Becoming the Gateway

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Becoming the Gateway Page 20

by Justin Roberts

  She was helpless to do anything but watch as the giant maggot’s beak opened up wider and wider until it began to tear apart the skin around the corners of its mouth. Then, in about as much time as it takes spit out a giant wad of phlegm, the maggot thing heaved and vomited so hard that it actually turned its entire self inside-out. While plenty of greenish-yellow mucous exploded out into the air and covered Charlene once again, it seemed like that was all that was inside of the maggot. Not guts or organs spewed out, just torrents of snot-like slime.

  Something began squirming around in a large puddle of slime. Then it made a sound, a pathetic squeal filled with stark terror and excruciating physical pain.

  It was Charlie, “Aaaagg, eeeeeeaaaahhh!” He cried out as he began walking toward Charlene and Dennis, his arms out stretched and a look of pure madness and terror on his face. Charlie had suffered some sort of terrible injury over his entire body. He was completely unclothed, but was nearly unrecognizable as a human being. His flesh seemed to be blistering and rotting away from the bone, and his skin had a blackened-gray look to it. Parts of him seemed to have actually been torn away and then molded back into his flesh in horribly crude fashions, what appeared to be fingers wriggling around in agony but they were protruding from the mangled forearm instead of from his hands, which looked more like strange flippers now than actual hands. Something had been ripping Charlie apart and then putting him back together in odd contortions, as if he had become some sort of living Picasso art piece. As he staggered toward Charlene slabs of wet flesh were sliding off from his legs and torso like meat falling from chicken roasted in a crock pot. When Charlie spoke the words were almost unintelligible and he sounded as if he were talking with fluid bubbling in his throat.

  “Please!” He moaned out at Charlene, “Please kill me! Don’t let them take me back to the other place, please just kill me!”

  “NO! Fuck no!” Charlene screamed, “Stay the fuck away!”

  “Don’t let me go back! Please don’t…”

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Dennis shouted at the two of them, “You have to go back, little brother.”

  “No please, please God no, please, please, please! Oh God sweet Jesus save me! Please save me, Jesus!” Charlie fell to the dead earth at his feet and cried out in pure desperation, “Charlene! Please kill me! Just stab me with a piece of wood or something, anything!” He was balling uncontrollably now, “The place they took me, it’s so much worse than dying! They feed off our pain and screams and they can make it last forever!”

  “Now Charlie, “Dennis calmly whispered down to his brother, “You serve a very important part of this plan. Through your screams of utter agony you will give our God the power to become one with all existence. It has always belonged to our Lord, and now your suffering will last as long as our master desires. You now serve a truly divine purpose! Rejoice!”

  The ground beneath Charlie began to bubble up around him just like the tar pits that had formed a few yards over in the front yard. He looked around with a look of pure panic and terror on his face. He started to scream and cry harder.

  “Please no! Please no! Oh, God…Jesus help me!”

  Dennis looked down at Charlie and said, “Your only purpose is to suffer in agony down there forever for the will of our God. You should feel honored. The things you will experience until the end of forever and beyond are far too horrible to even put into thought. Time to go back to Hell, brother. Our God is a hungry God and you’re going to be one of the millions who feed the Lord through your screams in perdition.”

  Charlie screamed and cried for any God that would answer, but the only god present was not keen on mercy. He sank down into the black abyss and was forever thrown into the void of torment his brother had cursed him to.

  There was a strange, wet ripping noise coming from over in the Clarence thing’s direction.

  “I think it’s about time we check in with my lovely wife.” Dennis dragged Charlene over to the back end of the blob of grayish flesh that was Clarence Wilkerson’s massive, pulsating lower half of what was now not even recognizable as a body. The massive abomination wriggled around and expanded one last time, this time to the extreme physical limits of its infernal flesh. In a few more seconds, the flesh was torn apart into bloody, ribbon-like strands and the opening which was left gaping began spewing forth a thick greenish-yellow slime. As the puss-like fluid spread across the ground an overwhelmingly rancid, vinegar-like stench engulfed the summer air. This time more than just slime and mucous spewed forth from the bursting skin sack…much more.

