V O N: The Devourer from the Stars
Page 8
Her delicate eyes narrowed at me. Her pleasant shade of yellow now a blended mix of reds and orange. How is it she is able to change to such colors? What is the scent she is emitting? There has to be some significance to her origin for her to be able to perform such a talent.
“The men of Earth need such a device the way you females rant on forever. A being such as myself can’t think straight with all the yammering you do.”
I paced the floor watching her. Arms at her side, standing erect. Her face twitching and her thoughts again of hurting men, but more focused on doing damage to me. My ears twitched when there was another flash of me and her again in an intimate setting. When I tried to focus on the thought, it was gone.
“Captain, the female appears to be upset.”
I glared at the robot for telling me what I already knew. I cleared my throat, to speak in a more appropriate tone.
“I am sure you are aware of how different cultures celebrate festivities.” I said pressing the code to release her. “The ways of my species doesn’t vary much from yours, other than the fact we eat people. But then again, there are so many of your people that need to be eaten I should have stocked up, saving many of your kind from the brink of starvation.” I said in a wry laugh.
She blinked a few times then shook her head realizing she was able to move her body again. Her chest rose and fell in in deep rolls. The stone on her neck, glowed in marvelous colors. A bright white, to blue, pink and then red. She palmed her head then looked at me with rising levels of anger displaying. Her arm lowered, her fists balled tightly and then she took a deep breath and I could have sworn I felt the hot steel of a weapon at my chest with the way she was staring at me.
“You are such an asshole!” She roared.
In the moments the words escaped my lips, I knew I was in trouble. He had me in that fucking statue hold and then told me he could ‘control me’ drew me over the edge. The last thing I needed was to be under another man’s domination.
Technically, I am under his power, but this is a prison type of management. The device he has on him forces me to do what he wants and I can’t fight him. Its worse than being with Warren.
Talk about a bad boy complex, the way I imagined Von, as a good guy, his body was as sexy as any man on earth. But now that he was angry, Von’s caramel skin started to fade to a black shimmering tone with shell shaped contoured curves in repeated rows appearing along the length of his arms. His facial expression was a snarl with deepened brow, his irises thinned the lids closing down to a dagger width and his teeth were clenched exposing sharpened canines. As I stared at him he grew taller and bigger the angrier he got.
“I am not the hole of any ass. I am V59ON7 of Nuquoar. Captain of the Proteus.”
His voice was a low thunderous rumble surrounding my cell, penetrating the floor and vibrating under my feet. I jumped back from his advance.
“You are but a package. A hot meal in a glass box and I tire of you and your paltry need to escape your surroundings, filling your head with foolish ideas that you are anything other than food.”
His words came out as speckled dots of saliva on my wall. His deathly stare held me but I quickly snarled back at him realizing he could not get to me.
“I don’t care who you are or where you are from, the way you treat me is inhumane. The way you talk to me is barbaric. The farmers raising the animals we eat, don’t treat them badly or verbally abuse them as much as you do me.”
He lurched at my shield and I jumped from reflex.
“How else would you want me to treat my next meal? Do you talk to your food before you eat it?”
He pressed his palms against the glass, they were getting darker, turning black. His fingers were growing longer as he talked.
“Do you look into their eyes and know there is nothing you can do to change what is ordained to happen? From our records, the places that prepare your sustenance, do so without thought or care. They are not gentle when they chop off the head, cut away the organs and present them to your people for consumption. Why should I treat you any different?”
He scowled behind enlarged drooling teeth. He was heaving hot breaths on the glass, the area around him partially fogged up from his body heat.
Staring into his eyes, I could image the scene as he spoke them. The cruel and destructive way the animals were cut up even after their death. The disregard for their appearance and the manner in which the remains were disposed of. I felt remorse for them. For myself.
“We are not able to talk to our food.” I said casually to the drooling, growling wolf before me.
His face relaxed a moment. “Have you tried? Would it make a difference if you could?” He asked calmer.
I fiddled with my fingers unsure as to how I should answer such a question. “Well…I’m not…”
His gaze went over his shoulder. “Robot, bring item LC14832.”
“Captain,” Max began and Von turned quickly gripping Max by the throat. I have never seen a person move as fast as Von just did.
“GO. GET. THE. CREATURE.” He commanded.
When I saw Von’s back it was fanned out wider than his waist. The same as a cobra’s would get just before it strikes its victim. His arms were as thick as his legs and his neck longer and wider. I saw the veins bulging and as I looked closer, they moved comparable to earthworms. My thoughts went back to that night in my apartment when I ran into him. He was hideous, scary and I was terrified.
“Yes Captain.” Max replied.
Von let him go and Max disappeared into the dark halls. I was uneasy about Max’s departure. I didn’t look at Von, but when he turned to me, the redness in his face was still reflecting on the glass.
His breathing stilled as he stood there. My focus was on his teeth. Those pearly whites with large canines nipping at his bottom lip. They looked as if they could rip flesh from the bone with one tear. For a moment I thought he was ready to bite my head off. The visual entered my head, he arched a brow and a snarling smile as if he had seen what I was thinking.
