Lover Wanted: A Billionaire Boss Romance

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Lover Wanted: A Billionaire Boss Romance Page 9

by Rylee Swann

“Are you really serious, Jenn?” I ask, starting to think what might happen if I brought in my own customer or client or whatever you call it.

  “Yes, fuck, yes, call him, Pond. Call him right now!” she urges.

  Before I know it, I have the cell phone Michael gave me in my hand, and I’m pressing the combination that will automatically dial his number. Jenn is watching me eagerly, and my heart is beating a million times a minute.

  This is crazy but… shit, I really am an exhibitionist. I’m excited.

  Michael answers on the first ring, and I have no further time to debate the sense of this at all.

  “I told you not to call me,” he says in his throaty growl that makes me quiver.

  “Yeah, I know,” I say nervously. “But I found us a client. Does that mean I get all the money?” I blurt out.

  “You’re bringing in a voyeur?” Michael asks, disbelief in his voice.

  “Yes,” I confirm. “This isn’t a joke, really. Do I get the money?”

  Why am I harping on that?

  What is wrong with me?

  “How did you find him?”

  “Not him. Her. She’s my friend. I told her about what I’m doing, and she wants to watch.”

  “Her.” He pauses, and I look up at Jenn. She’s got this big dumb grin on her face, and it makes me laugh. “Is she a lesbian?”

  “What? No!”

  Jenn is nearly sitting in my lap in an effort to hear both sides of the conversation. “What’d he say?”

  “He asked if you’re a lesbian,” I tell her and we both break into loud peals of laughter.

  “Kim? Kim!” I realize Michael is trying to get my attention.

  “Yes, sorry,” I say, stifling a laugh.

  “She’s with you now? Where are you?”

  “Yes, we’re at Minnesota’s in Long Beach.”

  “I see. Alright. Give me two hours, then meet me at the Long Beach Hotel. And Kim. No more drinking. Do not be any drunker than you are now. Understand?”

  “What? You afraid I’ll throw up or something?”

  “It’s happened.”

  “Ewww! Okay, okay, I won’t be drunk, promise. See you in two hours.”

  I hang up the phone, and Jenn and I squeal at each other like school girls before ordering another drink.


  I can hold my liquor.


  We beat Michael to the hotel by fifteen minutes. He texted me the room number, so that’s where we wait.

  I’ve lived in Long Beach on and off for years but have never been in the Long Beach Hotel until tonight. It’s nice, fancier than I expected, and the staff is friendly. They treat us like regular guests as we check in. Obviously, they don’t know why we’re really here. I can’t help wondering if that would make a difference to them and almost ask.

  One too many Long Island Iced Teas has probably loosened my tongue a little too much.

  Jenn and I dash up the stairs and stumble into the room after a couple of misguided tries with the card key.

  I fling myself onto the bed while Jenn peeks into the bathroom and closet.

  “You gonna steal the amenities?” I call to her from where I luxuriate.

  She laughs. “Maybe. If the show isn’t good enough, I have to have something to show for it.”

  I harrumph at her. “Oh, the show’ll be good enough. Jeesh!”

  As we burst into uncontained laughter, the door opens, and Michael steps into the room, looking every bit as drop dead gorgeous as I remember. His expression is hooded, predatory, and he stalks through the room like a panther after his prey.

  Jenn gawks, which causes me to smile in an “I told you so” sort of way.

  He stops in front of her and smiles. It’s his practiced smile; the one that is certain to cause fluttering heart beats in every warm-blooded female, and Jenn is no exception. I see the blood rise to her cheeks. It’s nice to see a little color in her Goth-pale skin.

  “You’re Jennifer, I presume?” Michael says and waits for her to nod. “Good. If you would join me in the hallway for a moment, please?” She nods again, and he leads her out, his hand lightly guiding her at the small of her back.

  Over his shoulder, he says, “Get undressed. We’ll only be a moment.”

  I sit up to do as bid as Jenn’s girly giggling follows her from the room.

  I wonder briefly what he’s telling her, but I don’t dwell on it. She’ll tell me later anyway. I’m about to get another fucking of a lifetime. In front of my friend. And I didn’t even know I had any friends.

