Butter Wouldn't Melt

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Butter Wouldn't Melt Page 15

by Penny Birch

  ‘For goodness sake, do you have no sense at all?’ he demanded. ‘I heard every word.’

  ‘There’s nobody in on the third floor,’ Maggie said hastily.

  ‘And what if young Mr Montague had been in conference with me?’ Mr Todmorden enquired. ‘Or a client, God forbid. Which is all beside the point in any case, as unless I’m greatly mistaken you threatened to take Pippa up to her office for a spanking?’

  Maggie didn’t answer, but hung her head, and she too was fidgeting with her fingers.

  ‘Don’t you have any patience?’ he went on. ‘Damn it, woman, don’t you think I’d like to do the same? Certainly I would, but I have the common sense to wait until Pippa is ready and the circumstances allow.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Maggie answered, sounding utterly pathetic.

  ‘Sorry won’t do,’ he answered. ‘What you need is a dose of what you were threatening to dish out, don’t you think?’

  The consternation on Maggie’s face was wonderful to see, and she was going to refuse when I spoke up.

  ‘I think that would be fair,’ I said, ‘and I don’t mind, as long as it’s done by a woman.’

  ‘Hardly fair in my case . . .’ Maggie began, but I cut her off.

  ‘Why not? I think you deserve it, and hard.’

  Her expression turned to outrage, but she must have caught the look in my eyes. I was taking a risk, because I had no idea what his reaction would have been to my revelations about Mr Prufrock, and it might well have ruined my plan with Clive, but Maggie fell for my bluff.

  ‘Very well,’ she said. ‘If I have to.’

  ‘Good,’ Mr Todmorden said, and put his fat hands together in what I hoped was preparation for walloping her skinny bottom while I looked on. ‘Not here, of course, but Morris has made an offer for the next party, free entry for anyone who brings a willing girl. Mr Montague will be taking Helen, of course, and I had planned to ask you, Pippa, but Morris tells me you’re coming anyway, so you will do nicely, Maggie.’

  I’d have liked to spend a moment drinking in the expression of utter horror on Maggie’s face, but I was more worried on my own behalf.

  ‘Sorry . . . Mr Todmorden. You said Morris told you I was coming?’

  ‘So Morris said,’ he replied. ‘Aren’t you?’


  ‘How peculiar. He seemed so sure.’

  ‘You should come,’ Maggie said nastily. ‘I’m sure you’d love to see me get it.’

  ‘I would, only I’d get it myself, wouldn’t I?’

  ‘Oh, you can count on that, my girl.’

  ‘Ladies, please,’ Mr Todmorden interrupted. ‘I shall call Morris and find out what is going on.’

  ‘Please tell him I’m not coming,’ I put in.

  ‘As you wish,’ he answered. ‘You may go, both of you.’

  We left, and I made a point of going downstairs, just in case Maggie had any ideas about following me up to my room. I felt annoyed, for several reasons, and frustrated too. Had she taken me upstairs I knew I’d have ended up enjoying my punishment, which was pretty humiliating in itself, while I’d also lost the chance to see her get it, which would have been immensely satisfying.

  I bought a sandwich at the shop under the bridge and went to eat it on a sort of observation platform outside Tower Hill Station, with a view over the Tower itself and the river beyond. It was only when I caught a look of astonishment from an elderly American tourist that I realised that the people passing below only had to glance upwards to see right up my skirt to my bare pussy. Pink-faced, I retreated to a nearby park where I could finish my lunch without providing a peep-show at the same time.

  With Maggie told off and facing a spanking, I wasn’t under any obligation to go back to Mr Prufrock that day, and she’d given me no other instructions. As I walked back to Montague, Montague, Todmorden and Montague I was wondering what would happen if I simply took the rest of the day off, but decided not to risk it. I went up to my room instead and had hardly sat down when the ancient black telephone attached to one wall rang, making me jump as I hadn’t even realised it was connected. Somewhat gingerly, I answered it.


  A female voice answered, her accent an odd blend of the East End and New Yorker, her tone commanding to say the least.



  ‘This is Melody Rathwell. What’s this I hear about you not coming to the party?’

  ‘I never said I was!’

  ‘Mr Mulligan seems to think you are.’

  ‘Er . . . that’s all a bit complicated, but I’m not coming.’

