Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 33

by Kenneth Mullinix

~Chapter 16~

  Harpeia "The Snatcher"

  "Do you think Louis will be Ok this morning," asked Mr. Beamer as he drank another cup of sweet tea, offered by Elwood "he sure took things a little rough last night. I think he finally realizes the size of the feat at hand, and grand task that lies before him."

  "Yes Louis, will be fine. He has great courage in his heart. I can see it in his eyes. All he needs, as you said before, is the teachings of King Kulika in Shambhala. He truly will know how to place the last piece of courage into little Louis's heart, that he will need to complete his quest" said Elwood as he offered Mr. Beamer a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

  Louis awoke after a restless night's sleep. Wiping the sleep out of his eyes, he turned towards Charlie who was standing guard close by.

  "Louis, my good friend; you look a little haggard this morning. I watched you trying to sleep last night, realizing that I could not help you with your troubles."

  "Good morning Charlie, you're right, only I can work my own troubles out. I just wish, sometimes life was easier. Why is it always me?"

  "Well you just can't think that way Louis, if you go through life always thinking that only bad things will happen to you then you know what, only bad things will happen to you. It is called a self-full-filling prophesy Louis. Do you know what that is?"

  "Not really Charlie."

  "It means if you think it, then it most likely will come true, but in a negative way, with your current thinking. If you have a positive attitude and think clearly, when clear thinking is what you need most. You have to clear your mind then make the best decision you can and stay with it, no matter what. Do you get what I am saying Louis?"

  "Yes sort's called a what...a self-full-filling...what...?"

  "Louis we are taking you to Shambhala in high Tibet, to the city of Kapula. There you will learn the ability to have higher thought, to think on a level that only one of your stature, and place in life will be able to do. Just as, all great leaders of men and beast must do. You have to be well-schooled, and this is just the place to do it."

  "Ok Charlie if you say so. Let's complete my training in Kapula, and then get me to, where did you say I have to go, to the Valley of the Kings?"

  "Yes Louis we will fly today, and for the next few days towards Greenland, turn eastwards down toward Iceland, then into a plateau region in Asia, and on into the Himalaya Mountains. There we will find Kapula and King Kulika."

  Mr. Beamer swung open the two large doors of the rickety old barn with one hand, while holding a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in the other.

  "Good morning Louis. I hope you are well. We have a big day planned for we are to make it to Greenland today, if the weather is fair, and our two winged guides are feeling strong. Here I brought you a plate of comfort this morning; bacon and eggs, and I have a sweet roll in my pocket that I am sure you will enjoy for dessert."

  "Thanks Mr. Beamer, I am a little hungry, and a sweet roll does sound good. Charlie and I were just talking about our travel plans today, and I'm about as ready as can be."

  "Good eat your breakfast. I will pack up our things then get Junior and Charlie all ready for our flight today."

  Louis devoured his food without, hardly taking a breath of air. He had a, new resolve and desire in his heart this morning after talking with Charlie, now knowing that he will not have to face his demons and worse, his fears by himself. He would get help from a Master of the Spiritual World and find his enlightenment in the most beautiful and magical city on earth.

  Charlie and Junior had slept well; both were well rested for today's long journey. With Mr. Beamer using the Compass of Nubia as his guide, he would ride the highest northern jet stream up over the eastern seaboard of the United States over Baffin Island then a nights rest at Nuuk on Greenland.

  With Junior and Charlie packed up and saddled, and Louis and Mr. Beamer readied in their riding gear, Mr. Elwood Booker sensed out of his front kitchen window that his new friends were about to take to the skies once more.

  "Well good luck to you Ozymandias the Chosen One. Take King Kulika's teachings to heart, for he is wise beyond his years, but remember in the end. If you are at your wits end, and your demise is truly at hand, then you will have to rely on your own self-teachings, and the feelings that lie in your own head, and heart to guide you, to make the correct decisions. Just as we all must really do. You will succeed; I feel it in my own heart."

  "Thank you for your kind words Horus the Elder the God of Moon and Sun...I will as I proudly proclaimed before, bring you back your sight. The two sacred eyes that once belonged to you will be returned, to their rightful owner, I assure you that."

  "Well no pun intended but we will have to see...we will have to see..." said Elwood.

  All laughed aloud heartily.

