out as he let her go to grab hold of his finger.

  “You fucking bit me!” The words flew from his mouth, and spittle slid down his chin.

  Pepper ran for the door, pushing her legs as hard as she could to make them move faster. If she could get past the door, then there were other elves, people who could help her get away, maybe even Joren. She needed out. Her heart slammed against her ribs, and she flung herself through the cabin door. The drow came after her. She could hear his boots pounding on the wood flooring of the ship. She tripped over a board, falling hard on her knees. Get up! Get up! She pushed from the floor, willing herself to stand.

  “Get back here. You’ll pay for this. Bad butterfly!” He pounced on her within a second, a heavy force oppressing her, constricting her ability to breathe. He wrapped his fingers in her hair and drew her up. Her hair strained against his grip and several strands popped free. She gasped at the sharp pain and her hands rushed up to relieve the hair ends, trying to break his hold. He turned her so she looked him in his ugly face. Up close in the sunlight, his skin had patches of green mold all over it.

  Pepper didn’t waste any time. She kicked out at him, landing an effective blow to his stomach. He dropped her and doubled over on the deck. She attacked him again when he fell on his hands and knees in front of her, thrusting her foot right in his nasty face. Her anger at being almost violated, of being manhandled, bubbled up from somewhere in the depths of her soul, and she let it lash out at the drow. She bombarded him with repeated blows. His hand flung out at her ankles, grabbing hold and pulling her down with him.

  Struggling, Pepper shoved a foot as hard as she could at his nose and scrambled away. She crawled into a standing position and ran off the pirate’s ship. She was never so thankful Damina wouldn’t do this to her. Pepper glanced over her shoulder. The drow ran right behind her, his arm outstretched, ready to seize her, a sneer etching his face. Pepper slammed into something solid. “Oaf.” She fell on her rear and looked up.

  Joren stood in front of her, tall, dark, and so hot.

  “What are you doing, Tide?” His voice came out low.

  Pepper peeked behind her. The drow had stopped.

  “She’s mine, pirate. Hand her over. You work for us. You have to do what I say.”

  Joren grinned. “Ye poxy bilge-sucker. I don’t listen to ye. I help your king. He pays me to carry the cargo, not to hand over ladies to ye.” His chest puffed out, and he set his legs apart, ready for a fight.

  The drow didn’t comment. Instead, he stepped over Pepper and slammed himself into Joren as he stomped off down the deck. Joren didn’t budge or turn around to watch the elf go. His features softened, and he bent down on one knee in front of Pepper. Her heart skipped for an entirely new reason.

  “Three saves in one day, me beauty. Ya owe me.” He smiled and held out his rough hand to her.

  She took it. “Three? I recall two. The crates and just now. Besides, I had the drow under control, so really, you saved me from the falling crates.” She smoothed out her clothes and flipped her hair back. She should thank him, but he was so smug, looking over at her as if she was on the menu of his sexual dining experience.

  Joren chuckled. A low sound, which lifted his shoulders. “Three, elfess.” He pulled her grandmother’s bag of spice from his front pocket and dropped it into her hands. He winked at her. “Iffin’ ye had that drow under control, then what ye be doin’ at me feet no more than a moment ago?”

  Pepper raised an eyebrow. “You stepped in my way.” She tucked the brown pouch into her pocket. She wanted off this wretched boat. She turned around and stormed away. The last thing she needed was to encourage a pirate. What did they do again? Oh, kill and loot, or pillage and plunder?

  A hand spun her around by the elbow, and she found herself face-to-face with Joren and those blue eyes. He grabbed hold of her chin with his fingertips. “Wait a minute. I don’t even get a thank you?” He frowned.

  “Thanks.” Pepper set her jaw.

  “I be needin’ something a little better than that. Tide will be back, and I will pay the brunt of saving your sweet little ass.”

  “What do you want?” She tried to break free, but he held fast.

  “This.” He bent over and claimed her lips with his own.

  Chapter Four

  He coaxed her lips apart for the briefest of moments before her hand came up and landed a stinging blow to his cheek. Amused, Joren laughed, a full belly laugh. The kind of thing he hadn’t done in ages. The lass was a feisty one; he’d give her credit. And oh so pretty when angered. Her cheeks had flushed a dark shade of pink, and her brown eyes darted all over the ship, anywhere but on his. He rubbed his cheek. She had a solid swing. He licked his lips to savor the sweet taste of her mouth.

  “How dare you!”

  “How dare I? Oh, elfess,
I dare all the damn time. I’m a pirate.” He wanted to scoop her up and haul her off to his bed. But he wasn’t the kind of elf who took advantage in such a way—no, she’d come to him instead. He might even play hard to get. But she would come. His thoughts spun into what she’d look like without all those clothes covering her petite form. He pictured her laid out on his bed, long brown hair tousled, half-lidded eyes, perky pink nipples... He groaned inwardly.

  Pepper humphed, sent him a glare that might shiver his boat’s timbers, and stormed off the ship. He didn’t watch her reach the port though. His cock begged for attention already. The saucy elfess had awakened his beast, and he needed to fulfill its hunger. The quickie he had had with Kida hadn’t been enough. He reached into his skivvies and rearranged his straining prick. When he finally had Pepper in his arms, the things he’d do to her. He wanted her moaning his name and writhing beneath him. He tried to picture Pepper in the throes of orgasm, but the image eluded him. By the Sea God, he needed to see her on the verge of losing herself to him.

  “Hold it right there, pirate.”

  He knew the voice. It belonged to Kida. He turned to face her. “So happy to see ya so soon, lass. I be needin’ you a bit more this evenin’.”

  “What? I don’t think so. You’re a two-timer. I saw what you did with that, with that hussy!” Kida stomped her foot like a spoiled child.

  “It’s no concern of yours, lass.” He didn’t need to explain his actions to anyone.

  Kida crossed the distance between them and slapped him on his other cheek. ‘Tis not my day for women. He didn’t flinch; instead, he narrowed his eyes at her. She pulled up her other hand as tears streamed down her face, ready to swing again. He caught her wrist in mid-flight and pushed it around her back, pulling her into him.


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