Crime Lord's Wife (Curvy Women Wanted)

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Crime Lord's Wife (Curvy Women Wanted) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Rose knew she was completely out of her depth.


  She was tighter than he thought possible. Close to being a virgin. Jared wanted to pound inside her, but instead, he took his sweet time, feeling her walls pulse around him. This was new to him. He’d never fucked a woman like this before without a condom, and he certainly didn’t take them to bed. The women he fucked knew the score. Long ago, he’d learned his lesson, and taking a woman to bed always seemed to make them think they had a right to his life, or believe he was going to fall in love with them.

  Rose was different. She would be his wife.

  He wanted to see her take his cock.

  Pulling away, he stared down at where they were joined. The length of his cock inside her.

  Spreading the lips of her pussy, he pulled out and saw she was nicely stretched and wet. In and out, he fucked her. Damn, she was better than he imagined. The picture he’d seen, even fully dressed, didn’t show off the perfection of those curves. Not one bit. Big mounds with nice pink nipples, begging for his lips. He loved her hips and they were the perfect size for him to hold on to.

  “You have no idea how sexy your cunt looks taking my cock.” Pulling out of her, he moved her to her knees. She let out a few grunts as he clearly took her by surprise.

  Spreading the curvy cheeks of her ass, her anus caught his attention, as did her soaking hole that had his dick seconds before.

  He slicked his fingers in her cream and drew them back to her puckered hole, stroking over her. “If your husband never took care of your pussy, he never let this ass have the pounding it deserved.”

  Putting his cock to her pussy, he slid inside her, watching her give as he pushed in deep. She was so responsive. Did she even realize she pushed back against him? That was how much she wanted this. Grabbing both of her hips, he pounded inside her, letting her feel how big he was and what he could do for her.

  She cried out.

  He ran the tips of his fingers up her back and reached around to touch her tits, fingering each nipple, using them as leverage to pound within her.

  Finally, he couldn’t wait anymore and he let go of her tits, going back to her ass. Reaching between her thighs, he stroked her soaking wet clit, slicking up his fingers. Drawing them back to her anus, he teased across that puckered hole, feeling her tense up. Still, he continued to fuck her as he worked her ass. As he pressed against that tight hole, she cried out, but he pushed on through, shoving his finger inside her.

  “You’re going to have to get used to this,” he said. “I intend to fuck you hard and fast right here in this tight asshole. Would you like that?”

  She didn’t make any sense. The noises coming out of her were filled with pleasure and clearly confusion.

  Pushing his thumb in and out of her anus, he stayed perfectly still within her. She glanced back at him, but he waited, wondering what she’d do.

  He pressed a finger to her ass and stroked, stretching her out. She gasped.

  “One day, you’ll take my cock, Rose. You’ll beg me for it.” He read the look on her face, but he knew there was something untapped inside this woman. She hadn’t been used right, but he intended to make up for that. Rose was only going to know pleasure. She’d given up one husband for another, but that was fine, he’d make sure he wiped all memory of Sean from her mind.

  With his finger and thumb inside her, he stretched her anus, working her as he started to rock back and forth inside her.

  He wanted to fill her up with his cum, to see it come dribbling out of her. Fuck, what was wrong with him? No woman ever made him lose his mind. Even now, if he came inside her, he could get her pregnant. For a long time, he hadn’t even wanted kids. Having Rose in his bed, he didn’t want anything between them but to feel her naked pussy on his length. She didn’t disappoint either.

  Jared pulled his fingers from her tight asshole, grabbed her hips, and fucked her hard. She cried out and he groaned. Gripping her even tighter as he came, slamming to the hilt, and pulsing each wave deep within her pussy.

  Reality sank in and as it did, he eased out of her pussy. He held her in place, stopping her from moving.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He watched his white cum appear between her lips and fuck if it didn’t make his cock twitch again. He moved Rose onto her back and placed a pillow beneath her hips.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Again, he didn’t speak. He wasn’t used to giving any reasons or excuses to women in his bed, or explaining himself, and he wasn’t about to start now.

  Stepping away from her, he went into the bathroom, washing his hands. Ignoring his reflection and his reasons why, he returned to the bed to find her perched up on her elbows. Her heavy tits calling for his lips, but he did no more than climb into bed.

  He turned off the light and could pretty much hear her thinking.

  Smiling to himself, he wondered if she’d speak up or stay silent. He waited, expecting her to.

  Reaching out, he felt her startle at his touch.

  He ran his finger between her slit, pressing his cum back inside her. Rose had no idea what had happened to her, but in the morning, he’d offer her clarity. Also, if she decided to get angry, he was more than happy to fuck her back into submission.

  Jared stopped touching her pussy and waited.

  Time moved.

  She finally fell asleep and as she did, he moved up close, wrapping an arm around her and snuggling up close.

  If only his enemies could see him now. A crime lord snuggling up to a woman who at that very moment still belonged to another man.

  Chapter Three

  Waking up alone in a strange bed was new for Rose. She used the en-suite bathroom and found a robe to wear. Sliding her hands inside the pockets, she tentatively stepped out of the bedroom.