  As Louis strapped the last of his chain mail on, and adjusted his bow and quiver across his back, he mounted a willing Junior. Mr. Beamer mounted Charlie, and upon getting comfortable in his saddle, he leaned forward shaking Elwood's hand, then both said short goodbyes.

  The wind was brisk and rustled the nearby pine trees. The skies were clear and clean, and perfect for a morning flight above the countryside. Mr. Beamer pulled lightly on Charlie's reins once more then shouted out a force-full command into the morning air.

  Charlie expanded his enormous white wings, giving a mighty, downwards thrust, which lifted them both off the ground in a flurry of activity. Dried leaves rustled about the ground in a wild dance with the earth. Junior with the prodding of Louis in his saddle, both in turn took to flight, lifting to about twenty feet off the ground.

  Both horses pivoted, spinning towards the east. With another, two upward stokes of their outstretched wings they lifted higher and higher away from the comfort and generosity of Horus the Elder.

  Flying up the eastern seaboard, and seeing the picturesque coastline far below brought smiles to Louis's face. He had never seen the jagged coastline before of the eastern United States.

  Large rock outcroppings and wild ocean waters crashing against the unforgiving coastline, small towns and large cities were seen under Charlie's hoofs. Seabirds flew by; clean ocean breezes filled their senses. The ocean was alive and revitalized, so was Louis. Louis could feel the brisk energy of the waters below, as only the ocean is known to do to oneself.

  "Can we fly lower Charlie to get a better look at the blue waters?

  "No Louis, we are under pressure to make good time. We must reach Greenland or Iceland by tonight, which is over three thousand miles away by my calculations."

  Mr. Beamer reached into his top pocket, finding the Compass of Nubia once again.

  He spoke.

  "He is right Louis. By my calculations, we are about three thousand five hundred miles out until we can land once again, and rest for the night. The Compass of Nubia is never wrong; she is guided by the stars, the sun, and the moon."

  "Where is Nubia? I have never heard of it Mr. Beamer, and can you tell me more about the Compass of Nubia?"

  "Nubia endured from 800 BC to about 320 BC. It was known as the Kingdom of Kush. It lays in Egypt. The Nubians ruled over all of Nubia as well as Upper and Lower Egypt during this time. This magical compass guided the builders of the great pyramids Nubia.

  It helped in the placement and direction for each stone, for the great builders. Over two-hundred and twenty pyramids were built there, with its guidance. These pyramids are the underground graves of the Nubians, which were richly decorated.

  The mummified and stately kings and beautiful queens were laid upon beds of Golden Fleece. This was done so that the pharos, and dead monarchs, would not have to work in the afterlife. Their tombs were filled with all manner of magical tidings that would come to life when summoned by the gods. That is why this compass, is so valuable to Petar and Hathor the Moon God. With its magic they can summon
this magic back into the earth."

  "Well that is quite some story as all your stories are Mr. Beamer. I can see why it is so valuable now."

  "So are all the things you and I both carry; just as you value the slingshot that Short-Stack gave you before we left, or the heat balm, or the Heavens Heart healing magic that Black Elk gave you in the Boreal Forest. And I gave you the bow and quiver of Alexander the Great."

  "Can you tell me more about him, Alexander the Great?"

  "Yes Louis. He lived for action and glory, rather than pleasure and wealth. This is what he wanted from his life. Fame was his passion.

  Alexander had light skin, blond hair not red like yours Louis but he had the same melting blue eyes. This bow and quiver of Alexander the Great, represents courage and wealth for the owner. You see value comes from what these things mean to the holder. Each gift was given to you, for your enjoyment and to harness their strength. Petar wants the courage this bow represents. Hathor wants it because of its history and meaning that it holds for the world. You Louis will have to offer these things in return for a favor or gift from them. You will have to decide how to use the gifts that have been given to you for your life saving quest."

  "I am not sure what you are telling me Mr. Beamer."

  "You will know all Louis, after your meeting, and teachings from King Kulika in Shambhala."

  Banking to the left and climbing higher into the stratosphere, a chill came over Louis. It was a bitter cold. Louis pulled out his old bearskin coat from a side saddlebag. Throwing it across his back then tightening it across his chest.

  "Junior is that Greenland in the distance?"

