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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

Page 24

by Kenneth Mullinix

Mr. Beamer and the other Ancients called another meeting. All were to meet once again in Mr. Beamer's barn.

  Mr. Beamer spent the remainder of the day and the next night in solitude, up in his attic with his mind searching for answers. Repeatedly he rummaged around his library of ancient writings. He tried time after time to open, and read the Good Book of Honorius, but it just would not release its wisdom to him. He tried every assortment of incantations, spells, and magic on the book but nothing apparently worked.

  The, book simply, would not cooperate.

  Did Louis play a bigger part in all of this than even Mr. Beamer knew?


  The next day broke with a gentle warm breeze blowing in, from the south. It had been a comfortable early summer with temperatures staying peaceable and mild. Only a few early summers, rain clouds, and lightning storms had rolled through town in the last few weeks. The nights were still a little cool but no one was overly concerned with the weather, as otherworldly storm clouds gathered in everyone's thoughts.

  Fear gripped the very heart, of Centerville.


  "Louis I'm glad to see you out and about once again. You must be feeling better," asked Mrs. Beamer in an inquiring tone "and hi Muncy, you sure look happy".

  A drooling Muncy smiled.

  "I'm feeling much better Mrs. Beamer," said Louis.

  "Did you get any sleep at all last night?"

  "Yeah I did, but I had some more of those wild dreams that I've been having lately."

  "Those dreams will most likely continue for some time, until all of this is over with. I will let Thomas know that you're up early this morning. He definitely wants to talk with you as soon as possible."

  "I'll be down in your barn this morning, Mrs. Beamer. I just feel like visiting Charlie's old stall for a while. I just feel like I need to be alone for a bit. Can you ask Mr. Beamer to come down to the barn in about twenty minutes or so?"

  "Sure Louis. He's been waiting all morning to talk with you, and thanks for bringing in some firewood for me, we were running low."

  "You're welcome Mrs. Beamer again I'll be in your barn, the rest of the morning."

  "I'll make sure to send Thomas down when I find him."

  Louis with Muncy trailing along headed for Mr. Beamer's menagerie, called his barn. After a few good tugs at the oversized barn doors and large brass door bolt, Louis made his way inside. Muncy found a comfortable place to lay on a large hay-bail.

  Louis just could not withdraw his chattering mind. He walked back and forth about the barn, deep in thought.

  Old Harriot the Milking cow was taking a mid-morning nap, as were most of the other animals. The Henderson family of chickens could not be found anywhere, and were most likely sunning themselves out back.

  Louis with a now deliberate pace, headed towards Charlie's old stall. With head hung low and lost in worry, Louis bent down and picked up a piece of hay, placing it in between his lips. Turning his baseball cap backwards and pulling up his coveralls, Louis muttered under his breath, "Man, what have I done? I can't believe I've got Molly and Chug in trouble...big trouble. Oh this is so terrible."

  "Well maybe if you would have consulted me first, this could have all been avoided," said a strange yet familiar voice that rang forth from the dark shadows at the back of Charlie's stall.

  "Who's there...?"

  Louis spun about, trying to locate the voice.

  "Next time you go off, and try to save the world; I'm going with you" said the peculiar yet recognizable voice".

  "Ah...ah?oh no?Mr. Beamer! Mr. Beamer...!"

  "Oh stop panicking Louis. It's just your Charlie!"

  Charlie slowly emerged from the very rear of his stall; fluttering his broad white wings; he whined loudly.


  Louis jumped backwards, in dismay.

  He did not recognize Charlie, his best friend.


  As Charlie flapped his magnificent white wings, bits of hay circled about the barn in an eager fashion, covering Louis from head-to-toe.

  Another loud whiney was heard.


  "I won the Porter-House Steaks last year, remember that race Louis?"

  Louis was disarmed.

  "Does your wife still have that horseshoe collection hanging on her wall?

  "You bet she does, thousands of em!"

  " Charlie!"

  " Louis!"

  "Man, those are some nice wings. my good friend!"

  Louis took three large hops then bounded onto Charlie's broad back.

  Feathers went flying out in all directions.

  "Hey Louis watch out for the feathers? Are you trying to make a down-pillow out of me? I've only got so many feathers, you know."

  "Oh, Charlie how great is it, to see you? Wow, you have you changed.

  "Well I am a world famous Arion, remember."

  "Has Mr. Beamer been casting spells on you, or was it Santa Claus using those Magic Jingle Bells again?

  "Well, you got it right the second time Louis. It was Santa Claus. I flew down the other night when I heard you went missing. After talking with Mr. Beamer, we both figured you were down in Saint Louis, trying to save the world. Therefore, I flew down there looking for you. Don't you remember me saving you on the top of that old train? Don't you remember seeing a Pegasus?"

  "Yeah, I think I do. I remember a horse flying overhead, but I wasn't sure and then I just rather passed out I guess.'s great to see you again. And these wings are real?"

  "Yep, I'm just as real as you sitting on my back, kicking my sides."

  "Oh I'm sorry Charlie. I just get so excited when I see you."

  "Well give me another big hug, and let's get down to business."

  Louis jumped off Charlie's back, (being careful not to make any more pillows) landing with a soft thud on a nearby pile of hay.

  The barn doors swung open a little further as Mr. Beamer entered the barn.

