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Amy Page 3

by Deborah A. Price

  “You should’ve listened to her.” Amy stood and looked down at him with tears in her eyes before repeating what she had said in a whisper. She tried to push away from him after he stood and found herself being held by someone else. “Leave me alone!”

  Kyle glanced over at Nate while feeling the contained sobs that Amy was fighting. “Why don’t we get some fresh air?” He whispered.

  Nate could see the difference in her attitude before Kyle spoke, and found himself smiling when he recognized the behavior. A behavior that he had only seen when he had been involved with Elaine. Narrowing his eyes, he pushed Elaine out of his thoughts and focused on Amy. “Maybe, you should, Amy. You look drained.”

  Amy turned back towards her brother after not being successful in removing Kyle’s arms. “Why? So you and Dad can devise a plan to make me talk about grandmother. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Not Granny, Amy. Nash.” Nate informed her.

  “How can you say his name after what you just heard?” Amy snapped at him. “How can you talk about grandmother after. . ?”

  “Did Nash take liberties with you?” Nathan bit the bullet and asked out right. “Dang it, girl. I need to know.”

  “Barbara is a smart woman, Dad. You should tell her that I said so.” Amy shoved at Kyle and stormed out of the restaurant. She hadn’t even known that Kyle had followed her until he pulled her so that she wouldn’t get hit by a car that was backing out of its space. “Will you please stop trying to save me?!”

  Kyle didn’t say anything but walked beside her while she began to pace.

  “Like I said last night, I can handle this.” Amy snapped when she turned and stopped after bumping into his chest.

  “It sounded very serious to me.” Kyle softly spoke before glancing towards the restaurant to see Nate and Nathan watching. “Who is this Nash guy they were asking about before you had the pleasure of backing your chair into my mid-section?”

  Amy stopped walking and glared at him. “I need to point out that this is none of your business.” She grabbed the keys from her jacket and started towards the Mustang. “And I’d appreciate if you’d stop interfering with my life. Two days in a row is a little on the spooky side. Would you like to know where I’ll be tomorrow so you can make it three days?”

  Kyle narrowed his eyes. “I just happened to be celebrating my nephew’s birthday tonight, but I guess you could ask Sonny if you chose. This was the restaurant of Hunter’s choice. Now I could tell you that I know exactly where you’re going to be tomorrow so I can spook the mean out of you, but I won’t. You looked spooked enough already. I guess they’re trying to figure out if this Nash guy molested you.”

  “You’re a flipping genius.” She frowned after noticing that he was blocking her from the driver’s side door. “Do you mind?”

  “I do.” Kyle answered and pulled her towards him. “I’ve noticed you a lot lately. It seems that our paths keep crossing.”

  “You have all of five seconds to let me go.”

  “Did you know that I can sense when you’re around me? Every nerve I have comes alive. You feel it, too.”

  “Kyle, you’re gonna feel a lot more than a bunch of tingling nerves if you don’t take your hands off me.” Amy hissed at him.

  “They tingle?” Kyle laughed at her. “You know what I’ve been wondering. I’ve been daydreaming about kissing you. Slow and long.”

  Amy tilted her head without realizing how fond Kyle was of that reaction. “And why would you wonder about that?”

  “Been wondering about a lot of things. I want to get to know you, Amy.” Kyle felt her start to relax in his arms and smiled. “And I have a feeling that you want to get to know me.”

  “I already do. You’re a classified jerk.” Amy relaxed enough to wriggle out of his hold. “Stay away from me, Kyle. I’m serious.”

  “I guess that I’ll see you tomorrow then. This time I’ll make sure that you’re seated at a bigger table.” Kyle stepped away from her car and saluted after she shot him an evil glare. “Maybe telling you that I want to kiss you was a little premature, but your color is back.”

  “I’m so glad that you see that as an accomplishment.” Amy snapped back at him. “Here’s another one for you. You’ve managed to make me despise you a lot today, and I don’t like being a called a bombshell to my boss. File that information to use later in your life.”

