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Long Road Home Page 21

by Kate Stacy

  Looks like I might have to put a baby inside her sooner rather than later.

  We talk about all the possibilities that we have open to us. Before we drift off to sleep, I make it known that she belongs in my bed every night from now on. I know she doesn’t sleep in here when I’m not home.

  “We’re moving all of your things into the master bedroom.”

  “If that’s what you want to do, honey.”

  “Absolutely. This is our room now, not just mine. We can set the other bedroom up as a guest room for now until we have another use for it.”

  She smiles, knowing that I’m hinting at a nursery. She doesn’t argue with me, she doesn’t comment at all, simply kissing my lips and telling me she loves me before her eyes close as she drifts off to sleep.

  I kiss her temple with a whispered, “I love you” before I close my eyes and lose myself in my dreams.


  Two months later.

  The past two months have been the best of my life.

  There have been no crazy exes. No fires. No drama at all. I couldn’t be happier.

  It’s Christmas Eve, everyone is gathered at Madalyn and Jaxson’s house for their yearly holiday bonfire. It’s cold as hell outside, but we’re all used to this. No one complains about the temperature because we’ve got plenty of alcohol and fire for warmth.

  Everyone is here tonight. My parents. Madalyn’s family. Grayson and Tara. The crew from both the bakery and the bar. There’s also a ton of other people that I don’t know. It doesn’t bother me. I’m starting to do a lot better in crowds. Besides, I can face anything with Drake by my side.

  I’m sitting on the tailgate of Drake’s truck with Madalyn, and I look across the yard. Drake’s eyes find mine and he smiles before scooping up Elijah and holding him while Grayson tickles him silly. I love watching the two of them together. I still get butterflies and I hope they don’t disappear any time soon.

  I turn back to the conversation that Madalyn is having with her sisters, but I can’t help but peek over my shoulder every few minutes to watch my boys.

  “You’ve got it bad.”

  I tear my eyes from Drake and Elijah to see Mads smiling at me. All I can do is shrug.

  “He’s amazing, of course I do.”

  The girls all laugh, but they know that I mean it. Drake once told me that he’d treat me like a queen if I let him, and he wasn’t kidding. I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m spoiled.

  They crack jokes at my expense about me being ‘dick-whipped’. I know it’s all good-natured fun. Let them joke, because when the night comes to an end, that fine as hell man will have his arms wrapped around me. I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

  Madalyn finally gets serious again and asks, “So things are good then?”

  I’m taking a drink, so I nod and swallow before I respond. “Things are perfect. I kinda hate that I didn’t meet him sooner, but I’m so glad that you insisted on getting me drunk that night.”

  She giggles, pulling me to her side. “You’re welcome, dollface. I’m so happy that you and Drake hit it off so well. You’re both incredible friends, and it warms my heart to see you two happy together.”

  I look back again and see that my dad has taken Elijah from Drake. Drake’s having a hushed conversation with Jaxson. I watch as they talk back and forth for a minute before Jax does that slap handshake thing before pulling Drake into a hug, both wearing huge smiles.

  Curiosity has me wondering what it’s all about, but I shake it off and focus on the girls around me. One of Madalyn’s sisters is talking about this guy she had a one-night stand with a few weeks back, and it sounds like it was a fantastic night.

  I’m so focused on listening to her story, that I don’t realize that everyone has gotten quiet until she stops talking and backs away from the truck. The silence finally hits my ears, so I start to look around to see what’s going on.

  I didn’t even realize that Drake had crossed the yard to me until he’s right in front of me. I smile, spreading my thighs to make room for him to stand between them. He looks at me with an expression that I can’t decipher, and I’m about to ask him what’s wrong when he leans forward, kissing me softly.

  “I have something that I need to ask you, baby.”

  I look around at all of our friends and family, then back to him.


  A chuckle rumbles out and he smiles, those dimples I love so much popping out.

  “Absolutely. Right here. Right now. There’s no better place than where it all began.”

  He drops to one knee in front of me and I gasp.


  My heart is pounding in my chest. I’ve never been so nervous in my goddamn life, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve had this ring for over a month now, and it’s been like money, burning a hole in my pocket, begging me to ask her the most important question I’ll ever ask.

  I pulled her parents aside during Thanksgiving and spoke my intentions. They were both overjoyed, immediately welcomed me to the family. I’m glad they’re confident that she’ll say yes, because for a guy that normally has a shitload of confidence, I can’t seem to find it at the moment.

