To Forgive & Hold Safe (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 4)

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To Forgive & Hold Safe (The Broken Men Chronicles Book 4) Page 13

by Decevito, Carey

  “Final question.” He paused for effect. “In the bedroom, what does he like best?” He smirked. I knew he was only going the mile to see if he’d stump her. The damn man sure loved a good sparring session. I’d have to let his wife know that she wasn’t challenging him enough.

  “Mike,” I warned.

  Hannah looked at me and then back to Mike. “Seriously?”

  The man nodded.

  Hannah looked my way again, and shrugged her shoulders. “You asked for it.” She turned to him with a grin. “Ben likes taking the lead, but loves it when a woman surprises him and takes control over things once in a while. The kinkier, the better.” She had me stiffening in my seat when she ground her apple bottom in my crotch adding a, “Right, baby?”

  I grabbed her hips to stop her movements and groaned. “Hannah.”

  There my woman sat on my lap where she’d rendered Mike into a shocked and speechless fool, while I was a turned on mass that wouldn’t be able to get up and walk around until my junk had relaxed some.

  “Fuck,” Mike finally said, meeting my gaze. “You’re screwed.”

  Hannah harrumphed. “Quite literally.”

  “I definitely agree with him.” Mike pointed at me. “You and Nicole in the same room are going to be definite trouble, forget adding Dani to the mix.”

  I hooted. “And you wanted her number for Nikki and her girls’ night.”

  “What girls’ night?”

  Chapter 40

  The rest of the workday flew by, leaving me to meet up with Hannah at Cake It Up.

  Aside from the habitual smell of sugar and vanilla, the next thing that struck my notice was the fact that there was no one around. I made to the back of the shop, finding the one and only open door.

  “You’re here by yourself with the front door unlocked,” I scolded.

  “You just missed Cara. She’s the one who I disappointed this morning by telling her you were off the market.” She got up and came around the desk to face me. I walked toward her and backed her up so her legs hit the side of her desk. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Since that stunt of yours at lunch, I’ve been ready to go all afternoon.” I leaned in to kiss her neck. “The only question I have for you, baby, is your place or mine?”

  She pushed herself up onto her desk, hiking her flowing skirt up to her hips and pulled me in between her thighs by my waist. Her hands began to unbuckle my belt and she smirked. “How about right here?”

  I stopped her hands’ progression. “We don’t have-”

  “Take your pants off, sit in my chair, and look in the bottom left-hand drawer.” So I did. I took out a box of condoms and gave her an inquiring look as she began to shed her clothes. “You didn’t think that you were the only one left horny after Mike’s little game earlier, did you? I stopped at the drugstore on the way back here and picked some up because I knew that you were running low at home too.”

  “Damn!” My hand released my cock from my unzipped pants. “That desk is going to need to be cleared.” I watched as she turned that lacy-briefed-butt of hers toward me and after slipping on the condom, I pounced.

  I bent her forward onto her desk, the desk clearing simply being a diversion, just so her back was facing me for what I had planned.

  My hand reached around her, two fingers dipping into her core, settling to rub her bud with their slickness. “You’re not getting away with your earlier teasing, and I do believe that I owe you after being so reserved with that kiss this morning that it made you think of me as a brother.” I removed my hand to grab her underwear, and pulled them to the side. I grabbed my length and rubbed against the crease of her heat.

  “Oh, God! Let me turn around, Ben. Please! I want to see you. I need-”

  Her words left the second my shaft sank into her moist core. Her body stiffened as she pushed herself up onto her hands and my arms wrapped around her waist, pressing my front to her back as I began to thrust. She leaned her head back on my shoulder and let me take her along for the ride.

  Her arms cradled the back of my head, the slight stinging as she tugged on my hair added to the sensation of pleasure.

  We were well on our way to bliss when, “Hello… Hannah?” came from the front of the store, making my woman stiffen.

