Love by Dawn

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Love by Dawn Page 16

by Therese A. Kramer

  When the knife was red hot, Blake rolled on his good arm to keep from thrashing about and Casey gave him a twig to put between his teeth to keep from biting his tongue. She held the knife in her right hand, then took a firm hold of his wrist with the other.

  Taking a deep breath, she asked, “Are you ready?”

  Blake nodded and she noticed how he clenched his jaw, causing the veins in his temples to appear. He shut his eyes when she kissed knife to his flesh and his nostrils flared when he moaned and sucked in his breath. Casey was amazed that he didn’t jerk about, but lay still for a long moment as sweat poured from his body. She swallowed trying not to get sick. The pain must have been unbearable and her heart went out to the brave cowboy. No salve or ointment was available to put on the wound, so she put cold snow on it. It seemed to lessen the pain and she decided the injury would be better left unwrapped.

  When she helped him put the shirt back on leaving the one arm out, his face was pale and he trembled. She covered him with the blanket and then helped him to the corner where he rested his head on the cool wall. His eyes closed to sleep, but she wasn’t sure if he was sleeping or had passed out, but it was better that he was unconscious.

  Later that day she became concerned about his flushed face. Placing her hand on his forehead assured her he was running a slight fever. As he slept the afternoon, she knew they needed solid food; she had to go out and find something to eat. Putting on his bloody coat, she shuddered thinking it could have been Blake killed instead of Hawk Nose. With his gun in her hand, Casey went to the mouth of the cave only to hear a hissing sound, stopping her dead in her tracks.

  Two diamond back rattlers slithered toward the cave’s entrance. Her heart raced and she breathed in quickly trying to control her fear. She could shoot and kill one of the deadly vipers, but the other could strike her in the act. She dared not scream, what good would it do? She had the gun. Rooted to the spot her legs began to quiver.

  One of the snakes moved quickly toward her; she had to shoot. Squeezing the trigger the bullet ripped its head off. Thank God she was a good shot. The other snake hissed ready to strike. Before she could cock the gun, something whizzed by and the reptile lay dead, inches from her feet; a knife was sticking out of its skull.

  Casey’s bones turned to pudding. She wavered seeing the two dead animals lying at her feet. She would have fallen if not for the hard body that came up behind her. She turned and wept into his chest and all the frustrations of the past weeks welled up inside of her and she cried like a baby.


  Blake had the urge to relieve himself and was concerned when he didn’t see Casey in the cave. He shrugged, figuring she had left for the same reason. As he neared the entrance, he heard the hissing sound of rattlers nearby. Going for his gun only brought his hand in contact with an empty holster; his heart quickened. He returned swiftly to the fire to grab his knife praying he wasn’t too late. When he returned to the mouth of the cave, he spied Casey a few feet in front. She was aiming the revolver at twin snakes both ready to strike. He didn’t have time to warn the terrorized girl that he was behind her. She fired at one and Blake lost no time in throwing the knife; it hit the viper from that distance. Silently, he thanked Star Gazer for his expert lessons

  He held her tight savoring her warm soft body against his for a few moments before he led the weeping girl back into the cave and sat her down by the wall. She cried, taking deep breaths until she hiccupped and sniffled. Although Blake held her for a long time before she looked up at him through swollen eyes, he never said a word even when his injured arm smarted.

  “Looks like we’re going to eat good tonight,” he grinned and she smiled back, revealing the dimples he loved so much. They both laughed as he wiped golden locks from her damp cheeks. “You’re so beautiful, even with red eyes,” he teased. “I missed you and was beside myself with worry. All I could think about was that night we made love. How I wanted to hold you and kiss that sweet mouth of yours.”

  Bending towards her, Blake took her lips with a sweet tender kiss. His tongue twisted around hers and the tender contact soon exploded into a deep passionate kiss.

  “I want you so bad,” he whispered.

  “But… Blake…your wound? We can’t,” she chided sternly.