  This is going to be fun!

  I’m about to see how a female reacts to us having sex. This is an exciting change of pace. As if any of this has grown boring yet.

  The door reopens, and I turn to them with nothing but a smile on my face. Jenn stares, and I grow a little uncomfortable until I see her mouth, Damn, girl, you’re hot.

  I relax, my smile widens, and I throw back my shoulders to accentuate my breasts. Then I look to Michael, my great big alpha male to start the action.

  “Kim, you’re gorgeous, as ever,” he purrs, crushing me into his embrace. Over his shoulder, I wink at Jenn, who smiles, winks back, then settles herself into a chair to watch.

  His lips find mine, and I’m rendered breathless as his tongue savagely attacks my mouth. I open fully to his onslaught and hear as well as feel a rumbling approval from him. I’m fully aroused, my rock-hard nipples pressing against the material of his shirt, and I fumble with the buttons to help him out of it.

  He stops me, grabbing my fluttering hands, and holds them behind my back in one of his. He tangles his other in my hair and yanks down hard, forcing my head back and exposing my throat to him. His kiss deepens, and strangled whimpers rise in my throat but can find no release. I’m at his mercy, his raw masculinity surrounding me, his heady ocean scent invading and penetrating my senses. I’m already starting to forget what my name is again.

  With no warning, he releases me, then takes my hand and slowly spins me around in a circle. It’s for Jenn’s benefit. I play my part and arch my back so my breasts are even more on display. Then I’m pressed against his firm chest again, and his hand is crashing down hard on my ass. I cry out in surprised pain, and he does it again.

  I glance at Jenn and see that her hands are covering her mouth, her eyes wide and shiny. She doesn’t look at all worried. I think she might be turned on.

  I come back to myself as Michael slaps my ass a third time then pinches roughly, crushing me against his blossoming hard on. My tingling ass and the promise of his cock send shivers of delight through me. I almost don’t want another second of foreplay; I just want him inside me, fucking me, while Jenn watches.

  Fuck, this is hot!

  “Michael, please, fuck me,” I say in a low, needful whisper, and to my dismay, he steps back, releasing me entirely.

  I stand there, cool air rushing against my body where the heat of Michael’s had been a second ago, and I feel empty. I reach my arms out to him, but he shakes his head.

  “Ever the impatient one, Kim. I’m not going to fuck you now.” He moves to the bed and arranges the generous helping of pillows against the headboard. “Get on the bed and spread your legs. Put your knees up, your feet flat on the mattress.”

  I get into the position he’s explained and see that I’m propped up to face Jenn. She now has a healthy view of my pussy. This is embarrassing, and I start to giggle with uncertainty, but Michael is on me in a flash, stifling the sound with his lips. I sink into him, and the giggles transform into a moan.

  “Good girl,” he says, breaking the kiss. “Are you wet?”

  “I’m always wet for you,” I say, and he nods, a devilish smile playing at his lips.

  “Good. Play with yourself. Let me see you come for me.”

  As if my hands have a life of their own, they rush down between my legs and find the spot that is screaming for attention. I start to work myself into a frenzy, but Michael stops me, pullin
g my hands away. I moan, and he chuckles.

  “What must I do to curb this impatient streak out of you?” He sits so that he doesn’t block Jenn’s view and releases my hands as he firmly grasps one of my breasts in his. “Play with yourself. Don’t rush. Make it last,” he says as he rubs a rough, calloused thumb across my nipple in a circular motion that drives me wild. “Bring yourself to the edge then step back. Tease yourself.” He nudges my knees further apart and rasps against my ear, “Go on.”

  I see Jenn sit forward in her chair, her chest heaving, her hands still covering her mouth. She’s watching with eager anticipation, and my showmanship ratchets up a notch. This is for her as much as it’s for Michael. In fact, more so for her; she’s the one paying for the show. She’s certainly not one of the typical loser assholes that he finds for us.

  With slow, deliberate movements, I work my hands down my thighs, my fingers just dancing on the surface of my skin, making me take in a long, shuddering breath. I rock my head back and close my eyes, but Michael’s sweet breath on my ear causes them to open again. “No, Kim, watch the watcher. Enjoy.”

