0597092001436358459 eveline vine

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0597092001436358459 eveline vine Page 32

by Unknown

  Chloe turned wide, innocent eyes to me, “Don’t you go to watch Stone?”

  I tried not to glare as I shook my head. You already know, you horrible cow. Stop rubbing it in.

  Chloe tutted at me and shook her head. “I always support my boyfriends,” she cooed, “I went to all Stone’s practices and performances and when I dated the Rugby captain at high school I went to all his games.”

  She grinned and tossed her hair over her shoulder, “Jack liked to get a kiss before and after each of his fights as well. He said I was his Lady Luck.”

  How sweet. Does he backhand all his lucky charms?

  “What are you wearing to the ball this weekend?” Briar interjected, changing the subject. Chloe preened and started babbling about how she’d had to decide between two designers who’d wanted to clothe her.

  I tried to zone out, to block out the annoying sound of her voice as I picked at my meal. It was no use though.

  “Oh and my modelling agent is so happy that I only have another year of dance and acting study left. He’s eager to try me out in commercials and maybe even a soap opera like my father. I did have a small roll as a child, but I’m hoping to make it big.”

  Great, just what Chloe needed - a bigger head.

  Chloe sighed and pouted a little, “My Daddy wanted me to study something academic like Maths or Science, but my teachers said that I was much more suited to the entertainment industry.”

  I snorted. Yeah, because you’re a thick-headed, big-breasted blonde who thinks the sun shines out her ass.

  There was silence around the table.

  I looked up to find everyone staring at me with their mouths open.

  Oh fuck!

  My head snapped towards Stone, my eyes growing large with dread as I stared up at him with parted lips.

  Did I say that out loud?

  Stone burst out laughing, making everyone in the huge dining hall jump and turn to stare at him. Mouths dropped even further around the table as Stone flung an arm around me and pressed a kiss to my still-slack lips. I started to blush, realising that everyone was still staring at us, startled both by my outspokenness and Stone’s laugh. It was probably the first time many people had ever heard either.

  Chloe looked back and forth between us a few times, before pushing back from her seat and marching off in a huff. I instantly felt guilty for saying something so mean to her, but Stone caught my lips in another kiss and lifted me from my chair, heading towards the stairs.

  I forgot all about Chloe…

  And remembered what was to come next…


  Throughout my research yesterday, as well as my conversation with Charlie, one particular realm of kink popped up more than others.


  Just the letters gave me the shivers.

  It seemed, therefore, that BDSM was probably the best place to start for a kinkier me. Don’t get me wrong, the whips can stay the hell out of my sex life, as well as most the other implements involved in S and M. Bondage, I could handle…mild bondage that is. The rope shit just looked damn uncomfortable and scary. Rope burns on my nether regions? No thank you. Discipline? Yeah, if I had to, I could probably handle being spanked…maybe even paddled.

  I stopped short in the doorway to my bedroom and blushed. I shouldn’t be psyching myself out.

  I’d decided to try something mild for this first step, though by utilising Charlie’s advice it should still be an erotic thrill ride.

  Getting Stone to agree to it was another thing entirely…

  You see, as much as being held down by Stone turned me on…I wasn’t quite ready to let him shackle me to the bed and take full control of my body. I’ve said it before - I’ve got control issues. I can thank Ben for that.

  No, instead, I was going to tie Stone down…that is, if he let me.

  Stone stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face me, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at me, a smile hiding behind his watchful expression as he waited. I swallowed nervously and tried to remember all the tips Charlie had given me in getting a big, stubborn man to do your bidding. I couldn’t think of any. Well, any that I thought I could pull off right now…

  Make him your love slave, Eve, I heard my sister’s husky, amused voice in my head, bring the big man to his knees!

  I snorted. Yeah, that was likely…

  I took a deep breath and decided to be direct. I walked to the bedside table and retrieved two sets of solid handcuffs. “Lie down on the bed,” I said softly, dangling the cuffs from one finger.

  He looked from the cuffs to my face and he stood a little straighter, his eyes narrowing. Fuck no, they growled at me.

  Please Grant, I pleaded with my eyes.

  His lids slid closed and he made an indefinable noise in the back of his throat, before he grudgingly shucked his shirt and lay down on my bed, holding his wrists above his head and causing his muscles to ripple.

  Holy shit!

  I dropped the cuffs, my jaw slackening slightly as well. I blushed and surreptitiously checked I wasn’t drooling as I hastily picked up the cuffs and moved to straddle his body. He watched my face steadily, unnervingly, as I quickly fastened the handcuffs around his thick wrists and attached them to the runs of the headboard. I hesitated. This had been too easy. I eyed him mistrustfully for a few moments, before moving off him and walking towards the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” he demanded from behind me.