  “Who’s that?” I whispered against the side of her neck, scraping my teeth along its length.

  “My mom.”

  “What?” I pulled myself out of her, immediately missing our connection.

  “Quick, get your clothes on!” she hissed and I rushed. “Hold on, Mom, I’ll be right out!”

  “If you’re busy, I can come back, honey.”

  Yes! Please!

  “It’s fine, Mom.” She was grumbling as she left me in her office.

  I tried to listen in on their conversation, wondering if we’d been found out, but I couldn’t make sense of the bits that I was able to hear. I heard a squeal of delight and clapping hands.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, Benjamin!” the older woman said as I heard her footsteps retreat. “Just a quick pointer guys… lock the door.”


  Chapter 41

  The sexual tension had reached a boiling point by the time Hannah and I got to her home.

  As her front door opened, I wasted no time, rushing us through the threshold, slamming the door shut behind us and securing the deadbolt. I was done with interruptions.

  Turning Hannah so she faced me, I grabbed her head and crashed my lips to hers, hungrier than I’d ever been for a woman in all of my life. She jumped up, wrapped her legs around my hips. “Upstairs,” she said into my mouth as I took in her taste.

  No longer caring about the bed she’d barely shared with her husband, I carefully made for her bedroom.

  Unceremoniously dropping her to the mattress, my hands got to work on my pants, then threw my shirt to the floor as she shimmied out of her skirt.

  I growled at the sight before me as she sat up, took her shirt off, undid her bra, and threw them to the side before she kneeled in the middle of the bed, fully bare for my taking.

  Crawling up the mattress to her, my hands grabbed her roughly around her hips and pulled her so my sheathed shaft rubbed up against her core. Her arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders as she whimpered the moment I probed the entrance to her folds. My length slid slowly inside her heat, throbbing with the tension of unreleased passion as she straddled my thighs.

  Buried deep inside her, Hannah pulled my face in for a searing kiss and began grinding against me. She felt as soft as silk and tasted as sweet as sugar. I needed more.

  Hannah rode me until she exploded first, at which point I laid her down and covered her body with mine without disconnecting us. I thrust long and deep, powerful yet with enough gentleness so as not to bruise her. Once wouldn’t be enough. Not today.

  Her core gripped me like a vice, initiating my release. I can’t recall a time where my climax had been that explosive. Every time Hannah and I came together was better than the last.

  As the night wore on, I could feel Hannah’s apprehension about tomorrow’s memorial growing. It left me debating if I should tell her about Lee’s brother’s visit.

  We were cuddled on the couch, watching the evening news when I decided to open up about it, only realizing then that I should have said something when she had mentioned the memorial earlier.

  “You never mentioned that Lee had a brother.”

  Hannah stiffened in my arms. I ran my fingers over her arm so as to calm her. “What about Luke?”

  “He paid me a visit earlier today.”

  She pushed me back so she could sit up. “I’m so sorry.” Her eyes welled up. “I shouldn’t go. I’ll find another way. Maybe-”

  “Hannah, it’s okay. We’re going. Your parents are coming, and I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, and neither should you, but you’re going to be there.”

  “What’d he say?”

  “He suspects something.” I shook my
head. “I’ve never met anyone so damn bitter. What’s the history with you two?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her hands. “He blames me for Lee’s drinking.”

  I snorted. “He said as much.”

  “What do you mean by ‘he suspects something’?”

  “He knows that you left Lee. I don’t know how, and I never told him that I knew you had. In fact, I never told him that you’d been pregnant. It’s none of his business. He knows that I was there on the road that night. I think he’s been following you. He accused you of being with me and claimed that’s why you left his brother.”

  “What’d you say?” Her eyes were wide. “Oh, God! I can’t go now!”

  “I told him that I didn’t owe him any answers. It wasn’t his business and I never gave him any indication that I was anything more than a friend of yours.”

  She nodded. “Anything else?”