  The carpet was so soft and lovely beneath her feet. Nibbling on her lip, she moved toward the end of the corridor and came to a stop as she caught sight of the dining room. Jared, her not-so-mystery mystery man from last night, sat at the table. He had a cup to his lips and before him was a plate, from which he was eating.

  “It’s about time you woke up. Sit,” he said.

  Even in the cold harsh light of day, he looked sexy, which was so unfair.

  The soft carpet changed to wooden floors.

  He nudged out a chair, and she quickly perched on the edge. The sound of his chair scraping back made her jerk, but she remained in her seat, watching him. He left the room. What did she do?

  Seconds later, he came back with a plate in his hands. He put a mat down in front of her, then the plate, handing her a knife and fork.

  “Eat, I’ll talk.”

  Fluffy pancakes waited for her.

  She wasn’t exactly big on the whole sweet kind of breakfast. Her normal breakfast routine was toast.

  Rather than complain in case he took her food away from her, she cut into a pancake, putting it to her lips and chewing. It was good.

  “I need you to sign these.” He clicked his pen, opened up a file, and handed it to her.

  She frowned and leaned over. “Divorce papers?”

  “Yes, sign them.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Jared put a small box in front of her. “What part don’t you understand? I’m aware you were seeking a divorce from Sean. Last night, he already signed these papers. All you’ve got to do is sign them. Your marriage will be over by the afternoon, and you’ll belong to me.”

  She put her fork down and opened up the velvet box. “That’s a…”

  “Wedding ring.”

  “Belong to you?”

  As she lifted her gaze, Jared didn’t say a word. He was making her do all the work. Typical male.

  “You mean … you’ll be my husband.”


  “But.” She didn’t know what to say and this wasn’t what she expected. “No. I don’t know you. There’s no way I’m going to marry yo
u. You’re crazy!”

  “I’m crazy?” he asked. “You married a man and stayed with him hating him.”

  “How did you—that’s none of your business!” She wanted to sign those divorce papers but with Sean, she knew what she was getting. This man, he was a mystery, one she didn’t want to have to deal with. It wasn’t lost on her that he lived in luxury and the danger that surrounded him was not in her mind.

  Gambling. Women. She knew he wasn’t a man who lived on the legal side of things. Far from it.

  “My business or not, you were going to leave him and divorce him. Unfortunately, you waited too long. You’re now mine.”

  “Your wife!” she snapped.

  “Exactly. Now let’s get this paperwork done.”

  “Why would you even want a wife?”

  “Does it even matter?” he asked.

  “This may be a boring conversation to you—”

  “What part of me looks bored?” he asked. “I’m actually finding this entire conversation amusing.”

  She didn’t find it funny or entertaining. “I’m glad one of us is.”

  “What was so wrong with last night?”

  “You can’t talk about last night.”

  “You mean I can’t say anything about how damn good it felt to feel your pussy wrapped around me?” he asked. “Or how wet you were? You think I didn’t feel you rub that pretty cunt on my face? You wanted to come and I bet Sean never came close. He’s a selfish prick, and it’s time you realized it as well.”

  She covered her face. “You can’t say those kinds of things to me.”

  “Why not? You’re going to be my wife. Just sign here.” He pulled out another file from underneath the divorce papers. “I don’t believe in a lavish affair.”

  “This can’t be happening. There’s no way this is so easy for you.”

  “No? Money talks. My position talks.”

  Staring at him, she held the pen in her hand. Signing the divorce papers wasn’t going to be hard. She quickly put her name to the page and signed her life apart from Sean’s. It felt good, exactly how she thought it would. Taking a breath, she smiled.

  The next, she couldn’t do it. “I don’t know you. I don’t want to be married to you. I only know your name.”

  “You know how good it is to have my tongue in your pussy, my fingers up your ass, and my dick balls deep inside you. I also want to point out that I spunked inside you last night, and you could be pregnant with my child.”

  “Do you have to be so crass?”

  “Stop pretending to care how I speak to you. You know you want it.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “And I promise you that while you’re married to me, you’ll be safe and satisfied. No more boring sex.”

  “I don’t get any of this.” She spread her hands out across the marriage documents. “This makes no sense.”

  “Does it really need to? You got married the conventional way, and your life was boring. I’m offering you a second chance with the promise of it being damn good.”

  She nibbled on her lip.

  “Sign the papers, Rose. It’s the only guarantee that you’re not going to get hurt.”

  “You think I don’t know what kind of person you are? Your threats, the gambling, the sale of a wife for a wife. I know.”

  “Then you know if you don’t sign that, your life is forfeit. Sean took a lot of your time already, don’t let him take your life.”


  “Stop it,” Jared said.

  Rose wore the dress he’d left out for her. It came above the knee and was black, which enhanced her vibrant red hair. No makeup because he didn’t want to cover up her beauty. He’d also picked heels tall enough to make her dependent on him. The bottom of the dress kept riding up and she continued to tug it down, but he got glimpses of her full thighs. They looked even better wrapped around his waist.

  “I can’t believe I even did this. It’s crazy. I should tell you to fuck off!” She growled the words.

