Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt

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Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 52

by Kenneth Mullinix

  ~Chapter 26~

  The Golden Horn

  "Tut-ankh-Amon, do you hear that digging noise, quickly there is movement below us," said Aswan the White with volume in his voice "if I know our Louis, he may have awakened the sleeping, the dead, undead, or all three!"

  Paragus the Minotaur, Olle the Ogre, and George the Cave Troll looked towards the crypt's opening as the volume of Apophasis the Destroyer's voice grew in size inside of the cave's depth.

  "STOP THEM...they have stolen from me, the Golden Heart...STOP THEM...!" cried out the serpent.

  While all turned to look towards the mouth of the Under World, Digger popped up through the ground, behind Aswan. Shaking off the dirt from his furry ears and long whiskers, Digger hopped onto the dry sands of the desert. Right behind him only a moment later, out jumped Louis, with his stolen bounty still in hand.

  "Why Charlie there you are. Won any horse races lately, you know...the Porterhouse Steaks? It's sure not a fair race with those wings!" yelled out a smiling Louis.

  "Well look at my Louis! You must not taste very good, if even a snake won't keep you down inside his stomach!"

  "I don't know about that Charlie but we better get moving, before that snake decides to try a second course of Louis, Charlie, and Digger stew!" said Louis as he flew towards Charlie's back. Digger jumped upon Louis's shoulders as Louis scrambled pass.

  "Here Chug on my back quickly. I am feeling better since you applied the Heaven's Heart to my injury. I can fly once again," shouted out The Baron "the wounds I suffered from Paragus are healing. Chug mounted The Baron in a flash. They went missing.

  "Here Louis, your Arion Aswan and I, will guide you to your destiny" called out the Tut.

  Louis (with Digger tucked inside of his shirt again), flew like a magic carpet in the movies, in an unbelievable leap towards Aswan's back, landing squarely behind Mr. Beamer, at the rear of the saddle. With so much weight, Aswan lifted off the ground, in a wobbly fashion.

  Seeing all elevating off the earth in flight, Junior stumbled to his feet as well with renewed strength. Upon stretching his wings with a wild flutter, he to rose off of the ground, wincing in pain as he grew in altitude.

  All the Pegasus's were away.

  Paragus grabbed the remnants of his broken forked spear, and in a gallant effort he threw the splintered spear after the fleeing horses, it was too late, they went absent just as Apophasis' huge head slammed into the top of the crypt opening, shattering what was left of it to pieces, as he passed through.

  He widened his body, and his hood about his neck opened larger, in a great sign of distaste for his detractors and enemies. His forked black tongue licked at the air, as a deep hissing sound rumbled out of his throat.

  The three Pegasus's lifted higher into the atmosphere. The sky was still dark and threatening above them as they banked around one side of the great Pyramid of Khufu.

  "Look to the skies. Just in the nick of time, Hathor approaches once more," cried out Mr. Beamer in a commanding tone "Louis you must offer your new booty to Hathor once more, and you must now do it alone on the top of Khufu. Aswan, make for the very top of the pyramid."

  "Look Petar Hathor approaches! They are heading to the top of the Pyramid of Khufu, to meet their destiny. You must stop them. Climb like the thief and criminal you are and seal our fate, and that of Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri, the Child-King, or all will be lost.

  Flying off his father's back, the Black Fire flew up the pyramid like a maniac, with the evil eyes of Wedjat and Horus Amduat, spinning crazily about in his head. He threw off his black duster, revealing the skeleton of a man that his was. His leathered skin had all but faded away, dropping off his body. His spine could be seen from the front and his frontal rib cage, from the back. The Eye of Providence was spinning slowly, inside of his belly.

  "That pesky, little red haired boy...I have had enough of him and his tricks..." mumbled Petar as he reached the first great block, at the very base of the stone-mountain.

  "She comes!" called out Chug as he looked through the circle of the raging thunderstorm above them. Another thunderbolt rolled through the Valley of Kings as Aswan circled about the highest stone blocks, nearer to the top.

  "You must do this alone Louis, for you are the true savior of us all," said Tut-ankh-Amon "remember the sacred writings".

  "Don't worry Mr. Beamer I can do it. I know I can really. I know what to do, remember all those books I read up in my bedroom all these past years. Remember the guidance that Horus the Elder, gave me, and remember the culture of the Zhang Zhung peoples, and the Kalachakra teachings, and the words of wisdom from Sana Kumara and the Eye of Providence. The words of my parents, and Molly my girlfriend, and Digger and everyone else, they are all in my head and in my heart. I can do it Mr. Beamer, place me upon the stone-mountain, and let me conquer all my fears, be they great or small."

  "You are truly the bravest little boy I have ever known Louis. Good luck!" said Mr. Beamer.

  "Yes good luck Louis..." added Chug.

  "Be brave...and have courage..." chimed in Junior and The Baron as they both veered off to the left side, and away from the pyramid.

  Aswan the White hovered over the top stone block as Louis dismounted, with Mr. Beamer's help.

  Tragedy struck yet again.

  As Louis dismounted, the Evil Book of Aka Manah slipped from his right hand.

  "The book!" yelled out Louis.

  It fell in between two large stone blocks, just out of Louis's view. Charlie lifted up higher into the skies as Louis placed the Golden Heart of Mehan the Serpent, on a nearby flat rock.

  "It fell, fell out of my sight..."

  Charlie did not look back, nor Mr. Beamer as Rukh the Firebird approached from high above. The golden Firebird darted down through the center of the black storm as black sheet lightning lit the great birds, and Hathor's arrival.

  Petar scampered, dashed and darted up the backside of Khufu unbeknownst to Louis, Charlie and the others.

  As Rukh slowed his approach, his great glowing feathers, and wings spread out in a dazzling display of colors. He shot out blistering hot bolts of flames, out of his throat above Louis's head, which mixed in with another black thunderbolt shot down from the heavens. Both sounds were deafening in volume and size. Louis froze in place upon The Solar Deity's, fanciful entrance.

  "Bow upon my onset Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri", spoke out, the heavenly goddess. Louis bowed down in respect as he held up Mehen's Golden Heart, high above his head.

  A few more tense moments passed as Louis and Hathor's moment in time melted together only to be remembered and written about throughout the ages.

  Petar pounced.

  The Black Fire, Peter the Terrible sprang upon little Louis, sending the golden heart flying from his hands.

  Both tumbled onto a large flat block of stone, with rage and wrath streaming through their veins.

  "You two have still not settled your differences? The fight of good and evil continues. I grow weary of this. Your time is up. What are your final offers, before I decide your fate, demanded Hathor as Rukh hovered just overhead.

  Neither of the combatants spoke as their arms, and legs tangled, and entwined, about each other. Louis saw the Eye of Providence as they tumbled about the stone blocks. Louis ever the quick thinker reached into Petar's ribcage then into his stomach, tearing it at the rear, which sent fluids splattering about the ground. Petar did not flinch in pain. As Louis secured the Seeing Eye inside his side pocket, Petar accidentally kicked the Golden Heart, into the same crack in the stone as the Book of Aka Manah had just fallen in. Petar watched it fall, as Louis followed the path as well, it quickly passed out of view.

  Louis broke free from his enemies grip at last.

  Quickly Louis tried to reach the book. He tried the best he could to wedge his body down in betwee
n and around the two great stone blocks, hindering his way, but he was just too thick in the middle.

