Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 49

by Kenneth Mullinix

  ~Chapter 24~

  Apophasis the Destroyer

  The Mausoleum of the Kings was smashed to smithereens as Apophasis the Destroyer slithered out of his seedy lair, into the spine-chilling light of the Blue Hour, into his new freedom.

  The viper's massive pitch black and mottled body rose steadily upwards as he exited the shattered ruins of the stone crypt, during the process he dwarfed Paragus, George the Cave Troll and Olle the Ogre, standing nearby.

  All eyes rose upwards in disbelief, as his full bulk and girth were revealed to them. As he reached the apex of his height, the hood found below and to the sides his overweight head, expanded to well over thirty feet across.

  Two massive angry green orbs scanned about the Valley of Kings, as all stood transfixed below within his far-reaching, foreboding shadow. Below the corner of his left eye could be seen the mark of Mehan the Serpent Rider. It was tear dropped in shape, about two foot long and wide. It was a deep blood red color (a sizable mark), most likely hewn from a great battle with another Under World beast.

  His large, lighter colored black and red mouth was lined with two rows of serrated teeth, menacingly set upon his upper and lower jaws, which could detach and widen upon command thus allowing him to devour and swallow any unfortunate pray, found to be within his reach, or who was larger than him.

  He was fanged.

  The two white toothed daggers were over three feet long, curved downwards and inwards, from his upper jaw. Upon demand, a venomous stream of deadly toxins could shoot forth from the center of the fang. After a quick thrusting bite, his foe would paralyze, until a quick agonizing death, would overcome them.

  Shooting outwards from within his deep broad throat and mouth was a black forked tongue, found to be within the same dimensions and measurements of the rest of his body and head, split into two distinct tines at the tip.

  Apophasis licked the air with disgust.

  Sensing from both sides of the head and following sent trails based on chemical cues, he explored his new world with taste and smell.

  One hundred and fifty feet long from the top of his stout head and hood, to the tip of his all-encompassing rattle. He gave the rattle a sinister and very threatening shake, sending chills down all who stood before him.

  "Father, you have arisen", understood a now coy and more reserved Petar "you heard my callings".

  "Son, you look a little thin since the last time I saw you...all bones...little skin..." said the loathsome serpent "and I see you now wield the power held within the two evil eyes of the Neither World".

  Chug and Louis stumbled, and fell away hearing the bone-chilling, deep baritoned voice of the great viper. Aswan the White with Tut-ankh-Amon firmly seated in his saddle reared up in apprehension, and terror of what might befall them.

  Apophasis the Destroyer licked at the air once more. The tongue slapped at the air, darting backward and forward in a maniacal fashion as an ungodly hissing sound, rumbled outwards from his dark, black-hearted soul.

  Aswan lost focus shortly at the sight of such a beast slightly he trembled, as he hovered just out of reach of a quick tongue strike, just in case one was forthcoming. Junior and The Baron were still found incapacitated and wounded they could neither fly nor retreat. They were at the mercy of the Dark World serpent.

  Apophasis slyly looked over at both Pegasus's, and then scanned further outwards towards the Pyramid of Khufu, where Chug and Louis were standing in awe next to a great stone block.

  "You have brought me Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri...Petar," said the arrogant serpent "you have done well. Look how he trembles below in my shadow".

  "I tremble not!" exclaimed Louis in a hot and bothered manner "for I am here to crush and demolish your rule, in the new world of the blue light! I have been called upon, to annihilate evil from the world, and once again claim my throne, for I am the new Child King, the Chosen One.

  "Surely you boast little one, and no not what you speak of, for I am Apophasis the Destroyer, the swallower of men, beast, and animals and... of course...little boys! They taste especially delicious!"

  Chug stood with mouth agape and tongue limp, as Louis proclaimed his might to the world.

  Chug spoke out below his breath.

  "Just look at my Louis now...the Child-King".

  "He has been known as: Louis the White, Louis the Red, The Killer of Great Cave Bears" and ancient very ferocious wolves, for he is all that he says he is..." called out Petar, as both of his evil eyes shook and spun wildly about in his head, "he is more mighty than he appears father...beware."

  "You called me to come forth from the deep, from the comfort of my jeweled throne to fight this, supposed Child-King. I will now finish what you could not, my weak son. Climb aboard my broad neck, and together we shall put an end to this dispute between...good and evil...Ancient, and Arion, and that of the Neither World and the days of eternal sunlight. For when Hathor the Solar Deity, Hathor the Mistress of Eclipses returns, our offerings she will accept and then, the blue light will rule the future of this planet."

