Becoming the Gateway

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Becoming the Gateway Page 22

by Justin Roberts

  “You are forsaken, you cold, stupid boy. You were never the Messiah.”

  Dennis, was no longer simply afraid, he was absolutely fucking terrified. This could not be happening, he could not accept that his Lord would abandon him. Fear flooded through every fiber of his twisted soul, he began crying uncontrollably.

  “You cry just like little Jacob Giddens.” Charlene said as she began floating through the air in his direction.

  “FATHER!” Dennis howled desperately into the night, “Please don’t leave me, I love you! Please do not allow this to happen to me! I was to be your chosen one!”

  “And you are, only you were never chosen to be the Son, you not are worthy of being the Messiah. Now I am with God and the Lord has but one more use for you.”

  “NO! You can’t be the Messiah! It was me who chose you to…”

  “No more words”, Charlene’s voice echoed through him so hard that Dennis could feel his insides rattle from the sonic force, “You chose nothing. Our Lord Almighty chose me, He knew I was the one to serve at his right hand as his only begotten child, you were made to think it was your choice because it made His grand plan that much easier to bring to fruition. I had no idea myself until I was blessed and brought down to be with God. You may have thought I was dead, but in God’s arms death is what He makes it. Your usefulness has expired and now you will be cast into perdition where for all ages to come, your agony will be the pulsing beacon that brings forth His mighty kingdom…so you see, you are still chosen…rejoice.”

  Dennis began screaming, not in the solemn cries of despair he had been balling from the pain of being cast out of his Father’s kingdom, but in screams of terrible pain as the pale flesh all over his body began to bubble like sizzling bacon and started falling down to the dirt beneath where he dangled helplessly in the air by the two massive tentacles that held him. Soon all the skin was gone from his body, the fact that it had slowly been pruning and dying for the last few hours made the skin fall from the flesh that much easier. One might think that such trauma would cause one to pass out or simply die from shock, but Dennis felt everything.

  A hole opened in his torso. Inside was not the blood and organs that should be expected to be found, but instead a vast darkness that blew forth a powerful, freezing cold wind. The gaping hole grew wider and wider until his entire frame was stretch around the still growing hole which would serve as the gateway between worlds. Soon Dennis was no longer even recognizable as a person, his entire skinless body had been torn and stretched into one large circular shape that inexplicably continued to grow outward until it had to be at least twenty or more feet across in each direction, and even though we has morphed in such a manner that there was no rationally possible way he should still be living, his face protruded out from the top of the ring, the only recognizable piece of flesh on the whole circular shaped gateway, and from his face came the most terrible screams possibly ever shout out into this world. The red flesh which lined the large rings dripped torrents of blood, more than a human body could even hold, but still Dennis lived, screaming and screaming as that terrible, freezing wind jetted forth from the portal which his flesh had morphed around.

  “All these years,” Charlene said in that ever powerful voice, “You thought all your sacrifices and placations were so that you could be groomed into becoming the new Messiah, when in reality this whole time you merely becoming the gateway. The suffering you caused gave our Lord the strength to begin the Grand Entrance, and now it shall be through your own suffering that our Lord shall reign eternal upon this wretched world. From the deepest blackness of the Final Gateway, his will shall be done. Welcome to your one true purpose, Dennis…welcome to damnation.”

  The face that stood atop the gateway kept screaming, as it was cursed to remain until the end of time. Charlene turned and floated away from Dennis, toward her children. The creatures that were once Bradley and Alyssa came to her and made soft chirping-purring noises as they embraced her. The Bethie creature joined them, caressing Charlene’s ethereally flowing hair with its blade tipped appendage. The Clarence creature looked over at them from across the yard with sad, pale eyes, Charlene held her hand out to him, “Come, my sweet Clarence, you are with your true family now.”

  The Clarence thing shuffled over to the group and was welcomed by the strange embrace of his fellow abominations as they all stood in awe of their new mother, their new Messiah. She gently rubbed her ivory white hand on the old man turned beast’s head with all the tenderness she had shown her human children in their past life.

  “Now come,” She said to her children as she began floating away from the yard, toward the dirt road that led forth from the property, her faithful brood quickly and obediently followed alongside her.

  Behind them, from within the deepest blackness of the cold abyss on the other side of the screaming portal that had been Dennis Henderson moments earlier, things began to stir, sounds of terrible shrieks and growls came calling up from the blackness. Shapes began to become visible as the things from the Lord’s Kingdom began to make their way toward the Final Gateway, the Grand Entrance had begun. Those terrible, hungry things, of which could most accurately be described as nothing less than pure malevolence in the flesh, were clawing their way forth from that infinite void of emptiness and would soon join Charlene and her pack of abominations. Their shrieks and howls roared with all the furiously vengeful torment of eons in waiting. They were finally going make their entrance on to this new plane where they were ever so eager to follow their chosen master faithfully as they spread the new God’s will upon the Earth.

  Charlene did not look back, only forward into the night. The stars shined fiercely above them and off in the distance the sound of animals snarling and birds and insects swarming echoed through the night. The sound of a large goat bleating loud enough to be compared more with a lion than a goat stood out amongst the chaos. All sorts of animals could soon be heard crying out into the late summer night, entire packs of coyotes must have joined together because the yipping and howling they were letting out in their cries had to put their numbers into the dozens, perhaps even hundreds. Soon the distant howl of a pack of wolves tore into the air, they must have traveled many days to come this far south. Charlene knew that the call of the wolves signaled the trumpets of war, for they were the knights of the spirits of this realm. She knew that the enemies of her tribe awaited, gathering their forces in preparation to fight off this invasion into their realm, but she also knew that the power that her great Lord had bestowed upon her during her rebirth would make her near unstoppable. The spirits of the Earth stood ready outside the invisible walls which separated the opposing forces, but darkness from beyond The Final Gateway had waited long enough and these walls would soon fall.

  Charlene marched ahead with her new tribe. The night was fierce…and they had a world to win.





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