  Petar stood up and began to laugh, hysterically.

  "I had a premonition and a beautiful dream that someday my weight and size would deter me in my plans to conquer the world. You see I have starved myself for the better part of six months, just for this moment."

  Louis averted his eyes from that of Petar's spinning orbs and wasted body, as he spoke.

  "You see, you always have to think ahead if you want to be successful in life boy! BEHOLD ONCE AGAIN!" cried out the delirious skeleton.

  Petar slipped from view, sliding in between the two large stones, only to appear on the other side with Mehan's Golden Heart, and the Book of Aka Manah, grasped within his icy cold fingers.

  "They belong to me Hathor. I offer them to you, here and now. There is nothing more valuable upon this earth than this golden heart and the evil book, and as an added gift, I give you this velvet blue diamond once worn by Queen Nefertari, who once ruled ancient Egypt."

  Louis looked to Hathor for help, the evil mistress gave none, she sat steadfast upon her fiery stead, lips tightly closed.

  Louis's eyes and shoulders slunk downwards in defeat.

  Mr. Beamer, Charlie, The Baron, and Junior had all landed on the ground on the other side of the great pyramid. Louis was deftly alone.

  "Mr. Beamer, Hathor has arrived. Can you tell what is going on up there?" asked Chug who now stood on the ground next to Mr. Beamer.

  "I do not know Chug. The Firebird hovers in place, they must be in negotiations."

  "My eyesight is keener than any of yours, and from what I can see Louis is in trouble again."

  "It can't be true Digger," cried out Chug in disbelief.

  "Yes it is true Chug. Petar is standing on top of a lone stone block, holding Mehan's Golden Heart in one hand and the Book of Aka Manah in the other. We have been defeated once again. He is a better thief than I am. I did all I can do..." said the saddened rabbit.

  "I have given all as well father," said Junior as he two stood in disbelief and sadness.

  "Where is our real thief...the one we wait for...?" shouted out Mr. Beamer "we had a deal..."

  Just as Mr. Beamer wailed out an eerie dark shadow crossed over the face of Louis and Petar, then from above and below, a loud screech broke the silence. Gliding in skillfully from the backside of the great pyramid, riding a hot updraft of air, Harpeia the Snatcher moved smoothly in between Louis and Petar, rolling upside down with claws exposed; she pinched the Golden Heart from Petar's open palm. Right behind her, were her two sisters Aello, The storm Swift and Celaeno The Fleet Foot. Celaeno pilfered the evil Book of Aka Manah from Petar's, other hand, just as quickly as Harpeia had.

  "Help has arrived!! We will be victorious....Louis...Louis!!" blared out Digger at the top of his tiny lungs.

  "Well it's about time, they showed up" said a relieved Mr. Beamer.

  "Well how about that Mr. Beamer, our backup plan worked," said a thankful Charlie.

  Petar wailed out in defeat once, again.

  Harpeia screeched out as she started to circle downwards, spinning ever downhill, towards where the Pegasus's were standing. Both sister thieves were close behind Harpeia as they all quickly landed in front of the wizard and Aswan.

  "I have fulfilled my part of the deal," said the perturbed, and ever hungry birdlike creature "now fulfill you promise to me, and my sisters."

  "Charlie here quickly," said Mr. Beamer "I need to find Louis's backpack.

  Charlie sidled up next to Mr. Beamer. Mr. Beamer feverously, searched about Charlie's saddlebags, but to no avail.

  "They are not here!" cried out Mr. Beamer.

  "What are you looking for," asked Chug.

  "The sweet rolls that Elwood Booker gave us, just for this reason. There were two left. What could have happened to them...?" asked Mr. Beamer.

  "You have deceived us. You used us to bid your tidings. We never steal for money, only food and you knew this."

  "But...but..." stuttered Mr. Beamer; trying to explain.

  "In our cave that night you promised us more sweet rolls, from Horus, those were the most delectable treats we have ever eaten, you knew when you gave them to us that a spell would be cast over us, and that we would have to have more of them. You lied to us. You never had any more of them, and you had us fly the length of the world to steal for you...and for what? Nothing!!"

  "That is not true" chimed in the little rabbit "may, I speak?"

  "Yes Digger, we are all equals here," said Mr. Beamer.

  "What you have supposed and indicated is not true, there were other sweet rolls. They were about six inches across, with a glazed sugar coating, with a red berry filling, is this not correct?"

  "Yes that is correct little rabbit, so where are they?" asked a furious Harpeia.

  "I have eaten them. When I was trapped inside of the Bodhi Tree, and lost in the Neither World Louis offered them to me as a gift, as an act of total selflessness. That is how we were able to escape the darkness, and the biting thorns of the Bodhi's grasp.

  It is my fault that they were eaten, you see I tricked Louis into giving them to me, but it was that sole act of High-Thinking by Louis that saved Louis and myself that day. I am the reason that we cannot pay your fee in food today."

  "Well then, until I receive payment, the Golden Heart of Mehan the Serpent King and the Book of Aka Manah, will belong to me," said the now vengeful creature "we are off to our cave and humble abode. You know where to find us, when payment can be made, we will complete our deal."

  "No Harpeia...wait...wait...!" called out Mr. Beamer as Harpeia and her sisters took to flight, directly heading west.

  "You know where to find know where to find us..." echoed out Harpeia as she faded from sight above the dark storm clouds that were still hanging above the valley.

  "This time it is truly over Mr. Beamer. Louis is done for and so are we. Do you have any other alternative plans besides this, or is this it?" asked a now sobbing Chug.

  "It is time then Mr. Beamer. We can wait no longer," said Aswan the White as he lifted off the ground with two strokes of his massive white wings.

  "You are right Aswan, I am sorry to say it, but it is time, there can be no other way now" said Mr. Beamer as tears began to well up in his eyes as well."

  "What are you talking about father?" asked a very dismayed Junior "what can this mean...?"

  "What are you talking about Aswan?" asked The Baron as Aswan rose up higher and higher into the air above them.

  "I am the King of the Arions. I am the only hope we have left for the salvation of: the Ancients, and the good people, animals, and good beasts of the earth. Now is the time for great deeds. My time is at hand. Stay with Mr. Beamer Junior, I will see you in time, trust me son. I love you."

  "No father! What are you talking about...? I love you too!"

  Aswan ascended higher away from them, now heading for the top of Khufu.

  Louis looked back up at Hathor and spoke.

  "Is there nothing else we can offer you, to buy your favors?"

  "Maybe...let me think for a moment," said Hathor as Rukh shot out another great stream of blue, red, and orange flames from his throat.

  Louis turned his rage upon Petar once again.

  "Well I am tired of these games, Petar. Your demise is at hand for I have other devises, and options that you do not know about!" shouted out Louis.

  Louis bounded up two great blocks of stone landing squarely on Petar's boney back. Petar reached out with his long thin fingers, trying to grab Louis. Louis hung on the best he could as he reached back, into his rear pocket. Producing the white Bodhi flower, Louis raised it to his mouth. One quick bite and the flower exploded in his mouth. A ravenous stream of twis
ted roots, and thorny branches encircled them where they both stood. The thick roots and wide stems of the tree now held them both firmly in place. Small pools of blood pooled at their feet, as Louis screamed out in pain.