  I fought a grin and took another fortifying breath as, back still facing him, I pulled my top over my head and kept walking slowly away. I looked back over my shoulder at him with what I hoped was an innocent expression.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” I said softly, hooking my fingers in the waistband of my stretchy skirt as I turned to face him and walked backwards. His eyes, though thoroughly annoyed, fixed on my barely covered breasts, before travelling down my abdomen to my waistband. I pushed the fabric down my legs and stepped out of them with a surprising amount of co-ordination and grace. I bit back a grin as Stone gave a small tug on his restraints and his eyes blazed back to mine.

  You’re leaving me here? They demanded crossly, but I could tell he was still aroused.

  Yes - I couldn’t help but answer the silent question. I bit my lip to hide a triumphant grin as I reached the bathroom door and turned to show him my g-string.

  “I’m feeling dirty,” I purred, then shot him a small wink to let him know it was part of the larger game. His arms relaxed fractionally, but he still glared, his eyes promising that turnaround was fair play.

  I quickly stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, leaning back against it heavily and quietly gasping for breath. My body was thrumming with excitement and anticipation and I was counting on Stone having the same delicious problem. I made my way to the shower and ditched the tiny panties, turning the hot water on and deliberately moaning louder than usual as the spray hit my back. I grinned as I heard the bed groan and Stone’s loud exhalation of frustration. This kinky stuff was actually fun!

  I didn’t linger in the shower very long – Stone wasn’t known for his patience. I thoroughly dried my skin and then moisturised, making my skin baby-soft. I glanced at the stack of lingerie I’d stashed there earlier and hesitated several moments.

  “Evelyn,” Stone growled in warning from the other room, obviously annoyed I hadn’t immediately gone to him after my shower.

  “Just getting dressed,” I teased through the door and heard another frustrated growl.

  “Why?!” he demanded, as if getting dressed was a crime. I didn’t bother answering.

  His obvious need gave me the confidence to select the raciest outfit. With a nervous, excited giggle, I struggled into the black, lace corset and fiddled with baby-pink ties on its front. Next, came the matching g-string, tied at both sides by pink ribbon and covered by a black lace suspender skirt. I eagerly pulled on black, thigh-high stockings, securing the suspenders to the black lace tops. I sh
oved my feet into lethal-looking black stilettos and let my hair loose. There was no time for makeup, so I simply fluffed up my breasts, gave my hips a warm-up wiggle and threw open the door, strutting into the room as if I had not a care in the world…

  Inside, I was shaking. And I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at him.

  I ignored the strangled, wheezing sound that Stone made and nervously lit candles around the room. I turned off the light and moved to the CD player next to my bed. I pushed play on a sex tunes album Candy had given me and finally dared a glance down at Stone.

  I froze.

  Every muscle in his body was drawn tight and he had a steel grip on his hand cuffs, his chest moving in slow, but huge heaves. His gaze, previously on my body, caught mine. I held my breath, swallowing nervously, my mind blanking.

  I was damn lucky he was tied. Something told me I’d flipped a switch. I’d already made Stone wild and I hadn’t even started yet! I suddenly worried if what I had planned was such a good idea after all…

  I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin – I wasn’t backing down now. If Stone liked kinky…then I’d bloody well give it to him!

  After all…I hadn’t skipped two days of lectures for nothing!

  I straddled his legs and looked down at him, taking in the way the soft light from the candles danced over his skin, giving the tan ripples of muscle a warm glow. A bead of sweat dripped down his abs and I instinctively bent and lapped it up with my tongue. The muscles flexed beneath my mouth, but he didn’t make any noise. I sat back up and my eyes met his as I slipped the button of his jeans free. He looked dangerous, like a lion trapped behind bars, waiting to pounce on his captor as soon as he was freed.

  I grinned at him cheekily and slowly drew his zipper down, before sliding back off the bed and tugging his jeans to his feet. I walked to my desk and picked up a strip of cloth, dangling it from my fingers as I walked back to the bed. He glared at me as I reached for his head, but I simply smiled as I blindfolded him and stepped away.

  According to my research, his sense of touch, smell and sound should be extra heightened now that he couldn’t see. Feeling the dampness between my thighs, I giggled and untied the ribbons holding my g-string in place. I let him hear me drag a table over to the bed, uncovering my tools of torture I’d placed there earlier. His lips firmed and I knew he was both loving and hating the anticipation of the unknown. His cock still stood upright in his underwear, letting me know he was still aroused.

  I straddled his hips again, letting my ass brush against the thick hard-on behind me. He thrust against me and I let him, yet ignored the silent request for more as I leaned forward and dangled my panties over his face, letting the lace lightly travel over his hard features in a caress.

  “What’s that?” he demanded, his deep voice sounding ragged as the lace passed his nose.

  “Guess,” I whispered.

  “Lace,” he snapped quickly, his arms testing the restraints carefully.

  “Hmmm,” I agreed, “But where from?”

  I let the fabric pass his nose again and he inhaled deeply.

  “Fuck,” he growled under his breath and I moved forward onto his stomach so he could feel me, skin to skin. So that he’d know that the g-string was the only item I’d removed.

