Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series Page 11

by Reese Madison

  “Drake? What do you want from these sessions?”

  “Two things. I want to stop seeing what I’ve seen when I close my eyes, and I want to make sure I don’t snap again.”

  “Do you think you’ll snap again?”

  “If someone touches my Cherry again, yes.”

  “Perfect. That’s where we’re going to start, but not today. You’ve given me a good bit to work with. Let’s call this session closed and enjoy the rest of our lunch.” She nodded for me to go back to my sandwich.

  I picked up my plate just as someone rang the doorbell. It scared the shit out of me making me jump and almost drop my plate.

  Drake put his hand on my arm when I started to get up, “Sit.”

  Celeste raised an eyebrow at his command.

  I rolled my eyes, “Don’t read too much into that. If you weren’t here I’d bark and pant like a dog before laughing at him.”

  “I see it all the time. I was looking for your reaction.”

  “Don’t tell him, but I think it’s cute.” I cringed as he appeared behind Celeste with Goat in tow.

  Goat grabbed the other half of Celeste’s sandwich and took a big bite before putting it back on her plate. When he was done with the wad of food in his big mouth he told us why he was here.

  “Sorry C, I haven’t eaten all day. Sherry, we have a serious problem that involves your kids. I need you to come with me back to the club.”

  I stood almost dropping my plate again, “Are they okay?”

  “They’re fine, and they’ll remain fine. It’s where they’ll remain that’s the question. I need you to come with me.”

  “I’m coming.” I insisted and dove for my purse and shoes.

  Drake caught my arm at the door, “Me too. We’ll take the truck and be right behind you Goat.”

  “Fine with me.” He pointed to my leftover half a sandwich, “You gonna eat this?”

  “No! Let’s go!!” I’m digging around in my purse for the truck keys and heading towards the garage. That’s when I remembered Celeste and turned around, “I’m sorry. We need to go.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll lock up on my way out.”


  “There’s a spare key to the front door hanging in the kitchen Celeste.” Drake told her.

  “Even better. Call me if you need me, I’ll be doing my show in an hour, but if you tell Eddy who you are he’ll get me. Okay?”

  “Thanks.” I managed on my way through the door. I’m a mother on a mission to save her babies. Move, or be run over. The garage door barely made it open before I was backing out into the driveway.


  “This is the video we received shortly after you two left this morning.” Gunner hit Play on the tablet and turned it to me.

  Daniel and my girls looked back at me, “Rebecca, say goodbye to your mother.”

  I almost threw up.

  “It’s okay Mommy, he’s just sending me away to a boarding school. I’ll find you in a few years.” Rebecca is trying to be strong, but it’s fading fast.

  “Here’s the deal Michelle.” Daniel shoved Rebecca from view making me close my eyes for a second. Then he propped a tense Ashley onto his lap. “We’re going to make a little trade. Your new boyfriend, for your youngest daughter.”

  I covered my mouth hoping to God I don’t puke on the alter. The alter is the nickname for the table, since the guys refer to their meetings as going to church, the table is the alter.

  “If you don’t turn over the boyfriend to me by noon tomorrow, I take Ashley with me when I leave the country. You see, your new boyfriend has brought attention to my business dealings by people who think they can put me in prison for the rest of my life.

  “That’s not going to happen. You’re going to give me the boyfriend, or I use our youngest daughter as a hostage to get the fuck out of here. Decide by noon tomorrow. If you come alone, you will leave alone.” The screen went blank.

  I grabbed the table trying to focus.

  “We’ll do the trade.” Drake decided. “I can handle him.”

  “No. You can’t. No trade. I go alone, and I’ll leave with him.” I know all too well there’s only one way to put an end to this. I have to offer myself back up to Daniel. He has to win. That’s what he wants more than anything. To win, and to see me suffer. Daniel won’t think twice about killing Drake. He’ll probably do it in front of me during the trade.

  “The fuck you will.” Drake argued. “Joe, let’s roll. I want to be in San Diego well before this exchange goes down.”

  “Ready when you are.”

  Slider slid what looked like a lipstick case at me. “Salina will explain what to do with that.” He looked at me a little too long. Slider is telling me to go with Daniel. “Everyone clear the room and get this cavalry ready to roll. I want a word with Sherry alone.”

  Drake put his hands on my shoulders. “I’m not leaving.”

  Slider looked up, “You are leaving. Don’t fuck with me Drake. I have four men right outside that door that can take you down in your injured state. Get out.” Slider is pissed. Gave me goose bumps.

  “Yes sir.” Drake kissed the top of my head. I felt his presence leave the room.

  When the door clicked shut Slider said simply, “Here’s the simple truth Sherry. You’re Drake’s old lady, he’s my brother, and a member. I don’t think I need to tell you what he means to this club and my family.”

  “I’ll go.”

  “Shut up. I’m not done yet. You’re going to give yourself over to your ex so Drake can help Joe find and get you home safely. Normally I would let Drake take your place, but you are of no use to me on this end. I need capable men to take this fucker down, not sniveling women distracting us from what we need to do. Your ex-husband is dangerous and insane. I want you to try to get Ashley to go to Drake when you offer yourself in place of my brother during the exchange.”