  "Apophasis is you aware, or have you forgotten that Mehan the Serpent Rider...your the reason for your entombment, inside of the dark Under World in the first place, and that he has taken your mother's life as well...the life of your wife Kauket, the God of Chaotic Darkness, of Reflection, and Hidden-Darkness."

  "Does he speak the truth my son?"

  "No father, he speaks with a forked tongue more poisonous than yours," said a now worried Petar Deegan Aden, "the Evil Eye of Horus Amduat and the Evil Eye of Wedjat, were given to me as presents from you both. Do you not remember father?"

  "Telling the truth for the first time in my life, it has been so long that I cannot remember. This new form, that of a serpent, has been good to me, and I am the ruler of the Under Dark, so whatever life that I lived before this one must have been predestined for failure, so that I could rule in the new world of below. You are right son he speaks with a fork tongue, and with venomous breath. Whatever happened to your mother is no concern of mine. My Kauket was a good wife, and she will rule in her new world in her own time, but my time to rule, is upon us once again, the here and now...Behold!"

  Apophasis the Destroyer's black forked tongue with one quick flick, shot out from his wry mouth, a near miss, striking a massive stone block lying next to Louis. It shattered it to pieces.

  Louis dove for cover, pulling Chug to safety in the course.

  "I will protect you Chug," said Louis as he winked coyly at his best friend "for I am the Child-King and first baseman for the Centerville Giants."

  "Nice to have you back Louis" replied Chug as he winked in return "we have work to do".

  "Yes we do."

  Dragon the Fire-Breathing Dragon now stirred.

  His malaise faded away as his conscientiousness bit by bit returned, along with George the Cave Trolls. All the forces of the Under Dark were now alive and would soon be bearing down on poor little Louis. Paragus moved forward now standing directly by Dragon and Apophasis.

  Louis stood his ground shouting out to the heavens his true intentions to anyone within ear shod.

  "I am...Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri, the noted High Thinker, the son of Captain Jeremy Parks, the renowned army Captain and war hero! I am the wearer of the blue eyes of RA. I am the direct descendant of past powerful kings, and rulers of the world of daylight. I am the son of RA. He is the Creative Power and Creator!

  I hold the mark of the cobalt eye, and am the wearer of the fiery crown of red hair, which I now command to rise up, it is the mark of my courage!"

  Chug was truly dumbfounded and most flabbergasted, upon listening to Louis's spirited declarations. Mr. Beamer looked downwards as Charlie look upwards, both of their eyes met, both finding the same conclusions, was that our little Louis, picking a fight against; two giants, a Fire-Breathing Dragon, a Minotaur, a venomous o
versized demon-snake, and a dual evil-eye-wearing, walking-skeleton who wants to rule the world, which all were recently raised from the Neither World.

  "Pretty good speech...ugh?" asked little Louis as he once again looked over at Chug and smiled, "now time to get to work. First take this Heaven's Heart and apply it to our two wounded friends, it will hasten their healings. Now back to our immediate worries." Louis quickly produced the balm from his front pocket, throwing it to Chug with a swift flip of the wrist.

  "Don't let me stop're on a roll", chimed in an uplifted Chug.

  Louis rattled his chain mail coat, grabbed his shield and sword, and then crouched down in a defensive stance.

  "Now you BEHOLD, Apophasis the Destroyer!" shouted out Louis at the top of his lungs.

  Louis brought forth all of his courage and determination, into a central focus. Upon squinting up his eyes, and scrunching up his nose, it happened!

  His fiery red cowl-lick rose up with great conviction at the back of his head, "AS I SAID BEFORE...BEHOLD!"

  "Wha-t a trick!" shouted out Chug, "go Louis, get em...!"

  The demons of the dark stood in bewilderment, not knowing what to make of this little boy, with his seeming bravado or buffoonery. Was this a magician, a wizard, a fool, a mighty warrior or a trickster? Louis had them right where he wanted them, perplexed and confused.

  Louis struck first.

  Two quick leaps off a nearby stone block, and he was on the back of an unsuspecting, Olle the Ogre.

  Louis shouted out again.

  "Behold the power and bite of the The Sword and Shield of Heracles"!

  A swift upward thrust of his thin arm sent the broad silver shield, across the back of Olle's now much knotted skull. He directly collapsed from the blow, landing face first into the reddened sands of Egypt.