  "What have you done now boy, another trick?"

  "If I have been defeated, then so have you."

  Hathor looked at both not really knowing what to make of the recent turn of events, she paused then cautiously spoke.

  "This grows wearisome for me. This is my last ruling on this. Petar you now have nothing to offer me, self-same for Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri and with no gifts offered, then I will now depart to make my final ruling, for I am the Goddess of Darkness and Chaos the Goddess of Nighttime of Time Without Light or Sun. You all deserve my full wrath, for this is an awful display of nonsense and tomfoolery."

  Aswan arrived.

  "This is not true Hathor, for Louis does still have something to offer of value, because he can produce the Golden Horn of the Unicorn. Nothing is more prized than this solid gold treasure, not the Book of Aka Manah, nor the Good Book of Thebes, nor spears, swords, jewels, seeing-stones, seeing-eyes or are, diamonds, more valuable. You know this Hathor as well as I," said Aswan as he now hovered above the tip of the great pyramid, next to Rukh.

  "Charlie land here next to me quickly" blared out Louis.

  "What is it Louis...what..."

  "Just do as I say. I to have back-up plan and schemes as well, for I am Louis the Red, the famous, and well-known bear slayer, and...and..."

  "Get to the point already Louis."

  "Hurry you two, for my time grows nearer, the summer solstice ends, the blue moon and the hour of the blue light either has to pass or stay. It is almost time for my decision," said Hathor.

  Charlie landed directly on a large flat block in front of Petar's, and Louis's cage.

  "What are you two tricksters up to?" asked Petar.

  "You don't mind me. I am tired of you chasing me all over god's creation. Now you will be a prisoner of mine, and of your own devices and ways.

  Behold!" said Louis.

  The Bodhi Tree held Louis tightly, but he managed to remove his sling shot from his back pocket with his loose hand.

  "Charlie come closer, I now offer you this sling shot as a gift, because I love you," said Louis as he held out the gift, through the thick thorny branches of the tree.

  "What Louis? I do not understand," said Charlie.

  "You don't need to," said Louis.

  Charlie reached out and grasped the sling shot in his mouth.

  The Bodhi Tree began to loosen its grip on Louis's legs, ankles, one arm, and then finally his whole body.

  Louis was free!

  "You see Charlie only a selfless act by a good person, or an act of true love will release its grip upon you. I accidentally learned this when I was trapped with Digger in the Neither World. It is how I became enlightened. The thorn bush will hold Petar in place, and for eternity upon this pyramid. He owns nothing now, and has nothing on his person to offer to anyone, thus the tree will grip him in his purgatory, for as long as he lives. I have trapped him.

  He will live off the life-giving berries, and by sipping on rainwater, until the end of his days. You see Charlie I am a High-Thinker after all, and quite clever I might add," said Louis as he winked at Charlie.

  Petar cried out in rage, spewing venom in his words as he shot back at Louis.

  "You are wrong! Everyone loves me, for I am the Dark Fire...I am Peter the Terrible, I still have something to offer to the world. I will...what did you call it...I can do a...selfless act."

  Petar grabbed a few blueberries off a nearby branch. Gulping them down with a cross-wised smirk on his face, he began an insidious laugh, as his evil eyes again rolled constantly in his head.

  "Louis you are truly wise in so many ways for one so young. Now you must be brave beyond your years as well. Did you not hear my offer only a moment ago to Hathor?"

  Aswan moved over to another large stone block next to Louis "You must do one last great deed, you must..."

  "What did you say again Charlie? I guess I did not understand it, or hear it correctly when you spoke to Hathor," said Louis as he turned to look at Rukh and Hathor.

  "He has offered The Golden Horn and his life, to save you little one," said Hathor "you must take his offer. That is the ultimate act of selflessness, to die for your best friend, and for the benefit of the world, and all who live in it."

  "What does this mean Charlie that you must die? Charlie? Charlie?"

  Charlie took a step closer to Louis, tucked his feathered wings close to his body, then, he lowered his head in a sign of respect.

  "Louis you are my Master, I was bred for this moment, and you have been trained to complete your task. This is your last great quest and task as well."

  "What task Charlie? What are you talking about?" asked the bewildered little child.

  "You are to cast a spell upon me with the bells of Amun-Ra, the Magic Jingle Bells. You carry one bell around your neck, the one bell that I gave you in Mr. Beamer's barn, what now seems like so long ago. Remember this one special bell Petar risked his life to steal from you, last year on the deck of the Cimmaron Cutter. You see Petar knew before you did that this moment would come.

  "I still do not understand Charlie."

  "You are to take the string of Magic Jingle Bells out of my side saddlebag now. Mr. Beamer and I have planned this the whole time, just in case you failed and we all failed in our quest. The Golden Heart of Mehan is lost for the time being, and our offerings, the ones we brought to bribe Hathor are also either lost, destroyed or have no meaning to her anymore, the only thing we have left to offer her is my Golden Horn.

  "But Charlie you do not have a golden horn!"

  "You are an Ancient Louis."


  "Mr. Beamer is your godfather, and Mrs. Beamer is your godmother."

  "I always thought that to be true...I just felt it..." said the befuddled little boy.

  "You are the next generation of Ancient Louis you have to trust me on this. Mr. Beamer does not have the mark of the cobalt blue eyes as you, but he is your father's godfather."

  "Is that why he has been watching out for me all these years, the way he has?"

  "Yes Louis. When your father went off to war, he became your surrogate father."

  "I always felt that way about him. He is such a strong father figure. I am glad that I now I know the truth."

  "Yes it is true Louis, now please listen to me we have more important things to do right now. You must now take off the bell you wear around your neck, and place it into the crown, inside of the one empty socket on the string of Magic Jingle Bells, place the Bell of Amun-Ra into its rightful place, then dream the dream you dare to dream. It will transform me into a Golden Unicorn. Then you must slice off the Golden Horn of the Unicorn, with the Sword of Heracles, and offer it to Hathor. There is no other way now."

  "No I cannot! I will not!!"

  "Then you will both live inside the light of the, Blue Hour for all of eternity" offered up Petar in a chilling, maniacal voice.

  "Stay out of this Petar. Your days are over. You are done!" shot back Louis.

  "I will only consider the gift Aswan. I will not guarantee you anything. I grow tired of this conversation though, and Rukh grows tired of flight. We will return to the place of my birth, high in the heavens now. If you can catch me before I reach my throne with your offering, then I will consider it. There is nothing more to be said for now...for I am the Overseer of Shadows Before Time Began the..."

  Her voice began to diminish.

  Hathor pulled on The Firebirds reins in angst. Rukh reared up higher, slowly flying away from the Pyramid of Khufu, and away from the Valley of the K

  "I will only consider the gift" called back Hathor the Solar Deity "nothing more; nothing less." Her voice completely faded the higher and higher Rukh climbed upwards back into the eye of the brooding, black storm.

  She finally and completely faded away, out of from sight.

  "Time is of the essence now Louis. Trust me on this, there are other great things in this world that you do not understand, and do not know about," said Aswan in a hurried voice.

  "I will trust you Arion, just as I always have. What do we do?"

  Charlie called out to below.

  "The Sword of Heracles, quickly Tut-ankh-Amon!"

