Hustle Hard

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Hustle Hard Page 10

by Martin Blaine



  Devlin had Cuban Rico to thank for the dough he was making off street distribution. Rico hooked him up with the hot blocks and pushed other dealers out. Devlin was hot-headed and irrational but Rico was cool. He managed to last long on the streets because of it. Cuban Rico was ten years deep into pushing major weight. He knew how to survive in the drug game. Devlin still hadn’t hit the learning curve but was close.

  “Yo, I can’t believe that nigga Jaden had the balls to come on my block and disrespect me like that, Rico! I shoulda smashed his face, dog!”

  “Woulda, shoulda, coulda, mi ho. He fucked you up and there’s nothing you could’ve done about it. If there was, you would’ve done it.”

  “I gotta send a message that I’m not playing games out here in these streets. Hmm… doesn’t he have brothers and sisters?”

  “Yeah, he has one brother and one sister. His sister stays by his aunt’s house.”

  “I want to send a message without starting a war. How would I do that, Rico?”

  “The perfect plan is to let our hero know that he can be touched like everybody else. He’ll be too scared to test you. Listen up, mi ho…”

  Three hours later, the wheels of the plan were in motion. Devlin told his niece Maria exactly what to say to Julissa. All it took was a couple of twenty dollar bills to get things going. The next day Maria asked Julissa if she wanted to hang out as they headed for the A -train.

  “Hi Maria, what’s poppin’ today?”

  “Nothing really, I was thinking about going to the bowling alley. Richie’s supposed to be there.”

  “Oh really? Are you two in love or something? You been hanging out with him every chance you get.”

  “He’s really cute, plus he’s on the basketball team. I can’t get enough of him. That’s my papi chulo right there!”

  “Please, he doesn’t even know that you exist. But when he does, don’t end up knocked up, Maria. You know he’ll be gone in a flash.”

  “Yeah right. I’m too young to be giving it up like some slut. Anyway, I just found a way to make some easy money. Are you in with me? You can satisfy that sneaker fetish with the money you’ll make.”

  “Really…? Tell me more.”

  “You know my Uncle Devlin, right?”

  Julissa nodded yes. She knew Devlin was trouble, but she wanted cash badly. Asking her Mom and J for money all the time made her feel like a kid. “Your brother’s friend. All you’ve got to do is carry a little package from A to B. It’s, like, a twenty-minute train ride, maybe shorter. You’ll get paid eighty bucks for the trip.”

  Julissa tapped her chin. She thought long and hard.

  “Really…? It’s that easy?”

  “Yup, it’s simple as pie. Now, tell me, how’s someone our age gonna get money like that without taking our clothes off?”

  “You got me on that one. I’m not making any promises, though. Let’s go see your uncle and we’ll see what’s up.”

  “Cool, I don’t feel like taking the train today. He’ll send somebody to pick us up.”

  Maria called her uncle for a ride. Fifteen minutes later, a black Navigator pulled up. Maria hopped in but Julissa entered hesitantly.

  “Now that’s what I called service!” Julissa exclaimed.

  She felt a little nervous when she saw a gun poking out from the driver’s belt, but she got over it. Her favorite song on the radio helped to distract her.

  “Turn that up, yo. That’s my favorite jam!”

  In a flash, the girls were shaking in the backseat like they were up in the club.

  “Oh yeah, these two big scary-looking dudes are Wally and Fred. Wally, you got my medicine?”

  “Have I ever let you down, sweetheart?” He replied flashing a gap-toothed smile at the girls. He reached in the glove compartment and pulled out an expertly rolled blunt. The big bodyguard leaned in close to her and sparked a lighter for her. She took a big pull and blew it in Julissa’s face and then he took a big whiff and checked her out.

  “Take a pull Julissa.”

  “Nah, my brother would have my head if he found out I was smoking weed.”

  “I don’t know why you listen to him when he’s probably smoking every chance he gets.” Maria begged until Julissa finally gave in to shut her up. Julissa decided she loved the fruity aftertaste.