  "I believe so Louis."

  "How far do you think that is?"

  "Louis, that appears to be about another three to four hours flight. You can see Baffin Island below us, and the straight of Davis beyond that. We are heading now out towards open waters, and leaving the coast behind. We will ride the winds in the higher climbs. It should be easy flying with this strong wind at our backs," said Charlie as he glided high in the air, above Junior.

  Mr. Beamer pulled on the left rein, sending Charlie banking to the left towards Greenland, further away from the coastline. Louis looked backwards towards the fading rocky shoreline.

  He could see Canada off to his left, the Tiaga tree line, and the Great Boreal Forest. Remembering his past journeys in those parts of the world brought a moment of deep contemplation and thought. Memories of Black Elk, Captain Legrande Legrange, Ms. Telly Bell, and the Great Lake filled his mind.

  Louis spoke to himself, under his breath.

  "I miss you all, and someday I will return to say hi. I have great worries on my mind right now, but when all is done one day, I would like to return to the Tree of Knowledge in your great forest with Molly. I promised her once I would do this."

  Junior climbed up to where Charlie was now soaring; he dipped out of a large cloud for better viewing then slid in next to Charlie; all the while admiring his dad.

  "Charlie someday, will I grow up to be as mighty, and as brave as you are?"

  "Yes son, you are still young but you are wise and strong in your youth. Take courage from Louis and watch out for him, for you are his stead and he is your master; you are betrothed to him until the end of your days on earth. Always be loyal to a fault."

  "I will dad, for I am learning more everyday by watching your leadership and one day, I hope to have great feats and conquests of bravery, and daring beyond what lays in my immediate future."

  "You will son, because we are heading back to the place of my birth, back to my destiny. My days will soon, be concluding and ending. It is my destiny."

  " was that you said...what are you talking about Charlie...your destiny is coming and your days will be ending?" asked a very alarmed Louis.

  "Don't worry will understand all when the time is right. I assure you all will be fine, and you will agree with what has been written, and what shall be."

  "Dad, you're scaring me, you have to stop talking like that."

  "And you don't worry as well Junior. When my days are done, you will take over for me as all fathers pass their legacy onto their children or ponies in this case. You are my only son, just as Louis is an only son.

  You will understand all soon enough, when the full moon rises from the east on the first day of summer, the solstice. The equinoxes of the moon and sun are to meet above the Valley of the Kings that is when I will meet my destiny. All will be clear on that day."

  A loud cry was heard high above Charlie. Mr. Beamer, Louis, and Junior looked upwards as the soft shimmering clouds parted above them. Far off in the upper distant sky and to the east all could see a grand and regal looking, lone great eagle gliding effortlessly in a slow and very methodical circle. He would dip to his left and slide along, moving smoothly as the winds caught the undersides of his outstretched wings.

  Another distinguished cry was heard calling out from a distance.

  "We have a noble companion, to help guide our way and secure our passage; I recognized the voice, a friend, I assure you" said Mr. Beamer as he lifted his staff (that he was holding in his right hand) higher into the air, "he will follow us to Shambhala and beyond".

  "Good, we can use all the help we can get Mr. Beamer. You have to remember I am the "Chosen One", but stuff can still be a bit much at times."

  "I understand Louis, but we are all here to help you. I am sure a few more friends will come to our aid, the closer we reach our destiny."

  "I sure hope so Mr. Beamer, because if my cowl-lick shows up one more time without my wanting it to, then I'm going to be shaving my head, never to grow my red hair back again, even if I look like a shaved tomato or a shaved strawberry the rest of my life. I can't keep going through the embarrassment of that again."

  "Your future teacher can help you with that, or anything else that you like Louis. Some of your worries will cure themselves as you grow older, and some of your worries you will need to work on, and conquer with your own self-determination. Again, some of this is just a part of growing up. Be patient patient, all will come to you in time."

  "Ok Mr. Beamer. This Shambhala is only, what two days away now?"

  "Yes Louis..."

  "Well...let's keep moving forward and onward, and you can tell me more of this grand city and destination of ours tonight, and you can tell me more of your celebrated friend who flies above us and is heading in our direction."

  "I will Louis...all in good time."