My hand went to my throat making sure the two were still attached at least until I could figure a way off of this meal wagon.
Could the mental projection be a possible link between us? I pondered.
The tip of his tongue came out grazing the top of his lip. I swallowed turning my gaze from him. I didn’t think any more about it. When Max returned he had a clear protective box with an animal inside.
“Give it to her.” Von said not looking away from me.
Max pushed the box through the barrier, his orbs moving slowly up and down in a caring manner. He opened the box pulling his arm back. The chicken couldn’t get out but with the lid off it would have ample air.
I glanced back to Von wondering what he was doing. “What is….”
“Hello?” A childlike voice called out.
A cold chill swept over me. It couldn’t have been the chicken. They don’t talk. There was someone or something in here with me and then my thoughts went to the little girl. I swallowed nervously. Goosebumps covered my entire body. My stomach clinched and my heart raced as I slowly glanced over my shoulder.
“H…hello,” I called out not seeing anyone. I was thankful it wasn’t my nightmare again, but curious as to where the voice was coming from.
“Yes, hello, could you help me please?” The child asked.
“W…where are you?” I asked kneeling down in search of the tyke.
“Here in the box. Could you let me out please?”
I covered my mouth gasping then glanced to see Von, who was slowly stepping back into the cloak of darkness. The area around the outside of my barrier darkened leaving me alone with the live eight piece meal.
“Please let me out, it’s so tight in here.”
I slowly approached the box and hesitated to pull the chicken out thinking it would peck at my hand. Surprisingly it didn’t.
“Thank you so much, I have been in there for some time now.”<
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I tucked my knees under me watching the brown and white chicken. “You’re welcome. Where are you from? How is it you can talk?”
Its head pecked around on the floor. “I am from Ohio, I have always been able to talk. This is a nice space you have here.”
“Thank you.” I licked my lips afraid to ask but curious to know since I have never been able to talk to a chicken. “How old are you?”
“I am thirteen months old.” The child said proudly.
“How dare she insult me?! I am not to be trifled with! And the robot, how dare it question my orders? The female was a disturbance and needs to put to sleep. So what if she was not fresh. If she continues to provoke me she will not make it to my home. I will find a way in there and rip her apart.” I growled to myself.
I watched from a distance as the irritating human talked with the small feathery creature. She brought her legs in front of her crossing them on the floor. She expressed a laugh, tossing her long strands over her smooth caramel shoulders. Shoulders I could see gripping my teeth into, sucking the meat off the bone. She sat forward squeezing her large tender mounds together then pulled on her shirt as if the position was uncomfortable.
I observed her for over an hour. Her words resonating in my ear. A ‘wedding’ meal she believes herself to be. I snorted a chuckle.
“If she only knew the truth.” I mumbled.
And the truth was, there wasn’t going to be a wedding. I shook my head rubbing the bang thinking about Techol, my supposedly to be mate.
She was from the planet Helliox. A beautifully enriching place with tall buildings of glass and a lightweight indestructible metal capable of floating miles above the ground. The surface of the planet was always dark and treacherous to live on so they sent out ships in search of technology. The terrain on Helliox is jagged rocks and deep cavernous craters filled with horrid ravenous creatures that would steal their natives in the night.
Techol, is the eldest daughter of Kling, leader of the high counsel of G’noor, and the first child born in the city above the clouds. She was a beautiful creature. I was told, she had long tendrils for hair of silphion blue, her eyes were both danarin red and juse yellow. She has two rows of jagged teeth and a long tongue with the ability to paralyze her prey.
She was just as tall as me but her body was as sculpted as a finely tuned athlete. Her legs were muscular and strong to be able to hold her upper body of four arms. The best part about her, were her three breasts and her two vaginal openings. I sighed remembering how I wanted to have her at least once.
Although her species sounded and looked like barbarians, they were quiet gentle. It was the fighting with the beasts on the surface that made them learn to battle to survive. Some didn’t make it to the city in the clouds.
Alas, our joining would have been a joyous one with my scientific research and her technological knowledge we would have been able to catalogue and cultivate different species all over the galaxy but she did not want to wait for my return.
The first passing of Anner, what humans consider a year, she decided to mate with Lodsym.
He was a friend, supposedly my best friend and was to keep me informed of her activities. He took the chance and took her for himself. But this was many Anner ago and I picked up the robot to keep me company. I only told him of my joining, so my journey would not appear so sad. I let out another sigh glancing up at the female creature and the bird she was toting around.
The human, she wasn’t so bad looking. Yes her folds are a bit disturbing, but only to one who could not see past them to admire her…no. I will not think of her in any other form but a meal.
My mood was calmer, my body size back to the one she created. Flipping the wave of hair over my head, I gnawed on my bottom lip glancing at her plump thighs when she got up walking around the room holding the bird in her arms. I envisioned those thighs roasted on a plate before me, juices oozing out from the pockets under the skin. So tender.