  “This is about me talking to Pop? That man was making moves on you last night, Amy. I watched the whole thing. But, go ahead,” Kyle slammed the door shut after she had finally opened it and grabbed her hand. “Go ahead and pretend that you would’ve been able to take care of that problem.”

  “Are you any better than he was? This is the third time in less than thirty minutes you’ve grabbed my hands.” Amy retorted.

  “Better than your legs,” Kyle shot back at her before she stepped closer to him. “What did you expect me to do?”

  “Letting me do my job would’ve been a start, Mr. McDonald.”

  “Duncan,” Kyle corrected before he lost himself into the blue pools of her eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “Mr. Duncan, I almost lost that campaign because you whined to my boss.” Amy informed him. “Would you have had any say in that?”

  “None whatsoever,” Kyle answered, focusing on her mouth. “Pop does what he wants.” He could feel his heart quicken before he lowered his mouth to hers, expecting her to pull away and shocked when she responded instead.

  Amy didn’t know who ended the kiss as she leaned against the car while waiting for her legs to stop shaking. She caught him staring at her before inhaling deeply. “Well, I guess you don’t have to daydream anymore. I even hope you enjoyed it because it will never happen again.” Grabbing her door handle, she opened the door and slid behind the wheel not giving him another glance.

  Kyle watched her leave before walking back towards the restaurant and to where Nate was still standing with his father. He had stepped past them before hearing Nate call out his name. “That ended before it started.”

  “It has if that’s the way you’re going to think.” Nate jibed. “I only have one question. Did she talk to you?”

  “You mean about that Nash?”


  “No, however, she did mention what she thought about me. It’s not very pleasant.” Kyle left them and walked into the restaurant where his family was waiting.

  Nate glanced at their father. “If I wanted a paternity test done, would you be upset?”

  Nathan looked puzzled, shook his head and glanced at the parking lot. “You’re a grown man, Nate. If that’s what you really want, then I won’t stop you. Just know that I’ve always thought of you my son.”

  “What about Amy?”

  “I have my suspicions, but I can’t force her to just up and admit what had happened any more than I could’ve made my mother see what a monster Nash really was. I can only hope that she’s talked to somebody. Anybody.”


  “Her closest friend, but I do understand if there’s hesitation on your part. Now what is going on between your sister and Kyle?”

  “Oh, something fun I hope.” Nate laughed. “Don’t worry about Amy, and I’ll set up something with Elaine.”

  “You’re really brave.”

  “Yeah, when it comes to Amy, I am. I’ve always felt responsible for her after we went to live with Granny. You know Amy had a hard time.”

  “I didn’t help it any when I left.”

  “No, Dad, you didn’t, but I’m not getting into that. If I’m going to talk to Elaine, I’d better do it quick before I change my mind.”

  “Why don’t you admit that you’ve never gotten over her?”

  “No way. I’m completely over her.”

  Nathan raised his eyes, nodded. “Let me know what you decide about that test. I can’t say that Barbara didn’t warn me about the way your sister would react to my question.”

  “Dad, don’t let this
worry you so much. It’s not good for your heart.” Nate glanced at him with worry. “I’m serious, and I’m sure that if Amy hadn’t left, she’d tell you the same thing.”

  Nathan sighed, “I should’ve never left you. I knew that Nash was a constant visitor and promised your mother that I would never let him near Amy. It’s my fault.”

  Nate agreed with him, but he remained silent.

  Chapter 5

  Amy looked up from where she was standing next to the bench when the basketball stopped at her feet and narrowed her eyes when she saw it was Kyle running over to retrieve it. She kicked the ball towards him in hope of avoiding a confrontation with him.

  “Aren’t you ready yet, Elaine?” Amy frowned, turning away from the court. “I have another dinner tonight, and I really need to take a shower this time.”

  Elaine smirked after catching the look Kyle shot at Amy before nodding. “What’s with all these dinners? Can’t you talk to customers during the workday?”