  Another then another grouping of remarkable and notable downward stokes of Junior and Charlie's wings split the air in two. A cool wind slid along easily under the great extended, white wings and illustrious feathers of both Pegasus's as they continued forward towards Greenland. The glittering blue saltwater below glimmered in the late afternoon sun: from above the golden yellow and orange sunbeams came shining down all around them.

  Louis ate his lunch tucked in behind Junior's neck, sitting squarely on his saddle. A satchel of water was pulled from another pouch from Junior's left side-bag. After a satisfying meal given to him by Elwood Booker of home cooked bread, fresh fruit and mincemeat pie, Louis was content. He slowly closed his eyes and took a nap. Junior innately flew quietly, straight and steady to allow Louis some richly deserved rest. Mr. Beamer seeing Louis doze off took his lead, closing his eyes after a quick bite to eat as well.

  Both white horses continued flying for a few more hours towards the far-off wild and natural coastline that was now finally coming into view. The rocky cliffs shot directly upwards in an act of defiance against the coastal earth below. Seabirds were entrenched in her cliffs, crying out with life. The ocean mist created from the seawater smashing the unruly coastline, shot upwards into Louis's open nostrils. This stimulated him, brining him to back his senses.

  "Charlie I c
an see Greenland below us now" said a wide awake Louis "and what a beautiful country it is. It looks a lot like the North Pole, and the great tundra fields of Russia."

  "Yes Louis the view of this country is lovely from this far up in the sky. I have flown over this part of the world many times in my life, it is more breathtaking, it seems every time I fly over.

  If you look straight ahead, you can see the highest mountain of this country, Mount Gunnbjorn. Did you know this country is only about five hundred miles south, below the North Pole? Louis, this is why the grounds look so familiar to you. The country is a part of the Kingdom of Denmark," said Charlie as he banked to the left, motioning for Junior to follow him.

  Mr. Beamer upon Charlie's turn of direction was jostled awake.

  "Oh, I see we have reached Greenland while I slept."

  "Yes Mr. Beamer, and did you know that this is part of the Kingdom of Denmark?"

  "Yes I did Louis, I knew that. See all of the things you have learned already on this trip. It may be fun reading books all the time in your bedroom or at school, but the real fun in life is experiencing life in the great open wilds of the world for yourself."

  Charlie winked at Mr. Beamer; Mr. Beamer winked back.

  "We will sleep tonight at the comfortable house, or should I say burrow of an acquaintance of mine; she lives in Iceland. We only have about five hundred more miles to fly this day then another hard-earned rest will be Junior's, and mine.

  As two bulky clouds released their grasp upon each other, two large flocks of migrating seabirds (that were flying directly towards them), were spotted by Louis. He tugged on the rein in his left hand sending Junior cascading towards the north in a long sloping glide upwards.

  "Look to your right Charlie. Do you see those seabirds? Let's be careful and move upwards to avoid them. Are they not a beautiful sight to see?"

  "They are Louis because they are free. Free to soar above the world and free to be themselves."

  "Well if I have anything to do with it, we will all be free from this impending evil that is threatening all things good in the world. I will keep this vision in my mind always as my destiny closes in on me, because it appears that not only is our freedom at stake, but it would be the freedom of all living things on earth.

  It is the: freedom of the birds that fly freely in the skies with us today, the caribou below us who walk the frozen tundra, it is the great fish that team together in the open oceans, and the animals and beasts that walk upon the face of the earth. These are the freedoms that we will soon be fighting for, am I correct Charlie?"

  "Yes you are Louis. Let me take this one Charlie," said Mr. Beamer as he nodded his head up and down in confirmation "I see you are starting to grasp the movement and moment of our destiny and yours. You are truly beginning to see the overall picture my young friend. The world as we know it is at stake, with all the things that are good in the world relying on you Louis. It is good to see you growing in thought before our eyes."

  "I am ready to learn, and let this great task take me in its welcoming arms."

  "Good Louis, for only a few more hours and a new friend will be yours to make and she will help to foretell your future. For she is most wise, her name is Harpeia, she is a "Snatcher".


  "How do you say it Louis...? She is a common: thief, burglar, robber, pick-pocket, or bandit."

  "Well why would she need to be our friend Charlie? I am getting confused here. Wouldn't she be better off being friends with the Missouri Rats, or Black Jack Tilly or Digger the Rabbit? Again why should we make friends with her?"

