Curvaceous Heart

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Curvaceous Heart Page 3

by Terri Pray

  “Ann, isn’t it?” Sue moved a little closer and then walked into the small side office when the other woman opened the door up fully.

  “Yes, and you’re Sue? From accounts?”

  Sue nodded, settling down on the edge of the cluttered desk. “You’ve had a run in with him? Bill, I mean.”

  “Several.” The soft-eyed woman nodded a little. Five-six at most, with pale skin and long brown hair and no older than twenty-eight or -nine, Ann looked more like a demure school teacher than a secretary of a busy firm. Unlike so many of her age group she had chosen high-necked shirts, long skirts and flat shoes. No slave to fashion here, but a sensible woman who knew what worked for her chosen career. “He chased me for three months before I finally agree to go out with him. Always so helpful, until he got what he wanted then I didn’t exist. I can’t believe I was that stupid, falling for his lines and his games.”

  Typical of the man, the same story she had heard from a dozen different women in the past few years. “He does that, but normally it doesn’t take him so long to get a woman to agree.”

  “Barb warned me when I first arrived to give him a wide berth.”

  “Good.” Okay, that part made sense, but then had she given in? “What made you change your mind about him? Something must have happened for you to end up going out with Bill.”

  “He’s smart. He played on a few weaknesses of mine. I can’t believe that I fell for it, but he did the whole Prince Charming routine. I just thought, well, that maybe he and Barb had gone out and she was doing the ex-girlfriend routine. I loved what you did to him out there, but I’m not sure it was such a good idea. He won’t let you get away with it, you know.”

  “Well, no one has ever denied that about him, but what difference did it make with you?” Get away with it? She had already managed that part of the plan. Bill had all but run back down the corridor and had shown no signs of coming back at her. Sue watched Ann closely, waiting to learn a little more about the man she had sent fleeing down the hallway, face crimson.

  “He was nice around me, didn’t set off any alarm bells, helped out a lot. If I needed anything he was right there, getting things fixed for me. I guess I bought into the game.” Twin points of heat flared in the young woman’s cheeks as she sucked in her bottom lip. A soft quiver rippled through her words, tiny lines tightening around the corners of her eyes and lips. “Foolish, I know, I should have listened to my gut and kept away from him. Shit, I really did think Barb was either jealous or there was something else going on. It serves me right for trusting the prick, even for a short while.”

  “We all make mistakes,” Sue tried to reassure her. “You aren’t the first to fall for it. Honestly, if he’d been nice to me when I first started working here I might have made the same mistake, so please, don’t beat yourself up over him. He’s just not worth it.”

  “Yeah, and mine ended up on the Net. I’m betting that’s what will happen with your run in with him, only he’ll twist it. He always does.” Ann frowned, shaking her head. Her lips pressed into a tight, thin line, jaw set. “That bastard always twists things when he posts them up though.”

  Her jaw tightened, frown deepening across her brow. “End up on the Net? What do you mean by that?”

  “A blog. He has one, spills everything across it. I thought you knew? It’s one of those online journal things,” Ann explained, glancing towards the door as she did so. “You really didn’t know about his blog? He writes in it every day. Some of the things he puts there are sickening.”

  “No, who else knows about this blog thing of his?” Her heart sank. What had he posted to that thing? Lies, slander, vicious rumors that would only offer further hurt to the women in the office?

  “I just assumed everyone did.” She shrugged a little, not meeting Sue’s gaze. “I stumbled across it when he took me around to his place that night. I think he forgot to turn the computer off and when I nudged the mouse the screen came up. Luckily he didn’t notice and I took a note of the address so I could read it when I had the chance. I almost regretted I’d done that the first time I read the blasted thing. He’s sick, you know, twisted and cold.”

  Her throat tightened. Had that been part of what Bill had been doing when he had been caught rooting around the office? If he had been posting inside information on what was going on at work he could easily now face legal action from the company.

  “How much does he put up there?”

  “Everything. The only thing he doesn’t do is post his name to it. He has it listed up as ‘A Real Man’. I couldn’t believe he was doing that at first, then I kept going back, looking up what he was posting, the feedback -- he’s on some sort of network, web ring I think they call them -- of other men doing the same thing. Spilling the dirt on the women they work with. Not just that either, but family secrets, work information -- it’s sick some of the posts you read there.” Ann spoke quickly, her face flushed then drained of color once more. “I’m sorry, I really thought everyone already knew about this. God, you should see some of the crap he’s come up with over the past couple of months.”

  “Shit.” Sue grasped the edge of the desk. It was just the sort of thing Bill would pull, it matched his ego. Just what lies he had been spreading on the blog she couldn’t be sure of but the last thing she was about to do was let the asshole get away with it, not after managing to stand up to him in the corridor.

  Hold on a minute, just what in hell’s name do I think I’m doing? I can’t take him on like this. It’s one thing to give him a little payback here, but what do I know about dealing with blogger postings?

  About the same as she’d known about working a computer when she’d first started work, but she’d learned that pretty quickly. Besides, didn’t the police trace problems on the Net all the time?