  Amy walked to the other side of the table and closed the lid of the ice chest. “I get reimbursed for going to the meetings. A little extra money never hurt a soul.”

  “You’ve never worried about money a day in your life.” Elaine followed her towards the path. “What about going out for fun or just for the heck of it? I’ve never once seen you do that.”

  Amy glanced at her before placing her ear buds in her ears and jogging towards the apartment complex.

  Elaine rolled her eyes before joining her. They didn’t talk again until after Amy had unlocked her apartment and stepped inside. Elaine immediately stepped in front of the stereo. “A little birdie told me that they had seen you and Kyle kiss.”

  “Little birdie or busy body?” Amy asked before Elaine sat on the couch. “And why do you look so smug?”

  “Oh, the fact that you actually got close enough to a man to kiss him is amazing. For it to be the hottest man I’ve ever seen aside from your brother is just downright shocking.” Elaine laughed after Amy tossed a pillow at her. “Oh, I meant to ask. Do you need a roommate? I think that my parents are getting tired of me crashing there when I come home.”

  “I hadn’t thought about a roommate.” Amy answered, shuffling through the mail that she had retrieved before going out on her jog. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt as long as she doesn’t become a meddlesome busy body. FYI, I’ve been closer to men than you think.”

  “Okay, you don’t have to be snappish about it.” Elaine stood. “We can work out something about the roommate deal tomorrow. I got a hot date.”

  “Anybody that I know?”

  “Probably not,” Elaine waved and left before Amy picked out another envelope and frowned at it.

  After a quick shower, Amy dressed and walked out the door. She wondered if the client had chosen The Captain’s Palace, or if it had been the restaurant that Mr. McDonald had chosen because it was Kyle’s restaurant.

  She drove to the meeting, pushing aside the conversation that she had earlier with her father and trying not to think about the kiss that she had shared with Kyle. Kyle was the last person she wanted to think about even though she was going to his restaurant to entertain another client.

  Amy was still thinking about Kyle when she pulled into a parking space and turned the key. What would be the chance of another meeting going south and Kyle interfering on her behalf again? Amy hoped slim to none while she was being escorted to her table by the hostess she remembered Kyle called Stephanie.

  “This meeting would go better if I knew that your boss wasn’t here.” Amy glanced at the table where she had met with Mr. Eccard two nights ago. “I’m hoping he isn’t.”

  “I so hate to dash hopes, but he is here. He requested that you and your client be seated a bigger table. I’m sure that’s not a problem.”

  “I’m actually grateful.” Amy smiled before Stephanie led her to a table that was also closer to the door. “Thank you, Stephanie.”

  Amy shook hands with the clients that she previously had the pleasure of working with and smiled before taking her seat and being pushed to the table. She didn’t think that it was funny that she had sensed Kyle when he had stepped out of the kitchen, but she wasn’t there to tell him exactly what she thought about him again. She was only there on business.

  The evening ended, and Amy stared at her notes after her company had left, glancing up only after her senses went on overdrive. “I know that you’re behind me.”

  “Good,” Kyle pulled out a chair and sat across from her. “You were pretty focused on what you wanted for those two. I don’t get it though. I could’ve sworn Pop said that you wouldn’t come to these meetings alone anymore.”

  “Did you talk to him today?” Amy asked, wishing that he would leave the table, but keeping her thoughts quiet. “What do you want, Kyle? I behaved. There wasn’t one scene that I can remember.”

  “I want to talk about that kiss.”

  “So you want me to cause a scene?” Amy asked. “I’m sorry, but I had a lot on my mind last night. It happened, get over it. I already have.” Liar, she inwardly screamed; you want him to kiss you again.

  Kyle watched her lower her eyes to rest on the paper in front of her. “You get over things at a quick rate.”

  “Seriously, Kyle. What do you want? I’m busy here.”

  “Okay. I want to know what’s wrong with the food that they’re bringing out from the kitchen. I’ve noticed that once you start working, food is pushed to the side. Is there something wrong with it?”