  "I have another plan in mind Louis. A backup plan because if your training should take too long in Shambala, and we cannot finish it in time, then we must have other plans, or friends to help us in our time of need, in the very near future. Harpeia I knew from long ago. She can easily be persuaded to help us. Leave that to me.

  We will seek her counsel tonight in her cave on Greenland. She once lived on the Ionian Islands, one of the Seven Islands of Greece. They were called the Heptanese Islands in the olden days of ancient Greece. Harpeia use to live with her two sisters there, Aello also known as The storm Swift and her sister Celaeno known as The Dark or Fleet Foot. They had other names as well, "Swift Wing" and Podarge.

  Thieves they were, and thieves they always will be. My back-up plan is not completed yet, but we need to make contact with Harpeia tonight and at the very least start the plan in motion. Mr. Beamer and I have discussed this in the past, and he agreed as you will, when all is known to you."

  "All right Charlie if you say so."

  "By the way you still have those sweet rolls that Elwood gave you, don't you?"

  "Why yes I do Charlie. I only ate one, and I have three left."

  "Good well, don't eat any more during the rest of our flight today. I will explain this to you later tonight. Try closing your eyes again; try to get some rest for we will be up late tonight, I assure you that."

  "OK Charlie, I trust you."

  Charlie looked over at Mr. Beamer who agreed with all that was said, as Charlie looked back at Louis. He tucked his two knees back up under Junior's neck feathers, and into the sockets of his wings, pulled his scarf up across his face, then gently closed his eyes as Charlie had asked.

  This high up, in the atmosphere the north winds were colder, more unstable, and thin. Junior and Charlie glided along the best they could in the jet stream, which made for an easier journey. A bump here, a few flaps of the wings there, a mild dive to gain speed, then a swift climb back up into the upper-stratosphere of the earth. The flight again was mostly effortless.

  For two more hours they glided eastward over Greenland towards its far eastern coastline, below were seen miles and miles of endless deep forest, broad and very wide glaciers, wild, raging rivers and perilous undomesticated mountain ranges. Mother Nature could be seen in all of her wildest and most beautiful forms below.

  A blast of cold air blew across the tops of Junior's wings, sending him into a twisted, shallow dive. This woke Louis, who immediately grasp for Junior's leather reins. He pulled hard on the left rein, tightening the bit in Junior's mouth. He instantaneously pulled the tips of his left wing upwards, which sent both rider and horse out of the thin dive, gliding them back up next to Charlie's side.

  "Are you OK Louis?"

  "Yes Charlie. Junior is a natural-born flyer, and has excellent athletic abilities. We seem to be a very good match: master and student. He is a quick learner as I am."

  "Good because you will need a bag of tricks to fight Petar. I knew Junior would be a good fit for you. You see I am older and although you may still be my master as well, Junior will one day take my full position as your servant. He will guide you when I am no more."

  "There you go talking like that again Charlie. You are an immortal "Arion", so why do you keep going on like that?"

  "Because as I said before Louis, you may need a bag of tricks to fight Petra, I can say no more right now.

  "Charlie, stop please, you are scaring me."

  "I can now see the Caves of Dominaria coming into view; the home of Harpeia. Do you see them Mr. Beamer? Yes, you are correct Charlie. The sun is setting in the western sky. We must make for the shelter of those caves for the night. For it will be very cold tonight, this far north; a warm fire and a hot meal is needed by all."

  "You can say that again Mr. Beamer," said Louis as he pulled another sweet roll out of his side saddlebag."

  "No Louis, remember you need to save those; our plan."

  "Oh that's right Charlie I forgot already."

  Louis placed the sweet roll back into the safety of his side bag as Charlie slowly changed direction and speed. He began a slow circling pattern above the vast caves below. Carefully he descended towards the frozen earth below. A dip of the wing here a
nd there, then the tips of his wings raised and lowered with the flow of the air below and above them.

  Junior followed Charlie's lead. Slow circular patterns were used to descend. Finally, Charlie sighted the correct cave and the home of Harpeia.

  "That is her home. To the left of that large opening there, where the blue smoke is coming out, that must be it. It has been so long since I have been here."

