Saving Courtney (Bryant Station Curves Book 4)

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Saving Courtney (Bryant Station Curves Book 4) Page 6

by Rayne Rachels

  “You will make them a good mate. So, I’m going to clue you into something you need to understand about your mates.” Joy walked over and put her hand on Courtney’s arm. “There is nothing…absolutely nothing you can do or say that will drive Todd and Harrison away from you. You are their mate. They will do anything to protect you, even if they have to kill someone to do so.”

  Courtney let Joy’s words sink in. “What do I need to do?”

  “You have to trust them, and tell them everything.”

  The oven timer started beeping. Courtney shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention to the oven.

  Joy watched Courtney take the trays out of the oven and put them onto the cooling rack.

  We must protect. Her bear growled.

  I know, but what are we protecting her from?

  Bad old evil. It can’t have her.

  Joy sighed. We have to let the others know. Hopefully, Scott has a plan. I wonder if he has talked to Abby and Skylar. Joy chewed on her bottom lips. I wonder if this Jared is really a demon, like the one that tried killing Abby and Skylar.

  We need their help, if it is.

  I think I’m going to call Abby. Maybe she can tell me something that might help. Joy watched Courtney pull out several bowls. “I need to make some phone calls. I will talk to you later. Don’t forget to talk to Todd and Harrison. They will help you.”

  Courtney watched Joy leave, before she turned her attention back to the pies she needed to make now that the cookies were out of the oven.

  She thought about the conversation with Joy. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed to tell Todd and Harrison about Jared and let them make their own decision, but she would do what she could to protect them.

  Nothing would stop that.

  Chapter 6

  Courtney finished wiping off the kitchen counter tops and glanced at the clock on the microwave. It was ten minutes after seven. Didn’t they say they were picking her up at seven? Where were they?

  Courtney started wiping the countertops again. She stopped in mid-wipe, realizing what she was doing. Courtney shook her head as she looked at the sponge with disgust. She walked over to the sink and dropped the sponge into it. Wrinkling her nose, she washed her hands.

  They were late.

  Courtney looked at the clock again.

  Her shoulders drooped. I guess they didn’t really want to go out with me. She sighed as some of the old doubts she usually kept well hidden broke through the emotional cracks in her mind. She brought a lot of baggage into the relationship. It was not just the threat of Jared and what he could do to them; there was also the fact of her size and the luggage that went with it.

  Men wanted the beautiful, skinny model types, the total opposite of her. She was soft and curvy like the pinup models of the forties and fifties, but she carried an extra fifty pounds that stubbornly refused to come off no matter what diet she had tried over the years. It is for the best they don’t show up for the date. At least they will stay safe, she told herself, but the weight on her chest grew heavier.

  A knock on the front door jarred her out of her depressing thoughts. Courtney glanced at the door then at the clock. It was now fifteen minutes after seven.

  She wondered who it was at the door. She was sure it was not the twins. They obviously were not showing up.

  It was what Courtney wanted. She smiled but her chin quivered. They were safe as long as they stayed away from her. Courtney shook her head. She knew this was the best for everyone, but it upset her more than she thought it would. She felt their loss as if they had abandoned her, even though she knew it was ridiculous to feel that way. She had only just met them, yet the heaviness of loss filled her heart. Her body felt like it was slowly shutting down.

  Someone knocked on the door again.

  Courtney folded the hand towel she had used to dry her hands and laid it down by the sink. Maybe…she refused to get her hopes up.

  She looked through the peephole. Her heart skipped a beat. Both Harrison and Todd were standing outside her door. They actually came. Courtney wanted to scream with joy and, at the same time, cry with worry and fear about their safety. A rush of desire swept through her. She wanted them for herself as much as she wanted to protect them. Taking a deep breath and willing her body to settle down, she opened the door. “Hi.”

  Harrison’s smile grew larger. “You look beautiful.” He pulled her into his arms as he entered the apartment. He tilted her head up and quickly claimed her lips with his. Slowly, he teased her lips with his.