  The Tut mounted The Baron with one quick bound. The Baron instinctively lifted off the ground as Tut motioned to the Baron, for a flight around the base of the pyramid and back towards the battlefield in front of the Crypt of Kings. As he approached the shattered opening, it was apparent that Olle the Ogre, and George the Cave Troll, both were standing with no direction or aim in life, for Petar could not bark out orders to them.

  Paragus and Apophasis the Destroyer stood motionless, straining to hear the conversation going on, on top of the pyramid and to understand its meaning. The Baron swooped in from behind, up in between Olle's legs, grabbing the Sword of Heracles as he leaned towards the ground.

  They were away before Olle could react.

  "You will get yours someday Tut-ankh-Amon. This fight is not over, nor will it ever be," screamed out Apophasis the Destroyer, as he looked skyward.

  "Reach into the saddlebag Louis and remove the Bells of Amun-Ra, quickly before the Tut arrives" called out Aswan.

  Louis approached Charlie with trepidation in his heart, but with conviction in his thoughts. Louis gave Charlie a long gentle hug around his neck then caressed his forelock between his ears. Charlie lovingly fluttered his great white wings, causing a large feather to fall to the earth, at Louis's feet.

  "A special gift to you Louis, now before Hathor reaches her heavenly throne, we have work to do."

  Louis reached down and grabbed the feather, gently placing it into his rear pants pocket. After a moments rustling inside of his saddlebags, Louis produced the mystical Bells of Amun-Ra, into the dim blue light of the day.

  He had not seen the bells since last year on Christmas Eve in the Great Hall of the North Pole, at Santa's Village.

  They were still as brilliant and fantastical as ever.

  They were glowing, a light color of off whites, greens, reds and off color blues, which cast a beautiful and most delightful colored light, across Louis's boyish face.

  Louis stepped back away from his Charlie as the two lovingly locked eyes, minds, and hearts as only Master, Arion, and true best friends could do.

  "Now is the time Louis. You have the power in your soul and mind. Only you have the willpower to do this. You are the High-Thinker, the Enlightened One, the Child-King and the Savior of the World...and oh yeah, also the first baseman for the Centerville Giants."

  Louis smiled widely.

  "Now dream what you know to be true, and use your gift of daydreaming, and future visions, and dream of a world full of: bright life giving sunlight, honesty, happiness, and truth. Dream of a world, which is also full of an undying love for each other, as only: a parent can have for a child, a husband for a wife, visas versa, and a true love between good friends, nations and all colors and races of people. As will I, and all will be done then" said Charlie the Great White Horse with great kindness, truth, and love ringing in his words and heart."

  "I love you more than you will ever know, MY CHARLIE, and I promise to love you always from this day forward to the end of time. It will be a love that is never ending, always enduring, and forever growing. I truly love you...MY CHARLIE!" said Louis as he paused for one last moment.

  He then placed his small magic bell into the slivery string of magic bells. He closed his eyes then threw the illustrious and very magical Bells of Amun-RA, the Magic Jingle Bells, over to Charlie.

  Aswan caught the bells between his pearly white teeth, as Louis made a grand wish under his breath. Charlie clinched down tightly on the string of bells, reared up on his hind legs, and then closed his eyes for a moment to make his powerful wish as well. He then let out a great and very forceful whinny!

  He vigorously shook the silvery bells with all his might.

  Once again as before in Mr. Beamer's barn on a Christmas Eve so long ago: The "Magic Jingle Bells" took on the sounds of all the church bells in the world ringing at once, but in a controlled and melodious fashion. The tones of the bells were of the lowest lows and the highest highs together. All of the notes on the musical scale were represented as the notes sent off by the magic bells shot out around the earth and far up into the starry heavens above. There were diminished minors notes, and augmented major notes and ringing high C's.

  Then a blinding, flash of white and blue light shot out around the world.

  In an instant, all became quiet around those singular notes played together, as they rang out...high-and-true.

  The Magic Jingle Bells, were heard though out the world, they rang in every child's ears. The sounds were felt in every father's heart and cherished in every mother's breast, all that heard them were brought joy down deep in their souls once again, and they would carry this special emotion with them, for the rest of their natural-born lives.

  Just then!

  Another great flash of white, and bluish light now exploded out in all directions all around where Aswan the White was last seen standing...engulfing him and hiding him temporarily from view.

  The air on top of Khufu started to make a strong and very loud whooshing noise as it grew in strength and stamina.

  As the winds continued to gain in strength, Louis ducked for cover behind a large stone block. The sands of the desert below, and though out the great pyramid were thrown out in all directions, as another large cloud of magical dust filled the air around where Louis and Charlie were now standing.

  The ringing of the bells and Charlie's whinnies began to fade drawing fainter and fainter as the circling winds grew in intensity and strength. Then with one great final flash of white and blue light, and with one last great robust gust of blowing wind...everything...became...deathly...still.

  The sounds of the serenading Bells of Amun-RA became ghostly quiet. The hot blowing winds had suddenly stopped, as quickly as they had arisen. The bright magical lights were gone, and the magical dust in the air began to gently fall back to earth. Louis had alighted from cover, after recovering his eyesight a lovely sight and powerful image now stood before him.

  Charlie had been reborn, yet again!

  There now stood an enormous, off-white and pale, pink colored, purebred UNICORN, and upon it's forehead in between its forelock and ears, extended a long, straight, fantastical solid golden horn. It was over three, and half feet long and eight inches wide at the base.

  It glistened in the blue light of the Blue Hour.

  Upon his chin were long, pink colored, curled hairs much like that that a Billy goat might have. Charlie now had a long flowing tail like a lion, and very sharp cloven hooves as feet.

  It was a fabulous beast to behold.

  This wild, un-tamable animal bore great strength and agility, and stunning beauty, only highlighted by the mighty golden horn given to him by the gods. He was fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful.

  Louis stood in admiration and high-regard once again, while admiring his best friend.

  It was a magical transformation.

  Louis deadpanned.

  "Charlie this never gets old."

  Charlie nodded his head in affirmation.

  "I am almost afraid to ask...but...but...your new name would be?" asked a stunned Louis.

  "I will now be called, Chrysaor."

  "That is a beautiful name
and most befitting," said the star struck little boy.

  "I have never taken this form upon this earth before. My father was in this form, during his last days on earth."

  "Charlie, you talk of your father and his past life. I do not understand."

  "Please call me Chrysaor, now."

  "Of course your majesty...Chrysaor," said Louis who was still standing in astonishment, in front of the mythical beast "and I must say you are most stunning to behold. You never have failed to impress me my good friend."

  Chrysaor looked to his left as The Baron approached from below; he finally reached the top of the pyramid with Tut-ankh-Amon carrying the Sword of Heracles.

  "Master you must act quickly, for Hathor heads for her heavenly throne. Time is of the essence. Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri I beg you to take the Sword of Heracles, and perform the task you were brought onto this earth, to carry out."

  Now handing the silver sword to Louis Tut-ankh-Amon spoke out.

  "The King of the Arions has spoken Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri. It is time for you to take your place in history, for greatness is now meant to be witnessed, you must now perform the most selfless act of love, the world has ever known."

  Louis stumbled as the weight of the sword and the gravity of the moment fully caught up to him. He bowed slowly to Tut-ankh-Amon then slowly turned to face Chrysaor, one the last time.

  "There is only one way off of this stone mountain for me Master. I have now lost my wings, and I knew this was a one-way trip when I began this great journey with you. I now accept my fate."