  ‘Then how are you supposed to work off the money you owe for my bike?’

  ‘I can do that . . . in time.’

  ‘What do you mean, in time? I’ve already paid him, and you’re going to work it off over his knee, and mine.’

  ‘No I am not! You can’t make me, Melody. Anyway, AJ says . . .’

  ‘Sod AJ, any shit from her and she goes over too, and you both know I can do it. You’ve got a straight choice, Miss Pippa. You pay for the damage, or you come to the party.’

  ‘I’ll pay for the damage, thank you.’

  ‘With what? Or are you going to run to Daddy to help you out?’

  The contempt in her voice had me blushing, but I managed an answer.

  ‘I am earning.’

  ‘I don’t want it in instalments, Pippa. I want it paid off, now.’

  ‘I can’t, not now, but I will as soon as I can.’

  ‘You pay before the party, or you come to the party.’

  ‘No. I . . .’

  She had put the phone down, leaving me trembling. There was only one thing for it, to make sure I was caught with Mr Prufrock early next week, which would allow me to solve my problems with one stroke, or at least, most of my problems. Somehow I would have to make sure the basement door remained unlocked, that or arrange some other indiscretion. Unfortunately it was not easy to see how it could be done, while I’d also have to suck Mr Prufrock’s cock to get the most out of it. The thought of Andy, Den or even Mark catching me with my skirt and knickers off and Mr Prufrock’s cock in my mouth made me feel weak and sick.

  I spent most of Friday evening at Whispers, an ordinary night out with the girls, from which I felt strangely detached. My knickers were still in Mr Prufrock’s lair, and inevitably AJ found out I was bare, so that I first had to suffer the embarrassment of having my skirt lifted so the entire bar could see, then was forced to make up a story about how I’d wet myself and had nothing to change into.

  They lapped it up, especially Jade, and I ended up being taken into the loos and made to pee in front of them, then put on my knees to lick AJ while Jade brought me off from behind. That left AJ in the best mood she’d been in all week, because she was still brooding about Morris knowing what had happened at the Pumps, and she offered to take me home on her bike. I accepted happily, and we stayed in Whispers until closing time, so that it was gone one when we finally arrived in Sonning.

  The house was dark, but then it had been dark the time Jemima had caught me too, so I found myself looking suspiciously at her window as I dismounted. AJ had taken off her helmet, and as I fastened my own to the bike she leant out to kiss me. I gave her a peck on the cheek.

  ‘That’s no way to say goodbye,’ she protested. ‘Come here.’

  ‘Better not,’ I advised. ‘Last time my sister saw, and now she keeps asking questions about spanking and stuff.’

  ‘That’s cool. She’s cute, is Jemima.’

  ‘AJ! She’s my little sister!’

  ‘Not so little she can’t make her own mind what she’s into. Bring her down to Whispers one night, why don’t you?’

  ‘She prefers boys.’

  ‘What a waste. Oh well, if I can’t do her, I’ll just have to do you in front of her.’

  She’d grabbed my wrist, and a moment later I was across the petrol tank, my skirt had been bundled up and my bottom laid bare to
the moon, then smacked, a dozen times, to leave me tingling behind and blushing as I once more glanced at Jemima’s window. AJ laughed.

  ‘There, and tell her she can have the same anytime she wants. Hey, how’d you like me to do her in front of you? That would wipe the smile off her face!’

  ‘No, AJ, please . . .’

  ‘Hey, I’m joking. Lighten up, will you.’

  She ruffled my hair and reached down for her helmet.

  ‘See you Monday night, yeah?’

  ‘See you then.’

  I went in, expecting to find a smirking Jemima in my room, but she’d been asleep all the time. She was still asleep when I got up, and stayed that way until Mum finally got fed up with her. It had been a long week, and I spent most of Saturday lazing in the garden and riding, while Jemima was off somewhere with some friends from school. Her exam results had arrived, and she’d done almost as well as me, failing to get her star in just one subject, so she was in the mood to celebrate.

  We were going to Granny’s for lunch on the Sunday, which hopefully meant I could nip across the road afterwards and swim in Penny’s pool. Jade might even be there and, even if she wasn’t, there might be interesting possibilities, just as long as I could get rid of Jemima. That didn’t seem likely, and I resigned myself to not getting my bottom warmed again until the Monday night.