  I hold the ring box in one hand, reaching up to hold her hand with the other.

  “Hailee, baby. I know that we haven’t been together long, but I don’t need a set length of time to know that you’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  Her eyes fill with tears and she covers her mouth with her other hand.

  “I may just be a small-town boy, but I’ve got big dreams and you’re front and center in every single one.”

  I take a breath, hoping to calm my racing heart. I’m not always good with words, and no matter what I planned to say, I can’t seem to find the words right now.

  I chuckle and shake my head, looking at the ground for a minute before my gaze finds hers again.

  “I had a whole speech planned, but I’ll be damned if I can find the words right now. I love you, sweetness.”

  “I love you, too.” Her words are whispered, and she’s fighting hard to keep the tears at bay.

  “Hailee Nicole Miller, will you make me the happiest man in Blackwood and be my wife?”

  She launches herself from the tailgate and lands right on top of me, knocking me on my ass. Her arms wrap around my neck and she buries her face there, finally losing her composure.

  I run my hands up and down her back, giving her a few seconds before I ask, “Does that mean yes?”

  She pulls back, cupping both of my cheeks. “Oh my God! Of course! Yes!”

  I don’t wait another second before my mouth crashes to hers.

  I can faintly hear everyone clapping and cheering around us, but it’s all muted to my ears. All I can hear is my heart pounding and her “yes” repeating over and over in my head.

  We break away from our kiss, both panting for breath, and immediately wrap each other in a tight hug. I rock her back and forth, my joy spilling out in the form of laughter.

  I pull her left arm from around me to slide the ring on her finger. She immediately looks down and gasps. “It’s beautiful, Drake! So perfect!”

  “I’m glad you love it, darlin’.”

  I spent weeks searching for the perfect ring. I knew this was the one when I saw it. It’s a kite-set princess cut diamond on a white gold band. There are rows of diamonds crossing over the main band on both sides, giving it a really gorgeous, twisted look. It’s beautiful and unique, just like the girl wearing it.

  I stand us up, so we can accept all of the congratulations and well wishes from the crowd. Hailee shows off her ring to all the girls, as I stand proudly by her side. I look at my fiancée and know without a doubt—she was meant for me and everything we’ve been through together has been worth it.

  All of our struggles over the past five months have brought us to this moment. As much as I hated going through those trying times, I wouldn’t change a single thing if it meant that I’d en
d up right here, right now with the love of my life wearing my ring.


  A year and a half later.

  I have a pretty fucking great life.

  I was born from nothing and ended up with everything.

  I look around the yard where my family and friends have gathered once again for the Fourth of July. I see nothing but smiling faces, laughter, and love.

  There’s so much to celebrate today.

  Two years ago, today, I met the love of my life.

  A year ago, I made her my wife.

  The last two years spent with Hailee have completely changed my life. I won’t say that everything has been easy—I’d be a damn liar if I did—but even the hard times have been worth it. Nothing good in life ever comes easy, and that’s been true for me over and over again.

  Hailee is now half-owner of The Sweet Spot Bakeshop. Madalyn’s grandmother decided to sign it over to her, but she wouldn’t agree unless she and Hailee could be equal partners. Her grandmother had no arguments since Hailee was already running the place. She spent a lot of extra time at work for awhile, but things finally calmed down when they found some good help that could keep up with the growing demand.

  After a shitload of discussions, negotiations, and planning, I signed on the dotted line and became equal partners with my trucking buddy. I’m the proud co-owner of a trucking company that’s doing surprisingly well for being so new. I didn’t sell my truck. I still go out on runs about once a month, but I do it my way...on my terms.

  Six months ago, I cried like a baby when I got the official adoption documents for Elijah. I’ve always considered him mine, but now it’s legal, and just like his mama—he shares my last name. Elijah Gray Evans. Has a pretty nice ring to it. Little man just turned four and starts preschool at the end of summer. Hailee is a mess of nerves. Her little boy is growing up far too fast for mama’s liking, but that’s life.

  I look around the crowd of people, smiling when I finally lay eyes on my girl.

  She’s standing with Madalyn and her sisters, laughing and looking absolutely gorgeous.

  I step up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

  She hums. “Mmm. You have, but I never get tired of hearing it.”

  She turns her head, kissing me softly as I rub my hands over her round belly.

  Even though we didn’t plan to wait long to try for a baby, we were both surprised when she got a positive result. We hadn’t actually started trying yet. The real surprise was hearing two heartbeats instead of one during her ultrasound.