  “I couldn’t tell you.” Amy mumbled. “I’m sure that there isn’t; I just have an intolerance for food when I’m working. However, so I don’t bruise your ego,” Amy pulled the salmon to her and picked up her fork. Biting into the salmon, she savored the meat that melted on her tongue. “This is great.”

  “And usually better when it’s hot, Amy,” Kyle stood and stared at the plate. “Stick around for a minute.”

  Amy started jotting down notes before he left and looked puzzled after noticing that her plate had been bussed, shocked after the waiter brought two plates to her table and placed them across from each other.

  Kyle stepped up to the table and stacked the papers that Amy had in front of her. “Did you bother to eat anything after you left your brother and father yesterday? I’m thinking that as upset as you were, you probably didn’t. Is it a grudge that you hold against fine eating establishments as mine?”

  “I think that I said that the salmon was great. I was going to eat some more of it, but. . .”

  “I ordered a fresh plate, and since I haven’t eaten, I’ll join you.” Kyle responded, smiling after noticing an argument form in Amy’s eyes before he sat across from her. “The meeting went better tonight.”

  “The meeting was with a couple that I’ve worked with before, but I’m wondering something. Did you have anything to do with the meeting being moved here instead of where it was supposed to have been?” Amy glanced at him and wished that she hadn’t after noticing how brilliant his green eyes were while they danced in laughter. “I thought that it was a good question, Kyle. And what about last night? You just happened to be at the same restaurant.”

  “I think that was explained, Amy.” Kyle cut into his steak. “Is there something wrong with us getting to know each other?”

  “Yes, there actually is.” Amy swallowed the salmon she had just placed in her mouth. “I don’t know who think you are, but you seem to think that women enjoy being kissed by you.”

  “Didn’t you?” Kyle chuckled. “That was the opinion that I got when you responded. I guess that you could argue if you want, but. . .”

  “Good, because I’m going to do just that.” Amy placed her fork on the napkin that she had placed next to her plate. “I don’t want you kissing me. I think that says plenty.”

  Kyle studied her with amusement. “That’s not a very strong argument. You wanted it as much as I did. I just happened to be the one that made the first move.”

  “And the l
ast, Kyle,” Amy snapped while grabbing her papers and shoving them into her briefcase. “The food was great, but I really must get going now.”

  Kyle glanced at her plate and shook his head. “You haven’t really eaten anything. I’m going to have to disappoint my chef and tell him that his food isn’t up to par.”

  “The food is great,” Amy repeated. “It’s the company that I don’t appreciate.” She pushed away from the table and frowned when he did the same. “Now what?”

  “I wouldn’t be a good host if I didn’t walk you to the door.” Kyle stepped up beside her and laughed when she glared at him. “You really worry me, you know.”

  “Oh, why is that?”

  “Well, I talked to Nate last night after your father left, and he’s upset about something that was said. You don’t look like you have a worry in the world.”

  Amy had pushed that conversation away, filing it with other occurrences in her life that she didn’t want to remember. “And you’re baiting me because Nate wouldn’t tell you. I’m sure that he’s had time to stop brooding.”

  “He was upset while we played basketball this afternoon, too.” Kyle stepped in front of her, forcing her to stop walking. “Mentioned something about having to talk to Elaine.”

  Amy arched her eyes before pushing him out of her way. “I’m sure that he did.”

  “He was talking to her over the phone when I left.”

  Amy closed her eyes and then focused on the door ten feet in front of her. “I really must go now. I have a brother to kill.”

  “I’m puzzled.”

  “It’s none of your business. Play host to somebody that will appreciate your efforts.” Amy walked around him and pushed angrily at the door.

  Fuming, she tossed the briefcase in the passenger seat of her Mustang and drove off in a fit of anger. It was bad enough that Kyle was interfering in what she did, but to hear that her brother was talking to Elaine about her was enough to piss her off.

  She pulled up at the apartment complex and hit the steering wheel before making a decision to walk over to Nate’s apartment and give him a piece of her mind. She noticed Elaine’s Focus parked beside her and shook her head.


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