  Yes, and they’re the police. They have resources I don’t have at all. This isn’t some game -- but I can’t just sit back and let him get away with this.

  “I need the address. I can’t just sit back and let this happen.”

  Chapter Four

  “Alan! Just what’s going on around here? That damn secretary insisted that I be escorted up here. I know everyone who works here by now and I’ve never been made to feel so distrusted in my entire life.”

  His heart dropped as the woman’s voice shattered the peace and quiet of his office. Hadn’t he made it clear to his father that he didn’t want to date the blasted woman? “Victoria, what are you doing here?”

  “Well, is that all the hello I’m going to get? Aren’t you even going to look at me?” The little girl pout voice she did so well dripped into every word. “I came all this way to see you; the least you can do is spend a little time with me.”

  “I’m a little busy right now, so what is it you…” He turned, his breath catching in the back of his throat as his gaze fixed on her.

  At five foot eleven Victoria was one of the few women who could, with the aid of heels, look him directly in the eyes. But that wasn’t what stopped him in his tracks now.

  Her deep green eyes sparkled, a mane of blonde hair fell loose over her shoulders, and the long fur coat she had worn now pooled about her feet leaving her standing in his office wearing nothing but a black silk teddy, stiletto heels, and a pair of black hold-up stockings. Her full breasts pressed against the lace-edged silk, and even with the teddy covering them he could easily make out her tight, erect nipples.

  “What the fuck.” His balls tightened, a rush of blood and heat thickened his cock as he stared at her. God, he didn’t need this right now.

  So stop and enjoy the view a while. Come on, a free show walks into your office and you’re complaining?

  “That sounds about right to me.” She stepped away from the pile of silken fur on the floor. “In fact, a good long fuck is exactly what I had in mind.”

  “Are you insane? Someone could walk in!” He glanced towards the door. If this got out he’d be dealing with shit for weeks to come. He didn’t need the trouble
, the rumors, and sly smiles, not on top of everything else he was dealing with.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ve locked the door and I let your secretary know that we had some business matters to attend to. And I’m right, aren’t I? There are a dozen small details we need to go over before Friday. You are coming to pick me up for the party, aren’t you?”

  “No, and I already told my father to stop trying to push us together. I’m not interested.” Well, part of him wasn’t, at least.

  “Oh, then why is your cock saying differently?” She reached out, brushing her fingertips along the outline of his stubborn erection.

  “Look, there is a half naked woman standing in the middle of the office; of course I’m going to get a hard on, but I’m not going to let my body dictate my actions.” The words sounded good, and for the most part he meant them, but when she closed her fingers around the head of his cock through his pants, reason fled.

  Victoria leaned forward, brushing her lips across his. “So are you going to stand there with a hard on, or do something about it?”

  He leaned back against the desk, clutching the wood. Shit. He couldn’t. This wasn’t the sort of thing he should be doing. He’d made it clear that he didn’t want anything to do with the woman. But each squeeze of her fingers around his treacherous erection made it harder to pull away from her.

  He groaned into her mouth, barely aware of her free hand tugging at the tail of his shirt, pulling it free from his pants. His cock ached in her grip, his balls tight and heavy as he pressed back against the edge of the desk. The small voice of reason that screamed at him to push her away found itself gagged by a louder voice, one that demanded he give in to Victoria’s touch.

  “You’ve kept me at arms’ length for too long, lover. All those little hints you kept ignoring. The cards, the messages, I’ve never met a man like you before, one so determined not to give in. I can’t have that.” She nibbled her way down his neck, licking along the line of his collar. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Even through the shirt and teddy he could feel her nipples; an erotic trail left by heated, hardened flesh, burned into his skin.

  Can’t have a man saying no to her? Is that what this is about? I’m a conquest to her?

  Her free hand traced around the edge of his pants, now that his shirt had been pulled free, and opened his belt, unbuttoning his fly a moment later.

  I don’t want this -- shit, who am I kidding? Yes I do.

  She tugged down his zipper, releasing her hold on his cock only long enough to pull down his pants and briefs before she wrapped her hand back around his now naked cock.

  “Vicky…” He groaned, formality lost in the haze of pleasure. “Don’t.”

  “Why not?” she whispered, easing down onto her knees until her lips were little more than a breath away from his cock.

  “Because I -- God!” He arched up from the edge of the desk as her lips wrapped about the head of his cock. “Shit!”

  Her tongue wrapped around his cock, one hand cupped his balls, and each new touch of her tongue, or gentle caress around his heavy sac, sent a new wave of pleasure through his body. His thighs tightened; heat, sensual heat suckled on his cock, each new tug pushed him further, higher, further away from the small voice of reason.

  One finger pressed fully behind his sac, rubbing that tiny, sensitive hidden spot that sent jolts through his body that he couldn’t ignore. Pressure, thick, demanding pressure throbbed in the pit of his stomach and for a moment he thought he’d lose control in her mouth. But without warning she pulled away and rocked back up to her feet.

