Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender (BDSM BBW Erotic Romance)

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Curves for Breeding: Bred to Surrender (BDSM BBW Erotic Romance) Page 3

by Mitchell, Arthur

  Leo gently wrapped his powerful arms around her. “No, you don't. Not anymore.”

  She tilted her head in confusion. His teeth tugged at her earlobe, gently planting his kiss.

  “Submission is more than just a game. I want to own you, Heather, more than I've ever wanted to keep anyone. I want you here on a full time basis and I'm willing to pay for everything. In case you haven't noticed, I have the resources to do that. More than enough to cover food and shelter, and an upbringing for our son or daughter.” His strong hands rose to her breasts again, slowly squeezing.

  “No, stop. Not right now,” she forced herself away and turned around. His offer caught her off guard, like an unimagined dream unfolding right before her eyes...or maybe her worst nightmare. “I don't know if I can do this.”

  “But I do. Write your payment information down on a piece of paper and draft your resignation letter. I'll take care of everything else.”

  Frozen, she didn't resist when he came to her again, pulling her deep into his immense chest. Exotic spices rolled off him, complementing his natural musk, driving her to answer long before she should.

  Damn his charms. This is going to sound insane, but here it goes...

  “Okay. I'll try it out, but I want to see the check from you ASAP. Leo, I want to be with you, but this is all happening so fast. Why me? Am I just another throwaway after I'm pregnant?” She thought about the other women. For all she knew, maybe he had worked the same magic on all of them.

  “Master Leo,” he corrected, holding a stiff pointer finger to her lips. “When we're in this bedroom, you will call me that name, my proper name.”

  “This is too haven't answered anything.”

  “Maybe for now. But one day you'll come around, just wait and see,” he said. His lips brushed along her neck, licking and kissing down to her cleavage, as if he hadn't heard anything she asked.

  He jerked up, uncoupling himself from her skin. “If you aren't ready to call me Master yet, why don't we take a walk? If we're not in this bedroom, I'm just Leo to you, and that's okay.”

  She mulled it over, looking down at her tiny gown and the frosted window outside. A slight dusting of snow had covered the ground, only the second of the season. It wouldn't be long until Thanksgiving and Christmas, warm times with friends and family when she hoped to have a rising womb to show them.

  “Let me get you something else. I keep a few spares on hand for my visiting sister and her associates.” Leo disappeared from the room and returned about ten minutes later, holding a pair of long khakis and a thick red sweater.

  Heather shed her gown, turning away from him to dress. The motion seemed silly, but she couldn't stand the thought of standing bare before him. Not now, with so many mixed emotions storming through her mind.

  Maybe his walk will do some good after all, she thought.

  Luckily, the clothes fit her. After she dressed, they circled down the staircase. Leo looked so out of place in the elegant entryway, wearing nothing but his leather jacket and jeans, just as alien as her...which was strangely comforting.

  Heather donned her sweater jacket, like a ghost from a lost time. It was all she had of her earlier life, the normal one filled with bad exes and spreadsheets. A life infinitely worse than the dark fairy realm Leo had brought her into.

  “Come on. There's a path leading into the woods not far from here. My phone says the temperat isn't half bad today, despite the snow.” He grabbed for her hand and led her out the door.

  The crisp air made her long for his warmth even more. She was warm enough to be comfortable in the open winter as they approached the huger evergreens adjacent to his estate. Yet, something about winter always chilled her, no matter how beautiful the ice entrusted pine trees looked.

  “Just look at that,” Leo said, smiling as they entered the forest. “How fast the seasons change.”

  Heather nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. Or so she thought. His words carried extra weight, almost as though he were presenting her a puzzle to piece together.

  “Do you come here often?” She asked.

  “Constantly. These trees keep their color, except in the dead of summer when droughts come around. They're the only thing that stays constant in these woods. Birds come and go, and so do the leaves and brush. Snow falls, covering everything but the heartiest specimens...but these trees remain.”

  “Sounds like you really appreciate them,” she said. A little too much for simple trees, she thought.

  He stopped, folding her deep into his arms. They had walked far from his home up an incline. The outline of the mansion was barely visible, held as they were in the evergreens' embrace.

  “You have no idea. The forest is just like us. Seasons come and go, and so do the trees over many years. But as long as their seeds rise up, strong and beautiful, they live on,” he said, breathing in the strong odor of cool sap from a nearby trunk. “I've been extremely time sensitive all my life. Is it any wonder why I want to breed as much as possible?”