  Mr. Beamer pulled back on Charlie's reins one last time as Ancient and Arion moved smoothly to a touchdown. Charlie's hoofs lightly touched the rocky bottom outside the opening of the cave mouth. Junior without due consideration landed tenderly behind him.

  Junior knelt down as Louis dismounted. As Louis landed back on the earth, his legs were a little wobbly from the long flight. Mr. Beamer caught Louis, straightening him up.

  "It was a long flight Louis. You wait here, as I press forward into the cave. I will see where the blue smoke is coming from, and return with some answers."

  "Well if you need me Mr. Beamer yell out, then duck; a straight arrow from the Bow and Quiver of Ra, the Sun God will be forthcoming."

  "Louis I don't think we will need that fine magic here, but I appreciate the thought. The worst that could happen is that you will lose one or more of your coveted and prized, sweet rolls. These Snatchers are only interested in food."

  "Well, I certainly do not want to lose one of those. That is indeed a prized possession to not lose, or have stolen from us."

  Louis tightened up the side saddlebag at the knot on top of the bag that held the sweet rolls, as Mr. Beamer disappeared into the depth of the cave. After a few tense moments, Mr. Beamer reappeared with a medium-sized stick that was burning at the tip.

  "I found a cooking-fire at the back of the cave; no one is home for the moment. We should press forward inside, and warm ourselves until "The Snatcher" returns.

  Louis un-tethered the saddlebags from Junior and Charlie, he brought them into the shelter of Harpeia's home. Louis headed directly towards the cooking-fire to warm his hands and heart. After removing some of his outerwear, he found a large rock to sit on next to where Mr. Beamer was sitting.

  Mr. Beamer leaned forward to smell the large cauldron of soup that was lightly simmering over the fire. After scanning the cave one last time with a watchful eye, he grasped the handle of the soup's ladle, bringing the taste of the soup to his lips. Before Charlie could stop him, Mr. Beamer tasted the fine broth.

  ", remember the spell!" shouted out Charlie who had just reentered the cave mouth after a quick look about the grounds nearby.

  "Mr. Beamer...ah...Tut...what is Charlie saying? Wha-t...has happened?" echoed a worried Louis.

  "I forgot Charlie. You are right once again. The spell of "The Snatcher" will be upon me shortly. What have I done?"

  "What Charlie...what...has happened!" shouted out a disconsolate Louis.

  Mr. Beamer eyes grew heavy, his breathing became labored, and his knees started to wobble. He slowly placed the soup-ladle back into the pot, and before he could turn to speak again, he collapsed onto a large pile of dried leaves at the front of the fire, into a deep somnolent sleep.

  Louis frantically grabbed Mr. Beamer by the shoulders, shaking him with all him might.

  "Mr. Beamer, wake up!'s Louis! Wake up!

  Louis yelled loud enough to wake the dead, but not the spellbound Mr. Beamer.

  "Charlie was the soup a trap? Will he be all right? What can we do, to help him?"

  "It is an old trick, played upon an old man. He forgot the tricks of The Snatcher, as I did once. Their homes never are left unguarded, or found to be a welcome abode for an unknown traveler. Harpeia, and her sisters Aello and Celaeno must be close by, they must be aware of our presence."

  Junior, Charlie, and Louis quickly scanned about the large, dark cave with a probing eye. After a few tense moments, Charlie declared the cave, to be empty.

  "We are alone Louis, I am sure of it. I will go scan the outer opening of the cave and the surrounding area with Junior. You stay here and keep Mr. Beamer as comfortable as possible while we are away.

  Needless, to say please do not touch the soup, or anything else you find until we return, there may be other black magic in this cave that I have forgotten about. It has been so long since my dealings with these thieves that I might have forgotten, other nasty powers of theirs."

  "You don't have to tell me twice Charlie," said Louis as he wrapped a cloth blanket around Mr. Beamer who was laying as still and as quite, as field mouse in hiding.

  Charlie and Junior exited the cave with haste and resolve in their mannerisms leaving Louis with worry in his heart and mind, at seeing his beloved Mr. Beamer lying dormant, under an evil spell.

  Louis reached for his satchel of clean drinking water lying nearby. He brought a few drops of water to Mr. Beamer's lips, which softly fell to the wayside. His lips were as stiff as his mind was at rest. He looked serene in his wasted state, which alarmed Louis to no end, but for some strange reason, Louis suddenly became more aware of the situation at hand, than most boys of his age should be.