  “You want me.” She leaned in, stripping his shirt and tie from his body. “So we’re going to do something about it, aren’t we? In fact, I’m going to ride you, Alan. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  “No!” The word slipped free. Anger bubbled up from the pit of his stomach, pushing aside the desire that had taken control of him.

  Victoria leaned in close, licking softly across his lips. “And just how are you going to stop me? I know what your body wants.”

  It took every ounce of self control he had in order not to growl at her. Alan pressed his hands against her shoulder, his knuckles white as he tried not to dig his fingers into her flesh. “I will not be ruled by my body, and if you think you can force me to fuck you, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  “You arrogant son of a bitch! You think you can turn me down?”

  Standing there, arguing with the woman, with his pants down around his ankles wasn’t exactly what he had originally planned for his day. “You walk into my office, half strip off, and start trying to seduce me, then think I’m going to meekly go along with whatever you want? Why? Because I’m some testosterone-driven male who doesn’t think beyond sticking his cock in the first available hole that comes along?” He reached down long enough to pull his pants back up.

  “No man turns me down!” Her voice went up an octave.

  “Hm, you know? I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing.” He refastened his belt. His balls ached; it didn’t matter that his cock had softened the minute he’d realized just how far she was willing to push things. The desire had been real, and his balls now reminded him just how badly he’d wanted to fuck her.

  Victoria growled. “Bastard!”

  “No, my parents were actually married for a good two years before I came along, so I can honestly say that whilst I may be an asshole, I’m not a bastard. Now get the fuck out of my office before I call security.”

  Victoria shook her head and turned, walking back to her coat on shaky legs. “You’re not normal, or you’re gay. That’s it. Isn’t it? You’re gay! Has to be the answer; no way a straight man would turn down a chance at this.”

  Alan almost laughed, but swallowed the sound just in time.

  “Bloody queer. I knew there was something about you the first day we met. I should have stayed clear. Perfect track record until you came into my life.”

  Interesting, and here was I thinking she’d walked, no, stormed her way into my life.

  “I suggest you leave, now. In fact I insist on it.” He leaned back over his desk and thumbed the intercom that he knew would be answered by the main reception. “Steph, please come up to my office and escort Victoria out. Also I want it noted by the front desk that she is not welcome here again unless with prior clearance through me.”

  “Yes, sir. On my way back up.” The young woman barely managed to keep the surprise from her voice.

  “Now, you have about three minutes to wrap back up before she arrives, and I suggest fixing your makeup. Your lipstick is smeared.”

  Alan buttoned up his shirt and tucked it back into his pants fully, not even looking up when Victoria left. No, he wasn’t gay. He just wanted a woman with -- well -- curves. Real ones, the type he could hold tight and not feel as if they would break in his grasp. A woman who knew how to stand her ground without having to bully a man.

  He just hadn’t filled her in on the entire truth of the matter.

  He liked women with curves, substance to them.

  It didn’t matter that the rest of the world seemed to think that women like Victoria were the height of beauty, that they should be able to arouse any hot-blooded man within a hundred meter radius. They just weren’t his type and never would be.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sue murmured as they sat in the large foyer. Her stomach knotted, rolled, then knotted again as she struggled to keep from being sick. “He might think we’re nuts and have us escorted out, or just laugh in our faces. Neither of us need to be out of work right now either.”

  She could see it now, some high powered executive all dressed up in a flashy suit, staring back at her across a well-polished desk. If they were lucky they’d just be asked to leave and not end up with insults, laughter, or accusations of this being some sort of prank thrown at them.

  “Well, it was your idea in the first place.”


  “I’m only telling the truth. I think it’s a good idea, but it was still yours. Now we can follow it through or head for home? Either way I’ll support you but I won’t make the choice for you.”

  Great, just what she needed.

  Sue took a long, slow look around the foyer. The chairs weren’t bad, better than the scruffy looking things that had been set out in their office, but then again Martin’s Enterprises looked as though they were doing well. The front desk hid behind a raised counter, the honey wood polished to the same high sheen that glistened from the floors.

  Instead of a drinks dispenser that ate money, a small refreshment area had been set up in the corner, complete with two coffee pots, small pots of half-and-half in the little tubs, and four different types of sweeteners in their colored packets in the little pottery dishes.

  A dozen framed photographs decorated the wall, with small plaques under the pictures. Each one was a member of either the Martin family or their inner circl,e from what she had been able to make out so far, but one in particular kept drawing her attention. A man with the name Alan Martin inscribed on the brass plate beneath the frame.

  Dark hair, midnight eyes, and a smile that she couldn’t quite ignore despite the hint of cockiness that gleamed in his piercing gaze. A man like that probably had every woman in the office panting after him, but that didn’t stop her from looking. And perhaps dreaming.

  “How much money do you think they spent on this place?” Barb leaned in close and whispered.

  “More on the foyer than they did on the entire main office floor of our building.” Sue grinned and finally looked away from the picture. All right, so their boss wasn’t a bad person, but he did squeeze the pennies tight enough to hear them squeak. “And did you take a good look at the coffee set up?”

  “Don’t need to, it smells wonderful. Must be one of those nice flavored coffees.”


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