  Courtney brushed her tongue against his lips. The taste of vanilla and coffee ignited her senses. Liquid heat flowed through her veins. A soft moan escaped from her. She barely heard the muted click of the door closing behind her and Harrison.

  Harrison felt her melt against him. He deepened the kiss. He felt his bear pushed forward, wanting to be closer to their mate. His hands worked their way under her soft sweater. He felt her tremble as his fingertips skimmed over her soft, warm flesh. The scent of her desire filled his senses and made his cock grow harder.

  Courtney’s hands moved across Harrison’s abs and up his chest. She felt his hard muscles through the western shirt he wore. The thought of running her tongue over the hard muscles of his body increased her desire. She wanted to touch his skin as he was caressing hers.

  A second set of hands skimmed across her lower back. A second set of warm lips pressed against the skin where her right shoulder and neck connected. She shifted, giving Todd better access to her vulnerable neck. A set of sharp fangs scrapped across her skin causing her to shiver with desire and need. Somewhere deep down she knew he needed to bite her…to mark her and show the world she belonged to him.

  “Soon. Very soon,” Todd whispered in her ear as if knowing what she was thinking. He sucked on the spot where he would soon mark her as his.

  Harrison broke the kiss. “And I will mark you here.” He licked and kissed her on the opposite side of her neck. The mere thought of her wearing his mark heightened his need for her.

  Another moan escaped from Courtney as the desire racing through her veins heated several more degrees. A need like nothing she had never felt before raced through her. Her knees grew weak. She clung to the men…her men.

  “We have you. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Harrison trailed kisses up her neck.

  “You’re our mate. We will love and cherish you. We will take care of all your needs and desires. You belong to us and we belong to you.” Todd whispered as he caressed her soft curves.

  The rational side of Courtney’s brain yelled for her to stop and step back from the two men because everything was moving too fast, but the more primitive side of her brain scream YES! YES! YES!

  “Mine!” Courtney growled with the ferocity any bear would be proud of before she could stop herself. She looked up at Harrison. His eyes were a swirl of silver, brown, and amber. In their depths, she saw his raw need and desire for her.

  Harrison growled. “Mine!” He suddenly picked Courtney up, causing her to squeal.

  “Put me down before you hurt yourself.”

  Harrison cradled Courtney possessively against his chest. “You are not heavy. You are beautiful. Your curves are perfect.”

  Courtney heard the click of the door locks. “I thought we were going out.”

  Todd chuckled. “We will.” He sniffed the air. “But first, we’re taking care of our sweet, beautiful mate.” The sweet honey and cherry scent of her arousal wrapped around him. His cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his jeans.

  “I don’t want you doing anything you will regret later.” Courtney wanted them both so bad. She was afraid she was going to wake up from the dream. She needed to know they wanted her as much as she wanted them.

  “The only regret, I have, is I didn’t do this earlier today. Do you know how hard it was to walk away from you? To leave you here alone, knowing you are my mate?” Harrison tightened his hold, though careful not to
bruise her delicate skin.

  Courtney shook her head. “I wanted you to leave…to keep you safe.”

  “And we will talk about that, but not right this minute. Which bedroom?” Todd did not need to ask, he could tell which one was hers by scent, but he wanted her to tell him…to give her some control.

  Courtney swallowed. She was not a virgin, but her experience was extremely limited, and now she had two men who were going to love her. “The last door,” she whispered.

  Todd slipped around them in the narrow hallway and opened the door at the end. The sweet honey and cherry scent rushed out and wrapped around him. He smiled. He could not wait to have her wonderful scent filling their house—the house he and Harrison had built years ago in the hopes of one day finding their mate and filling the home with cubs. A house no one had lived in except for the occasional nights he and Harrison stayed on the property.

  Mate’s scent is wonderful. His bear rolled over on its back.

  I can’t wait to taste it. Todd agreed with his bear. Courtney’s scent was wonderful.