  "One down and four to go!" shouted out the exhilarated little boy.

  Chug screamed out at the top of his voice as Olle went down, "TAKE THAT...TAKE THAT!"

  "I suggest we take our Louis's lead," proclaimed the proud Aswan the White "shall we join this fight Mr. Beamer?"

  "That we shall!" proclaimed Mr. Beamer as he tugged at Charlie's reins with one hand, while pulling his trusted sword out with the other. Another pull of Charlie's reins, sent him and rider into a diving barrel roll off to the left side of Apophasis. The viper raised his head as Petar tightened his grip upon his slimy back; Charlie darted past him, as the steely, sharp sword sent a bevy of large scales flying off the serpent. They rained down upon the dry earth. Green blood oozed out of a deep cut at the tail. Off slithered Apophasis in pain towards Chug, and the two-wounded Pegasus's.

  "The freedom of flight has return to me, and the world of the blue light is my kingdom once again. Let me stretch my wings, before I incinerate my captors with my fiery breath..." understood Dragon the Fire-Breathing Dragon, as he lifted off the ancient sands of Egypt, towards the majestic peak of the Pyramid of Giza. In a low, leisurely flight pattern, Dragon flew upwards and outwards, with his massive wings fully extended.

  "Aswan if Dragon is loose upon the world he will, plunder and burn. Vengeance will be his, remember we are the ones that sent him into the Under World all those years ago, we must return him to his lair.'

  "This is correct Tut. We must believe in our plans and our destiny, for Louis has not let us down yet, look below let's enjoy in his courage as we speak."

  Dragon reached the top of Giza then drifted off towards the mouth of the Nile, lost in his freedom. Aswan noticed this as he hovered directly above Louis and Apophasis the Serpent King.

  "He will return."

  "Yes he will and with a vengeance, we have other worries upon us now for Hathor will return soon.

  Apophasis and Petar were closing in on the two-wounded Pegasus, and Chug, as Louis once again, leaped into action with his sword wielded high over his head, with shield being held close to his body for protection. A quick dash upon then up and over the ruble of stone thrown out from the crypt, over a nearby sand dune then a quick leap upon a large stone block entrenched nearby. He was an alley cat on the loose after his prey. Louis was nimble and lively, as only a boy his age could be. His pass training, and confidence, now showed with every word spoken, and every action taken.

  He now stood immovable in front of the advancing threat.

  The serpent towered above Louis, sending thick blue shadows across his face. Another dart of the black tongue, shot pass Louis's shield, grazing the upper corner. The shield violently shook in his hand upon contact.

  The Child-King lashed out again at the serpent with two quick thrusts of Heracles, the sword found contact upon the underbelly of the great beast. A dozen black scales escaped his body. Green blood flowed at Chug's feet.

  "I will draw him away. Take The Baron and Junior to safety behind the Pyramid of Khufu until I defeat our enemies" shouted out Louis.

  Chug with a quick nod of the head led them away the best he could, out of harm's way as Louis stood his ground.

  Chug was away with his friends, finding safety at last. An insidious hissing sound came forth from the Under World lord as the pain shot up from his belly into his nerve endings. Louis covered his ears as he sought cover behind his shield once again.

  Mehan the Serpent-Rider, bellowed out.

  "Paragus to action, this child would make a tasty bite for Dragon when he returns!"

  "Yes...a tasty bite...master", called out Paragus.

  Paragus lumbered towards Louis as Louis scurried off to the foot up the Pyramid of Khufu. A few quick leaps, he was over forty feet up, now looking down on Paragus. Louis noted an exposed area at the back of his calves that no armor covered.

  Louis threw off his shield and sword, quickly taking bow and arrows in hand. The Bow and Quiver of Ra, the Sun God were formable weapons and Louis understood this. A deadly aim, and a steady hand on a quivered shaft, sent the limbs of the bow arched under Louis's guidance. Loose, the arrow was away.

  A direct hit!

  The great Minotaur bellowed out in pain, as he grabbed for his left calve. Looking upwards from the direction of the arrows flight brought Louis into his hateful and torrid filled gaze. The Minotaur began to chase Louis up the stone face of the monolith, but Louis was just too quick for him, once again, Louis was away.

  Another lightning bolt shot out from above, within Petar's beckoning call. The ground rumbled as the Procession of the Equinoxes continued on her predestined pathway. The violent and untamed world was unraveling as the fighting continued on.