“No,” I whispered aloud because my brain showed me juices of a different nature.
My apparition changed to her thoughts from before. I was holding her firm buttocks in my hands, bringing her moist valley of sex to my lips. My tongue delving deep within the folds while she moaned my name.
My left hand ran across my abs then gripping the belt holding my pants because my lower region was becoming…uncomfortable. My stomach tightened as I saw more of our intimate session. I groaned while keeping an eye on her as she bent over the bed and having the notions of her like that in front of me.
The sound of her thighs smacking up against mine in a constant motion thrilled me. Her voice calling out my name in such bliss excited me and the thought of penetrating her flesh made my spine shiver. My dick pulsated hungrily.
Dick? Where did that word come from? The video files the robot recorded. The women of Earth used that word often to describe a man’s…erection.
Is this what I was having…an erection?
My hand traveled further down, gripping the stiffness. I felt the length of it, its circulation being cut off by the clothing. I had to unfasten my pants to breathe. I let out a shuddered exhale, my extension unsheathed to its full length. Resting at the tip of my knee briefly, it rose steadily before me. I gripped the hot throbbing mound, thinking of her succulent body naked in my bed.
She was writhing, moaning and licking her lips at me. Teasing me. Taunting me. Her hands trailed along the length of her voluptuous body, pressing her large mounds together then pinching her nipples. She winced erotically moving her hands further down placing her fingers between her thighs playing with her soft hair covered mound.
Using one hand to part the folds, the other slid between them coating her fingers in the glistening juice. Her index finger rolled around on her hardened hood, she moaned even louder her lips parting to let out soft gasps of air.
“Von,” she sang to me in a long whispering drawl.
The sound of her seductive tone in my ears made my inner lid hover. The mound in my hands pulsating harder. My hands damp from the fluid oozing out.
I must have her.
“NO!” I declared holding back the notion of ejaculating on the floor. I turned to punch the hull of the ship. Anger. I needed anger. I thought back to when I first met the human. To the Suuwok reaching out to devour her. It telling me to find another human. My chest pumped as hard as the beat of the vessel within me. I maintained my thoughts of anger, the fight. I dragged out the scene until my erection was gone and back within the folds of its casing.
I glanced to the female. She was still talking with the chicken, stroking the head of the bird, then its feathers giving it a gentle kiss. I smiled slyly, as now it was time to have it taken from her. I fixed my clothing to find the robot monitoring the ship.
“Go and remove the creature from the humans’ cell.”
“Yes Captain.” The robot paused for a moment then turned to me. “Captain, if I may be blunt.”-
“No you may not. And for the record. Don’t you ever refuse or question my orders again.”
“Yes Captain.”
“After you retrieve it, prepare the humans supplement with it.”
The robot hesitated then nodded doing as instructed. I went to my computer, to perform some research on what her change in color could mean and the scent. It was warm and wet and tasted sweet in the air. If I had not gotten away from her, I surely would have broken the wall myself.
“So what did your father say when you got Chicken Pox?” I asked calming down from a previous laugh.
“He said, ‘what kind of bird are you? No child of mine has ever gotten sick before.’ Then my caregiver took me away. She said it was to make sure I didn’t infect the rest of my family. It was a nice retreat. I was given special meals and my caregiver gave me baths and sat and held me like you did.”
She sighed, slowly pecking at the floor. “I miss her.” She said softly.
“I’m sure s
he misses you.” I replied in kind stroking her head.
“Excuse me Miss.” Max interrupted standing at the wall. “I’ve come for the chicken.”
I stood up looking at him. “Her name is Abby. And why do you have to take her? We were having a great time.” I informed him.
“It is time for her nutritional meal and then sleep period.”
“Oh good, I am a bit hungry.” Abby said eagerly.
“Well, if you really want to go.” I replied dejected.
“Yes please. I will come back if its okay.”
I knelt down to Abby. “You can come back anytime you want.” I placed her back in the cube closing the lid. Max reached to remove it. I watched him take her away and I palmed the glass sad to see a friend go.
I could now understand what Von was saying about being able to talk to our food. After being with Abby, I don’t know how farmers could deal with eating chicken, pork or beef without some feeling of guilt for killing an almost family member. I wonder if they even eat their own stock of do they sell it to another farm in exchange so they don’t feel as guilty.
I sat back on my bed missing the light pecks of Abby and the stories she told. It was weird at first being able to fully talk to her. But the longer I did, it was similar to talking to a dog and instead of pretending what the animal could say, she really responded.
I did learn quite a bit although it won’t do me any good since I won’t be able to tell anyone else of my discovery. It’s funny. Talking with Abby made me think of the adventures my own life held and felt sad. A tear began to fall and I got up pacing the room.
My father left when I was young, from the way my mother tells it, and she had to struggle raising me alone. Mom was lucky to have me after several miscarriages and when she did she couldn’t have anymore. That’s when my father left. He couldn’t handle the fact so many of his children were gone, not that he was really trying to raise me with her, I found out he already had two other kids by other women but they left the states so he couldn’t find them.