  As usual, we went over quite early, and I joined in the usual family routine of helping prepare the dinner and drinking sherry in the garden. Penny was there, as I’d hoped, and managed to get me alone long enough for a kiss and a gentle squeeze of each other’s bums, which left me hoping for more. Lunch was roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, with all the trimmings, followed by apple pie and cream, leaving me feeling replete and a little sleepy, which wasn’t helped by the wine I’d drunk. With the washing-up done, Penny invited anyone who wanted to come across the road and swim, but just as I had expected, Jemima jumped at the chance.

  Watching her change I was reminded of what AJ had said. People call me skinny, but she was like a broomstick, with barely enough flesh to fill out her tiny blue bikini, either at top or bottom. Yet she was undoubtedly a woman, with a rich growth of dark brown hair over her pussy and full, puffy nipples that seemed to be permanently erect. I really had no business to try to stop her from doing as she pleased, and yet it was impossible not to feel protective.

  I spent a while sunbathing to let my lunch go down, telling myself there was a chance Jemima would get bored and go back to Granny’s so Penny and I could strip off for mutual spankings and whatever else came to mind once we were warm behind and turned on for sex. Penny didn’t seem to have read the script, messing about with Jemima in the pool until I finally gave up and jumped in myself. It was impossible not to have fun, and I was soon splashing about as enthusiastically as the others, when Penny’s bell went.

  ‘Jade?’ I asked.

  ‘She’s not coming up this weekend,’ Penny told me.

  She got out, pulled on a gown and went to the door, so that I had my back turned to Jemima just too long. I got jumped on and my head pushed under water, so that I was still grappling with her in the hope of revenge when Penny came back with her visitors, Morris and Melody Rathwell. I tried to stop playing and immediately got ducked again, leaving Morris chuckling with amusement and Melody looking smug, but I finally managed to push Jemima off and make her stop it.

  ‘Don’t mind us,’ Morris assured me, then turned to Jem. ‘You must be Pippa’s sister. I’m Morris, and this is my wife, Melody.’

  ‘Hi,’ Jemima answered enthusiastically and extended a wet hand up from the pool.

  Melody looked like a tiger with its eye on a spring lamb as she grasped Jemima’s hand, and Morris was worse. Penny had gone in to get drinks for them, and I realised what the girls had meant about her being servile to Melody.

  ‘I had a bottle of Provençal Rosé in the fridge just in case you dropped in,’ she said, ‘as I know it’s a favourite. So what brings you over?’

  ‘We were in the area,’ Morris said, obviously lying, ‘so instead of phoning we thought we’d drop in and try to persuade you to come to next Saturday’s party. You haven’t been for ages, and everybody’s been asking after you. It’ll be a good one too.’

  ‘I’m er . . . I’m not sure,’ Penny responded, trying desperately to signal the presence of Jemima with her eyes, but if they saw, they ignored her.

  ‘Oh come on, Penny,’ Melody urged, ‘we’re even letting the girls choose, and you can go first. How’s that for an offer?’

  ‘We wanted Pippa to come too,’ Morris added, ‘but she’s being a stick-in-the-mud. I’m sure you could persuade her.’

  ‘What’s the party?’ Jemima asked innocently. ‘Do I get invited?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Morris responded on the instant. ‘If you’d like to come?’

  ‘Yes, please,’ Jemima answered.

  Penny and I exchanged a terrified look. One of us had to speak up, but it was hard to know what to say.

  ‘You wouldn’t like it, Jem,’ I tried. ‘It’ll just be a load of boring old people talking about golf and mortgages. That’s why I’m not going.’

  ‘That,’ Morris said, ‘is hardly a fair description of one of my parties, but fair enough, if it’s not your thing. I suppose your sister and your auntie have told you . . .’

  ‘No, we have not!’ Penny broke in.

  ‘What?’ Jemima demanded.

  ‘Let’s just say,’ Melody replied, ‘that the reason big sister won’t come to the party is that she doesn’t want her chubby little tushie smacked, which is what she deserves for denting my bike.’

  ‘What?’ Jemima demanded. ‘Is it some sort of sex party? Do people get spanked?’

  I’d hidden my face in my hands, but Penny answered.

  ‘Yes, they do, Jemima, and it hurts, a lot. Did you have to say that, Mel?’