  Olle the Ogre began to regain his strength and clarity of thought as George the Cave Troll began to climb up the other side of the great pyramid after Louis.

  "Tut-ankh-Amon, Louis is on the run, the numbers are just too great for him to overcome, and we can only fight off so many ourselves. We must rescue him from his folly and re-group," said Aswan as he continued to hover directly above Louis, "plus Dragon will return shortly, and that would be the end of him for sure!"

  "You are once again correct Aswan. We will have to revert to our original plan, and you know what that means?"

  "Yes Tut...I am ready to face my Louis's rescue for the time being then!" said Aswan as he quickly descended upon Louis. Mr. Beamer reached out a muscled arm, grabbing Louis by his scrawny neck, lifting him directly off the face of the great stone behemoth. Their combined weighted made a quicker getaway impossible, as Louis struggled to climb onto Charlie's back.

  "Take it easy Louis, your rescue is at hand...steady...steady..."

  Mr. Beamer tried his best, but Louis could not gain a foothold in the stirrups offered by the wizard.

  Mr. Beamer lost his grip upon the boy.

  Louis began to fall towards a painful landing as Olle the Ogre reached out his oversized hairy hands.

  Catching Louis in mid-flight...the greater fight was over, as Lo
uis struggled inside of Olle's great, sweaty, smelly palm. It was no use...Olle's fingers surrounded Louis, holding him steadfast in place. The Bow and Quiver of Ra, snapped off his back as the stubby forefinger and thumb finally closed down upon him.

  Louis was immobilized; terror gripped him.

  He was caught, like if a baby fly might be caught inside of a preying mantis's, far-reaching tentacles.

  Mr. Beamer called out to no avail.

  Charlie whinnied loudly as Louis disappeared inside of the great ogres grip.

  Chug looked out from his hiding place with Junior and The Baron, as all was becoming clearer, that all was for not, defeat was now at hand, and there was nothing they could do about it, Tut-ankh-Amon and Aswan now completely understood this to be true.

  Just then at the feet of Olle, a small mound of dirt moved, catching Olle's eyes. Two furry ears popped out of the earth, then a round furry head, two soft brown eyes, then a pink nose.

  Out hopped Digger, just in time.

  He looked up at Olle, giving him the softest, kindest, and gentlest face he could muster, as only a clever bunny-rabbit could do. The eyes and mouth drooped at the edges like a newly born kitten trying to gain favor with its mother at dinnertime.

  Olle the Ogre bit completely hook line, and sinker, as he reached for the little fuzzy rabbit with his off hand. Digger balled up, folding his ears around his eyes for cover as Olle placed his two hands together lost in a world that he was not familiar with; one of kindness,(rabbits are known to have this effect on the savage beast, and Digger knew it).

  He was a bright and clever rabbit.

  As the two hands met in front of Olle, Digger climbed back into Louis's shirt.

  He spoke softly into Louis's ear.

  "I have brought good new master. I have found Mehan's Golden Heart...and the book of Aka Manah...we still have a chance."

  Digger smiled up at Louis broadly.

  Louis brought into being a newfound courage, after reveling in Digger's words for a moment.

  "Into the belly of the black beast...the prophesy remember, and your destiny Louis. We must go into the belly of the serpent. I will go with you. I will be your eyes in the darkness. We will find our salvation, and that of our friends inside of the Neither World," said the little burglar.

  Louis thought a long and deep thought as Olle carried them both towards Apophasis the Destroyer, and his vile son, Peter the Terrible.

  "You have seen the golden heart?"

  "Yes, it lies on a mound of jewels, silver, and gold, in the heart of the Under Dark. The Book of Aka Manah and the Golden Heart were within my grip, but they were lodged, beneath a heavy cauldron made of gold. Then I thought I heard an other-worldly beast coming so I had to hop to safety, or surely be found out."

  "You saw these things Digger?"

  "Yes and more so! Then I heard your calling to me from deep within your heart. It was the call of your love of your home, your parents and of your love of Centerville, and the call of all of your friends that love you back home. I know you miss these things just as I miss Mr. Beamer's garden and my rabbit hole back home. I miss the tasty carrots, lettuce, and celery that grow there. I miss the smell of Hattie May's pie's cooling in the windowsill of your home Louis.

  These are the things that you and I miss the most. These are the things of our life that we must savior, and will once again, you and me. We must conquer our fears to be successful in life, and this is a teachable moment for us both. It teaches of teamwork and trust. Do you trust me Louis?"