  “Drake will never go for that.”

  “Which is why we’re talking about this in private. I need to know one thing first. Do you think Mr. Moore will try to kill you, or hurt you?”

  “He’s going to hurt me, yes. I think I can talk him into leaving Ashley out of it. I might even be able to talk him into letting her go in exchange for me instead of Drake with some information I have.”

  Slider nodded, “He doesn’t want you, or that would have been his offer. He wants leverage with the club so he can use our sources to stay off the FBI’s radar. Ashley makes a good pawn because she’s a kid. Drake, because he’s a Colson. You alone won’t be enough to warrant the kind of help he needs to get out of this mess.”

  “Gee thanks.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you Sherry. You are expendable, they are not.” He pointed to the tube thing. “That goes up your twat. It’s a very sharp knife, so be careful when you go to dislodge it from its case. I’m going to do my best to help you, but I had to be honest with you first in order to do so. Do we understand each other?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good. Let’s get out of here. I’m going to do everything in my power to bring you home safely.” He opened the door for me.

  I tucked the knife in my front jeans pocket and looked up at him before going back out into the bar, “Thank you.”

  He didn’t reply. Maybe it was because someone came up and told him something in his ear. Maybe he didn’t want to be thanked. I’ll never know.

  Drake pulled me by the arm through the bar and off to the side where we can’t be heard. “What did he say?”

  “He said go home and pack. I need to get a few things from the house before we go.” I dug the truck keys from my purse and started walking to the truck.

  “Don’t you dare withhold information from me.” He grabbed my arm and spun me back to face him. The dark devil is back, not that I blame him.

  “We’ll talk on the way. We need to get moving.”

  He softened his expression and his grip, “I’m sorry.”

For what?”

  “I grabbed you too hard. Come on, let’s get out of here. Tell me what Slider said.” He took the keys and walked me to the passenger door. “Well?” He asked again pulling out of the club’s parking lot.

  “He was schooling me on what to do, and what not to do. Told me to do what I was told and things would be okay.”

  “You fucking suck at lying to me.” He almost bent the steering wheel.

  “I know. Please stop asking me to.” I leaned over and took his phone from its holster.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking in with Rebecca on her Facebook page. If there’s anything she wants me to know that she couldn’t say on the video, it’ll be here.”

  “If he hurts one hair on their heads I’ll hunt him down and kill him so slowly-


  “Cherry.” He shot back. “Slider told you to go with Daniel, didn’t he?”

  I’m reading Rebecca’s last private message to me. “Shit. He won’t tell her what school she’s going to be sent to. Oh great, if she tries to contact me he’s going to come after Ashley. He wants to separate my girls. Oh God. Drake?”

  He reached over and took my hand. “It’s okay babe. I’m in the child rescuing business, and I dabble in kicking kiss. In case you haven’t noticed, you have that army you told Celeste you needed to get these girls. You’re not alone in this fight anymore my love. Got it?”

  I kicked the door panel of the truck. “Fuck!!”

  “Kick it again, it’s not broken.”

  I did, and broke it. “THERE!! Happy??” I’m mad as hell and ready to rip this truck apart.

  “It’s a start. Tear it up babe. I was going to buy you one a little more your size anyway.”

  “You’re going to buy me a minivan or a headstone when this is over.”

  “Cherry.” She scolded harshly.

  “Don’t start.” I know I’m being a bitch, but right now, I think I’m entitled.

  We packed our bags quickly and locked up before hauling ass back to the club to pick up a posse of six riders, three in front, and three in the back. I have to admit I feel like I have a sort of shield around me.

  “Slider’s pissed at me, but he’s fighting for me. I don’t get it.” I told Drake.

  “Slider considers everything west of the Mississippi his territory. He might be pissed, but it’s not at you. He’s very protective of his club and family, and since you’re my old lady, you’re family. Although telling you to go with Daniel in my place was out of character.” Drake figured it out pretty quickly. My lies were weak and therefore told him all he needed to know.

  “It makes more sense for two reasons. If he decides to keep Ashley, I should be with her. Number two, if he takes you, and leaves me and Ashley, then Slider is one man short for when it comes to finding Daniel. I’m no use to him, you are.”

  “That’s not acceptable. I’m going, not you. I can look after Ashley if Daniel won’t let her go like he says he will, and find a way out from the inside.”

  “No Drake. You can’t. He’ll kill you. You’re nothing to him. I still have a card to play that will keep both me and Ashley alive.”

  “What card? Does Slider know this?”

  “I don’t know if he knows or not, but I hid something from Daniel he doesn’t know I have. I hid it for leverage in case something like this happened. I always knew he was going to flip out one day and come after me. I told you that.”

  He squeezed my hand. “I know you did. What’s the card?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry. This is a card only I can play.”

  “I don’t understand. Is it a diamond? Information? Money? What?”

