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Long Road Home Page 7

by Kate Stacy

  Madalyn stopped what she was working on to help me. Right now, she’s standing with her hands on her hips, fuming.

  I hold up a finger and mouth “one second” before I stop Grayson from responding.

  “Look, I can’t do this right now. I’m already behind and we open soon. I’ve got to get back to work. If you’re not busy with Tara and wedding plans later, call me. We’ll talk some more about this, but now isn’t the time.”

  “Alright sweetheart. I’ll find time to call you later no matter what. Love you.” He doesn’t sound really happy with me, which is something I’m not used to. I don’t think I’ve ever disappointed or upset him.

  “I love you too, Gray. Always will.”

  I barely have time to end the call before Madalyn speaks.

  “What the fuck is his problem?!” Damn, she’s pissed.

  “I wish I knew. He has never talked to me like that—ever.” I’m still in shock at his response.

  I glance at the clock, noticing that it’s almost time to open. Shit. I start carrying trays to the front, so I can fill the cases. Madalyn stops what she’s doing to help, but it doesn’t stop her rant.

  “He better not ever talk to you like that again. You’ve dealt with enough assholes that have treated you like shit and talked down to you. I’ll be damned if I stand by while he does the same. He fucking knows better.”

  I think she’s done there, but nope. “And you know damn well that if Jaxson would have been here for that conversation, he would have lost his shit and been on the way out there already. He’s not going to put up with it.”

  “You heard me, Mads. I didn’t even put up with it!” I take a deep breath because I’m all worked up. “I’m not the same girl I was a few years ago. I know I don’t have the highest opinion of myself, but I won’t let anyone treat me like that again.”

  “We’re going to work on your confidence and self-esteem. You deserve so much more than you think you do, dollface.”

  We finish filling the cases with just enough time for me to pull the muffins from the oven before we have to open. I head to the back again, Mads following closely, just in time to hear the timer go off.

  “I’m working on it. It’s hard to feel good about myself, especially lately with everything that’s happened.”

  “Just spend some more time around Drake. I’m sure your feelings will change in no time,” she says with a huge smile.

  I laugh, shaking my head. “You’re not gonna let it go, are you?”

  “Nope,” she says, popping the “p” and smiling even more.

  I look at the clock, then peek through the door to the front of the bakery. “Fine, but you’ll have to wait until later. We’ve got customers lining up outside.”

  Thank goodness I don’t have to continue this conversation right now. I’m already completely over it today. I can’t wait to go home.


  Last night was a serious test of my willpower.

  After everyone left so that Hailee and Elijah could get settled, I went out to grab dinner for us. We talked a bit while we enjoyed our meal, but then we went our separate ways. Her to get herself and Elijah ready for bed, and me...well...I had to get myself under control.

  I tossed and turned all night. Knowing that she’s in bed under my roof? Fuck. She belongs in my bed. The entire night was a constant battle not to go to her room, scoop her from her bed, and bring her to mine. It’s too soon for that, but it’ll happen eventually.

  Today, I’m packing to head back out. I’ve taken more time off than I’d planned, so I gotta hit the road. One of the perks of owning my own truck is being able to come and go whenever the hell I want. The downside to that is the cost of not running.

  I’ve got my bags packed, ready to go—I’m just waiting on Hailee to come home before I leave. I’ve got a load to pick up tonight that’s headed out west, but I want to make sure she doesn’t need anything else before I go.

  I can’t even lie—I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here and be close to her. Get to know her more and spend time with her and the little guy. I’ll be coming home more often now, that’s for damn sure. I’m thinking every two weeks. I won’t make as much money, but I don’t need the fucking money.

  I need her.

  Feelings like this, especially ones that hit this hard and fast, are completely new to me. I’ve never looked at a woman and felt her down to my soul. Only her.





  Hell if I know. I’ve never really believed in any of that shit before—don’t know if I do now, honestly.

  I only know that when I look at her, I see my future. She’s everything I want...all wrapped up in a gorgeous little package. I want a wife. A family. I can see that with her. So clearly.

  I know I’m not like most guys. All the single guys I know don’t want to be tied down. They want to play the field, fuck around, and all that other bullshit. Not me. I might not have had many serious relationships, but that’s because I never saw the point in wasting time when I knew it wasn’t going anywhere.

  Life is too short to throw it away on bullshit.

  I had a shitty childhood, sure, but I’m not damaged.

  I’m not afraid I’ll be a shit father like mine was.

  I’m not afraid to love someone.

  I want to love someone. I want all of it. Everything I never had growing up.

  My thoughts are interrupted when Hailee comes in the door with Elijah on her hip. My eyes automatically lock on her, taking in every inch from her head to her toes. She looks exhausted, but still so damn beautiful. She bends, putting Elijah down on the floor before looking up and gracing me with that breathtaking smile of hers.

  “Honey, we’re home!” She smirks.

  I give her a roguish smile. “Hey, darlin’. How was your day?”

  I could get used to this.