  "Yes Digger, who could not trust those eyes, those whiskers, and that pink nose. I know what must be done now. Remember I am a High-Thinker.

  Digger warmly smiled once again as he recoiled back into Louis's shirt to await his fate.

  Olle loosened his grip on Louis as Digger's warmth and charm still deluded his mind.

  "Bring the rabbit and the boy to me Olle. Do not be swayed by the rabbits charm, he is a thief, liar, and a cunning rabbit" said Petar.

  "Yes bring them to me. Dragon does not need to fill his belly this day, it will be me who will be having rabbit and little boy for lunch," said Apophasis the Destroyer as he licked his lips with his black forked tongue "set him on the ground before me."

  "What can we do Tut?" asked a disheartened Aswan "is there anything we can do for them?"

  "No we must trust in our plans and trust in our Louis," replied Tut, "if all goes awry, and for the worst we still have our back up plans. Remember the Snatchers."

  "Yes I do Tut...yes I do...I remember them well."

  Olle gently placed the small boy, and rabbit, on the ground as George the Cave Troll, Paragus, and Petar looked on.

  "The Neither World will rule this new world Tut-ankh-Amon. Do you hear me Aswan the White, Baron and you others. You have failed. His training did not help you. You tried to resurrect my ancient foe RA, but instead you brought me this imposter. He is nothing more than, a small boy with a big heart, a courageous heart for sure, or he could have not gotten this far. He has been misled by this rabbit, you Tut and Aswan you should all be ashamed, because his death will be on your hands."

  Aswan landed in front of Paragus as Mr. Beamer dismounted in a hurried fashion.

  "I implore you to let the child go. Take me instead, your Dark Master. This boy means nothing to you. I am the Librarian, I am one of the last of the Ancients, I am the one that defeated you last time, and do you not have revenge pulsating in your black veins?"

  "Yes revenge is mine, and Aswan do not offer your life for that of the boy either, it will not help your cause. I want you both to live until the next time we met, at the next summer solstice during the time of the Procession of Equinoxes, at the next meeting of Arion, Ancient and Neither World lords, during the next time of our Blue Hour. That way you will have a long time to think about what you have done, to this small boy."

  Chug moved forward, as did the hobbled Baron, and Junior. Both Pegasus's were still wounded and limped forward, beaten and sorrowful. All now stood next to Mr. Beamer and Charlie as Louis's fate was coming to a horrific conclusion.

  "We offer you the Compass of Nubia, the broken shards of the Staff of Thebans, the Sword and Shield of Heracles and the Bow and Quiver of RA the Sun God. Are these gifts not enough for you, as we as well offer our lives for the boy? We are defeated, please one last time, release him to us, and all of these things will be yours, as well as your place upon the throne in the new blue light."

  "I already have all of these things that you speak of, they are either broken or scattered about the battlefield they cannot help you anymore. You can offer me nothing of value. Hathor will make her decision upon her return. I go to my throne in the Under Dark once again to gather my other offerings to her, then all will be done."

  Louis was placed in front of the underbelly of the great serpent in between the heavy legs of, Olle, George, and Paragus. There was no escape for Louis and Digger as Apophasis the Destroyer reared up to his full height. He then sent his rattle into a wild movement that assaulted the ears of all.

  Chug could not believe his eyes as Apophasis opened his broad mouth, disconnected his lower jaws from the upper, and flared his vast hood about his neck. He started to descend upon Louis and Digger, as saliva dripped from his mouth onto Louis head.

  Louis shed his chain mail coat, removed his quiver of arrows and all of his armament as his fiery cowl-lick stood to attention upon to top of his head. He stood as small boy once again, not as a Child-King, or as the Savior of the World. He would battle the Black Serpent on his own terms.

  Louis looked one last time over at his best friend Chug, locking eyes with him. A gentle and serene smile crossed Louis's face. It was a smile filled with confidence and assurance, then a wink and a nod towards Charlie and Mr. Beamer that said, (in an ever so subtle way) that all is well, and not to worry...too much.

bsp; Mr. Beamer and Charlie nodded back that they understood what must be was foretold by the Good Book of Thebans and written by the Pen of Jupiter Angel long ago.

  A quick bite was had by The Serpent then Louis and Digger disappeared, over the un-curling black lips, and down into the wide-open throat, of Apophasis the Destroyer.



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