  Blake grinned knowingly. “Your eyes say differently. Take the blanket and lay it on the

  ground over there.” He pointed with his head and Casey gave him a bemused look.

  “But, it’s quite chilly,” she protested meekly.

  He kissed her again. “I’ll soon light such a fire in your heart and soul; you’ll burn from within as I do. Believe me it’s not only the infection that makes me feel hot all over.”

  Her body burned while he watched her undress as he lay on the blanket and his male parts immediately stood proud. The small fire made tantalizing shadows on the wall and she sucked in her breath. Casey saw his eyes travel slowly down to the softness of her curly mound.

  He rasped, “I want to know every deep and private part of you. To touch, taste, and smell your scent; that womanly nectar that drives me beyond control when we last made love.”

  His words made her heart beat like a tom-tom and Casey went to her knees, his eyes on her body. His nearness had already warmed her so that she was sure her flesh would scorch his. Her insides turned to jelly as she remembered that night of bliss and how much she loved Blake. He had not said he loved her, but he must, risking his life for her as he had. She saw the lust forming in his blue eyes and she knew what he was thinking. Her heart beat wildly with anticipation, recalling how his touch had sent her senses reeling. She wondered how they would manage but she trusted Blake; he knew how to please. Thinking of the many women he had satisfied, a twinge of jealously hit her, but that was in the past. She was determined to keep Blake deliriously happy; she would be only his and he would want no other.

  Blake knelt before her, tenderly cupping her breasts. Although, she was concerned about his arm, she shuddered with pleasure. Taking his hand, she kissed his palm and placed butterfly kisses over his chest. Hearing him suck in his breath made her feel good knowing she was giving as much enjoyment as he gave her. She took his male nipple between her teeth and flicked her tongue across it the way he had done to her. Feeling brave, she let her hand roam down his stomach to touch the part of him she never thought she had the nerve to do. Her eyes never left his face as she watched the desire in his orbs and the emotion played across this handsome face.

  “Enough!” Blake croaked. “I pride myself on my control, but you, woman will soon put me over the limit and I want to be inside of you when I spill my love.”

  Casey pulled her hand away stunned by the edge in his deep voice but kissed him deeply showing him she understood. He groaned, or was it her?

  “Straddle my hips and ride with me, my love,” he coaxed.

  It took a heartbeat before it dawned on her.

  That night the fire cast their shadows on the cold stonewall and she and her soul mate rode into a land known only to lovers. In the afterglow, she whispered in a silky voice, “Blake, I really hate to leave our little love nest. We’re so alone here; I feel were the only ones living on the planet. No worries, no problems. We’re almost like Adam and Eve in our on little garden of paradise.”

  Blake kissed her palm. “Honey, any place with you would seem like paradise.”

  She giggled. “You don’t have to sweet talk me, you have the job. I’m yours completely.”

  “Hmmm'' he snuggled deeper into the coarse blanket, drawing her body’s heat to his. “Yes, other than almost starving, poisoned by snakes and freezing my um, you know off, this has surely been a pleasure.”

  She tweaked a male nipple, playfully. “I didn’t hear any complaints a few minutes ago. Well, unless those grunts and groans were actually unpleasant.”

  “Lady, you’re asking for a tongue lashing.” Without another word, he preceded to lick her in her most secret place. Now it was her turn
to grunt and groan, but it was definitely from pleasure.

  Casey was happy they spent their winter months nursing each other in the small, secluded cave on the side of the mountain. She didn’t mind the cold, or the little food Blake caught; they kept warm and fed their hunger with love. When the snow melted and flowers peaked out the earth, she was reluctant to leave their peaceful home.

  Blake held onto Checkers’ reins and she guided Hawk Nose’s horse down the muddy slops. Everything thawed, including the Indian’s corpse and Casey hated to leave him to the buzzards and animals, but although things were melting, the ground under the mud was still very hard and they had no tools to dig a grave. She did insist on placing as many branches they could find over him. It wouldn’t help much but would ease her conscience a little by doing that small deed.

