Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 43

by Kenneth Mullinix

  ~Chapter 22~

  The Valley of the Kings

  No songs birds were singing this morning, as the dawn broke. The Nile River in all her majesty appeared to be unusually dormant and docile. Her great wild and vibrant waters were, now tranquil to the point of peculiarity. It is as if the natural world was taking a collective breath, waiting to see what the new day would bring them.

  No dark otherworldly creatures approached the traveling party as they slept, during the lingering, hot night. Charlie kept a vigil-eye over all as usual, while Mr. Beamer intermittently wrestled inside of a disquieting slumber. Junior was as resourceful as Charlie was, and just as determined in demeanor. Both found great pride in their roll of, protector and confidant.

  Both are natural born leaders.

  Chug and The Baron had slept well in the tall grasses, after their long flight of the last few days; finding comfort within their circle of friends.

  Louis awoke first, and was relatively refreshed (considering the evening before), but appeared to be a little discombobulated.

  "Charlie is you awake?"

  "Why yes Louis, did you sleep well?"

  "Where are we?"

  "You are lying in the soft grasses of the Nile delta, on the bank of the Nile River in Egypt, ready to fulfill your destiny, today is your day, Louis."

  "'s right I am to meet...a friend today, and negotiate a deal. Is that right Charlie?"

  A waking Mr. Beamer cracked one probing eye towards Louis, as he eavesdropped on the conversation.

  "No, you are going to meet your adversary; the feared and reviled Hathor the Moon Rider before noon today, and Petar Deegan Aden, the Black Fire is going to try and raise the waking-dead from the Neither World; don't you remember Louis, you are Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri. You have returned to the land of your birth.

  Digger sprang up from the Under Dark, from within his rabbit-hole.

  "Good morning everyone; did all sleep well?"

  "Yes I did Digger, and how are you?" asked a relieved Louis, upon seeing his friend, and peddler of the habit-forming venom.

  "Good morning Louis?" said Chug.

  Louis replied in kind.

  "We have a long day today Louis. Today we negotiate the fate of the world and all things good that live in it" said Digger as he looked over at Mr. Beamer who was now fully awake, and standing over by the campfire.

  "Oh yes now I fully remember; our great task. Today we go to the Valley of the Kings to meet some friends," said Louis.

  Louis seemed to not be grasping the totality of the situation, it's as if he was under an awful spell or not fully cognizant. Digger shook some dirt off his ears and fur, smiled at Junior, The Baron, and Charlie, then headed straightforwardly towards Louis.

  A grand hug was in store for Digger by Louis.

  Digger jumped inside of Louis cloth shirt, snuggling up to him the best he could, "What's for breakfast Mr. Beamer?" asked an oddly serene Louis.

  "Hot coffee, scrambled bird eggs, biscuits, and gravy."

  Charlie gave a crosswise look at Louis, while he shook his head in wonder then headed promptly for the Nile, to take a bath. Junior followed his father as The Baron followed Junior, while the morning's breaking sun warmed the clearing and its inhabitants.

  After all ate a hearty breakfast and baths taken, Mr. Beamer addressed the group as they stood around the last of the morning fire.

  "I want to thank everyone present. We have made it this far, with all being safe and sound, today is our day, for our future is upon us, and it is ours to guide with the help of Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri, our savior."

  Digger looked about the campsite as Mr. Beamer spoke. Noticing all eyes fixated on Mr. Beamer, Digger took a few blueberries from his stash of ill-gotten gains, lightly pushing them into Louis's open mouth.

  Louis whispered into Digger's left ear.

  "Why thank you friend, delicious."

  Digger's velvety whiskers tickled Louis's chest.

  "What are friends for?" replied a characterless Digger.

  Mr. Beamer continued.

  "Louis before we take flight on this last leg of our journey, you are to read one last time from the Good Book, the Sworn Book of Honorius of Thebes. This last reading will show you the truth this last reading will show you the correct path you must take for our salvation."

  "I don't see why I have to, but if you insist Mr. Beamer. I think I already know the answers we seek, and I am kind of tired of reading that darned book."

  Charlie flashed an apprehensive and very concerned look at Mr. Beamer.

  "Louis you do not seem to be grasping the gravity of the day, you have been trained for this day, and your hour is at hand. Your courage alone is what will endure the day. The "Blue Hour" will swallow us if you fail. The Neither World" will rule the natural light, the natural world; Louis is you with us still?"

  "Why yes Charlie, Mr. Beamer, it is just that I now know the answers we seek, all is clear in my mind now. There is no danger: I will rise to the occasion, you can be assured of that. We will make friends today," said Louis as he smiled largely at Digger, then looked strangely back at everyone else.

  Louis turned to stand up his back was towards his friends as Digger popped another blueberry into his willing mouth.

  "Even if you feel you know the answers" said a vexed Mr. Beamer "it is written. You must do one last reading then the book will be finished. Will you do it for me Louis?"

  "Ok, if you say so, but I do not see why, as I stated before" supposed a nonchalant Louis.

  The Book of Thebes was produced from Mr. Beamer's backpack. He lightly placed it onto the medium-sized rock found in the middle of the campsite. All gathered closer to Louis in anticipation of the finally reading.

  Louis blinked slowly, stepped forward, placing his now steady hands upon the book. He looked once again lovingly at Digger, winked, and then unhurriedly opened the scared book. A bright flash of blue light emerged, moving in concentric circles outwards and upwards, as the worn, leather-bound cover fully opened for the last time.

  The Pen of Jupiter Angel Satquiel, rose once again from deep within the pages, it glowed a bright iridescent color, hovered a tense moment, then lightly touched back down on the last page of the book.


  Your day of days is today

  Within your courage you found your Shambala

  Your training is replete

  Now go forth into the light of the Blue Hour

  With your newfound powers

  Take with you only:

  Your wits to lead you

  Your courage to guide

  And your

  Determination to bind them


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