  “The way he spoke about that night struck me as odd. It’s like they don’t seem to have the full story on what happened…or maybe they’ve only heard what they wanted to hear.” I grabbed Hannah’s hand and squeezed it. “And I don’t think they’re ready to listen, but Luke had no choice but to hear me out. I think I might have hit a nerve with him, and he walked away with something to think about.

  “I asked him to put himself in your shoes. Told him that I understood that they were hurting, but that their grief clouded their perception. They never took the time to realize that you were dealing with your own demons along with their bullshit.” I grabbed her hand. “For Christ’s sake, Hannah, they never even called you, or sent flowers! They never bothered to check on you when you were in the hospital. What kind of family are they?”

  Hannah was crying silent tears by the time I was finished. I pulled her into me, holding onto her tight. She gripped me hard and I knew that there was no way that these tears would be done until at least after the memorial.

  “You shouldn’t have had to do that,” she whispered.

  “But I did and it needed to be done.”

  “I need to learn to stand on my own two feet where they’re concerned.”

  She did, but all in good time. “I didn’t mind.” I pulled on her hair, tilting her head so I could look into her eyes. “I would do it again if I knew it would make a difference. It’s not a matter about who’s hurting more, it’s a matter of respect. They didn’t respect you and I have a feeling they never have. I can’t have that, Hannah. You’re-”

  Her fingers covered my lips. “Thank you,” she muttered, then pressed her lips to mine in a tender show of appreciation.

  “You’re welcome, but I don’t think it’s all done and dealt with, sweetheart.” I tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ears.

  She sighed. “I know. Did he say anything about the memorial?”

  “He was adamant that you don’t go.” I sighed. “I told him it wasn’t an option. He understood and said he wasn’t going to say anything to his folks, but to make sure you weren’t there alone. I think he expects fireworks.”

  “I’m having a hard time thinking that it’s a good idea to keep them in the dark.”

  “How about you don’t think on it right now. We can deal with it all when the time comes.”

  She nodded and I kissed her forehead.

  “Can you stay the night?” she asked.

  “I didn’t know I had the option to leave.”

  “You always have the option, Ben. I don’t ever want you to feel obligated to stay.”

  “I stay because I want to.” I cupped her cheek in my hand. “Not because you’re someone I feel like I need to coddle or protect. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know that you’d be well on your way even if I weren’t here.”

  She smiled. “You always know what to say, don’t you?”

  My shoulders shrugged. “I’ve been there. I forced everyone away. I learned to deal with things on my own even though it never worked out like I’d planned.”

  “You seem all right to me.”

  “You didn’t know me three years ago.” My laugh lacked any humor. “I was a right bastard to anyone that approached me with what I felt was pity. It was easier to be alone and bitter than to deal with not knowing what I’d see and hear from my surroundings.”

  “And now you have to grieve all over again.” She was speaking about Candace’s secret life.

  “True, but it’s a bit easier when you find out that the person you chose to spend your life with had been betraying you for years.”

  It was true.

  The lack of respect I found myself having toward Candace, the anger, the bitterness… it all helped me in some way to move forward and seek out something better. The sadness had been there, but with Hannah in my life, I was moving on pretty quick. Hell, I was falling in love with one woman, while falling out of love with another!

  Chapter 42

  I woke refreshed and ready to take the day by its proverbial balls.

  The smell in the air told me that if I turned to my side, I would find the bed beside me empty. Whatever it was Hannah was concocting in that kitchen of hers, it smelled amazing.

  I got up, put my pants on, and headed downstairs.

  Pausing on the bottom step, my ears picked up on Hannah’s singing. She might not have been up to par with Nicole where talent was concerned, but she had a beautiful voice.

  My feet began to lead me in the kitchen’s direction, curious about what Hannah looked like when she sounded so fancy free.

  The instant I caught sight of her, my smile turned into a grin. Before me was a beautiful woman who simply felt like stealing a moment of normalcy – of peace – before what I knew would be a day of pure hell. She was relaxed, enjoying herself, and completely comfortable. In her element.