  Reaching the bottom of the mountain, they mounted their horses. Casey knew that they had to find food for themselves and the animals. The poor creature’s ribs were showing, although they fed them what they could find buried beneath the ground. She never knew horses would eat wild onions and turnips, raw or cooked, but when starving, one would eat anything as she found out when Blake shot a wolf. And she’d never forget that day.

  He had gone out to hunt and she was napping. The low growl didn’t disturb her at first; she was dreaming and she believed it was part of her subconscious images. When the growl got closer and something cold touched her face, her eyes flew open. She was staring into lethal black eyes of a wolf. She thinned her lips with irritation, more perturbed than frightened.

  Dear God. What next.

  Now, as she reflected back she had to smile at what her first reasoning was when staring into the jaws of death. But she had had enough fear to last her a dozen lifetimes. She gritted her teeth and snarled, “Go away.”

  She wasn’t being brave, but foolish as it was either her or the wild canine and she wasn’t about to be its lunch. Checkers entered the cave and the wolf turned on the horse and snarled. The angry wolf’s mind was as made up as was Casey’s. The animal wouldn’t give up her life easily and began barking frantically, snapping at Checker’s hoofs. It snarled and growled, baring yellow fangs but the horse kicked it front legs trying to discourage the animal. Casey moved quickly away fearing she might get crushed under Checker’s feet by accident. Dog and horse continued their battle until Blake ran in and shot the canine.

  He patted his horse’s nose and repeatedly thanked his mount, praising him for saving her life. He went to her and hugged her, saying, “Can’t I leave you alone for a moment without you getting into trouble.”

  Blake was joking but he was also shaking and he informed her that while he was searching for her he had passed a Navaho village not far from where they were now. He had stopped there to gather more provisions and grain for the horse before venturing up the mountain. Casey delighted in the news, but she was even happier as they traveled and the sun warmed her body, fearing she’d never feel warmth again. Upon reaching the village, she noticed that the native women were dressed in colorful skirts and tops whereas the men wore cloths unlike like the Apache. They donned pants and woolen shirts; their moccasins and trouser were adorned with silver buttons. Many children, also clad in pants and dresses, ran up to her and Blake as they trotted into their village. An old Indian was sitting by his dwelling smoking a pipe; he nodded and they dismounted.

  “Hello,” said Blake, “might I imposed on your hospitality again.”

  The red man nodded and grunted and blew smoke into the air. Casey hoped that was a positive answer. “Yes,” he said after another drag of smoke. “I remember you young man. You may enter my home; my wife is making lamb stew.”

  Her mouth actually drooled.

  On entering, they saw an old lady hunched over a boiling pot. Now her mouth really salivated. The old Indian followed them inside and when the woman stood, Casey noticed, like the woman’s husband, she wore a beautiful silver and turquoise pectoral.

  “Wife, this is the man who visited us before when he was looking for his woman.” He turned, looked Casey over and then grunted. “You are she?”

  “Yes,” Casey acknowledged.

  Another grunt, “Sit we have plenty of food.”

  She and Blake obliged as the woman, who never spoke, dished out the meal. Casey looked around at the place that was very different from the wickiups. A loom sat in the corner and Blake had told her that these people made the best blankets in the whole country. The weave was so tight that rain would roll off the fabric.

  She thanked the woman for the meal, which she devoured in seconds. She wished she could have more, but knew enough not to ask. As it was, she saw the bottom of the pot and knew they had shared the last of their food. It was the best meal she had ever tasted.

  After Blake thanked them again, the old Indian offered their son’s empty dwelling saying he was off sheering the sheep and wouldn’t return for a few days. Casey thought she’d really found paradise, things were beginning to look up. Both tired, they didn’t make love that night, besides she admitted to Blake she didn’t feel right in a stranger‘s home. He didn’t argue and they snuggled and slept soundly until a dog barged in and began licking her face. Her mind still half-asleep she believed it was Blake annoying her so early.

