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Amy Page 10

by Deborah A. Price

  She stepped out to see Kyle was waiting on her. “It’s done. So what do you suggest that I do now?”

  “I have several ideas, but you don’t look like you really want to hear them so why don’t we just go give Nate and Elaine a hard time.” Kyle picked up one of her hands. “Twenty minutes really isn’t that long if you decide to have a little fun.”

  “Deciding and doing are two different things, Kyle.” Amy glanced down the hall and shook her head. “But, I do have an idea.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Do you remember how you stifled those women from flirting with you?”

  “I couldn’t forget if I chose. Why?”

  “I figured we might get Nate going if we do a little pretending again.”

  “I get it.”

  “Do you? How much time has managed to slip by us?”

  “Not long enough,” Kyle informed her, “I think we should practice first.” He moved so that she was flat against the wall and smiled. “They say practice can make perfect.”

  “Kyle, you don’t need any practice.”

  “Neither do you, but I’m all for making sacrifices to perfect it more.” He placed a finger on her lip and traced it, watching her eyes before replacing his finger with his mouth and feeling her wrap her arms around his neck.

  Amy felt herself relax after his hands rested her hips and breathed deeply after he started kissing her throat. “Kyle, maybe we should stop.”

  “I like your throat,” Kyle moaned, enjoying the quickening of her pulse under his mouth. “You’re perfect.”

  “You’ve lost it.” Amy laughed. “Can you stop?”

  Kyle straightened and stared at her. “Stop? We’ve barely started to perfect the kiss.”

  “I hate to tell you this, Kyle, but anymore perfecting and we’re both going to become stir crazy. I think you’re idea of instigating something with Elaine and Nate might be the solution.”

  “In a minute,” Kyle lifted her chin up so that she was staring straight into her eyes. “I want to say something first.”

  “You look serious again.”

  “Very. Whatever the results are, I’m not going to let you push me away again. I can’t stand the thought of what you might do if the result is positive. Do you understand what I’m trying to say here?”

  “Aside from confirming the fact that you’re crazy, I think I do. Now I’m going to say that it would be my decision of who I’m going to allow in my life if it is positive.” Amy snapped before marching down the hall and into the kitchen with him following her. “What?” She asked, looking up to see him staring at her.

  “You’re already trying to figure out a way to push me out.”

  “So what? You want me to deal, I’ll deal. The fact is that somebody who treated me badly died because he had complications from Aids. The fact is that I may have been affected. The fact is that if I am, I won’t be too thrilled with you hanging around all the time. Do you want any more facts?”

  “No, but since you’re throwing out all these facts, how about this? The fact is that I love you. The fact is that I won’t take that back whether the result is negative or positive. The fact is that you’re not getting rid of me because you may be sick. And where,” Kyle frowned at the bag of chips she had grabbed and took them from her, “you think having me hang around is going to be too terrifying to deal with, I’ll make it extremely pleasant for you. Chips? Did you actually eat anything?”

  Amy snatched the chips from him and glared. “What is it with you and food?”

  Elaine grabbed Nate’s hand when he started to stand and shook her head. “Leave it alone,” she whispered before Amy glanced in their direction.

  Amy pulled the plastic apart on the bag and grabbed a chip, placing it on her tongue before stepping away from Kyle and glancing at a clock without intending. She found herself looking back at Kyle before placing the bag on the counter.

  “Amy, why I don’t I fix you something. I wanted to this morning, but you were upset with me.”

  “No, I just realized that I’m not very hungry. I’m going for a walk. The timer will tell you when the test is done.” Amy walked over to the door and opened it only to have Elaine join her. “Did you and Nate figure it out, Elaine?” She asked after they stepped onto the path. “I think it would be great if you did.”

  “It seems that we’ve both been immature.” Elaine responded. “But it’s still too late.”

  “I won’t believe that.” Amy sighed after spotting some of the leaves in the trees starting to turn. “The history the two of you have is something one would always treasure. That, and I just happen to know that Nate has always loved you. It’s just something that we never say except for casually. The word, love, is something that after our mother passed away just seemed empty.”

  “But your father loved you.”

  “Sure. He showed that by staying away from us. Nate really does love you.” Amy walked towards the picnic table and lowered herself to the bench. “He just doesn’t know how to say the word in order to convey its full meaning.”

  “Deep down I know that, Amy, but there was more to it than him not telling me what he felt. Do you know how to say the word? Or to at least realize that Kyle isn’t going to be bashful with the word.”

  “Elaine, that thing about how I met Randy. . .”

  Elaine sat next to her. “What is it, Amy?”

  “I’ve been getting some pretty messed up fan mail. Very explicit mail. It started about the same time I moved, but I never told Nate. There wasn’t any need.”

  “So why are you telling me?”

  “If something happens to me, I want you to promise not to let him see any of the letters that come in the mail. Nate is really, really opinionated on the very ideal of finding your mate on-line, and if he finds out that I’m been having a little trouble, he’ll let me have it until I scream.”

  “The envelopes you shred- are they this explicit fan mail?”


  “I think that you should tell him.” Elaine stood. “We should head back, Amy.”