  While there was still plenty of the oozing slime splashing out of the sack, much like fluid from a lanced blister, most of what came out was something much worse. Putrid looking, grayish-white masses of flesh spilled out from the burst flesh sack. They bounced, rolled, and slid their way across the yard in at least three yards in every direction.

  Charlene tried to move out of the way as the rancid pieces of meat tumbled and slid toward her. But Dennis held her tight and she was unable to avoid the terrible reality of what was happening. She howled in terror and repulsion once she was forced into touching the fleshy blobs as they rolled past.

  They were babies, and there were hundreds of them, maybe thousands, and they were all cold and dead. They were all tumbling down from a huge pile in the center of the gooey mass that had exploded into this macabre baby nursery. As they tumbled down from the center, some of them were softer than the other and just sort of stuck to the others until they were squished by their falling deceased brother and sisters.

  Soon, the pile of dead infants had cascaded downward to the point where the babies that had spilled out now covered most of the yard. In the spot where the mass of infants had rolled down from now was a thick stone slab, and upon it squirmed a naked woman, all she could do was squirm since her arms and legs were no longer a part of her anatomy. Instead, she had stumps where each limb once was; and the same black goo that was holding Charlene’s leg on at the knee was now sealing up the wounds on each of the stumps, preventing her from bleeding out.

  “Hello, Paula, my dear wife.” Dennis said sarcastically. “How are the kids?” He smirked smugly after this remark.

  Paula was screaming, weeping, and praying all at the same time.

  While she was clearly alive and conscious, she had a look of madness about her face that told the world she was no longer actually here as far as her actual conscious self was concerned. Her legs, which both ended in stumps just above each knee, were nailed down into the stone slab she was pinned to with what looked like large railroad tie spikes with her leg-stumps spread wide open, exposing her birth canal opening, which looked completely torn to shreds and her hips both seemed to be completely dislocated. She let out a piercing, high pitch shriek as her back suddenly arched upwards and her birth canal tore open more and spilled out what looked like gallons of thick greenish, yellow ooze.

  “Oh no, no, no, no!” Paula squealed as the sound of her flesh ripping apart was followed by an even higher pitched scream.

  Her vaginal hole stretched out so wide that the flesh ripped apart at the seams as a huge, gray mass of flesh squeezed out from inside of her. It was a baby and it had to be at least twenty pounds. About the same size as the other baby corpses in the massive piles of dead infants. The stillborn child just flopped down from the stone slab and landed on the lifeless soil. Paula’s shredded birth canal began to slowly close back up, but only just so that another birthing could begin. Then another, and another, and so on.

  Each time Paula screamed and begged for death. Before long the pile of dead infants began to accumulate at her feet until they began to pile up once more.

  “Nice, isn’t it?” Dennis asked a non-responsive Charlene. “Paula was never really happy with having our children. She was always much too concerned with herself to worry about the kids, and she always talked about how everything went downhill after the kids were born. So now she gets to experience the miracle of birth…constantly…fo

  Paula screamed in agony as her flesh ripped and her mind broke with every new, horrible birth. She was still screaming as she sank down into the dirt, back into the Hell she had been thrown into earlier.

  Dennis shoved Charlene back onto her back in the dead grass and just gazed at her with those cold, black eyes. He ran his pale, pruned hand down the front of her chest, he caressed her left breast softly then squeezed it, slowly clenching his hand tighter and tighter until Charlene cried out in pain. She flung her good arm at him to try to stop his touch but she was simply too weak to put up a fight. Dennis tore Charlene’s shirt from her body with one savage tug, it took her bra with it, leaving her breasts exposed. Modestly was not her concern right now, so she did not bother trying to cover herself, and soon the blood from her face wound ran over both of her pale white breasts, leaving them dripping red. Dennis used the same vicious force to pull her jeans off, then her underwear. Charlene was now lying naked and broken on the dead grass. The hideous monsters around her were now circling her and letting out shrill cries of excitement.