  “Blake,” she groused, sleepily, “Stop, I’m in no mood for your kiss…” She opened her eyes gaping at long tongue and white fangs. “Eeeek!” she screamed and jumped up, taking the blanket with her leaving Blake naked to the world.

  “What the hell!” he said tersely, “I hope you have a good explanation why you nearly punctured my ears drums.”

  She shrieked, her hand on her breast, “A… a wolf!” Her voice broke and she took a quick sharp breath. The drooling dog sat looking at Blake its head cocked as if he was wondering why she was acted funny. Blake stared back appearing more surprised than frightened.

  “Hey boy,” he put his fist out so the canine could smell his scent. The animal sniffed and then licked his hand. Apparently, her foolish bed partner felt confident enough to scratch behind the dog’s ear. “Hey, fella, where did you come from?”

  Casey stamped her foot and pouted. “Do you mind?”

  “Huh?” Blake looked up and she pulled her mouth into a straight line telling him she was not happy about the dog invading her territory.

  “Ow, honey, he’s just a big mutt. He won’t bite.”

  She pulled the blanket tighter and jutted out her quivering chin. “So, you’re an expert on wolves?”

  Blake had the nerve to laugh, making her feel very foolish at her conduct. But in her mind it was understandable what with that episode in the cave and her fear of strange dogs. In her heart, she had always been afraid of them ever since one chased her up a tree when she was eight. That damn beast had growled at her for a long time before Hunter found her crying hysterical on a limb. The canine had to be chased away before she would come down and if that wasn’t enough, Hunter teased and laughed at her for three days until their father put a stop to her brother’s tomfoolery.

  Blake didn’t have to be hit over the head to see she was very frightened. That this female, who fought the cold, sickness, a crazed Indian and tried to shoo away a hungry wolf was afraid of a mere dog surprised him; but he was certain she had a good reason. He could have kicked himself in the ass for being so insensitive and apologized for his crassness. Taking the dog by the scruff of his neck, he pulled him out of the lodge quickly before being caught in his all together.

  “Sorry, old girl, two females in one home only leads to disaster.” He had to smile but he wouldn’t let Casey see him enjoy his mirth and he wiped the grin off his face before turning around.

  “I know I should explain my childish actions, but I don’t want to. Let’s dress and leave before something else frightens me.” She turned her back telling him she had nothing else to say. He merely shrugged.

  On the third day of the journey, a light rain chilled Casey to the bone and she wished she had one of those t
ightly woven blankets. But thankfully the rain didn’t last and the sun dried her again. And so it went, the sun was brutal during the day and the nights were cold, but Blake’s body and love would warm her, bringing back memories of when they first met.

  It seemed like eons ago and so much had happened in the months she had spent away from the only place she had known as home; the small shack in the middle of a nowhere. She wondered what her parents would think if they knew what had happened to their children. “A penny for your thoughts?” asked Blake catching her woolgathering.

  Casey looked up at the moon, shivering at the sound of a distant coyote. She sighed, “Oh, just wondering about life and my parents. I miss them very much.”

  “Honey, you never talk about them. I do know your pa died that same night. Pits caught him and you brother dealing with slave traders. Believe me, it’s a night I’d like to forget.”

  Holding her close, he commented sincerely, “I’m sorry about your father.”

  She released another drawn out, sad breath. “It wasn’t your fault, so tell me about your parents. You never talked about them except that your father was a doctor.”

  It was her lover’s turn to sigh and he answered sadly, “He wanted me to be a doctor, but I hadn’t the stomach for it.”

  She would have snorted but she didn’t. “You? I cannot believe that. You said you’d fought in the war.” It was a question and a statement.

  “Yes, I guess I saw so much blood and death, I couldn’t deal with it anymore. Besides, I already decided not to follow in his footsteps. The war only made me more adamant towards the idea. I have no siblings and I disappointed my old man.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m sure you didn’t. And I’m sure he loved you all the same.”

  He said he wanted to believe her words and silently she had to think he did. She approached what she hoped was a better subject and inquired, “What about your mother?” A warm light came to his light eyes and Casey knew he was thinking of her.


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