  We taste her. Make mate happy.

  That’s the plan. Todd told his bear as he stepped aside to let Harrison into their mate’s bedroom. He closed the door.

  Harrison gently put Courtney on her feet. “Too many clothes.”

  “I have to agree with you brother. She definitely has too many clothes on.”

  Courtney’s cheeks reddened. She chewed on her bottom lip.

  Todd groaned. Her gesture was innocent but so erotic too. He let his eyes travel down the length of her body. He smiled as he imagined her heavy with their cub.

  Have mate. Want cubs.

  The cub may be our brother’s cub, Todd warned his bear.

  His bear growled and rolled its eyes. His cub. Your cub. My cub. Our cub. Our mate will have our cubs.

  Todd let his bear’s words sink in. His bear was right. It did not matter whose sperm created their cub because Courtney and any cubs she gave them would be theirs. The thought of her suckling their cub at her breasts in their home filled him with a hope and joy he had not realized was missing in his life.

  You smart. Sometimes. His bear swatted his paw at Todd.

  Todd stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of him and his brother. “You have too many clothes on,” he said again. “They need to go. Now.”

  Courtney’s blush deepened. The tip of her tongue darted across her bottom lip.

  Harrison growled. He pulled her to him. His lips crushed against hers, branding hers with his. His bear rumbled its approval when she kissed him back with the same heat and desire.

  Todd moved behind Courtney. He grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it up.

  Harrison ended the kiss. He pushed her arms up above her head.

  Todd eased the sweater over her head and pulled it off her arms.

  The loss of the sweater’s warmth caused Courtney to shiver in the cool air. She tried lowering her arms, but Harrison growled and shook his head. Courtney closed her eyes. She felt a set of hands slid under her bra straps while another set of hands undid the hooks.

  “Lower your arms.” Harrison’s deep voice caused another wave of desire to ripple through her.

  Her bra slid off her body, freeing her heavy breasts.

  “So beautiful.” Harrison cupped the creamy globs with his large hands. He traced the dusty pink nipples with his thumbs.

  Courtney gasped.

  Harrison picked her up and carried her the short distance to the queen-sized bed. Gently he placed her in the center of the mattress. In seconds, the rest of Courtney’s clothes were gone. The room was quiet except for the rustle of the clothing they tossed aside.

  Courtney knew what naked men looked like from the television shows and movies and her own limited experience, but none of it had prepared her for the two men standing in front of her. Her gazed traveled down their broad shoulders and chiseled chests. They were almost identical, except for several scars Todd had. One looked suspiciously like he had been shot.

  Her eyes continued down to their narrow hips to the two cocks jutting out from the dark nests of hair. Both were long and heavy, and though both cocks were broad, Todd’s was slightly broader. Courtney panicked for a minute, wondering how they would ever fit inside her.

  She looked back at their faces. Though their eyes were still swirling with silver, they glowed with the heat filling the room.

  “Absolutely perfect.” Todd crawled onto the bed next to Courtney. “You are so beautiful.”

  Courtney nervously bit her bottom lip. Todd and Harrison’s intense stares made her self-conscious. She tried covering herself with her hands.

  Harrison grabbed one of her hands and gently put it over her head as he laid down on her other side. “Don’t try to hide yourself from us.” He leaned down and captured the nipple of one of her creamy globes with his lips. Slowly, he sucked on the nipple.

  Courtney gasped.

  Todd’s hand skimmed over her round stomach down to the strawberry blonde curls covering her mound. He covered it with his hand, letting his fingers rest on the outside of her folds. Courtney tensed at the intimate contact. Todd pushed his fingers through her folds. A finger slid across her clit.

  Courtney moaned and arched her pelvis into his touch and the erotic sensations he was giving her. She had touched and pleasured herself, but it paled in comparison, and she knew this was only the start.

  Todd continued rubbing her clit and kissing her, while Harrison sucked her breast. Courtney’s soft moans urged them on.

