A Baby for the Billionaire

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A Baby for the Billionaire Page 12

by Davies, Victoria

  “Come here,” she said, getting to her knees on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Nothing could tear him away from her side. Not now when he was finally in the one place he’d always wanted to be.

  When he moved within range, she hooked her fingers around his belt loops and pulled him closer.

  “Mmm,” she purred, staring up at him. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything look as tasty as you do.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Mm-hmm.” She pressed a hot kiss just below his navel, running her tongue along the tender skin. “But I’d love to see a little more.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” he replied as she unzipped his pants. There was a siren light in her eyes. He wouldn’t be able to stop her even if the thought had drifted through his mind. As it was, he just wanted her to move faster.

  Clara, however, was content to take her time. She dropped kisses along his waistband, her mouth moving ever closer to the part of his anatomy he most wanted to feel her breath against.

  Slowly, far too slowly, she pulled the material down, leaving only his boxers. Walker kicked out of his trousers with a hast that was probably less than sexy but he didn’t care. All that mattered was the feel of her little hands on his body.

  A new smile curved her lips. One he’d never seen before in all their years together. One he’d bet only lovers would ever see. And it made her radiant.

  His heart thumped in his chest at the sight of the hungry, excited little quirk of her lips. Ten years later and he was still learning about her. His Clara was a riddle he’d never be able to solve. Not even with a lifetime.

  But damned if he didn’t want to try.

  “This is new,” she said, running a finger over the length of his cock through his boxers.

  “I assure you, it’s not,” he replied.

  “New to me,” she amended.

  He leaned down to kiss her, her fingers still curled around his length. “Tomorrow you won’t be able to say that.”


  He drew back to see her eyes on his, a hope within them that made his breath catch.

  Has anything in my life ever felt this right? He doubted it.

  Her eyes still on his, she slid his boxers down. He kicked away the last piece of his clothing and stood silently before her. That deep chocolate gaze ran over ever inch of his body as she studied him as thoroughly as he’d studied her.

  “Wow,” she breathed her final verdict. “How the hell can you have a body like this when I’ve seen the junk food in your cupboards?”

  “Just blessed,” he said, climbing onto the bed.

  She scooted back to make room for him. Or tried to.

  Catching her ankles, he pulled her toward him as he rose over her.

  “Much better,” he said, settling between her legs.

  “Yeah?” She arched a brow as she lazily draped her arms around his shoulders. “I’d think a smart man like you would want to make a few more adjustments.”

  Grinning, he drew his lips over the tops of her breasts. “I could think of one or two.” Rolling her to the side, he deftly unhooked her bra with one hand.

  “Smooth,” she teased, stripping the material from her arms.

  The sight of her breasts, however, burned away any response he might have had. He stared down at her, wondering how the hell he’d gotten so lucky. This was a body he looked forward to worshipping.

  “Mine,” he growled, catching one rosy nipple in his mouth.

  Clara hissed out a breath as her head rolled back. Fingers delved into his hair, urging him closer. He ran his tongue over the sensitive skin, enjoying the taste of her in his mouth. Reality was far better than any fantasy he’d ever had of her. With her laid out before him, he couldn’t decide what he wanted to focus on first. Like a kid in a candy store, he was overwhelmed at the bounty lying before him. And he intended to savor ever inch of her.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he promised, raining butterfly kisses down on her face.

  She giggled, batting him away, but there was no ignoring the utter joy in her expression when she gazed up at him. “Fine with me,” she said.

  Pressing a kiss between her breasts, he slid lower, running his mouth over the exposed skin.

  “Walker,” she murmured when he lapped at her navel.

  “Hush,” he whispered. “Indulge me?”

  “You don’t…you don’t have to do that.”

  He chuckled even as he nipped at her thigh. “Have to? Sweetheart, I can’t imagine anything more satisfying than making you scream my name.”

  He glanced back up at her to see a blush staining her cheeks. “I’m not really all that loud…”

  He laughed. “Challenge accepted.”

  “No, I didn’t mean—”

  He ran his hands between her thighs, gently pushing them open. “I know what you meant. Relax, Clara.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip for a moment before he felt the tension in her legs ease.

  “Good girl,” he purred, kissing her inner thigh.

  He took his time, playing with the sensitive skin he could reach. Her breath quickened as he drew one finger along the slit of her panties.

  “God,” she gasped.

  “Not a nickname I’d refuse.” Hooking his fingers across her panties, he slid them down her legs.

  Look at her. All wet and ready. Just for me.

  Something primal rose within him as he gazed at her. Clara was his. No matter what happened in the future. Tonight, seeing her like this, it was all worth it. They couldn’t have gone on as they had been for much longer. He never would have been able to hide his need for her forever.

  And now he didn’t have to hide anything. He could touch her as he wanted. Taste her. Make her cry out for him.

  She was his in a way no one else ever had been. And he had a sneaking suspicion, no one else ever would be either.

  And he fully intended to enjoy the revelation.


  This is real. This is happening.

