Lone Star Romance Collection

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Lone Star Romance Collection Page 58

by Cathy Marie Hake

  “Fine,” Kathryn whispered as she sat in the rocking chair coaxing Elspeth back to sleep.

  “I didna mean Elspeth.”

  “Mercy’s doing beautifully.” Kathryn smiled wearily. “You’ll have to go on upstairs. The news is Rob’s to tell.”

  Relief flooded Christopher’s face, and he swiftly entered the house. “So she’s had the wee bairn?”

  Yawning, Kathryn nodded.

  “Go on to bed, lass. I’ll tuck wee Elspeth in.” He stole Elspeth from her and headed up the stairs. A moment later, delighted male chuckles echoed down the stairs.

  The sound rolled over her, and Kathryn’s eyes sank shut. I should have known better. Chris wouldn’t care that it’s another girl. The Gregors all love one another. Lillith is such a fortunate little girl to be born into such a family.

  Chapter 14

  Carmen laughed as she hung diapers out to dry. “I’m trying to figure out how many diapers to make for my baby. I never paid much mind to that, and suddenly it’s important.”

  “A dozen a day,” Mercy said as she nursed Lillith in a shady spot. “But I wish I’d made more than three dozen when I expected Elspeth.”

  “I’ll get more cloth and hem up more on my machine. It’ll take no time at all.”

  “Would you?” Mercy beamed. “I can’t thank you enough, Katie. Chris? Katie’s going to the mercantile. Didn’t you say you had to get something?”

  “Sure,” he called back. He followed Katie out the door.

  As they walked along the boardwalk, he suddenly stopped.

  Kathryn halted, too. She didn’t want to embarrass him, but concern caused her to ask, “Is it your wound? Do you need to sit down?”

  Chris stared over her shoulder. “Rob did his best on my leg, and I’ve recovered well, but he claims I canna ride days on end as I once did.”

  “After riding a horse just that one day, I cannot imagine how anyone is able to ride for a prolonged period.”

  “The governor willna allow a ranger to remain in active service if he’s impaired. Though I canna serve as a ranger, the town’s asked me to become the sheriff.”

  She studied him closely, but it was hard to determine what he was thinking. “I can’t tell whether you are resigned or upset.”

  “That all depends on you, Katie.”

  She blinked. He’d called her Katie—not Kathryn or Miss Regent. He turned her to face the opposite side of the street. Her breath caught.

  The small storefront beside the mercantile had been freshly whitewashed. Pale green and forest green gingerbread adorned the eaves and windows. A sign out front read, “Katie’s.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “None of that now.” He escorted her across the street and threw open the door. “Take a peek.”

  Her sewing machine rested in one corner. A deep green velvet settee lined part of a wall, and walnut-stained gingerbread hung from the ceiling to form clever arches. Lighter green curtains hung from them to form a dressing room. Shelves with little gingerbread flourishes in the corners completed the wall, and her measuring tape draped around the neck of a brand-new dress form.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. “But I’m s–supposed to l–leave.”

  “Why would you be doing that when this is where you belong? Everyone here loves you.” Chris took her hand in his. He squeezed it. “Aye, they do—but not the way I do. I love you, Katie. Truly, I do.”

  “You do?”

  “Ooch, Katie, I did you a grave injustice the day I let vengeance rule my head and heart. Nothing shames me more than knowing I hurt you.”

  “I told you that was forgiven,” she said softly.

  “You forgave, but I couldna forget. But Da told me time is a gift and isna to be wasted. I’m tired of wasting time on regrets. I’d rather spend my days knowing the joy of being your husband.” He lifted her hand and kissed it. “I love ye, lass. With all my heart, I do. I’m askin’ you, Kathryn Regent, if you’ll do me the honor of being my wife.”

  “When I saw this”—she gestured—“I could scarcely believe my eyes. This is a gift far beyond my dreams—a place of my own, a place to stay. But it’s nothing at all compared to what you’ve offered.” Kathryn paused so she’d not spoil the moment by weeping. “You’ve offered me your heart, Christopher. No one has ever loved me. Not until now. I love the Lord with all my soul—but you … I love you with all my heart. Nothing would make me happier than to be your bride.”