  Dennis pinned her arms down, causing fierce pain to rocket up from her broken wrist as he gripped on it. He was able to hold both of her arms with his left hand while he forced her legs apart with his right.

  “PLEASE NO!” Charlene cried out. The fear of her eminent rape was bad enough, but she knew there was more to it than just a sexual assault, that was the thought that made her scream.

  “I wish I didn’t have to rape you, Darling, I really do. Rape is not something in my nature but I think we both know that you would never submit willingly. And plans are already in motion that must be followed.” He thrust his penis into her, tearing at the fleshy walls of her vagina, she screamed in agony and fear and he kept thrusting. He looked down at her with a cold savagery, drool dripped from the corners of his mouth and puddled into the slash wound on her bloodied face.

  “You see, it has always been here.” He said between grunts and thrusts. “My father brought me up in this world with the sole purpose of honoring and serving our Lord. It was a strict upbringing, but as you can clearly see, I am all the better for it.” A thick yellowish-green fluid began to drip out from the corners of his eyes and fell into Charlene’s mouth as she screamed and pleaded for any form of release. Her entire body shook and heaved every time he shoved himself inside of her.

  She began to vomit violently, and since Dennis had her pinned down on her back, she instantly began choking as her gorge slid back down into her throat and cut off her windpipe.

  The feeling of Dennis’ violation was not what one would normally encounter during such a horrid assault. The actual penetration was painful physically and mentally just as any rape would be, but there was more to it than just the terrible feeling of a phallus forced into her. It was moving inside of her in ways no human male sex organ was actually capable of. Slithering around like an angry snake in all directions so violently that it was literally tearing her apart from the inside. Blood and wet slabs of flesh began gushing out from between her legs.

  She attempted to scream, but the thick wad of vomit stuck in her throat made both screaming and breathing impossible. Her face began to turn purple from lack of oxygen, her one good leg kicked violently and she reached up and tried to claw Dennis’ face with her working hand. Her finger nails dug deep into the flesh of his face as she ripped down as hard as she could, the finger nail from her middle finger caught on his cheek bone and bent backwards until it ripped away from her finger and was left sticking out of a four inch long gash down the center of his face.

  Dennis moaned loudly and spit into her gaping eye wound, then he leaned down and continued to force his way inside of Charlene’s ravaged and torn body. He licked Charlene’s wounded eyeball, then stuck his tongue into the eye socket and teased the sliced eyeball with the tip.

  Charlene clawed wildly at Dennis’ face while he tongued her eye socket and rammed himself into her violently.

  As she near the point of passing out from the lack of oxygen, Dennis began to make sick groaning noises as he climaxed and ejaculated inside of Charlene. She felt it squirt up inside of her and with revulsion came a terrible, burning type of pain. She felt as if the semen was eating her away from the inside out, as though he had filled her with a sort of corrosive acid.

  Dennis kicked Charlene with enough force to roll her over onto her front side, which in turn allowed her to finally expel the gorge of vomit upon which she had been choking on until she was nearly dead from asphyxiation.

  “Oh…no! Please God save me! It hurts so bad!” She screamed into the night.

  Her insides felt like they were boiling inside of her, the skin on her stomach began to ripple around stretch as if something were trying to claw its way out of her.

  “You’ve played your role perfectly, Darling.” Dennis whispered in her ear, “I hope you understand that this was not simply about sex. To be perfectly honest, I have transcended far beyond the need for physical, sexual gratification, those fleshy pleasures no longer mean anything for someone like me. It is a rather filthy process when you really think about it. But the seed needed to be planted, and I must admit that you make quite a lush garden.”