  Louis's eyes welled up, as great tears began rolling down his soft cheeks. Louis's cobalt blue eyes shimmered in the dim blue light as he raised the great sword above his head with both hands firmly upon the hilt. Charlie closed his eyes as a soft, disarming smile crossed his face.

  Between the two best friends, nothing more was said.

  All was understood between them that great deeds of bravery and selfless acts of great courage supersede all selfish motivations and less-noble purposes.

  Louis closed his eyes, as his heart just broke.

  A mighty hammer-stroke downwards, sent golden sparks flying. The Sword of Heracles effortlessly sliced through the golden horn, a clean, surgical cut at the base, shearing the horn in two. The golden horn spun awkwardly upwards into the air. It was suspended in flight for a moment, as time its self, stood still.

  Tears of joy and sadness washed down Louis's face. Chrysaor's Golden Horn landed softly at Louis's feet, as Louis opened his reddened, sullen eyes.

  "Good bye old friend," said Charlie the Barnyard Horse with tears now appearing in the corner of his eyes as well, "you will see me in your dreams, I will live in your memories. Or if the heavens will take me, then I will see you high in the skies one day."

  Brilliant red and yellow lights shot out from the center of Charlie's chest, which started to engulf and swallow all other light around it. Charlie methodically closed his eyes again as a fantastical white light now appeared around the crown of his head. The lustrous halo rose to about five inches above his two ears, hanging in suspended animation, as the luminous, and most dazzling red and yellow lights extended out to the heavens above and to the earth below.

  Louis stood in puzzlement and disorientation at all that he was witnessing.

  Mr. Beamer slowly guided The Baron onto a large stone block nearby. As they landed, he and The Baron lowered their heads, in a sign of respect for their fallen hero.

  Just like that, Chrysaor disappeared from sight as the mystical lights engulfed, and overcame him. Golden dust fluttered to the ground in front of Louis as the out of this world lights finally faded out, and the dull blue light returned.

  All stood mesmerized for a moment, as they took in all that they had just witnessed. Louis gingerly stepped forward bent down, grasping Chrysaor's golden horn in one quacking hand, and the lone Bell of Amun Ra in his other. The string of Magic Jingle Bells had dissolved, returning to their place of birth, in the Valley of the Kings.

  Louis wiped a salty tear from his cheek as he spoke out for the first time in his life, with absolute and truthful courage ringing in his words.

  "Now how do we get this horn to Hathor and save the world?"

  "I will try to reach Hathor before she is too high in the sky. The Baron can only fly so high so we must hurry now," said Mr. Beamer as he stepped forward to take the horn out of his hands.

  A loud whooshing noise enveloped their senses, just above them the hot winds enlivened around them once more. The soft blue moonlight diminished over the top of the great pyramid as a yet unidentified and magnificent creature, landed before them.

  "Only I can fly that high," alleged the assuring and most soothing voice.

  Louis and Mr. Beamer stood their ground as the creature's words, voice and presence brought confidence and calm, into the storm of change, and uncertainty that was raging all around them.

  It was a bird of prey: a prideful raptor.

  The mature alpha-male's plumage was evenly brown. The feathers were broad and sturdy, and evenly lined, up and down, upon his two great wings.

  He had a solid white head, and tail that were striking in color and detail. The tail was moderately long and slightly wedge-shaped. The beak, feet, and irises of his eyes, were a stunning, bright yellow. The legs were feather-free, and the toes were short and powerful, with large talons. The highly developed talon of the hind toe was a formidable weapon, and could be used to pierce the vital areas of any of his unfortunate or unwary prey. This King of the Bald Eagles had an outsized protruding head, with a bulky, razor sharp beak.

  This raptor was truly the King of the Skies.

  It stood upon a stone block, measuring in at over fifteen feet high and weighing in at over one-thousand pounds. It was athletic, and aerodynamically built for precision in flight.

  He opened his two enormous wings then fluttered his feathers in a stunning effect, as he spoke out.

  "The Baron or Junior my grandson will not be able to safely navigate the upper stratosphere, nor do they have the air capacity of their lungs, that will be needed to reach these higher climbs. Quickly give me my son's golden horn" said the sizeable and great bird.

  "Your're...ah...grandson...?" painfully stuttered out Louis.

  "Quickly Louis, no questions now, do as the great bird asks," said Mr. Beamer as he shot a stern look towards Louis.

  Louis shook his head in wonderment and awe, as he lightly stepped forward with the golden horn in hand, handing it ever so carefully to the proud bird.

  "My son has done the right thing. He has done the noble thing, and has offered his life for that of his friends, family, and for all the good in the world, just as I did over three-thousand years ago, when my time was at hand, and just as Junior will do the same if need will be, another three-thousand years from today, on the summer solstice.

  The cycle has not been broken since the day of the first dawn. One day this horrible cycle will be broke, but for now, it is what it is. Now I must fly to Hathor's throne and offer her, this last one great gift. If the Solar Deity, and the Mistress of Eclipses is kind this day, then all will be as it was in the beginning" said the great bird as one talon clamped down up the golden horn, closing tightly down upon it.

  "Arionos the Mighty, you are truly as brave as your courageous son," said Mr. Beamer as he stooped lowly in front of the great raptor "we will soon find out if Hathor takes our offering. May life giving sunlight and soul warming daylight be in our immediate future, and may you have good luck my friend, on your notable quest to help us.

  As before, we are always deeply in your gratitude for all you have done for us. We always thought that you have been overseeing Louis's great quest from the beginning, from when he first agreed to go to the North Pole last year. You were keeping a keen eye on him. Then you sent
your message to Chug at the base of the dark mountain, by sending him one of your eagle fathers as a sign. Then we saw you following us high above Greenland, a few weeks back. We knew you would return to us once again in our time of need. Good luck and god-speed" said Mr. Beamer as he bowed down again.

  The huge raptor said no more. He nodded in approval of all that was said about him by the Librarian of the Ancients. Two mighty strokes of his wings and he was away. Lifting off the top of the pyramid of Khufu then heading directly upwards, into the heart, of the horrific lighting storm stirring overhead. Another black lightning bolt shot out over their heads, thunder rang out.

  Petar giggled like a child, in between his vile words.

  "Delightful storm is it not? Evil circles above us...oh...and look high towards the east, Dragon the Fire Breathing Dragon, is returning."

  "Does this madness every end," cried out Tut-ankh-Amon "what could happen next?"

  Petar gulped down another handful of noxious berries, as he began to rattle the cage that was his thorn bush.

  "Child-King...I have a question for you. You can see that Dragon arrives soon. It will be a race between Chrysaor and Dragon. Who will fulfill their destiny first?"

  "Does it matter to you Petar who wins the race? You will be entombed within those thorny walls for eternity, in the hour of the blue light, or in the golden rays of sunshine. You destiny is already written in stone" said an agitated Louis.

  "Louis this thorny prison is only temporary. I can escape and be free, anytime I like."

  "How so Petar, you would have to become selfless, or a giving soul to become free of you prison, which neither personality trait, do you own, and you have nothing to offer anyone anyway. You can give, neither: love, or personal possessions or wealth, in any form, and you would have to have someone dumb enough to take something that they value from you" said Louis as he walked towards the Bodhi Tree.