  The Gregor men wore their kilts proudly and stood at the altar. Lillith took a mind to squall like a heathen the whole time the pastor prayed a blessing for her. Once that was over, the pianist started to play the “Wedding March.” Mr. Rundsdorf proudly escorted Katie down the aisle. He refused to sit down until he got to kiss the bride.

  Chris proudly wore his father’s golden watch draped across the waist of his plaid. He pulled Katie close and spoke his vows in a booming voice. She said hers in one that quivered with emotion. Mercy and Carmen both wore lengths of the Gregor tartan over their shoulders, but they never told her why. She’d asked, but the two of them refused to answer her.

  Once the vows were said, Chris pulled a length of the lovely plaid from a leather thong at his waist and draped it over her. “We’ve a tradition, Katie-mine. I’ve wed ye and given ye my name, and ’tis the Gregor plaid I’m placing o’er your shoulder to remind you always of a love that will warm and protect you and a family that claims you. There’s another tradition, too. A man says this poem only once in his life. Hear me now, for ’tis from the depths of my heart these words come:

  “As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

  So deep in luve am I,

  And I will luve thee still, my dear,

  Till a’ the seas gang dry.

  “Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,

  And the rocks melt wi’ the sun!

  And I will luve thee still, my dear

  While the sands o’ life shall run.”


  Five years later

  I an, don’t you dare pick that. It’s a carrot, not a weed.” Mercy swept up her son and tickled him. “Remember? Mama said you aren’t to pick anything until she says so.”

  Carmen pried a small sprig of green from little Micah’s grubby hand. “I’m afraid my son set a bad example.”

  “At this rate, we’re going to have to have Great-grandpa Stein and Jenny let us put a garden up over at the farm.” Katie brushed back a wisp of hair. “If we had to survive on what we grow here, we’d all starve.”

  “There’s no risk of us starving.” Rahab smiled. Since leaving the bordello after Wren’s continued urgings through her letters, Lucille had changed her life drastically, including a permanent name change, which, according to her, reflected the change God made in her heart. “God provides. But as much fun as it is to visit the farm, I’d love to have an excuse to go there more often.”

  Mercy waggled her brows. “I think you’re looking for an excuse to be near Grossvater’s new field hand. You have to admit, Barry is strong and handsome.”

  Rahab shrugged. “In a manner of speaking, that’s true enough. But I’m not interested in marrying. Helping Katie run the dress shop is enough to keep me happy. Going out to the farm,” she paused as a smile crept across her face, “well, I think Jenny and Barry fancy one another, and I enjoy watching them. Last Sunday I told him he ought to ask Mr. Stein’s permission to court Jenny.”

  “How wonderful!” Katie gave Rahab a hug.

  Duncan wandered over with his daughter. “Carmen, Anne’s up from her nap.” He laughed at Ian. “How did you get so grubby?”


  Rob and Chris rode over. Each held one of Katie’s twin boys. “Songbird,” Chris said, “we’ve a problem. They climbed out of the crib.”

  Katie laughed and went over to take one of the boys. “That actually solves a problem, dear.”


  She nodded. “We’ll be needing the crib again in about seven

  Leather creaked a bit as he dismounted. She’d never before paid attention to that masculine sound of a large body easing from a saddle and hitting the ground. Wren felt him close the space betwixt them with a few leggy strides and heard the grit scrape softly under the soles of his boots. His hands rested on her shoulders as he brushed her lips with a kiss of abiding love.

  Kimberley Comeaux gets her inspiration from all sorts of places: travel, history, dreams, and once overhearing (okay … eavesdropping on) a conversation between a couple arguing in the grocery store line. She not only is the author of thirteen inspirational romance books, but also writes and produces church musicals. She is married to her best friend, Brian, and has one son, Tyler, and a brand-new daughter-in-law, Kellie! Kimberley resides with her family near New Orleans.

  Cathy Marie Hake is a southern California native. She met her two loves at church: Jesus and her husband, Christopher. An RN, she loved working in oncology as well as teaching Lamaze. Health issues forced her to retire, but God opened new possibilities with writing. Since their children have moved out and are married, Cathy and Chris dote on dogs they rescue from a local shelter. A sentimental pack rat, Cathy enjoys scrapbooking and collecting antiques. “I’m easily distracted during prayer, so I devote certain tasks and chores to specific requests or persons so I can keep faithful in my prayer life.” Since her first book in 2000, she’s been on multiple best-seller and readers’ favorite lists.




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