  Clara could barely credit it. But here she was, spread naked before Walker. His lips ran up her inner leg, making the butterflies in her stomach do freaking summersaults.

  Walker is touching me this way. He’s—

  His tongue traced along her slit, nearly sending her arching from the bed.

  Reaching out blindly, she fisted her hands in the bedsheets under her. It felt wrong, as if she was doing the forbidden, and yet there was no ignoring the fact that wrong had never felt so deliciously right. Was this why people did stupid things with people they shouldn’t? Were they all chasing after this feeling? Because she worried sex with Walker might just be a lifelong addiction.

  She bit her lip as his tongue encircled her clit, one finger sliding into her.

  “Walker,” she breathed, rolling her hips against his clever mouth. He touched her with sure fingers, knowing how best to make her writhe with need. Every stroke of his tongue made the lust within her burn brighter. A mewling sound escaped her as she tried to hold the need in. He seemed to take the sound as encouragement, adding a second finger to the first.

  “Please,” she cried, squirming as he played with her. “I need you.”

  She’d never needed anyone with the desperation she needed him. Was this the feeling she’d been missing for so many years? She should have known Walker would be the answer. They’d always been closer than normal friends. Always clicked in a way she’d never been able to replicate with anyone else. It made sense that connection would extend into the bedroom, too.

  “Dammit, Walker,” she shouted as he grazed her clit oh so gently with his teeth. Pleasure shot through her, pooling between her legs. As good as he was making her feel, she wanted more. Wanted something more substantial than his wicked tongue.

  “Please, please, please,” she said, pulling at his shoulders to bring him back up to her. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  His grin was pure male. “Mayb
e I like making you wait.”

  She reached down, encircling his hard cock with her hand. “I’m all for playing,” she said, pumping her fist over him until he groaned. “But right now, I want to feel you inside me. Can you really tell me you don’t want that, too?”

  He dropped his head against her collarbone as she rubbed her thumb over the crown of his cock. “I’m ready for you,” she whispered into his ear. “So hot and wet. Do you really want to make us both wait?”

  “That would make me a very dumb man,” he panted.

  “And we both know you’re brilliant. Prove it.”

  Dropping a kiss on her shoulder, he moved off her and fished his pants from the floor. Pushing up on her elbows, she watched him rifle through the pockets with a desperation that had satisfaction spiraling through her.

  “Got it,” he said, pulling a condom from his pocket.

  She laughed as he came back to her. “Your pocket, hmm? Guess I was a sure thing.”

  He kissed her with a burning intensity. “I was hopeful. One thing I’ve learned in my career is to be prepared for anything.”

  “Is that so?” She twined her arms over her head and pushed her breasts up against his chest.

  “But I could never be prepared for you.”

  The soft words froze her teasing. She looked up into his serious gaze and realized he wasn’t joking.

  “Me too,” she said, her humor and excitement stalling for a moment. Cupping his face between her hands, she kissed him softly. “I can plan for everything. Every twist in a story, every lie in an interview. But nothing could ever make me ready for this. You break all my rules, Walker, and I love you for it anyway.”

  He stilled over her and she realized what she’d said. “As a friend, I mean.”

  “As a friend,” he agreed. “We are excellent friends.”

  “The very best.”

  “I look forward to getting even closer.” A salacious grin crossed his face as he unrolled the condom onto himself.

  “Can’t wait.” The words were strangled as he shifted her under him.

  “No going back in a second,” he said. “Are you sure about this?”

  She ran her fingers over his jawbone. “I want you,” she promised. “I’m sure if you are.”

  “Haven’t you realized?” he asked, kissing the tip of her toes. “You’re my fantasy come to life, sweetheart.”

  Catching her gaze with his, he pushed forward into her.

  Clara gasped, throwing her head back at the feeling of him filling her to the brim. Her body stretched to accommodate him until he was fully seated within her.

  “Christ, you’re tight,” he groaned, his fingers digging into her hips.

  “Again,” she sighed.

  Taking her lips with his, he withdrew only to thrust back into her.

  Clara moaned against his mouth, wrapping an arm around him as he rocked into her. Each stroke sent pleasure rushing along every nerve ending. She’d never needed anyone like this before. Bending her knees, she pulled him in deeper as they moved together with a rhythm that felt too right.

  “More,” she breathed, throwing back her head so he could run his mouth down her throat. He bit the skin at her nape, making her clench around him.

  “Come on, Clara,” he whispered in her ear. “Take what you need.”

  She bit her lip, closing her eyes as the pleasure swamped over her. She was so close. Just a little more and she’d break apart in his arms.

  And she didn’t want to miss that moment. Opening her eyes, she stared up at her best friend as the best orgasm of her life crept closer.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  “Never.” His promise was immediate.

  Stroke after stroke sent her higher until she trembled on the edge, her climax so close she could almost taste it.

  “Clara,” he cried, her name a benediction on his lips.

  The sound of his need sent her over the edge. With another thrust, her orgasm crashed over her, forcing his name from her lips in a helpless cry.