  "Louis, do not approach the Black Fire. He is most cunning even in his prison. Louis you have won and defeated your foe, I beg of you" pleaded Mr. Beamer in a stern tone. Louis looked over a Mr. Beamer, beaming of confidence at seeing Petar locked away.

  "You are wrong child I still have something of great value to offer you. I possess the eyes of Wedjat, and Horus, which you still desire. Did you forget your promise to Elwood Booker, your friend, remember Horus the Elder? You promised to return the eyes to him, to return his eyesight to him. I still possess his eyesight."

  "Louis, please, heed my warnings and do not let his evil words, enter your ears," warned the wizened wizard. Louis had taken note of the conversation with Mr. Beamer to heart then took another hesitant step towards Petar.

  "Petar, you hear the words of warnings as I do, from my mentor and friend. Dragon approaches from the east and Arionos chases his destiny and that of my friends, high above us to the north, now why should I trust you to make a deal or even listen to your offerings."

  "Because you made a promise to Horus at the beginning of your journey, and since you are a High-Thinker and a follower of the Good Book and might someday become King of the Ancients, then you must fulfill your promises."

  "Those things you say are true. If Arionos is successful then I will be those things. What compromises, what is your deal?"

  "I offer you the two evil eyes, my most prized possessions."

  "I still do not fully understand."

  Mr. Beamer stood steadfast, realizing that Louis had made a promise, that all that Petar was saying was true, and that maybe this was all foretold. It was not really for him to try and correct the future, for Mr. Beamer was older now and his days on this earth were ending soon just as Charlie's were. The Child King would have to be master of his own destiny now.

  "Child, I shall rip the eyes from my person, and walk upon the earth in total darkness for the rest of my days on earth. This is indeed a selfless act that I offer, and of most value to you, and of course Horus the Elder, after all he is the true owner of the two eyes. This will restore his eyesight, and punish me only that much more for my misdeeds upon this earth."

  Louis pondered the truthful words that Petar spoke.

  "If you take these two eyes with love, in your soul for me, then the Bodhi Tree will release me from my prison," said Peter the Terrible with an underlying and most unperceived cunning smirk upon his face.

  Louis turned towards Mr. Beamer.

  "This is your decision, and your decision alone to make Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri. You will be the new Child King. This is your first test. I am old now, and my roll diminishes with the Ancients, after this day. I have done all that I was called upon to do on this earth. You have reached the top of Khufu and Arionos is on his flight towards Hathor. What will you do?"

  Once again, Louis looked for help from his old friend.

  No help was offered. Tut-ankh-Amon only shrugged his shoulders.

  Then Louis looked down the side of the stone-mountain, over to where Chug and Junior stood. Then looking down at Paragus, the two giants and Apophasis the Destroyer, Louis as well shrugged his shoulders in consternation.

  The weight of the world was upon his thin shoulders.

  A loud, bone chilling shrill, shot forth from Dragon's throat as he approached the Valley of the Kings from high up in the eastern sky. A hot desert wind rustled Louis hair as he turned back to face The Black Fire.

  Louis tried to swallow but his mouth went dry.

  Louis stuttered in his speech, as an announcement came forth.

  " promise is a promise, "said the Child-King "Petar I will release you from your prison if you are willing to perform the grisly task at hand. My first decision as the new Child-King is the correct one. I accept your terms."

  Petar gulped down a few more handfuls of the spellbinding blueberries to dull his senses again. He chortled and chuckled like a demented vulture circling over its fallen prey. He stepped back from the walls of his prison, smiled insidiously, like the frenzied man that he was. He pressed his thin lips tightly together, slowly raising his thieving hands to his face. With one last bone chilling laugh, Petar ripped at his eyes.

  Louis could not look. He turned his head towards the heavens above. Tut-ankh-Amon shuddered where he stood after witnessing such a god-awful display of selfishness by the tormented and lost soul that stood before him.

  It was done quickly, and with precision.

  The eyes of Horus and Wedjat, hit the earth with a resounding thud. They were black and lifeless. Louis reached into his rear pants pocket, withdrew a handkerchief, then with two quick steps forward, he scooped up the eyes, gently placing them into his front shirt pocket.

  Petar was thrown into a world of delicious darkness that only he could enjoy and relish, in. Another few sniggers and giggles came up from his throat.

  Petar spoke.

  "Now I will never have to view beauty again, it is so distasteful and unpleasant to witness. You see it is I, who has just defeated you, yet again Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri. Who needs life giving sunshine, splendor, and loveliness to survive, certainly not me. The world of darkness now belongs to me for eternity."

  The Bodhi Tree recoiled from where Petar Deegan Aden stood. Now only a beautiful white flower could be seen at his feet. Petar reached for his prison walls, only to feel nothingness as the hot desert winds dried his throat that much more.

  Another loud shrill from Dragon filled their ears. The Fire Breathing Dragon now hovered directly above them.

  "You see BOY, you failed! Dragon will be my eyes and the blue hour will flourish under my command! Paragus, the two giants and Mehan the Serpent will be my custodians in the new world. Hathor has reached her heavenly throne by now and the blue hour, still remains. The blue moon does not move in the sky above and the black lightning still rains down upon us. I have won and you have lost BOY!!" cried out an ever-hysterical Petar.

  Dragon shot out a fier
y stream of hot gases and flames from his throat, as Louis, The Baron, and Mr. Beamer scrambled for cover.

  "I could have Dragon incinerate, and burn you all, at any time" cried out Petar as Dragon dipped one wing, flying in closer towards the top of the Pyramid of Khufu. With two mighty leaps of great faith, from inside of his dark sightless world, Petar was upon Dragon's golden-feathered back.

  "We will now defeat Arionos, in the skies above and end this feeble threat of yours, and ruin your well laid plans of redemption, and plans of goodness."

  "Never Petar!" shot back Louis.

  Another lightning bolt shot out overhead as the ground rumbled below them once again. Louis looked towards the north where the Nile River began to enter the Valley of the Kings. The cool, blue waters were reaching the base of the great Pyramid of Giza.

  Petar pulled on Dragon's neck, pulling him upwards towards the black storm above. A few moments passed as Louis and Mr. Beamer stood watching, as Dragon completely vanished into the heart of the storm.

  Louis quickly turned towards his grandfather.

  "Look below, the Nile floods the valley" said Louis "The ground moves and shakes below us and the skies roar above. Giants, Minotaur's, and Serpents have slithered and walked their way out the Neither World. Is our world ending Mr. Beamer?"

  "We have done all we could Louis, and to honestly answer your question, in a word...yes," said the Tut as he and Louis both looked again towards the skies for answers "our only hope now is for the valiant and fearless raptor, Arionos to save us all.

  A violent collision sounded out from high above, inside the heart of the black storm. Another steam of bright red and orange flames, and dark smoke could be seen shooting out in all directions, above the tops of the raging storm clouds. The raptors voice screamed out and mixed within the crackling thunder, and loud caterwauls coming from Dragon's throat.

  An epic battle was underway above them.

  Another black lightening strike darted towards them. Louis and Mr. Beamer dove to the left as the electrical discharge, slammed into the earth with fury. The air enlivened at their feet, as the thunder once again assailed their minds. The Baron reared up in fear. All looked skyward once again, as a throng of feathers began falling from the sky.