  “I don’t want to know,” Amy shrugged. “Why does it matter, Elaine? Why should life be easy? It’s supposed to be full of curveballs. One right after the other.”

  “And you’ve had your share.” Elaine smiled at her friend before standing. “I believe that the test will be negative, and I see you and Kyle having a great if not awesome future. You have to believe.”

  “And if I believe and the result is positive?”

  “Let’s just see the results before you jump to conclusions about anything.” Elaine started walking towards the path and looked back to see Amy still sitting on the bench. “You took the test. That was the most important part. I’m sure that your brother has already seen the result.”

  Amy stood and stared towards the basketball court. “This wasn’t what my mother wanted for me. She used to lay down with me and tell me stories that were silly. They always had a moral, but most of the time they were about a princess. Before she passed away, she had me start drawing what she said. I guess that she wanted a way for me to have a creative outlet for what I was feeling.” Glancing at Elaine, she walked further away from the apartment complex. “That works for me. I’m worried about Nate though. Everybody thinks that I’ve gone through everything by myself, but Nate has always been by my side and never complained. Vented, yes, but I’ve never seen him lose it.” She stepped on the path. “He needs you. I know that he can be a certified putz, Elaine, but Nate is a better person when you’re around.”

  “Are you trying to guilt me?”

  “Only if it’s working. Mom started encouraging my drawing skill when Andie left us. Nate lost a sister, too, but he’s never allowed himself to talk about her. I don’t remember him talking about Granny after she passed. He’s latched himself to me, and it’s not healthy for either one of us.”

  “Tell me something that I don’t know.”

  “What you don’t know is that I fe
el responsible for the two of you breaking up. No, Elaine, I can’t explain why. I blamed myself for you leaving again.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “I’ve told myself that, but it’s the only explanation I have unless you can convince me otherwise. I’ll have to believe that as the truth.”

  Elaine chuckled before gently turning Amy towards the apartment and walking. “I think that you’re just trying to procrastinate, and by the way, I’ve never heard anything so far from the truth as to what you just said. Nate and I just aren’t compatible.”

  Amy walked quietly towards the door of her apartment and stood just outside without making a move to open the door. “What if the test is positive? It’ll change my life again. All the hopes that I had won’t mean anything.”

  “And what if it’s negative, Amy? Think about it. You’ve obviously done some soul searching so think of it as getting a second chance to embrace those hopes. Just do yourself a favor and include Kyle no matter what happens.”

  Amy deeply breathed in before turning the knob and opening her door, staring down the hall which loomed in front of her while subconsciously inhaling the aroma of whatever Kyle had been cooking while she was out.

  Feeling Elaine step up beside her, Amy started towards the bathroom and stepped through the opened door to look at the test. “It’s negative.” Sinking down onto the floor, she sobbed in relief.

  Elaine lowered herself to the floor beside Amy and took her hand. “Now about Kyle- how many women can land a man that actually cooks? It smells really good.”

  Amy glanced up after Nate stood looking down them with his hands placed on his hips.

  “Kyle has requested that the young ladies get off their arses, wash their hands, and set the table.” He waited until they stood and turned them both towards them, kissing Amy on the forehead, he smiled. “I’m happy that we know now,” he whispered just above her ear.

  Elaine left the brother and sister, still rubbing her eyes when she stepped into the kitchen to help Kyle.

  Kyle studied her after placing a pan of roasted potatoes on the counter. “How is she?”

  “Relieved,” Elaine answered. “Kyle, I appreciate that you wanted Nate to talk to me, but. . .”

  “Elaine, I know Nate,” Kyle interrupted her. “Give him another chance.”

  “I can’t do that,” Elaine mumbled before Amy stepped into the kitchen with Nate.

  Amy felt Nate squeeze her hand before stepping away from her. Sighing, she focused on Kyle. “I owe you both an apology and a thank you, Kyle. You were right; I needed to know.”

  Elaine noticed the locked stares and shoved at Kyle. “Nate and I can finish this. Go on.”

  Kyle nodded after forfeiting his potholders and walking to where Amy was standing.

  Amy never broke eye contact, watching him step to her while her heart quickened. She hadn’t realized that she had moved until she was in his arms.

  Chapter 12

  The next day, Amy stared at the envelope, noticing that Elaine was holding out her hand. “It’s just junk,” she mumbled while stepping over to the shredder.

  “Because everybody frowns at junk before they shred it instead of just tossing it in the can. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that’s the very junk that you don’t want Nate to see or to even know exists.” Elaine reminded her of the conversation that they had held the previous day while they waited for the test to finish. “Have you read any of this junk?”

  “A couple of them,” Amy shrugged before the envelope was jerked out of her hand.

  “And you usually get one every day?” Elaine tore the envelope and unfolded the letter, raising her eyes while she read the computer generated letter that was filled with anger, rejection, and an explanation of what the writer expected of Amy before going into details of what he would do if she failed to respond. Placing the letter down in front of her, Elaine sighed before glancing at Amy. “What are you going to do about these, Amy?”