  "Charlie I'm glad to see your looking well this morning. How'd it feel to spend the night in your old home again?" asked Mr. Beamer as he hugged Louis and gave Muncy a warm heartfelt, pat on the head.

  "It sure brought back some fond memories of dancing, and singing around the holidays and of better times Mr. Beamer. As always, it's good to be home."

  "I spread out extra hay on the ground, and filled up your apple-bin with extra apples from Mr. Waterman's apple trees, to try and make you feel as welcome and comfortable as possible."

  "It's all good Mr. Beamer. You always have taken great care of me, just as I will now take great care of you, and of course my Louis. Now we must get down to business once again.

  "Your right on all accounts Charlie."

  "Well, it seems like old Squint-Eye Pete, or has he has now been calling himself, "Petar" and Big Sal are up to no good again. You see: It is now time for brave men and horses to be brave once again.

  Petar walks the earth once more. Mehan the Serpent's power is growing, and if we don't stop these scourges that are spreading upon the earth; we will all fail to live long enough, to find our own destinies."

  "This is so true Charlie. The time of good men to act, is now. Although I do not have all the answers, I seek. I am sure with the help of the other Elders and Ancients who reside here in Centerville, and with the help of Panthera, you and Louis, we can find the answers we seek to this most perplexing riddle" said Mr. Beamer as he sat down next to Louis, and Muncy on a large hail bail.

  "Charlie did you know that I'm the Chosen-One. That my real name is Ozymandias, and that I am a direct decent of Ramesses II?" expounded Louis as he puffed out his chest in a comical manner.

  "Yes I did know that Louis. I have known it all along. Why do you think I was sent to Centerville so long ago? I was sent here for you to be my Master. All Arions must have a master, or they have no purpose in life."

  "Wha-t? You knew it all along; you mean it's all really true Charlie?"

  "Yes Louis, it is all really true. You see Mr. Beamer, and the other Ancients all have come here to watch out for you, for you are to save the world Louis. I know that in your heart of hearts Louis, you have known this all along."

  "Hearing it from you Charlie really hits home. I mean I didn't?I...ah...I was not really sure?"

  "Louis it all has to be true. You're talking to a winged-horse right now."

  "Wow Charlie. I never thought of it that way. What's next for me?I mean?er?us?"

  Mr. Beamer spoke.

  "Let me answer that Louis. We are to have one last meeting tonight here in my barn. All the Elders and Arions will attend, one more time. You will read from the Good Book of Honorius once again, which will decide your future, for I cannot read it myself anymore. The book can only be read by you now Louis. The Good Book will guide you, and tell us all, what your and our destinies, are to be.

  We are all only players now, in your play.

  You are the Chosen One, for you are Ozymandias the Great!"

  "Wow, talk about pressure" said Louis as his eyes opened wider, than Big Sal's rear end.

  "Your fate and all of ours is in your young hands. Only the Sworn Book can show you, your true path to salvation. Now as for me, I have more work to do in my attic. I must learn all I can from the old scriptures, and read all I can, about the evil that you will eventually have to fight at sometime and somewhere in your future. I leave you both now. Enjoy each other's company again. Try not to worry too much Louis. You are among friends and confidants."

  Mr. Beamer gave Muncy another warm hug; afterwards he headed for his farmhouse without speaking so much as another word.

  Muncy's face again grew worried. His tail grew limp and did not wag. His face told it all.

  "Ah, Muncy don't worry. I'm in great hands. Remember I am to be the Child-King of Egypt. Now how can anybody top that?"

  The future Child-King jumped onto Charlie's back once again, "How about a test-drive Charlie? Let's spread those wings and fly!!"

  "Soon enough Louis, I guarantee it, but for now you must tell me all you know about Petar Deegan...the wearer of the Eye of Horus and Big Sal who now wears the Eye of Wedjat. Evil is upon us Louis, and this is no time for child's-play from the Child-King."

  "Heck no time for child's-play, what's got into you Charlie? This has to be more serious than I thought."

  After spending a few hours in the barn with Louis (that afternoon) Charlie now felt that he knew everything that had transpired in the last few days: the meeting with the Ancients, the events at the Saint Louis jail, and most importantly the reading of the Good Book of Thebes by Louis, two days before.

  Hattie May entered the barn.

  "Lunch is ready Louis."

  "Great mom, I'm starving."

  "Louis I made your favorite, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with a glass of cold milk, thanks to Harriot the Milking cow, and a freshly baked slice of apple pie for dessert."

  "That sounds great mom!"

  "And for you Charlie, I brought a large bag of carrots, picked from my garden, by myself, I might add."

  "Why thank you Hattie May" said Charlie as he licked his lips.

  Hattie May placed the tray she was carrying, and the bag of carrots onto a nearby hail bail.

  "Are you two making plans to save the world again?"

  "Mom, of course we are. What a silly question" said Louis as he went right for the apple pie."

  "I thought so Louis, always with the Big Plans. Make sure you eat that sandwich as well and not just that piece of pie."

  "Thanks again mom. I will see you tonight at dinner. How about making some mashed-potatoes and sweet-corn for dinner, with a big beefsteak?"

  "I will see what I can do about that. You be good now Louis. I will see you tonight. You're always worrying about your belly Lewey."

  "Oh Muncy, I forgot your lunch. Come on let's go up to the farmhouse and see what we've got for you."

  Muncy (remembering how to wag his tail) jumped right in behind Hattie May as she turned and exited the barn.


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