  He tugged more forcefully at the metal, but took a deep breath and stilled. I check his restraints worriedly, making sure they weren’t hurting him too badly. His wrists were a little red from his struggles, so I soothed the area around it with my tongue, pressing light kisses over his forearms as my lace-covered breasts brushed over his face and my stockinged thighs rubbed against his torso. His fingers tried to slide in my hair, but I alluded them, sliding back down his body, letting the fabric of my lingerie scrape against him roughly, even as my mouth and hands soothed the light burn.

  “Stop teasing,” Stone growled as my thigh pressed against his erection for a moment, then moved away.

  I chuckled and shook my head against his chest, letting my hair tickle him. “I haven’t even started,” I whispered.

  His growl was louder this time, “You’re going to get burned Evelyn…”

  I grinned. He was right. I was playing with fire…and I loved it. My confidence jumped another notch, so I grabbed my first torture device from the table. A long, blue feather.

  I started at his arms, lightly tickling my way from his hands to his elbow and then slowly zig-zagging my way down to his armpit. Stone tried to tug his arm out of the way, his body twitching all the way down to his flexed toes. I moved the feather to his neck and then down his chest, tickling ever so slowly and delighting in the goose bumps that started to appear on his skin. The feather tickled the sensitive flesh at his side and he tried to flip me off with his hips. I pinned them down and slapped his stomach, the smart sting echoing between us as his body jerked from the sudden, sharp change in sensation.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, even though I knew I hadn’t hurt him. I bent and trailed soft kisses over the red mark, swirling my tongue over it as lightly as possible and giving him a new set of tingles to endure.

  I decided to skip his legs, knowing that trailing the feather over them would be too much for him. Instead, I used my lips in soft pecks, letting the lace brush against him, as well as my hair, as I kissed from the bottom of his underwear to his left knee, and then back up his thigh as I teased his calf with the fingers of one hand. I repeated the procedure on the other side, revelling in the hard feel of his leg muscles – muscles I’d never taken the opportunity to fully explore before. Unbelievably, I grew wetter, the scent probably travelling all the way up to Stone, who was breathing deeply and visibly trying to relax.

  I crawled back up his body and examined the items on the table. I decided to skip them, most of them much kinkier than I was planning to get. I cleared space on the table and then left the bed, causing Stone to try to sit up. His head turned to follow the sound of my footsteps in frustration, so I quickly started the preparations for stage two.

  I turned the tap, filling the kettle and making Stone jump a little, then twitch as he heard the kettle start to boil.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded.

  “Making myself a snack,” I said with a giggle.

  He paused for a few heart beats and then growled, “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Not yet,” I called back.

  He muttered a few choice words beneath his breath, but fixed his attention on kicking his jeans off from around his ankles. The kettle clicked off, so I finished my preparations and moved them to beside the bed. Stone’s nostrils flared as he took in the scents and I hastened to grab an ice-tray from the freezer section of my mini-fridge. I popped them into a bowl, smothering a laugh as Stone’s head jerked and swung around at the noise.

  “Worried?” I whispered as I moved back to the bed. His lip twitched at one corner in a half-smile and he shook his head.

  “Liar,” I chuckled.

  His smile grew bigger, “Maybe a little.”


  I picked up an ice-cube and gave it a quick suck so that it wouldn’t stick to his skin. Starting at his face, I trailed it down the strong ridge of his nose and across his cheek bone, loving the sharp draw of breath he took. He groaned, his face contorting a little as if anticipating just how mean I was going to get with the ice and the hot chocolate he could probably smell. I drew the cube over his lips and he took me by surprise, opening his mouth and stealing the cube, crunching it between his teeth with a smug smile.

  My eyes narrowed and I pressed my lips to his, kissing him deeply as he groaned and stealing back the fragments of ice with my tongue. I skipped his neck and latched onto his nipple in punishment, hearing him cry out as I pushed ice over the taut, pink-brown flesh and sucked at it with my cool lips.

  Stone’s back arched a little and I felt his thighs tense beneath me, as if ready to toss me off. I pulled back smugly and reached for another cube, going back to his neck and continuing my slow tease dow
n his body. When I reached the waist band of his underwear, I let the last slither of ice drip down and inside. He hissed and bucked a little, so I quickly tugged the boxer-briefs down and grabbed another cube.

  He stilled. Not even his chest moved – he didn’t seem to be breathing as I loudly crunched an ice cube between my teeth. His dick jerked, but everything else stayed completely still as he waited. My stomach danced with excitement as I lowered my head and licked up the underside of his cock.

  He gasped a lung-full of air and his entire body jerked. I took his thick, leaking head in my mouth and slowly swirled the crushed ice.

  “Fuck!” he exclaimed on a mere whisper of a breath.

  I took more, played more, letting his long, hard erection become slick and cool with the combination of my saliva, the melted ice, and his pre-ejaculate. When the ice-cube had completely melted, I took a big sip of my hot-chocolate, swallowing a little, and then swirling the rest of it around my mouth, warming my lips and tongue. I swallowed again and took a fresh sip, keeping the warm – but not hot- liquid in my mouth as I carefully sealed my lips over him and took him as deep as I could go.


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