  Putting his hand on her knee, he slid it down until he cupped her between the thighs. His lawyer had taken care of the necessary documents and what he needed to make this woman his wife. The moment he’d put some clarity onto what Sean had done to her, she’d signed her life over to him.

  “I told you not to wear the panties,” he said.

  “You got me in the dress. Don’t push it.”

  She cried out as he gripped the panties, his knuckles brushing across her slit as he tore them from her.


  His driver knew to stay silent. Replacing the panties with his hands, he pushed two fingers deep within her. She was wet and he used her cream to move up to her clit. Kissing her neck, he licked over her pulse. “Stop pushing your skirt down.”

  “It’s too short.”

  “And I want to see your body. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  “I’m not your toy.”

  “That’s exactly what you are but one day you will learn, Rose, I’m just as much your toy as you’re mine.” He bit down and she cried out.

  She was so close and as the pleasure built, he waited until she was right at that point and pulled his fingers from her pussy. Holding them up to his face, he licked each digit.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure you’re desperate.” The car came to a stop.

  “Where are we?”

  “At one of my many businesses.” He opened the door, climbed out, and buttoned up his jacket. When he held out his hand, she took it. The noise from the nightclub came out onto the street. Men and women were lined up to get inside. Some people pointed in his direction but he ignored them.

  Rose’s hand shook within his. He held her tightly and together, on her dangerous heels, headed into the nightclub. Along with the papers that morning, he’d gotten a full workup.

  Her life up until meeting him was pathetic. She didn’t speak to her family, and she worked at a local real estate agency. What she didn’t know was Sean fucked her boss on a regular basis, and he was also heavy in debt.

  He was doing Rose a favor in severing all contact with her ex-husband and giving her his name. Rose Miles was now Rose Cain. His wife. His woman. Her life with Sean had been dull. His men had done a fine job in finding out how dull, and even Sean admitted to not caring about his wife’s needs in the bedroom.

  Now it was time for him to take over. To show her a whole new world.

  The music got louder as they entered the main dance floor. The room was crowded and he didn’t pause to admire his work, but went straight to his personal VIP room. His men gave him a wide berth but knew to be close.

  “You own this place?” Rose asked as they got to their private booth.

  “Yes.” He tugged her down onto his lap. She tried to squirm away. He swatted her ass. “Don’t push me.” She fit perfectly to him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Finishing off what I started in the car.” He slid his hand between her thighs. The angle wasn’t right and he moved her so she now straddled his waist.

  “Anyone can see.”

  “If they look, they know I’ll tear their eyes out.” He lifted the skirt over her ass. His private booth didn’t allow anyone to see. Only he could see anything and with his men outside, no one would get any kind of show. He’d even kill his men for looking at her ass. She belonged to all of him.

  Two fingers deep within her, he watched her eyes flutter closed. Again, her teeth sank into her lip. She kept gyrating on his fingers and then stopped herself. He didn’t want her to keep control. No, he wanted her to let go.

  The dress she wore didn’t have any straps, and he easily pulled it down. She wore a bra, but it was no match for him. Pulling out a tit, he sucked on the puckered nipple, staring up at her.

  “I can’t believe…” she cried out as he twisted his fingers within her, his thumb dancing across her clit. He wanted to feel her come on his cock.

  “Take out my cock,”
he said.

  He expected her to argue but she didn’t. Her shaking hands unbuttoned his trousers and eased his length past his boxer briefs. He lifted her up and sank deep inside her. Her hands went to his shoulders, holding on to him.

  Jared went back to teasing her clit, feeling her pussy tighten around him.

  “Fuck me, Rose.”

  “I … I don’t—”

  He released her pussy, gripped her hips, and guided her over his length, showing her exactly what to do. He waited until she knew what she was doing before allowing her to take over, fucking his dick as he brought her to orgasm. He nearly came as she found her release. She was so tight milking his length, but he held control and watched her come apart a second time before he found his release. As he poured his cum inside her, he wondered if she was pregnant. It wouldn’t matter to him. He was going to keep on fucking her, and if they had kids, bonus.

  For now, he was going to enjoy Rose for however long it lasted.

  Chapter Four

  Three weeks she’d been married.

  Three weeks of strange wedded bliss.

  How was it even possible?

  Rose sipped at her coffee. Her body was still recovering from the previous night’s sexathon they’d enjoyed. How could it be that in less than a month, she’d gone from hating her marriage to being with someone else and actually enjoying it?

  There were moments she hated the handsome stranger. When she snuck off to work the morning after their nightclub sex, he’d come into the realtor office, got her over his shoulder, and before she could even so much as protest too much, they were in his car and her job was gone. The only job she had was to satisfy him. That was what he told her. Egotistical asshole.

  Then, of course, were the women who pretty much tried to throw themselves at him. They’d been at a restaurant and the waitress had discreetly handed him her phone number. What had he done? Got up and shoved it right back into her hand.

  Deep down, she shouldn’t be annoyed with how he’d reacted to the phone number, especially as he literally forced the woman to look at her and told her not-too-subtly she was his wife and there was no way he was stepping out on her. He’d even got her to apologize for being a first-class bitch and trying to steal her man. What kind of person did that?


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