  I smile and spread my pussy lips open wide. I can just imagine the juices slick and glistening as the air hits my pussy, sending a quiver throughout my body. It’s delicious. “That’s it, Kim,” Michael breathes into my ear before taking my earlobe into his mouth and biting down. He follows with a harsh pinch to my nipple, and I arch my back, crying out.

  Jenn gasps, her breathing ragged, and I look at her, our eyes locking. Her hands are grasping the arms of the chair now, and she licks her lips suggestively. I don’t think she even knows she’s doing it, but it sets a blaze in my pussy, and I start stroking it lightly with a finger. It feels so fucking good, I want to plunge my fingers into myself, but I force myself to have patience and settle for exploring my engorged folds.

  I keep my eyes on Jenn as my finger moves up and down, lightly teasing, but she’s torn her eyes from mine, and they’re now glued to every movement my hand is making. I rock my hips, my finger just starting to tap at my clit.

  Michael bites down on my earlobe, his fingers twisting my nipple. I keen. Not from the pain, but from the torture of not being able to touch myself the way I want. I want to pinch my clit, that sweet little bud that gives me so much pleasure, but I wait, and instead tease myself, biting my lip as my hips rock.

  Jenn’s skin is flushed, her nostrils flaring, her hands gripping the arms of the chair with an intensity that turns her knuckles white.

  Does she want me?

  Fuck, I want to ask her.

  Instead, I ravish my pussy with one quick pawing grab, my fingers coming away sticky and wet. I hold it out to her, and she instinctively leans forward like she wants to taste me.

  And I want her to.

  But this is a show, and she’s not a participant, so I slowly withdraw my outstretched hand and return it to my throbbing sex. Michael rumbles approval deep in his throat and lowers his head to my breast, taking the hardened bud into his hot mouth. I hear the sound of a zipper being pulled down as Michael sucks and teases and plays with me. I’m electrified by the thought of his cock being given freedom, and my finger swirls in ever increasing intensity on my clit.

  Jenn is sweating now, her tongue sneaking out to moisten her lips. I’m transfixed and move my fingers in rhythm with her tongue as it flows over her lips. I’m moaning now. Jenn is too, and I can’t take another second.

  “I’ve got to come, please,” I beg and feel Michael nod, the movement tearing at my sensitive flesh.

  Jenn’s hands come up to touch her nipples over the thin fabric of her shirt as Michael bites down hard on mine. I scream and arch my back, pinching my clit hard as I thrust the fingers of my other hand into myself. I can’t breathe, see, hear as my body goes rigid, every nerve ending screaming with unending sensation.

  I’m at the very peak of my orgasm when Michael straddles me, roughly throwing my hands out of the way before spearing me in one hard thrust. I’m being split apart and I wail as he plunges into me over and over, stretching me, filling me, as my walls contract around him.

  I’m coming again, or I’m still coming, I have no idea which and it doesn’t matter. Jenn’s fingers are pinching her nipples as she watches, and one hand trails down between her legs. She squirms and gasps under her own touch, her eyes never leaving us.

  She’s gorgeous, fucking gorgeous and I raise my hips to meet Michael’s thundering thrusts as he hits my g-spot over and over again. I haven’t just stepped off the edge, I’m fucking flying and Jenn’s eyes land on mine, and we stare into each other’s depths as we come.

  The three of us.


  I’m thrown deep into the mattress as Michael strains over me, releasing his seed as aftershocks swell and billow over me, and Jenn’s gasping cries mingle with ours.

  “My god,” he expels against my ear and glances at Jenn to view her in her afterglow. She’s pushed back into her chair, her fingers dancing patterns over her breasts and nipples as she revels in her release.

  I’m shattered and just lay there, and Michael, who’s usually quick to rise, lies beside me, his chest heaving. I kiss his brow and taste the salt of his sweat.

  I don’t know how long the three of us wallow in our exhilaration, but eventually, Michael rises, and swipes a playful tongue across my lips before standing. With the loss of his warmth, my bare skin is assaulted by cool air pebbling my flesh, and I shiver.