  “It’s blueberry. I think I’m high already.”

  In a flash, they were in front of Devlin’ place. Julissa felt lightheaded as she labored up the steps to the front door. The exterior was so-so, but the inside was lined with expensive furniture and paintings. Julissa flinched when the bodyguards closed the doors behind them but Maria comforted her.

  “Relax, here’s my uncle now. Hi Uncle Devlin.” They shared a big hug.


  “Julissa, you know you can trust me, so can I trust you?” Devlin asked.

  Julissa nodded.

  “Okay, beautiful. Let me show you what you’re moving first.” Devlin flipped a butterfly knife open. He stabbed the brown bag and reverently pulled it out, scooping out a little white powder. He pressed his finger to it and dabbed it on his tongue. Devlin made a face like it tasted awful but the opposite was true.

  “Whew! This some good shit! The street is gonna be hurting off this.” He took a big breath to calm down then he continued speaking.

  “This the deal, Julissa. I’ll start you out light. Let’s go with one one-way trip a day, five days a week. We’ll see how you handle that, then we’ll go from there. There’s only one rule that you have to remember: don’t ever mention my name or my niece’s. You’re a minor, so they can’t lock you up so easy. Don’t even think of talking about this to Jaden. Got me Julissa?”

  “I got ya.”

  “All right,” he said, tossing her a well-wrapped, palm-sized package and said, “This has to get to 145th and Edgecombe, building 144, Apartment 4b. This the number to call. Maria will roll with you. Any problems, you call me. One more thing, if my package comes up light or the guy calls me and tells me you didn’t show up, you’ll have a major problem on your hands. Now make it happen.”

  Maria lit up the blunt from earlier and squinted as she stepped out into the summer sun.

  “I didn’t know it’s was gonna be this hot today.”

  “Yeah, can’t your uncle hook us up with a ride to drop this stuff off?”

  “Nah, chica. We move it on the train or bus to take the heat off of him, comprende?”

  “I got it. Let’s get this over with.”



  I buzzed my aunt’s door. No one answered. I headed down the hill to Broadway. A gorgeous femme caught my eyes. We got close to each other and it felt like everything slowed down as if the air was blackberry molasses. When she passed, I went on the hunt, backpedaling to kick game.

  “Yo hon, how are you doing today?” Her smile pumped up my confidence. “Oh, so you can smile but can’t talk? That’s dead wrong! I’m Jaden. And you are?”

  “Jessica, and you better make this quick. I’ve got a hair appointment.”

  I was in such a trance looking at her curves that I didn’t hear the V6 engine approaching me.

  “Yo Jaden, let’s talk. It’s been a while,” someone shouted. “She isn’t giving it up anyways.”

  I saw Carlos, a dude who I’d brawled with over a shove at a party. During the fight, Carlos had lost a tooth from my punch. His pride was hurt the worst because the incident happened in front of his girlfriend. He came with two of his cronies. Jessica backed away from the scene while Carlos and friends cornered me.

  “Oh I see, Carlos. You feel all tough now that your friends are here, huh? You da man with your boys? I bet your heart’s ’bout to pop outta your bird chest, wondering if I’m a beat your ass up right now. You know that that’s all there is to it, right? You betta be a man and shoot a fair one.”

  I was hopping in place
firing short air jabs. His cronies leaned back on their heels. Carlos took off his shirt and did some arm stretches.

  “All right, all right,” he said, putting up his fist and breathing hard.

  He swung twice, missing both times. “You got lucky that night bro. Now I’m a settle it and lay your ass out.”

  I hunkered down low, shook my arms loose right before Carlos swung. He missed. I stepped in and shot a left straight to his rib cage and heard air shoot out of his lungs. I followed that up with a right cross to his chin that made him lose balance and fall forward. I pushed him off me and split his lip with an elbow in the process. Carlos crumbled.

  “Get up! You tough right?! Tell ya boys to jump in. That’s your best bet right now.”