  “Long and exhausting.” She sighs. “I’m so glad to be home.”

  Elijah toddles over to me, holding up his arms. “Up.”

  I bend and snatch him up, blowing a raspberry on his belly. He giggles uncontrollably.

  “And how are you, little Eli?” I ask with a smile.


  This kid cracks me up. “Alright then. Let’s get you a snack, buddy.”

  I turn to head to the kitchen but stop and look back when Hailee says, “You’re leaving already?” Her brows are furrowed, she’s almost frowning.

  Someone doesn’t look happy about that. Interesting.

  I follow her line of sight to my bags sitting behind the couch.

  “Yeah, baby. In a few hours. I wanted to have dinner with y’all before I head out to pick up a load tonight.”


  I watch as she chews her bottom lip for a second before shaking it off. She gives me a smile. “That sounds good. Can you watch Elijah for a few minutes while I go change clothes?”

  “Of course. We’ll get a snack and wait for you in the kitchen.”

  She nods before hurrying down the hallway.

  I walk into the kitchen with Elijah and set him on the counter in front of me. He helps me pour some cheese-flavored crackers into a small bowl before grabbing one, stuffing it in his mouth. I snag one, popping it into mine. I decide to take him to the living room, so he can sit comfortably. I make a mental note to get a dining table in here the next time I’m home.

  A few minutes pass and I’m starting to wonder what Hailee’s up to when I hear her raised voice coming from her room. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I quickly turn on some cartoons for Elijah and head toward her room to make sure she’s alright.

  I’m a few steps from her door when I hear her more clearly.

  “You’re really being an asshole, Grayson. What’s your problem?”

  Grayson. That’s the best friend.

  “Hails, I’m just trying to look out for you.”

  She has the phone on speaker, let�
��s see what’s got her so upset.

  I know I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but I don’t give a shit right now. I don’t like hearing her so unsettled and upset. I’ll make myself known in a minute.

  “No, you’re being insulting and judgmental. Why are you treating me like this?”

  “Come off it, Hailee. You moved in with some random fucking guy that you knew less than twenty-four hours. I don’t care who’s known him for however long. You didn’t know him. It’s irresponsible and stupid.”

  I hear her sniffle. Hell no. I draw the line at tears.

  I don’t need to hear any more.

  I knock lightly on the door before pushing it open. I walk straight to her, pulling her into my arms.

  I can feel the tension drain from her as she responds, “Gray, you’re my best friend. I understand that you’re hurt because I didn’t call you when everything first happened, and I’ve apologized for that. My head was all messed up and that’s on me. You’re really starting to sound like an asshole. You’ve always supported me without judgment, and I don’t know what’s making you do it now, but I’m not gonna deal with it. Maybe we shouldn’t talk until you’ve calmed down and can treat me with respect.”

  “You’re taking this all wrong, sweetheart.”

  I can’t listen to any more of this shit.

  I speak before I even realize it, “She’s not taking anything wrong. I don’t know what the hell your problem is, but you don’t fucking talk to her like that...ever.”

  Hailee gasps.

  I press her tighter to me and continue, “I know you’re her best friend, and I’m trying really hard to respect that right now, but I had better not ever hear you disrespect her again.”

  My entire body is vibrating with anger.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He asks.

  “Drake—and I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but I’m not getting the best first impression. Hailee talks so much about how great you are, and how you’ve always been there for her, but I’m not seeing that unwavering support I heard so much about.”

  “Guys, really—“

  “No, darlin’. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand there and listen to him berate you any longer. You’ve done nothing wrong. Your entire life got turned upside down and he’s over here making you feel like shit for doing what you need to do. You don’t deserve to be talked to like that. Friend or not—he’s out of line.”

  She nods, tears still in her eyes. I sit on her bed and pull her down onto my lap. There’s a long pause before her friend decides it’s his turn to talk again.

  “He’s right, Hailee. I’m an asshole.” His voice full of resignation.

  I scoff and open my mouth to speak again, but she beats me to it.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you’re acting like the same guys you’ve always tried to protect me from. Elijah’s sperm donor always talked to me like that, and what did you always tell me?”

  “That no man has the right to make you feel less than.”

  “Right. So why are you doing it?” She leans up against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

  I rub my hand up and down her back to comfort her. I love the way she feels against me. I really love that she’s standing up for herself. My girl is fierce when she wants to be.

  “There’s no excuse, Hails. It’s not okay. I—I’m really sorry.”

  “I won’t say it’s okay—because it’s not—but I accept your apology. I won’t take this from you again. I won’t take it from anyone ever again.”

  “I understand.” He takes an audible breath before speaking again, “Drake, I’m sorry you got such a shitty first impression of me. The truth is that I’d do anything for that girl right there. I’m just worried about her.”

  “I get it, man. She’s in good hands. You have my word on that. I’d never hurt her, or Elijah.”

  Hailee looks up at me and a smile starts to form on her lips. I lean down, planting a light kiss on her temple.