  He drove into her a few more times before his hoarse shout joined hers. Wrapping her arms around him, she held on as pleasure flooded every inch of her, making the world spin before her eyes.

  As the tingles of her aftermath tickled along her senses, she turned her head to see the man in her arms. He’d collapsed half on top of her as his own climax had overtaken him.

  Now he opened his eyes to meet her gaze, satiation clear in his expression. Shifting, he rolled to the side so he wouldn’t squish her, but she didn’t want to let him get farther than that.

  “Hey,” he said as they panted together.

  “Hey,” she replied to the man who was her best friend and suddenly, so much more.

  Pulling her closer, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Closing her eyes, she cuddled closer. If anyone deserved gratitude it was him. He’d opened this door for them and despite what might come with the dawn, it was a night she’d never forget.

  Here’s hoping it was also a night she’d never regret.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Clara grinned at her reflection.

  She couldn’t shake the silly smile as she brushed the bird’s nest that was her hair. A dreamy sigh escaped her as she thought about the night before. Walker had been as ravenous as she was. She’d lost track of the times they’d reached for each other, reveling in their abilities to explore each other in a way they never had before.

  Her responsibilities were the last thing on her mind this morning. All she wanted to do was stay in bed. But Hunter had woken up early, and Walker had gone to see to his son, though not before dropping a kiss on her lips and telling her to go back to sleep before he left.

  She’d taken extra care with her clothes and idled upstairs longer than normal. Part of her wanted to go see him, but another part worried that the fairytale would be over when she did. If this had been a one-time deal, she wasn’t sure she could slip back into the friendzone so easily if that’s what he wanted.

  If Walker thought he was capable of giving a relationship a try, she’d say yes without any hesitation. But if he just wanted them to be friends who occasionally slept together…

  The smile faded from her lips. Last night had made it very clear to her she wanted more from him. She wasn’t content to be just one more name on his headboard as he drifted through his life. No, she wanted to be the last name. Ever.

  “Hell,” she whispered. This was the worst possible time to be starting a new relationship. Children put seasoned marriages around the ringer, and she thought they’d be able to weather this storm?

  Then again, most marriages didn’t have access to deep bank accounts and an on-call nanny.

  “You won’t know anything if you stay up here,” she told herself.

  Grabbing her purse, she gave her reflection one last look and headed downstairs.

  Walker and Hunter were already in the kitchen. The baby was strapped into his high chair while Walker attempted to make him formula.

  “Doing okay?” she asked over his shoulder.

  “Starting to get it,” he replied, reaching out to her. Clara smiled at his morning kiss of greeting, though she couldn’t help glancing at Hunter when her lover drew back.

  “Relax,” he whispered in her ear. “He’s just a baby. He has no idea the scandalous things I want to do with you.”

  “Walker,” she hissed, whacking his arm even as she tried to deny the pleasure rushing through her.

  “There’s coffee waiting for you on the island,” he said, turning his attention back to the formula.

  “My hero,” she said, sliding into the waiting chair. Sipping her drink, she waited for him to finish.

  Things don’t feel awkward, she thought. But they also don’t feel different.

  Were they going to fall back into old patterns of just being friends? Her fingers tightened on the cup. Losing Walker would be the worst outcome for them, but bottling up her f
eelings again to just be his buddy might be even more painful.

  He tested the formula on his wrist and walked over to Hunter. She watched silently as he hoisted the baby into his arms and tried to start feeding him.

  “Not like that,” she said. Slipping from her chair, she helped adjust Hunter’s position so the baby could latch on to the bottle more easily.

  “What would I do without you?” he asked, staring down at his son.

  Clara smiled as she watched them. “You’ll never have to find out.”

  For better or worse, there was no leaving him. If they had to go back to being only friends, then they’d find a way to make it work.

  I’ll always have the memory of our one perfect night. It’s better than nothing.

  Wasn’t it?

  “I should get going,” she said, setting the coffee down.

  “Now?” he asked, glancing at the stove clock. “Where do you have to be on a Saturday morning?”

  “I thought I’d head back to my place to pick up some more clothes. There’re a few things I’m missing and a few errands I need to run. I’ll probably be gone most of the day.”

  “Hey,” he said, stepping into her path when she tried to leave the kitchen. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” she said, looking anywhere but at him.

  “Really? Then you’re not wondering where we stand? Because I sure as hell am.”

  Her gaze flew to his. “You are?”

  “I don’t make a habit with sleeping with my best friends. This is new territory for me too.”

  She bit her lower lip. “What do you think?”

  His gaze softened. “I think I’d like to have this conversation when I don’t have a hungry baby in my arms. Then I’d brush back your hair and assure you I’d love nothing more than to repeat last night.”

  She drifted closer. “I would, too.”

  His smile widened. “Then we’re on the same page.”

  “No promises, no strings.”

  “And no stopping.” He brushed a kiss over her lips. “Is that okay with you?”

  She reached up to cup his jaw. “I won’t lie and say I’m not a little nervous about this no commitment thing, but I do get it. A lot is changing right now. Hunter needs to be the priority for both of us.”


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