  ‘Why do you go then, Auntie Penny?’ Jemima asked, and Penny blushed crimson.

  ‘Because she loves it!’ Melody said when she’d got her laughter under control. ‘And so does your butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth big sister. Don’t you, girls? Nothing like a good spanky, eh?’

  Penny looked as if she was about to burst into tears, but Morris was chuckling, and raised a calming hand.

  ‘Relax,’ he advised, ‘what red-blooded girl doesn’t enjoy her bottom warmed from time to time? It’s nothing to be ashamed of, is it? Come along, if you like, Jemima . . .’

  ‘I warn you, Jem, don’t,’ I broke in. ‘It’s nothing but a load of dirty old men, and they won’t just smack you gently on your clothes. They expect to take your knickers down, and they expect to have a good feel too, and afterwards, the girls get taken upstairs.’

  I was looking daggers at the Rathwells as I spoke, and Jemima had finally begun to look uneasy when Morris spoke up again.

  ‘There’s a stop word, Jemima, which is ‘‘red’’. Just say ‘‘red’’ and whatever’s happening will come to a stop right then. If you just want a time out, or to slow down a little, say ‘‘amber’’, and don’t worry, Mel will look after you.’

  ‘I will,’ Melody promised.

  ‘Yes,’ Penny cut in, ‘you’d be the first in the queue to spank her! Come on you two, leave Jemima alone. Can’t you see she’s scared?’

  ‘I am not!’ Jemima retorted. ‘I’d quite like to go, actually . . .’

  ‘Oh no you would not!’ I cut her off.

  ‘Why not?’ she demanded. ‘Maybe I’d like my bottom smacked. You do.’

  ‘Not by a load of dirty old men! Look, Jemima, maybe I’ll take you to Whispers sometime, and you can see what it’s like, or even . . . I don’t know, maybe I’ll let my friend Jade . . .’

  ‘Is she the fat one with the enormous tits?’

  ‘I’ll tell her that!’ Melody laughed. ‘Then you’ll definitely get it!’

  ‘I’d rather a man,’ Jemima said. ‘Would you like to spank me, Mr Rathwell?’

  Morris had a reputa
tion for staying calm and in control, but at that moment I thought he was going to have an apoplexy. Jemima knew exactly what she was doing as well, smiling sweetly and making her eyes big as she waited for an answer. Melody looked intrigued, and Penny horrified, but her nipples had gone stiff under her bikini top and I couldn’t really blame her. That didn’t mean I’d given in.

  ‘You’re not going, Jemima, and that’s final. I’ll tell Mum.’

  ‘Will you?’ she answered, mockingly. ‘I’m sure Mum would love to know exactly what you get up to with AJ.’

  ‘I think your mother has already guessed, Pippa,’ Penny put in, ‘but she’s right, Jemima.’

  ‘Frankly,’ Morris stated, ‘I think it’s Jemima’s decision. Here’s my card, Jemima. If you’d like to come, give me a ring. I’ll even send the Rolls for you.’

  He extended his hand, holding out a laminated business card, but I snatched it before Jemima could take hold. She snatched back and I dodged, losing my grip on the edge of the pool and going under. Jemima grappled for my arm and I jerked myself away, the card still in my hand as I took a stroke towards the far side. She came after me, her fingers plucking at my skin, and at my bikini pants. Before I could stop her they were down, with my bare bum sticking up out of the water and, as I grabbed for them, she let go. I was red-faced and furious as I rounded on her, to find her holding the card up out of the water in triumph.

  ‘You little . . .,’ I began, only to break off as I realised that even Penny was trying not to laugh.

  ‘Beautiful!’ Morris declared. ‘And at long last I get to see Pippa’s bum. Thank you, Jemima, and if you two ever fancy putting on a little strip wrestling show . . .’

  ‘Shut up, Morris!’ I snapped. ‘She’s not going.’

  ‘Oh yes I am,’ Jemima answered.

  ‘I think she is,’ Morris agreed.

  I looked from Jemima to Morris. Jemima had her stubborn look on and I realised I had lost.

  ‘OK,’ I sighed, ‘but if she’s going, so am I.’

  ‘In that case I’d better come too, I suppose,’ Penny added.

  ‘Excellent!’ Morris declared, smacking his hands together. ‘I think this might be one of our best, Mel, perhaps the very best.’


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