  I look at Jenn, and she’s speechless. I laugh, and she slowly joins in while Michael disposes of his condom and adjusts himself back into his pants. He gathers my clothes and places them beside me on the bed, sticking some bills into the pocket of my shorts. He pats my leg before moving to Jenn.

  He holds out a hand to her and helps her to her feet. “I’ll see you out?” She nods but looks at me, hesitating. “I’m sure the two of you will have plenty to talk about tomorrow. I’ll see you out now?” She nods more firmly this time, and he leads her to the door. Before he steps out into the hallway, he looks back at me, his mouth opening, closing, then opening again. Finally, he says, “I’ll call you,” as he shuts the door, leaving me alone.

  That’s not what he wanted to say. I just know it. I could see it in his eyes.


  I hesitate before sending Jenn a Facebook message.

  What does she think of me?

  I’m so embarrassed!

  Okay, Kim, I tell myself. Just do this. Get it over with.

  Me: Jenn, do you hate me?

  I wait for a few minutes, but there’s no reply.

  I sigh. No reply doesn’t mean anything. She might not even be at a computer or her cell phone or whatever she uses to get to the Internet.

  That’s when my phone rings. Not the cell phone Michael gave me; my home phone. The landline. Another heavy sigh escapes me. I’m not in the mood for another job rejection, and I’m tempted to let the machine take it. But in the end, I give in.


  “I couldn’t resist finding out if you got home safely.” The voice is deep and oddly familiar.

  “Umm… who is this?”

  “Oh, Kim, you wound me straight to the heart.” I chew my bottom lip, feeling a little freaked out now, and the man laughs. “It’s Scott. We met at the diner in Brooklyn the other day. Remember?”

  “Oh, hi. Of course I remember.” I slap a hand to my forehead. He actually called me!

  “I’m happy to hear your voice. I was concerned about you.”

  I’m taken aback as I remember how breathtakingly beautiful this guy is. “I told you I was okay to drive. But… umm… thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. Hey, would you like to get together for a drink sometime or, maybe, dinner? Tomorrow night? If you’re available?”

  I nearly drop the phone. Adonis is asking me out on a date? I’m dumbfounded, and even more so when I hear what my mouth says next. “Dinner tomorrow sounds great, Scott. I’d love to.”

  Who am I?

  What is happening?

  Let me think. My head is spinning. Let’s see. I’m a blossoming exhibitionist who gets paid to let people watch me have sex. With a glorious godlike man, no less. I’m coming into my own, maybe. I’m more confident, maybe. In fact, maybe I even deserve this sudden wealth of riches.

  Yes, I do deserve this. Haven’t I had enough of the bad? It’s time for a little, or even a lot, of good to come my way. I have to start enjoying this.

  “That’s great. I’ll pick you up at seven, okay?”

  I hear real excitement in his voice, and it makes me smile. He asks for my address, and I give it to him. “See you tomorrow at seven.”

  As I disconnect the call, my laptop pings. I have a Facebook message! I start to scurry over and then Michael’s cell phone rings.

  Ah, too much is going on all at once. I don’t have a second to process anything. I stop my scurrying to the computer and dash off in the other direction to retrieve the cell phone.

  “Hello.” Why am I always a little breathless when I answer his call?

  “I have a surprise for you. You’re going to love this one,” Michael says in that dark, roguish voice of his and my knees weaken.

  I fall back onto the couch and try to catch my breath. “A surprise?”

  “Yes,” he chuckles. Does he know what he does to me? “I have a beach scene lined up for us. Out in the open. Some loser wants to watch you giving me head.”

  “Umm… really?” I’m a dork. Why can’t I banter with Michael? “Uh, wait. Out in the open? Won’t we get arrested or something?”

  “Kim, do you have a history of questioning your employers? I know what I’m doing. Do not question me. Meet me at the entrance to the boardwalk in Long Beach corner of West Broadway and Magnolia Boulevard. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yeah… yes, of course.” The reprimand stings so I say nothing further.

  “Good. I’ll see you there at three p.m. today. Wear something that I can pull your tits out of easily. You’ll be dressed, but we’re putting on a show. Understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.” A delicious chill tickles my spine. If there was any remaining doubt, it’s gone now. I’m an exhibitionist.


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