  Harrison slid a hand under Courtney’s leg. His fingers caressed her lower folds. She bent her leg, giving him more access. His fingers slipped inside her wet folds with ease. He slowly explored, finding her hot, wet opening. He slid a finger inside her channel and slowly back out. He added a second finger as he slid back into her wet channel. Her muscles squeezed against them as he started the slow rhythm of sliding his fingers in and out of her.

  A low moan escaped from her. Todd continued playing with her clit, driving her desires higher.

  Courtney felt the sweet, almost painful need building in her. She arched against their hands. Sensing she was on the edge, Todd added a little more pressure to her clit while Harrison increased his rhythmic invasion.

  The orgasm swept over Courtney. Her eyes closed, she moaned and bucked against their hands. The waves of pleasure rolled over her. She opened her eyes as they slowly faded and found both Todd and Harrison staring at her. Courtney licked her lips. The orgasm was great, but it was not enough. She wanted…needed more. “Love me,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Harrison moved between her legs, using his knees to urge her to open wider for him. He positioned himself so the broad tip of his cock rested her wet entrance. He stared at her beautiful, flushed face.

  “Please, I need you.”

  Her soft words reached into his very soul. Harrison plunged his cock deep into her sweet, wet channel.

  Courtney gasped as his huge cock filled her…stretched her. She felt her muscles tighten, gripping him as he filled her. With his size, she wasn’t sure if he would be able to move, but he did.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her until the only the head of his cock rested just inside her entrance. He plunged into her, going deeper. Over and over, he pulled out and plunged into her, welcoming the tight grasp her muscles had on him.

  Courtney arched up meeting each of Harrison’s thrusts. She felt another orgasm building. A hand touched her cheek. She turned her head and found Todd staring at her. His eyes, swirling with silver, were dark with passion and lust. They held a promise of more to come.

  The orgasm hit her. She closed her eyes and screamed Harrison’s name as waves of pleasure washed over her. She heard Harrison cry out as his hot seed hit the back of her womb, marking her as his.

  Harrison’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her toward him as he continued thrusting deeply into her. She felt his lips at the base of her neck. His fangs sc
rapped against her skin. Instinctively, she tilted her head, giving him complete access to her neck.

  “Mine!” he roared and bit deep into her skin.

  Courtney screamed as another orgasm swept over her. She desperately clung to Harrison as he continued thrusting deep into her channel. The tip of his cock touched the mouth of her womb with each thrust. Panting, Harrison collapsed forward. He gently removed his fangs from her shoulder and licked the wound until it closed, knowing the scar would proclaim to the world she was his.

  He stared down into her eyes. “You are mine.” He captured her lips, devouring them with his. Slowly he pulled out and ended the kiss. Carefully he moved off her and went to the bathroom. He returned with a warm, wet washcloth and gently cleaned the sticky remains of his seed from the insides of her thighs. When he was done, he tossed the cloth aside and laid down beside her. His hand cupped her chin, turning her head toward him. He gently kissed her lips. “Your other mate needs you,” he whispered.

  Courtney felt a hand move a strand of hair out of her face. She opened her eyes. Todd grinned at her. “You’re not too sore or tired, are you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  Courtney stared into his eyes. “Make me yours,” she whispered.

  Todd pulled her to him. He teased her lips with his and ran his hands up and down her body. He cupped her breasts, teasing the sensitive nipples with his thumbs.

  Desire raced through Courtney’s veins. Even though Harrison had thoroughly satisfied her, she ached again. She needed Todd. She slowly ran her hands over his chest, letting her fingernails lightly scrap against his skin. He wanted her too. She felt his hard cock pressed against her belly. She reached down and grasped it in her hand. She gently squeezed as she ran her hand up and down its length, encouraged by Todd’s moans. Courtney’s hand slid down to his sac. Gently she massaged it.

  Todd nipped her bottom lip. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away. “Do you trust me?”

  Courtney stared into his eyes. “Yes.”


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