  When the song ended and the next one came on with more of an upbeat feel to it, Hannah’s hips began to sway to the tune as she continued to stir the contents of the bowl in her arms.

  I took in the short shorts, the wool socks on her feet and the overstretched t-shirt that fell to the side, exposing a shoulder. She reminded me of some hot co-ed that I’d had the pleasure of spending the night with, only better, because she was all mine.

  Checking the oven for whatever it was she was baking, Hannah dipped her finger in the bowl and turned to see me staring at her with her pinky sticking out of her mouth.

  She smiled shyly around the digit.

  “By all means continue.” I laughed. “I’m enjoying the show.”

  “Good morning,” she said as I dropped a kiss on her forehead.

  “Good morning indeed.” I looked at the counters and the small roll-away tabletop that surrounded us. “What’s all this?”

  “Inspiration at its best!” She smiled brightly at me. “Here, taste.”

  Before I knew it, I had the tip of her finger at my lips, leaving a blob of batter on my bottom one before she stuck her finger in her mouth to lick the residue off. I instinctively licked whatever it was off of my lip, and the pop of flavor that hit my taste-buds made me want to steal that bowl away from her, hide in some dark corner, and devour it like some starving child.

  “What the hell is that, and how the hell do I get more of it?” I asked.

  “It’s a loaf.”

  My stomach rumbled, making her laugh. “I hope it’s breakfast, or part of it, at least.”

  “That was the plan.” She turned and began to pour the contents into a bread pan.

  I walked to stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her torso, pressing my lips to her cheek. “Do you often do this, bake without a set knowledge of the final outcome?”

  “It’s the best part about it.” She turned her head to the side and pecked my chin. “If you’re asking if I play mad scientist in my kitchen constantly…” Once empty, she put the bowl down and turned to face me. “I haven’t done anything like this in nearly a year.” Her face took a somber look. “I haven’t had a lick of inspiration in so long that when it h
it the other day, I didn’t know what to do with it, so I decided to dabble around this morning while you slept in.”

  I smiled down at her. “Wherever the inspiration came from, I can’t wait to see more of it.”

  Hannah didn’t move as I made my way for the pot of coffee. She stood beside me, a hip leaning against the counter and set her mug beside mine. “It came from you.” She turned from me after she’d grabbed her mug and went back to her creation, hiding behind the steam of her coffee. “At least, I’m pretty sure that’s where it’s from.”

  My heart leapt and began to beat at a staccato pace. Me?

  I wasn’t going to dismiss her statement like she had. Maybe Hannah saw more good in me than I had ever been able to see in myself. I knew there were far worse men than me in the world, but to be responsible for someone’s inspiration… that was…what was the word? Deep? Heavy? Yeah. Heavy.

  I took a sip of the fragrant coffee and my eyes widened. “How is it that coffee is always better when you make it?”

  She turned to face me and smiled. “It’s a secret.”

  “I like it. It seems to always go with what I’m eating.”

  “I’m good like that.” She smirked.

  I set my cup down and grabbed her hand to pull her toward me. “Yes.” I cupped her cheek with my hand. “You are. But I have to ask…” I dropped my hand so I could circle my arms around her.

  “Ask what?”

  Giving her my most angelic grin, I said, “When are we eating?”

  Hannah gasped, then delivered a playful slap to my chest. “Be careful mister, you might have to make your bacon and eggs yourself if you keep pushing.”

  “Bacon and eggs? But I thought we were having that.” I nodded toward the oven.

  “That’s for after.” She pecked my lips. “Now let me go so I can make you a proper breakfast.”

  Much to my reluctance, I dropped my arms from her. “Can I help?” Hannah turned with a look of shock strewn across her face. It made me chuckle. “What?”

  “You want to help?”

  “You’re surprised?” I took the carton of eggs from her.


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