  Hailee finally speaks up again, “I think we should all get together. It could put an end to this drama for y’all to meet and see that you’re both just looking out for me.”

  “Sounds good to me, darlin’. We’ll try to work something out when I come back in a couple of weeks.”

  I can’t say I really want to meet this asshole right now, but if that’s what she wants, I’ll do it. Whatever makes her happy. I’ll put my personal feelings aside and meet him, but if I ever hear about him talking to her like that again—all bets are off. I don’t give a fuck how long they’ve been friends.

  Our eyes are locked, and she doesn’t look away, even when we hear Grayson speak, “Sounds good to me too. I’ve been wanting to get out that way to see you and Elijah, anyway. Let me know, and we’ll set something up.”

  As much as I don’t want to, I slide her from my lap onto the bed beside me. Planting a kiss on the top of her head, I stand and tell her that I’m gonna go check on Elijah. Since the guy has stopped being a prick and she seems to be calm, I’m gonna let them finish their conversation without me.

  “Thank you, Drake. I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  I give her a wink as I leave the room, closing the door most of the way behind me. Thankfully, little man is still completely content with his cartoons. He smiles when he sees me, so I scoop him up and sit down with him.

  “Hey, buddy. We’ll wait for mama to finish and get some dinner. Sound good?”

  He smiles and lays his head down on my chest.

  I look down at him.

  Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.


  The day Drake left was exhausting. So much unnecessary drama.

  I’m still a bit hurt from Grayson’s reaction. I understand he was worried and trying to look out for me, but he crossed a major line. I think I held my own. I’ve never liked confrontation. I’m proud that I stood up for myself, but I won’t deny that I loved Drake coming to my defense.

  I wasn’t expecting him to charge into my room, but the second I was in his arms all I felt was relief. I guess I could be mad that he didn’t respect my privacy, but how can I be angry that he didn’t stand by while someone mistreated me? He handled the situation really well, even being respectful to Grayson instead of insulting him and calling him names. I could feel the anger radiating off him, but he was in complete control.

  Him pulling me down into his lap...well, I wasn’t surprised. He’s always touching me in some little way. If I’m honest, I like it. I like being close to him—it feels comfortable. Relaxed. Natural.

  That’s why I’m still thinking about him...days later...wishing he was here. It’s so easy with him. Our conversations are effortless. We’ve talked on the phone and texted a few times since he left, so I’m not surprised when my phone chimes with a text from him.

  Drake: Hey darlin’. Whatcha up to?

  Me: Just put Elijah down for the night. Working on a paper for my marketing class.

  Drake: Boring. Need a distraction?

  Me: I could use a break.

  Drake: Name one thing you love and one thing you hate.

  Me: Hmm…

  Me: Knee-high socks and silence.

  Drake: Interesting. Why silence?

  Me: I have a toddler. Silence means he’s doing something he shouldn’t.

  Me: Your turn.

  Drake: Your smile and boy bands.

  His response brings a flush to my cheeks and a smile to my lips. He agreed to be friends, but he still compliments me constantly and hasn’t given up on the flirting. We’ve been playing this game off and on as a fun way to learn the basics about each other.

  Me: Boy bands? Really?

  Drake: Can’t stand them. There’s nothing worse than listening to a bunch of sissy boys try to sing love songs when they’ve probably never even gotten laid.

  Me: LOL Omg, that’s harsh.

  Drake: Maybe. Honest, though.

  Me: I’ll make sure I listen to all the boy bands when you
’re home.

  Drake: I’ll spank your ass. Don’t even think about it.

  Spank my ass? Shit. Just the thought of that has me squeezing my thighs together. I don’t know how to respond. I must take too long because he texts again.

  Drake: Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, sweetheart. I find it hard to hold back with you.

  Me: No, you didn’t. I just...well, no one’s ever said anything like that to me before. Took me by surprise.

  Drake: You already know I want more with you. I love flirting with you, but I don’t want to cross any lines.

  Me: Truth? I like you flirting. I’m just not entirely sure what I want right now.

  Drake: I can understand that. Do you want me to stop? I don’t want to, but I’ll try.

  I take a second before replying. I’m attracted to Drake. Not just because he’s gorgeous. He seems genuine. Sweet. Funny. Protective. I don’t even know why I’m fighting this anymore.

  Me: No. I don’t want you to stop.

  Me: Just...take it slow...give me time to really get used to this.

  Drake: Hailee?

  Drake: Tell me exactly what you mean. I don’t want to assume.

  Me: I like you too. I’m open to more, but I don’t want to rush.

  Drake: Anything you want, darlin’. I can’t wait to see you again.

  Me: Me too. I miss you…


  Time never drags more than it does when you’re looking forward to something. On top of that, I’ve been living by Murphy’s Law for the past week and a half. Anything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. I didn’t intend to stay out longer than two weeks, but nothing is guaranteed out here. Traffic, accidents, delays, problems with shippers—anything can happen to slow you down. I just want to get home to see my girl.


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