  I’ve waited my entire life for this.

  I hope we have two little girls that are just as beautiful as their mama.

  We decided early on not to find out the gender of the babies. It makes preparing a bit more difficult, but time hasn’t changed the fact that I’ll give my girl whatever she wants. And she wants to be surprised.

  We stand in silence, me holding her, both of us watching our friends and family around us.

  My life used to be one long, lonely road after another.

  I grew up in an unhappy household, and as an adult, I had no real family left, but Hailee changed all of that for me. She gave me everything I’ve ever wanted, and I thank God—and Jax and Mads—every day for bringing her into my life.

  Life is so much like the roads I travel.

  Full of twists and turns.

  Lane changes, detours, traffic and accidents.

  Sometimes everything rushes by too quickly. Other times it seems like everything is slowing you down, holding you back, and keeping you from reaching your destination.

  One thing is absolute.

  No matter how many miles I travel.

  No matter where the road takes me.

  It’ll always lead me right back to her.


  First and foremost, thank you, my reader! I am so grateful for your love and support. Thank you for taking a chance on Long Road Home.

  Thanks to my amazing Alpha and editor, Tracy Atencio. Your excitement and love of my words gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going, even when I was second-guessing myself.

  To my incredible betas. Stephanie Glass. Crystal Snell. Meaghan Keaveney. Michelle Fraga. Kerry Rich. Corinna Cox. Krystal Yow. Thank you for taking the time to read my book before I had all of the kinks worked out. Your input made this book what it is today. I would have been lost without you.

  My awesome ARC Team. Y’all know who you are. (There are too many names to list) I really hope you loved the book and your reviews are so important to me! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  A special thank you to my fairy godmother, Kathy Baker, for inspiring the name of the bakery. I don’t know if it was intended, but I secretly love the double meaning of “Sweet Spot.” (maybe it’s just my dirty mind)

  To my bestie, Rosalee Jacklin. Almost 800 miles separate us, but you’re my ride-or-die. You’re always there when I need you and you have my back no matter what. Thank you for believing that I could write this book, even before I made the decision to do it. I love you, dollface!

  Husband’s Fallout 76 team. Fusion. Ambrosia. Dizzy. Joker. Renek. I appreciate the late-night laughs that kept me from completely losing my shit while finishing this book. Y’all are quality entertainment for sure. Pink flamingos and bone chimes for everyone!

  Mama, you deserve the biggest thanks for instilling my love for books at such a young age and always encouraging me in everything I do. And dad, thank you for listening to me bitch and complain about graphic and editing programs. I love you both – so, so much!

  I saved the best for last – Husband. This book wouldn’t exist without you. Late nights, rambling, insanity, late-night food runs, questions, opinions, bitching, complaining…you dealt with it all. Thank you for your unconditional and unwavering love and support, not just with my impulsive decision to write this book, but in life. You’re such a big part of this story. I love you. Always.

  Thank you for reading Drake and Hailee’s story!

  Want more of Jaxson and Madalyn?

  Read their story in my next release:


  One night. One tragedy. One choice altered the course of their lives.

  After an accident ruined her life, Madalyn was broken. There was only one person to blame: the only man she ever loved. When a desperate choice destroys the best thing that's ever happened to her, she runs away and forces herself to try to move on. Only, the life she's made for herself is nothing short of a personal hell. Now she must live with the consequences.

  When Madalyn left Jaxson behind, she shattered his world She was the air he needed to breathe and now she was gone. But he never lost hope that she would come back to him. He just had to find a way to survive until she did.

  When Madalyn returns, nothing is the same. Lies and secrets swirl around their small town threatening to sever the invisible threat that still holds them together once and for all.

  Can they move forward and forgive past mistakes? Can they reshape a life from the fragile pieces left behind?

  Not if their secrets have anything to say about it.


  Supernova is the first book in the Stars Align series.

  It contains sensitive topics that may be upsetting for some readers.

  You can pre-order Supernova on Amazon today!

  Kate lives in North Carolina with her husband, three children, and her extremely sassy cat. After nearly a decade of being a stay-at-hom mama, Kate decided to combine her southern roots and love of books to bring readers steamy, small-town romances. When she's not nose deep in her next manuscript, or spending time with her family, you can usually find her with her Kindle in her hand.

  Likes: music, mermaids, tequila, knee-high socks

  Hobbies: baking, cake decorating, photography

  Kate stays up too late, swears too much, and loves hard.

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