  “Hmm,” Amy was rearranging the refrigerator with disinterest, pretending to be busy while Elaine talked. After having the entirety of the day to herself, she was restless. Pulling out a yogurt to eat, she glanced at Elaine. “There’s nothing that I can do. The letters are more an annoyance than anything else. And to answer your earlier question, it has increased over the past month.”

  “I think,” Elaine grabbed the letter, folded it, and inserted it into its envelope while she spoke, “that you need to at least think about letting Nate in on this.”

  “You know how Nate is, Elaine.” Amy frowned while opening a drawer and reaching for a spoon. “He’ll expect me to move back with him.”

  “Okay, say that you’re right, and he does- what harm would it cause?”

  “You’re really making a mountain out of a mole hill. I don’t believe anything is going to come from that trash.”

  “Then you won’t mind if I keep this.”

  “Actually, I do.” Amy reached for the envelope and shredded it before Elaine could react. “Nobody is going to see that.”

  “You’re not thinking.”

  “I’ve simply made the decision not to obsess over some on-going joke, no matter how sick it is.” Amy glanced at the yogurt that was unopened where she had placed it on the counter. “I’m going to the store. Do you want anything?”

  “I’m good.” Elaine scowled at the shredder. The words she had read worried her, and she was still thinking about them after Amy had left and Nate knocked on the door. Staring at him, she felt her heart flutter and shook her head. “Nate?”

  “Dad and Barbara are at my place. I tried to call Amy, but she’s not answering her phone. I don’t guess that you can get her for me.” Nate looked around the apartment puzzled. “Okay, Elaine, your eyes look troubled. What gives?”

  “Nothing. Amy isn’t here; she wanted to run to the store.”

  “Oh, did she walk? Her car is still in the space.”

  “Christ,” Elaine glanced at the bowl where Amy kept her keys and noticed that the car keys were still there. Scowling, she walked around Nate and looked at the path that was visible from where she stood, noticing a silhouette sitting at the picnic table. “I’ll go tell her that you’re looking for her.”

  Nate stepped out of her way and watched while Elaine jogged down the path to his sister.

  Elaine bent after arriving at the table and glanced at Amy sideways. “Your brother is looking for you. It seems that he has company, and they were expecting you.”

  “I know,” Amy stood and closed her eyes. “Guess it just slipped my mind to pay attention to the time. I feel overwhelmed, Elaine, and that’s something that I’ve never had to work through before now. I guess that it will be great to give Dad some good news.”

  “You mean that you and Nate haven’t told him yet?”

  Starting to walk towards the path, Amy noticed that Nate was standing there waiting for her. She glanced at Elaine, “I forgot to grab my keys and didn’t feel like going to retrieve them. I was trying to avoid that worried look you were wearing.”

  “Oh, so you mean that you were actually wanting to go to the store.”

  “Yes, I wanted to make sure that I had my ice cream. Nate hasn’t bought any since I moved out. I doubt he actually remembered today.”

  “Ice cream?”

  “The store up at the corner carries my favorite brand and the flavor.” Amy answered, focusing on Nate while they walked slowly down the path. “Will you be a pal?”

  “Sure,” Elaine chuckled. “And I’m pretty certain that I remember both the brand and flavor.”

  “Bring it over to Nate’s,” Amy sighed and turned to her brother’s apartment ignoring the fact that he was waiting on the opposite end of the path. She sighed when he stepped next to her. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I wasn’t going to say a word.” Nate informed her while looking puzzled. “I noticed that Elaine looked a little preoccupied.”

  Amy laughed and grabbed Nate’s
hand. “When are you going to stop looking for some trouble to fix?”

  “I was just saying. . .”

  “Elaine is fine.” Amy started walking up the stairs and waited for her brother before opening the door and staring at her father. “You look great, Dad.”

  Nathan stared at his daughter and smiled. “Feel a lot better since I left the hospital. Now I hear that you have something that you’d like to share.”

  “Me?” Amy stepped to her father and kissed his forehead. “Let’s see if I can remember what it was. The lottery? No, didn’t play this time. The promotion? Old news. So what good news are you looking to get?”

  “Kyle? The test you took?” Nathan prompted, watching the smile playing at the corners of his daughter’s mouth. “Spill it, girl.”

  “I’m pretty healthy, Dad. That’s all the news I have, but I consider that as great news. It’s all I need.”

  “Well,” Barbara sat next to Nathan, watching Nate roll his eyes. “Are you sure that’s all? I mean we thought that. . .” she grew silent while Amy straightened and glared at Nate.

  “Nate,” Amy stepped to the back of the apartment and slid the sliding door open, “a word, please.”

  Nate arched his eyes before joining her and sliding the door closed behind him. “Something on your mind, Amy?”

  “I don’t want you or anybody else to think that something is happening between me and your friend. I definitely don’t want you blurting some stupid and presumptuous thought like that to Dad or Barbara. Why else would they be bringing up Kyle in the conversation? I’m not going to be baited into anything.”

  “You can hold on a minute, Amy. I haven’t said one word to them about Kyle.”

  “Then how?”

  “Because nobody that has been around you and Kyle at the same time could possibly ignore the chemistry between the two of you. That’s nobody, but you.” Nate placed his hands on her shoulders. “Is that working for you, Amy?”


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