  I was circling around him while he shook his head and got back on his feet. Lunging forward, I caved-in his pot belly but Carlos connected from short range landing two in my mid-section. I closed in and served him a nasty forearm to his windpipe.

  There was a crowd forming around us. I looked and the distraction nearly got me clocked but I ducked and send a haymaker which grazed Carlos’ cheek. He hit the floor and his cohorts started to worry. They closed in around me.

  “Are we cool now?” I asked squatting to offer him a helping a hand.

  “Fuck you, Jaden!”

  He donned the coldest stare he could muster before pulling out a blade and slashing my sleeve. My adrenaline prevented me from feeling the pain as it tore through the softest part of my hand. I wasn’t worried.

  “You dirty motherfucker!” Now it’s on!” He yelled before he telegraphed a right hook. It was nothing to duck. I yanked his wrist and twisted that shit until he dropped the knife. He grunted in agony. “Get off me, bitch!” He whined but I’d already snapped.

  I held him down by his neck and pounded his face. One of his boys hurled his body on top of me and punched me in my side. I popped up and threw myself back crushing him to the pavement. He shook loose and popped me in the lip. I crawled back, I saw the ray of sunshine beam off a switchblade.

  “Oh, know y’all playing dirty, huh? I got something for that!”

  I slid on the brass knuckles and gritted my teeth, bouncing in place waiting to counter. Carlos lunged at me but I slapped him away like a matador and decked him right in the back of his head. The instant he hit the floor, I went to my knees firing heavy lefts and rights into the back of his head until he didn’t move.

  My adversary was helpless and I was hyped. Pulling a knife from my belt, I flicked it open and rolled the bloody mess over onto his back. The third man in their crew ran. I was screaming.

  “I should kill you, shouldn’t I? Y’all were gonna kill me? It’s not fair, right?”

  “Hell yeah, we were! Do it, pussy! Cut my fucking throat! I would have done that shit!”

  I cocked back the knife and aimed it for his throat. I swung it halfway but a girl’s scream jolted me. I froze.

  “This is your lucky day,” I said.

  The adrenaline consumed me. I dragged him a few feet in every direction and ripped his back pocket open. I took his wallet relieving him of a few twenties. I checked his school ID. “Julio, huh…? This is a warning. Stay out of my way. Got it?” I popped him in the nose and asked again.

  “Got it?!”

  “I get it...”



  I headed back to my aunt’s house. General Lee wasn’t on the stoop like usual. After ringing the bell, I froze when I felt a pointed object pressed to my ribs from behind.

  “If you’re trying to rob me, you’re out of luck. I don’t have a dime.”

  “Ain’t nobody trying to rob you. I was just showing you the value of the element of surprise. You probably don’t even know what surprise means.”

  “Whatever, old man,” I said laughing.

  I saw Lee’s swollen, scarred hands for the first time and cringed. His hand shook as he pulled a matchbook out and lit a cigarette that hung from his lips.

  “Follow me. I’ll show you how to take ’em out real fast.”

  Lee led me into his apartment. I was surprised by the contents.

  “What the hell… you some kind of American Gladiator or something?” I asked, amazed by the array of workout equipment. He had a heavy bag in the corner, a wooden bull’s-eye against his largest wall and pull–up bars across the doorway to his bedroom. I leaned on a wall and bubbly paint clung to my hand.

  “I can’t front. You’re in great shape, Lee. You’ll get more play from the ladies if you paint this place, though.”

  “You got a point, but get serious, Jaden. Listen, I’m a show you how to get revenge without getting locked up. First, let’s work on your knife game. Show me what you got.”

  I flipped the blade open clumsily.

  “You’re thinking about it too much. Don’t think! Just act.”

  I got it right after a dozen tries.

  “All right, now it’s time to get some mid-range survival skills. A well-placed knife can stop a man bigger than you if you hit the right spot.”

  It took me fifteen minutes to hit a wooden limb hard enough for the knife to stick. Lee flipped up his couch cushion and unveiled at least fifty throwing knives of different shapes. He described them with pride as if he crafted them himself.