  Louis shouted out, "Above Mr. Beamer...feathers...what are the colors, what are the colors?"

  "Does it matter Louis?"

  "Yes of course, are they brown or a flaming golden red...I cannot tell."

  "Louis why do you ask...?"

  "Look...Mr. Beamer," shouted out Louis "they are golden reds, and oranges, covered in blood, Arionos is the victor!!"

  Another high-pitched, ear penetrating shrill filled the violent air as the broken body of Dragon burst through the dark clouds, belly up, soaked in blood with wings shattered, hanging down lifelessly at his sides.

  Louis began to dance wildly about, as the broken feathers of the great defeated Dragon rained down around the top of the pyramid of Khufu. Tut-ankh-Amon embraced The Baron as he began to whiney loudly.

  Dragon lifted one wing slightly, which sent his oversized body in a horizontal spin towards the top of the Great Pyramid of Khafre, which lay next to Khufu. His enormous body slammed into the top, sending shattered and smashed stones, dust, and debris out in all direction.

  The ground rumbled under the Pyramid of Khafre as the remarkable beast met his finally resting place. Blood and feathers exploded around Petar, sending him flying upwards in the air above the body of the beaten creature. As Dragons' vast breath escaped him for the last time, Petar the Dark Stranger landed on his blooded belly, cushioning his fall and sparing his life.

  Standing upon the beaten being's chest, Petar began to dance, like a Looney bird lost in a mating dance; completely discombobulated and disheveled in his steps. Looking like a maniacal son, he shouted out in hysteria above the roar of the storm, "The world of madness and darkness belongs to me...all to me...oh...and what a wonderful world it is...all mine...all mine!!"

  "Power...absolute power corrupts all Louis, don't ever forget this for you will wield power in this world, because you are the Chosen One, and don't ever misuse it as Petar has. See how your mind will be lost in madness," proclaimed Tut-ankh-Amon as he placed his hands upon Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri's thin shoulders.

  "I understand now Tut-ankh-Amon that all encompassing power and great wealth should always be used for the benefit and betterment of all men and women, that is the essence of true High-Thinking...and that only selflessness can make you truly happy. Is this right?"

  "Your training is complete Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri you are now enlightened and truly open-mined and a free-thinker. You must now place your Bell of Amun Ra upon the highest stone onto of this great pyramid and smash it to pieces. Petar is upon his throne upon the Pyramid of Khafre, just where he should be, and you are upon your throne, the Pyramid of Khufu. It was written in the Good Book remember?"

  "Yes I do Tut-ankh-Amon."

  "Arionos must have been victorious, Dragon and Petar are defeated, and we must now find out if Hathor the Moon Rider has accepted the Gift of the Unicorn's Golden Horn."

  Climbing to the very top great block of the red, stone-mountain, little Louis tentatively reached into his lower pants pocket. His hands trembled and quaked, as his heart fluttered with excitement. Louis, who was mostly short, now stood tall for the first time in his life.

  Louis methodically reached into his pants pocket, the Bell of Amun Ra slowly appeared. Louis slowly unclenched his fingers, showing the bell in all its glory.

  The magical bell began to spin slowly in his hand, as it turned a brilliant cobalt blue. Louis's cobalt blue eyes now perfectly matched the radiating colors of the Bell of Amun Ra. Louis's hair was a gleaming, a fiery red against the backdrop of the soft blue light that surrounded the earth. Placing the fantastical bell upon the top stone, Louis picked up a nearby large stone.

  Louis gathered all his courage and strength as he raised the heavy stone above his head. He closed his eyes, letting the air of anticipation out of his lungs.

  ""Charlie the Great White Horse" your story will be told for eternity and beyond. Your courage will never be matched and your kindness will never be forgotten until the end of forever. I LOVE YOU MY FALLEN FRIEND!!"

  Louis smashed the stone upon the magic bell with all the fury and passion he could muster, and as the bell was smashed to smithereens and blown apart, an out of this world and extraordinary pulsating blue ray of electromagnetic radiation shot outwards from the top of mount Khufu.

  Stumbling backwards as the pulsating light exploded around him, Louis covered his ears as the sounds of the oscillating visible lights detonated upwards towards Hathor's Blue Moon. As the wavelengths of the light expanded and collided with the natural satellite, the radiating eerie blue lights scattered, and backscattered across the face of the moon, eventually smothering the moon from top to bottom. All other unnatural and natural light was swallowed up, and engulfed by the thumping and throbbing energy beam.

  The blue moon did not move.

  Frantically Louis searched and clawed for answers. Now thinking to himself aloud; I have done all that was asked of me. I have followed the teachings of the Good Book, I am here where I should be, and at the right time in history. Why doesn't Hathor answer us? Why doesn't the blue moon continue on its path?

  Louis became small once more, his shoulders slumped, and his reasoning began to fail him. Again he thought, this could not be, where have I gone wrong?

  Hathor's moon still sat stoic in the noontime sky.

  Louis could not comprehend his failure. So close but yet so far. Why can I not see the answer?

  Another moment of clearness came to Louis, at just the right time, a light bulb turned on in Louis's minds-eye.

  Louis screamed out!

  "MIND...MIND...SEE...SEE...SEE...SEE...! That is it... The Eye of Pr
ovidence, the all-seeing eye of God. IT IS IN MY POCKET!! The blue moon does not move because the one good eye in the world has not seen the evil, and hatred of the world in the light of the blue hour. It has not seen the world's destiny inside of this evil light. The Seeing Eye watches over all of humankind and protects it.

  Quickly Louis delved into his other pants pocket, this time producing the Supreme Being's Seeing Eye. Holding it up towards the heavens inside of the oscillating visible light, the Seeing Eye glowed, a cobalt blue as Louis's did. The Seeing Eye blinked twice, looked about it surroundings, looked at Louis then began to spin in wild concentric circles in Louis's open palm.

  It turned a deeper shade of blue then shot out a bright white light straight up to heaven. As the white light collided with the moon, the eyelid closed and the eye went dark.

  Louis stood their mesmerized, looking towards the midday moon.

  Hathor's moon began a measured move towards the west. Slowly at first then bit by bit, a little faster.

  "She moves!" screamed out Louis "Hathor retreats! We have done it Mr. Beamer! We've done it!"

  Mr. Beamer's eyes followed the moon's westward retreat back towards its normal position, in the Egyptian sky above the Nile Delta, as the Nile River began to recede back out of the Valley of Kings.

  The brooding black storm above began to dissipate as the Procession of Equinoxes stopped cold in its tracks. The earth gently moved back into its natural position and the tremors emanating from deep within the earth's belly all but stopped, instantly.

  All was quiet in Centerville once more, and still around the rest of the world as bright, life-giving sunlight began to wash across the faces of all once again.

  "'ve done it Louis...yes you are the Chosen One after all," said Mr. Beamer as he sat down on a large stone to rest his weary, tired old bones. The air went out of Mr. Beamer's lungs as the enormity of all that he had just witnessed overtook him.

  Louis jumped down off his stone throne, throwing out his two arms as he ran towards Mr. Beamer.

  "It is done Louis...its over at last."

  "Yes it is grandfather...yes it is," said Louis as he gently embraced his own flesh and blood.

  Mr. Beamer gave his grandson a heartfelt hug in return as they both looked upwards. A multi-colored, broad-banded rainbow began to appear across the entire sky above the Valley of Kings, as the last of the ominous black storm had all but disappeared into nothingness.