  Charlene started dragging herself along the ground with her good arm, leaving a trail of thick, dark blood behind her from the torn flesh between her legs. She cried as tears and snot ran down her bloody face. The wound from the knife slashing was burning with such intensity that her face began to go numb. She spurted out little globules of blood and phlegm with every gasping sob. Her hand touched a large, jagged sliver of wood about ten inches long, she could feel the sharp point on its end. Charlene tucked the sharp splinter of wood in between her left arm and her broken rib cage.

  Dennis reached down and spun her over onto her back. “I know this might be somewhat unpleasant, my sweet thing, but I promise it will all be worth it in the end. My brother was never good enough for you. He was a lecherous fucking parasite, and you, my beautiful queen, are a goddess, and it is through your martyrdom that this filthy, wretched world will be undone. The world that will take its place will come into fruition through the sacred gates of your very own flesh. Your torment will be the death knell for this swamp of feces that humanity has defecated upon this vile Earth. “

  Charlene screamed out in a much higher pitched desperate cry than she had screamed until this very moment. The burring inside her had become beyond unbearable. She began to vomit mouthfuls of blood and what appeared to be chunks of flesh, perhaps the very lining of her stomach or intestines. Her stomach seized and expanded with such a vicious rhythm that the skin on her abdomen began to tear, much like the skin of Clarence Wilkerson had started to tear apart before the thing burst out that foul ooze.

  Dennis smiled down hat her while she squealed and writhed in terrible agony.

  “You see,” he said in an almost flirty voice, “The thing stirring inside of you right now is not what you might think it is. It is not so much a life created by our little tryst, it is something much more important. It is the gateway through which this world will be entered by the ones who have been waiting ever so patiently to bring the new age upon our existence. It is the birth of a new world, and you, my lovely Charlene, are this new world’s mother. You are the most sacred of sacrifices.”

  Charlene’s stomach bulged out and shrank back in on itself as if it were a sort of giant pulse. The skin began to tear apart in places as something inside of her pressed against her insides as if it were trying to tear its way out of her but was not quite strong enough to break through its fleshy cage just yet. She screamed and cursed and flailed around on the dead lawn as the thing inside of her began clawing its way out, only the wounds it tore open did not spill forth blood and shredded intestines as Charlene was expecting it to. Rather, a soft, blue light came shining up from the wounds freshly torn out from her abdominal skin.

  “YES!” Dennis yelled into the savage night, raising his clenched fists into the air, “It
’s finally happening!”

  Charlene gripped the sharp splinter of wood tightly with her good hand.

  She stared directly into Dennis’ blackened eyes, she let one last shudder of repulsion roll through her soul at the sight of his pale, hairless, pruned skin, covered in those thick black veins. She wished she could bury the sharp splinter right into his fucking balls. Make him suffer as most she could before she was finally sent from this world into whatever hell awaited her. But she knew he, or any one of the hulking beasts that were circling her, would take her apart before she could inflict any true injury upon them.

  If there was only a way she could have gotten her hands on the pistol her son had shot her leg apart with, then maybe, but all she had now was this one pointy splinter of wood that she had salvaged from the wreckage of the ranch house. She gripped it as tightly as her battered will allowed and held it up into the air. She brought herself to her knees and pointed it like a spear up towards Dennis’ foul body.

  He smiled down at her and laughed very softly, “Oh my dear, how that fighting spirit flows through you. Even now, with no hope of escape, you stand ready to fight until the very end. Look at what’s happening to you right now. Your place in all this is more important than you could ever imagine. I know, trust me, God told me. Through you, our God’s world will come into this one and all the filth will be wiped clean. Why do you think you’re still alive? If we just killed you then we would not have been able to fulfill the prophecy of our Lord’s procreation through the gateways of flesh. We needed you to suffer, my dear. For that is the beacon that calls the one true Almighty’s will to be sent forth, and you play the most important roll any filthy monkey has ever played in the entire history of this putrid cluster-fuck called humanity.”


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