  “No. Something much more valuable. Something he doesn’t even know he wants.” This is one card I was hoping never to play. With any luck my son is grown enough to be immune to his father’s teachings.

  Daniel went to Greece for a year shortly after raping me when Rebecca was only a few weeks old. Normally I could see his attacks coming and prepare by staying clear of him, but I wasn’t expecting him to come after me so shortly after giving birth.

  I managed to hide the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption before he got back. It was the worst year of my life.

  I know where my son is, but nobody else does. Hiding my anguish was harder than hiding my son. At least I was at peace with my decision to give him up knowing in the hands of Daniel and his family, my son would end up just like them. Like him.

  “Cherry?” Drake’s concerned voice brought me back to the here and now.

  I blinked trying to focus and took a deep breath. “I need a joint.”

  He lifted his arm and put the console down. “You’ll have to roll one. I have a medical card for it, but I’m not supposed to smoke and drive, so we’re stuck with papers.”

  “No problem. I’m really sorry about this. If you hate me-

  “Don’t you dare go there Cherry. I could never hate you. I love you. Come over here and kiss me before you roll us a fat one.”

  I unfastened my seatbelt and leaned over to kiss his neck, cheek, and lips. “I love you.”

  “You better.” He teased running his thumb over my cheek before I sat back all the way. “I love you.”

  “This is the longest drive ever.” I complained.

  “I know babe.”

  “I won’t let Daniel take you. He’ll kill you just to spite me.”

  “You’re not going with that asshole. You’re going to get your daughters and leave with the club. I’ll take care of Daniel.”

  “Rebecca may not be with him. Daniel is smart. He’ll have her somewhere else. Probably on a flight to Beijing for all I know.”

  “I’m not letting you go with him Cherry.”

  “It’s not your decision to make. Besides, I have my orders from your brother.”

  “He’s wrong, and it’s not his call. You’re my wife now, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that muther fucker take off with you!!” He slammed his left arm against the door hard enough the whole truck shook.

  “Hitting your truck won’t help.”

  “Your truck. Our truck. Whatever. Fuck.” He held his right hand out palm up for me to take. “Sorry babe. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It takes a lot more than that to scare me. There’s just no sense in hurting yourself further.” His phone chimed.

  “That’s mine, can you read it to me?”

  I picked up the blinking device and read from Salina, “SDMC wants you there first. Follow the leader, he knows.”

  “What does that mean?” I have an idea, but I want to make sure.

  “It means we’re going to the San Diego clubhouse first, and to follow Joe, he knows where it is.” He took a deep breath.

  My phone started ringing so I answered the unknown call. “Hello?”

  “I assume you’re on your way?” Daniel’s voice made me cringe.

  “You assume correctly.” I confirmed putting him on speaker and shushing Drake.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do Michelle?” He sounds like he’s talking down to a child.

  “She’s going to take Ashley and go home. You and I are going to spend some quality time together.” Drake informed him.

  “I look forward to killing you slowly Mr. Colson.”

  “Why?? Why are you doing this to me Daniel?? Aren’t you bored with torturing me yet? When does this get old for you?!”

  His evil laugh made me sick, “You know the rules you little slut. You broke them, and now you’ll pay. Rebecca is already gone for boarding school, and Ashley is not here at the house, so don’t bother planning some kind of raid. When you arrive only the two of you will be joining us for the exchange.”

  “I’ll go with you if you give Ashley to Drake.” I offered.

  “The fuck you will.” Drake argued.

  “I’ll think about it.” Daniel hung up.

  Drake pulled over on the side of the road and got out to throw his f
ists against the truck. I sat inside and waited out his tantrum. Part of me wants to join him. I knew my time with Drake was too good to last. I wish we’d made love first. I could have died with that in my head and been okay.

  I watched as the guys talked Drake down carefully. A cop pulled over to make sure everything was okay. I assume they made up something good because he left within a few minutes of checking everyone’s license. He finally left me alone after I assured him I was fine three or four times.

  Once back on the road Drake gave me the silent treatment, not that I had anything to say either. Stopping in Yuma for gas helped to give me an excuse to break the silence.

  While he held the nozzle in the gas tank I walked right up to him, wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed my ear to stomach. He’s too tall for me quite reach his chest with my ear.

  He wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. “It’s going to be okay babe. We’ll figure it out.”

  I didn’t bother telling him it was already figured out. I just hugged him as hard as I could and went to the bathroom. While I was in there I thought about ditching the guys and calling Daniel from Tucson to just come get me. I think I can pull it off if I can make it to another gas station and hitch a ride.

  Just the thought must have been enough to set off his alarm bells because the door bust open and he looked right at me. “Don’t even think about it.” He saw the phone in my hand from where I’d contemplated calling my ex.

  I tossed him the phone. “Don’t worry, I changed my mind.”

  “I can’t believe you considered it to begin with.” He grabbed my arm and hauled me outside to the truck. “Do you have any idea how stupid that would have been? It would have made finding you a lot more difficult than if… dammit woman!!” He slammed his palms on the truck creating a cage around me with his body.

  “Calm down before someone thinks you’re beating me up.”


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