  She looked up, taken aback by his raw confession. Somewhere far away, a lone goose honked in flight, a straggler fighting to make its way off to warmer feeding grounds. Or possibly its mate.

  “No surprise at all. But I still don't understand...why me? I look at you and see that you could have any woman you want. Well, any desperate enough to resort to donors like me.” Her inner temperature rose, reddening her skin with anxiety, a heat that only cooled when thin sweat forced its way through her pores.

  “Honestly, the rest were stick figure women who came to me many years ago. They lacked the bodies for serious breeding. Too little breasts, too narrow hips,” he said, pushing his hands between her legs as he moved away from her breasts. “Not nearly enough passion in their eyes. When I spend myself in you, I can see the need, the appreciation. And when you come, I feel...”

  He stopped. Heather had heard enough, and her lips took the initiative. She craned her head up to his and kissed him deeply, wishing that time could freeze for a thousand years, holding them forever in that perfect moment.

  But it wasn't to be – not when lust had other plans. Leo moved his lips after wrestling with hers for a long minute, kissing once again down her neck. His right hand rummaged through his pocket and extracted a loop of cold metal.

  Heather's eyes darted down when she felt it on her wrist. The pair of handcuffs dangled toward her. He waited for her to look up again.

  “I could take you right here in the snow. Have you ever had sex when you're totally naked before Nature, stripped and bare?” Predatory ice returned to his eyes, burying the earlier warmth.

  Oh, I should've expected this. But I never expected it to make me this hot, so dripping warm and eager for his flesh. Almost hot and bothered enough to say to hell with the ice.

  But the cold surrounded her, a vicious barrier she couldn't ignore. “It's winter, Leo. How can you possibly do it out here?”

  She struggled to say the words. Heather had never allowed any man to have sex with her in public, let alone dominate her in the rough, animalistic way Leo promised.

  “Do you remember how the pleasure would build as soon as you were bound? Just trust me, I'll make you so warm that you won't notice the cold...I could have you ass down in the snow, and it would feel like floating on a tropical cloud when you lose it.” He didn't leave her much opportunity to reconsider.

  Already, he had forced her hands behind her back, snapping the handcuffs closed. She stretched her hands until the short chain between them caught. His hands returned to her, rubbing and pinching the khakis over her thighs, sliding down the thin crevice below her stomach.


  Leo ignored her words. Instead, he listened to her body. His cold fingers tore into her wetness, making her yip with discomfort. Still, she didn't push him away.

  Within seconds, he was steadily massaging her from the inside. He pushed his knuckles along her electrified walls, dripping with humid need. His thumb p
rodded deep into her clit, strumming circles, until she arched her back and toppled into his powerful grip.

  “That's it. Just let yourself drown in the pleasure. I haven't filled this since...this morning? It feels a little thirsty. Let me get rid of those pants so you can take another injection of what drives us both.”

  Heather chirped, her mouth filled with mush made from protest and desire. He drew her into a clearing, racing to make her accept her fate. His hands thrust her pants down to her knees, pushing her bare bottom into the rough bark of an evergreen.

  He pulled away, holding her in one arm and fumbling with his fly using the other. His ready erection sprang out a second later. It pulsed once, but he didn't allow it the luxury of reacting to the cold.

  Leo shoved his hips forward, pushing Heather's into the stark tree. There was a flash of pain and scratches on her backside, and then fire from within. His baritone growls singed her ear.

  Heather's legs shook with the sudden impacts. She moaned and wrapped herself tightly around his naked flanks, digging her shoes into his buttocks.

  He lunged forward like a machine, scraping her up and down the tree, a fire that mimicked the one his movements sparked inside her. Without lessening his deep hum, Leo pressed his face down, snapping at her nipples.

  He hadn't shaved since her arrival. His rocky stubble scratched new points along her breasts, marking her as he bit into her flesh. She felt her spine go numb and she screamed.

  It should hurt more than this. Why can't I feel the pain anymore? Why can't I do anything but drown in his unspeakable pleasure?

  There were no answers. Leo only underscored her insistent questions by tilting himself forward again, quickening his speed until she pressed her legs firmly into his back. It felt like riding a horse in mid-air.

  She spun in place, her muscles tightening until nothing could move except her head. Heather gazed up at the early winter's blue sky, watching the single puff of clouds above. Her climax emerged from that wide expanse, drifting down like invisible ice, burning and freezing nerves from head to toe all at once.

  The last thing she heard was the sound of his panting. Her vision spun and collapsed, drawn up into the blue-white window above, lost as an inferno of ecstasy filled her brain.