  He was reasoning the situation out, when he slowly fell backwards against the large rock nearby. He raised his two arms up over his head, inter-locking them with his fingers. He tilted his head upwards to the ceiling of the dank cave and spoke out.

  "How long have you been watching us from your perch on high?"

  "Since your party first arrived into my den uninvited, and since you stole my dinner from my cooking-pot."

  As Louis's blue eyes searched into the darkness surrounding the cave roof, three figures appeared, more clear to him. His eyes had finally grown accustom to the darkness.

  Attached to the rock ceiling were three winged creatures, hanging upside down above Louis's head, about eighty feet up, their large claws were outstretched and were effortlessly and steadfastly holding them in place.

  "We did not mean to steal your dinner; we are but weary and worn travelers, needing to find rest and solace in your home for the night, for it is to be cold tonight, and we must regain our strength this evening. We are needed in Tibet in the far-east within three days, for we are on a journey to cast out a rising evil from this earth."

  "I know of your quest, it is no concern to me and my two sisters, we are more worried about our dinner tonight, what's left of it, that is."

  "You indeed have a sharp tongue and a quick-wit. Can I have a face to look upon to go with your voice?"

  A fluttering of wings was heard, as a few small rocks were dislodged from the roof of the cave. Louis covered his face and Mr. Beamer's with the cloth blanket that was lying across Mr. Beamer's chest.

  As the wind rustled in the cave and the three sisters circled about overhead in flight, Charlie and Junior reappeared into the light of the cooking-fire at far side the cave mouth.

  Harpeia, Aello, and her sister Celaeno landed immediately on the rocky ground next to where Louis was crouching over Mr. Beamer. What he saw next shocked and confused little Louis. The voice of Harpeia was soothing to the mind in some sort of perplexing, and abnormal way, but Louis could hardly fathom the utter ugliness of her being.

  She stood, nearly as tall as Louis on two stocky clawed feet with three thick toes twisted in a forward position, and one large clawed toe used for stability bent backwards. Sickly, dark colored feathers covered her rotund body, and short stocky wings. At the end of each wing sat a stubby hand with three perverted fingers.

  She had the face of an older woman. It was an out of ordinary face. It was blackened with cave dust, wrinkled, and contorted into an uncommon shape. Thick ears were set high on the sides of her head, with long broad points. Long straggly black hair hung to her waist, it was tangled and knotted. This highlighted her not so regal look.

  Simply put, she was an ugly winged bird-woman, with no real redeeming qu
alities other than her harmonious voice.

  Her sisters fared no better.

  Louis staggered backwards as she turned to face him. He reached upwards with his free hand, trying to cover his eyes the best he could, but he could not tear his eyes away. Upon lowering his hand in a slow, respectful manner, he tried to speak; Charlie quickly interrupted.

  "Harpeia, do you remember me? I was once in your company in the Ancient Times. I visited you once on the Ionian Islands. I believed they were called the Heptanese Islands in the olden days of ancient Greece. My name in those days was Aswan. Some others called me Raafat. I recognize your two sisters as well, Aello The Storm Swift and Celaeno The Swift Wing.

  The two sisters let out a high-pitched, un-godly squeal in unison.

  Louis covered his ears until his pain resided.

  "Your anger at realizing your dinner has been pilfered should be bounded towards me, because it was I that directed my two friends into your rocky dwelling."

  "Yes I do recognize you Aswan. You have changed colors since the last time I saw you; you once had a golden horn placed upon your forehead. You use to travel in the form of a Unicorn. Is this true?" asked a wry Harpeia.

  "Yes you are correct, on all accounts."

  "It was so long ago, and in a time of great wars."

  "You are correct again."

  "Now back to the task at hand" asked an un-muffled and ever infuriated Harpeia "then it is you that owes me a debt, for my loss today. What do you offer in return?"

  "I offer a deal..."


  "We are to stay the night in your home so that we can be sheltered from the impending snowstorm which gathers outside as we speak. You will give us warmth and comfort tonight, and what natural food you have, and in return, we will leave first thing in the morning.