  A loud scream of joy shot out from below, from the base of the stone-mountain.

  Chug yelled out, "They retreat Louis...YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! Paragus, Mehan the Serpent retreat, The Destroyer slithers back into his cave. THEY are leaving Louis!"

  Louis and Mr. Beamer walked to the edge of a great stone block, peering down below.

  "Olle the Ogre and George the Cave Troll, they run Louis!" he screamed out repeatedly. Junior whinnied loudly as The Baron took to flight above the great Pyramid of Khufu. A great whinny came from The Baron the higher he climbed up into the heavens above the valley.

  As Louis stood arm in arm with his grandfather, Louis reached into his shirt only to find the silver locket with the picture of his family in it. He pulled the locket from its hiding place, opened it up, and gazed upon the picture of his mother and father.

  Louis spoke out aloud, with love ringing in his voice.

  "I love you both very much...we are all safe once again. I will be home as soon as I can dad, mom. I know you will be proud of me."

  Mr. Beamer turned to face Louis, smiling as wide as he ever had before.

  "Louis you will be a great leader of Men, Arions and Ancients, in this new world, we will all be safe in your hands, little one."

  Louis gave Mr. Beamer another grand hug as The Baron shot pass them, performing a barrel roll and two speed dives in succession. Desert birds began to sing again from their nesting places in the nearby Nile River, and desert flowers began to open with the warmth of the invigorating Egyptian sun. The moon finally reached its full natural position, as the world breathed a collective sigh of relief.

  "Well whistle for The Baron to come get us Mr. Beamer we have to get down off of this mountain of stone, down to our friends, Digger, Chug, and Junior, then back to Centerville."

  "Yes Louis that would be the quickest way down" said Mr. Beamer as he raised his fingers to his lips, sending out a loud, high-pitched whistle.

  Both now looked over at the top of the Pyramid of Khafre. Rukh began to disintegrate into nothing but dust and ash, as the hot sun beat down on him. A few more minutes passed as the smoldering noonday sun finally burned his body to emptiness. Petar stood amongst the ashes of his evil friend, lost in a nothingness of his own, inside of his blackened, sightless world. He was crying inconsolably.

  "What will become of him Mr. Beamer?" asked a saddened Louis.

  "He will get what he deserves."

  "And what is that?"

  "Well Louis, Petar will most likely search the earth, inside of his sightless world, for the evil Book of Aka Manah. Evil men always desire power above anything else. Craving ultimate power robs weaker men's souls and spirits, and will turn them all into a Petar, in one form or another, thank god there is ultimate good in the world, in the form of our own little, red haired Louis, to keep this true evil in check."

  Louis gave his grandfather another sizable hug.

  Petar began to stumble and fumble around the top of mountain. You could hear soft cries of pain as his feet awkwardly kicked the massive stone blocks around him. He eventually was lost from sight, falling in between two great slabs of granite, swallowed up inside of the belly of the Great Pyramid of Khafre.

  Louis prayed for Petar under his breath as Mr. Beamer hailed The Baron once more. Off the mountain they went, landing next to their good friends, who were waiting for them with open arms.

  "Well my good friend you have done it again, but this time you went and saved the world, are you not the best?" asked Chug Martin to his best friend "are we still blood brothers?"

  "Till the end of time Chug and beyond," said Louis as he gave Chug and Junior a grand sized hug.

  "What happened up there Louis? What about Petar and especially tell me about our Charlie" asked Chug.

  "All in good time Chug, there is so much to tell, but I will tell you that Charlie is in a better place now and with his father, I am sure of that. He is most likely high up in the upper stratosphere of the earth in a form not unlike his fathers."

  "Do you think so Louis?" asked Chug as he looked upwards towards the deep blue skies, and colorful rainbows above them.

  "Well remember that feather Charlie found once in his barn, while plowing his field? I believe that was his father's feather, that is why he cherished it so, he showed it to me once. Then you had that sign from above at the foot of the impassable Ingnok Mountains, remember you caught it as it floated down from above after the fight with Raff the Red Wolf?"

  "Yes I remember it now Louis. So you think our"

  "Well I am not sure Chug, but that was always his wish, and he did give us his life in the name of he got his wish after all and was reborn into a higher form, a freedom not to many ever have the luxury of experiencing in their lives."

  "What is that freedom Louis?"

  Junior interrupted them, speaking up with passion in his voice; missing his father all the more, with every moment that passed.

  "It is true freedom, to go where ever you like on a moments whim. To be able fly higher than anyone, thing, beast, or other bird has ever flow before. It is an absolute freedom of mind, body, and spirit, knowing that you rule the skies with no other equal, above or below you and that you fly only in the name of good, and that you are the true "King of the Skies".

  My father has been reborn once again. I know that as an unqualified and unconditional
truth. Just as my grandfather was and someday I will be. It is the way of the Arions since the dawn of time."

  Junior lowered his head once again in honor of his fallen father. Mr. Beamer, Chug, The Baron, with Louis all gathered around Chrysaor's only son, (Charlie's only son), to show respect and love.

  "One day you will take your father's place in history Junior, and when your time comes, I am sure you will be as brave and as selfless as your father was," said Louis.

  "I can only hope so. I can only hope that I will be half the Arion that my father was."

  All, with tears free flowing in memory of such a great horse, and truly a great friend to all who knew him, observed a moment of silence.


  Blue and white lotus flowers and water lilies bloomed in the warmth of the new-day sun, desert winds scented with papyrus plants began to blow anew in across the great red and brown sand dunes surrounding the vast valley. Fluffy white cumulous clouds now stood tall above the serene basin and stone mountains. All things were right in the universe once again.

  Louis and his friends all agreed that they should spend the night by the tranquil Nile River for the evening, in the heart of the Nile Delta, in ancient Egypt.

  After lighting a large bonfire, Chug would catch another great fish for dinner. Louis would play his lovely flute, and sing lively songs once again, to the delight of his weary friends.

  All would be warm and content by the fire, after having a more than satisfying meal cooked by Chug. Then as the crackling fire would begin its hypnotic draw upon all, Mr. Beamer would light his smoking pipe, recline his temperament, lower his voice, and begin to tell the stories that would be written down for all of history to be read and to be told, and enjoyed many times over.

  The stories would be retold, and rewritten, embellished, beautified, and exaggerated throughout the coming, years and centuries, and many of the stories told on this night would become great myths and legends, from that night on.

  They would be the stories of Charlie's great magical transformations, grand feats, exploits, triumphs, and accomplishments.

  They would be the distinguished and celebrated stories of Charlie the Horse, but of course, there would be stories told of the heroic and famous Chug Martin, and stories told about the devoted and prideful Junior, and The Baron. Oh and let us not forget the illustrious and remarkable Tut-ankh-Amon, better known as our own Mr. Beamer.

  Ultimately, finally, lastly, and most certainly, there is the never forgotten, and always talented, skillful, lofty, clever and witty, and always exalted, Ozymandia-Ra-Atum-Khepri!

  He is the Child-King, and the Savior. He is also known as, Louis the Red and Louis the White. This impish little boy, with the bright red hair, and disarming blue eyes, recognized as Louis Robert Parks, but most importantly of all, he is the starting first baseman for the Centerville Giants.




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