  Somewhere in that primal space, Leo joined her. His teeth sank into her shoulder, hard enough to leave an impression, and he slammed her into the tree trunk one final time. His seed jetted toward her womb, joining the mass of warriors he had left there.

  Her sex turned into a great sultry void, dotted with his potent stars. With her senses barely recovering, she shrieked again, this time imagining his sperm overtaking her.

  This is the moment...this is the time...

  Heather didn't believe she could leave the woods with him barren. Maybe he had impregnated her before, back in the bed, but she doubted it.

  The soil and pine needles heaved with life, all of them screaming only one message carried down from the cold heavens above: you're pregnant with his seed now. No more waiting for the inevitable.

  The day dream collapsed quickly. She found herself making shrill moans, whispering with pleasurable aftershocks. Leo remained buried in her, warming his sex as it softened. He used his flesh as a cap to plug her cavern, holding his seed inside, unknowingly increasing its chances.

  He was too tired to smile, but his eyes glowed with wonder. Heather had been bred. He was sure of it, more certain than the time he followed his gut instinct alone.

  Then he had rejected a low six figure offer until it reached more than two million. It was his greatest triumph in life...until now.

  “Come down from there...wherever you are,” he said softly, dragging himself out of her reluctantly. “It's getting colder. We should go back inside.”

  Kept for Good?

  Near the end of the month, Heather stared at the small pregnancy test in disbelief. The simple cross that emerged held all the details of her future. Its sharp edges left no doubt.

  Taking a moment in the bathroom, she dressed and slid the test stick into her pocket. Leo was waiting outside, his eyebrows twitching with eagerness.


  “See for yourself,” Heather said, drawing the test up again from the deep pocket of the pants he had given her.

  His eyes caught the faint plus size and grew wide, mirroring her own reaction. She watched his face tighten and release, unbound by new found freedom, even if it were clouded with uncertainty. They were looking at proof of all their efforts at last.

  He hummed happily and lifted her high, nearly knocking the pregnancy test out of her hand. “This is what I've been waiting for...through all that work, all that love. This is the way forward to everything with you, Heather.”

  She smiled as he held her aloft in his strong arms. He sheepishly noticed how hard his hands were pressing into her sides a second later, and he quickly put her down.

  “Don't worry. I'm not going to break,” she said.

  I hope this doesn't mean the end of our rough times together, she thought. Men are so strange with pregnancy...

  In fact, she was touched with his concern. He placed his hand lightly on her back and they walked into the bedroom together.

  Winter light was streaming in through the wide window, causing long shadows to fall behind them. Everything seemed so brilliant, glowing with an airy glamor. His home filled with an atmosphere that Heather had only sensed a hint of during other times: graduating college, moving away from her parents, getting her first promotion.

  All of them were events that seemed impossibly far away now. Pregnancy hung over them like a mystical fog, its presence much stronger than any of the other special times, but mysterious and far off.

  Even Leo stared out the window, down at the frosts that covered her unused car. It had been parked in his driveway for nearly a month as a couple inches of snow fell.

  “We should really take that into the garage,” he said absent mindedly.

  The idea of bringing her car in and shuttering the door almost matched pregnancy's stark finality. Heather shook her hair and sat down on the bed, feeling heavier than usual.

  “What happens now?” She asked.

  Leo turned toward her. “We'll move you in permanently. I've always longed for a more permanent breeding submissive, and you meet all of the criteria. I want much more than one child...this is just the beginning,” he said, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Am I anything more than that to you?”

  “That depends,” he said, lowering his voice to a whisper and joining her on the bed. “Are you willing to give yourself over and start calling me by my proper name in this bedroom?”

  His words should have been coarse, maybe even mildly insulting. Yet, Leo's eyes spoke differently, glistening like hazel colored sonnets. They poured into her, nearly as fiery and emotive as his seed, shining with secrets she was only beginning to understand.

  “I'm moving in that direction,” she said, a crackle of fear creeping into her voice.

  I can't believe how far this has gone, so fast. This has gone far beyond just finding a donor...

  “Quiet your thoughts,” he told her. “We'll settle this now. What do you see when you look down below your heart, into the black spaces that have always guided you?”

  Just then, she saw their baby – a thin membrane of cells bundled together. It wouldn't be long until it grew, probably as startling and fast as the relationship in this very room.

  No, that's the answer, she realized. This child is my binding to him: body, soul, and psyche. He's forever made his mark...a charcoal impression that will never fade. And I don't want it to.


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