  “This one is called Holland Indian knife. It’s best used for chopping hard bones. I took three guys out in the Vietnam with this.”

  “You’re full of shit, Lee!”

  “I bullshit you not, cut their throats and had ’em gargling blood and shit. I’m not proud of killing and I ’m not ashamed of it, either. I did what was necessary to get my black ass home. Back to work.”

  I punched the heavy bag and started doing pull-ups until my muscles burned before calling it quits for the day.

  “Whew! Just like practice, except there’s no chest press or a coach screaming in my ear! Thanks, Lee. I gotta go freshen up and lay my pimp game down. I’ll check you later. Oh yeah, here’s a few bucks on your brew,” I said handing him a ten-dollar bill on the way out.

  “Thanks young-blood. Look for me at the end of the week.”



  Later that evening, I called Bria at her mother’s place.

  “So can I see you or what?”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Jaden. You know I have a—”

  “Don’t even front on me, Bria. You know damn well that if you didn’t wanna see me you wouldn’t answer my calls. Just tell me where and when you want to meet.”

  “Will went to get a haircut. I guess you can come over now but you gotta be outta here in a half-hour.”

  “I’m at your door right now.”

  She skipped to the door wearing some snug shorts and a baby-Tee. I grinned from ear to ear when she opened the door. Playing hard-to-get, she gave me a scowl.

  “Make it quick, Jaden,” she said with her hands on her hips and snapping her gum to discourage me. I resolved to win her back. I attempted to grab her hips but she pushed away. I countered that move verbally.

  “I’ve got a little problem. Maybe it’s a little too personal but I gotta ask. You know it’s been a while since we were through.”

  “Spit it out, Jaden,” she said smiling suggestively. Her curiosity forced her to step within kissing range.

  “When I get into the mix with a woman, I don’t really get into it like I did with you.”

  “Go on,” she said.

  I sensed weakness permeating through her sweet voice. Caressing my face, she urged me to continue. I gently cupped her face and whispered in her ear.

  “What I’m really trying to say is, when I’m sexing another girl, I call your name. So have you done the same?”

  Bria lit up after those words. Memories of our limbs twisting to pleasure each other hit her all at once. She went dizzy and thrust herself toward me. I wrapped her up tight, kissing her hard and deep.

“I wouldn’t know. I missed you, baby,” she breathed.

  I grabbed her hair and tugged it back, kissing her neck. We rolled against the walls knocking down a lamp before finding something solid to make love on.

  “You’re… you’re crazy for coming over like this,” she said with a tender voice.

  “You’re crazier for letting me in.”

  Bria curled her long, fancy nails into my shirt and pushed me against the kitchen counter. She raked her fingers down my chest. I took hold of the situation by palming her plentiful breasts and pulling up her shirt to feast on them. She pulled her top and bra off, rubbing my face in her tits.

  “We gotta hurry, baby. He might be back soon.”

  “Say no more.”

  In a hot second her skirt and panties were off. I pulled the rubber out of my wallet, strapped up and penetrated. Bria squealed as I went deep inside her moistness. She gripped the edge of the counter and clamped her legs around my waist. I scooped her bottom and rested her on the sink.

  Our hearts were thumping so hard, I felt like I’d pass out from the excitement. Suddenly all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Bria clawed my shoulders while I pumped furiously. She was screaming my name when her cell phone rang.

  “Ah…Ooh oh yes. It’s ah…Will!”

  “Fuck Will! You better not answer.”

  “I… I….Ooh! I have to, baby. He’ll think sump’n.”

  I let her down, flipped her around and bend her over.

  “Do what you want me. This is mine I ain’t stopping!”

  “Oh ah…yes!” She cried out as her bottom clung to my thighs. She picked up the phone and bit her fist while talking into it.

  “Hi, baby….ah hmm! What’s up?”

  “What’s up? What you doing over there? Passing a fucking stone or sump’n?”

  I gently turned her face toward me.

  “Tell him it’s over! You’re packing and leaving!”

  “What the fuck is taking you so long to answer me?” Will asked angrily.


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