  You will un-cast the spell you placed upon Tut-ankh-Amon, and bring him back to consciousness, back to his sound mind. And for all of this I offer you a delight like none other, you, or your sisters have ever tasted, a sugary treat that would make The Dogs of Great Zeus jealous. And you would not have to steal it tonight, which is your to your advantage and possible a first for you, to not have to steal your food."

  Louis stood up straight, adjusted the chain-mail hanging across his lanky chest, then he spoke again, but this time with volume in his voice.

  "Thievery is a sin and Tut-ankh-Amon has paid the ultimate price for this sin. I to have thieved. I once stole carrots out of Tut-ankh-Amon garden when I was younger so I know of his folly, and I can feel your loss. The sugary delight that Aswan speaks of is in my possession. If you never embezzle...from us again, then I will offer it to you willingly. I know that that this would be hard for you because that is how you make your livelihood but that is the deal, if Aswan agrees as well," proclaimed a renewed Louis.

  "I will only agree to your terms, if we can have a small taste of payment."

  "Agreed!" stated Louis.

  "Agreed!" stated Charlie.

  Louis reached deep into his saddlebag lying nearby. After a few quick moments of fumbling about, Louis produced a large cloth that was loosely wrapped over the sweet rolls that Horus the Elder, Elwood Booker had given them the day before. The aroma of the sugar wafted upwards and outwards towards the wrinkled nostrils of Harpeia, Aello, and Celaeno.

  This time all three sisters squawked loudly together. Their high-pierced cries quickly filled the interior of the cave. Louis again winced in pain, all the while trying to cover his ears with his free hand.

  He tore three small pieces of sweet roll from the three remaining rolls, tossing them high into the air above his head. The Harpy's quickly darted from their perches, like vultures in flight towards a lifeless body below them. A speedy snap of the beak, a loud gulp, and cries of delight were heard above in the unsettling darkness.

  The sisters gave a few more upsetting squawks, and then there were vile arguments, and angry disconcerting words, as they continued to circle in flight above.

  Charlie and Junior who were now standing next to Louis by the cooking fire and the bedeviled Mr. Beamer waited for an answer from The Snatcher. Harpeia as she landed with her two sisters gazed lovingly, and with unbridled lust in their hearts at the remaining sweet rolls, from the oven of Elwood Booker, guardedly held in Louis's hand.

  "We accept your simple terms," said an un-satisfied Harpeia"..."no conditions."

  "Release Tut-ankh-Amon from his twisted and most abnormal sleep then send us to your storage bins of stolen food. For no good Snatcher would go hungry this night, for you all are the queen of all "Snatchers" Harpeia", quipped Charlie with a sardonic, and mocking smile imprinted across his face.

  Harpeia shouted out at the top of her lungs in her soothing and sly voice, a terse and very short spell. The cooking-fire liven up, shooting out bursts of orange and yellow flames from the base, the simmering waters in the black cast-iron pot boiled quickly, then shot out over the thick lip at the top of the cauldron, sending steam raising to the top of the cave roof.

  Louis, Charlie, and Junior turned to look at Mr. Beamer as he methodically opened his eyes. The light of the fire died back down, the steams subsided.

  Mr. Beamer was slow to rise.

  He sat up on the bed of leaves and mosses, lifted the blanket to his face, wiping the eerie sleep from of his eyes. Harpeia disappeared from sight for the moment, jetting towards the deep recesses of her home. She reappeared a few moments later carrying a large cloth bag full of food. As she circled above in flight, she released the bag, which landed squarely in Louis's arms, sending the sweet rolls falling to the ground.

  Harpeia's eyes were transfixed on the reward.

  Charlie nodded to Louis then spoke again.

  "Payment is due Louis; the deal has been sealed."

  Louis dropped the heavy cloth bag, reaching for one sweet roll at his feet. Quickly he tossed the reward high overhead. Harpeia, Aello, and Celaeno became lost in a fierce battle for the coveted prize. Scratching and clawing at each for a share, they flew towards the cave mouth, into the heart of the rising snowstorm outside, not to be heard from for the rest of the night.

  Mr. Beamer looked towards the disappearing tail feathers of Harpeia, as she exited the cave, then spoke softly to Charlie, Louis, and Junior.

  "Our plan worked to perfection Charlie; let's all enjoy this warm fire and our free dinner for the evening."


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