The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning

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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning Page 12

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “It was last evening,” she said finally. “He invaded my thoughts when I was with King.”

  “He what?!” Archer shouted, rising to his feet. “And you were with King doing what exactly?”

  Aklia closed her eyes, while Eve shook her head. Congo looked away as Sanaya continued. “We were in my room just chillin’ and vibin’ after I told the team that Aklia was talking about moving us…”

  Sanaya swallowed thickly as embarrassment flooded her system. “King was in my head, I was in his and that is when Cain decided to pop up like he has rights to the inside of my head. I told him to go away which pissed him off. King tried to step in between us…Cain then actually had the nerve to threaten King and that’s when I snapped. I’m not sure exactly what else happened afterwards because…something else inside me took over…”

  “What do you mean something else took over?” Archer asked summoning calm.

  “I mean what I said: something else took over. It was almost like I felt the energy of another presence inside of me…something powerful. Whatever it was, it was enough to make Cain back off and I have not heard a word from him since.”

  The three Guardians and the head Council member shared worried glances. Sanaya closed her eyes, silently praying that somehow, someday everything would simply work out just fine.

  “So what should we do?” Congo asked, his gaze going from Archer to Aklia.

  “She comes with us,” Aklia said. “At least for now.”

  “I told you Slayer,” Archer growled. “She. Stays. Here.”

  “Head Guardian,” Aklia warned slowly. “Let’s not make this anymore difficult than it should be. She will come with me for healing. We do not have time for her body to run the natural course of Slayer healing. Yes in a few days, her body will have repaired itself as if no damage was ever inflicted. But right now, I am sensing that we don’t even have a few days. She will have completed the last phase of her maturity by the time I am done healing her. Besides, can’t you feel it Archer? As her Primary Guardian, can you not sense that there is something different about your charge?”

  Eve placed a gentle hand on Archer’s shoulder, encouraging him to remain calm. “As her Guardian, Archer, we have to do what is best for her.”

  “In her absence,” Aklia announced. “I will send every available Council member at my disposal to guard over your students and staff. And-“

  “But what about her team?” Eve interjected. “It is obvious that those young Guardians are her chosen to guard her. You just can’t take her away, boost her abilities and skills and then send her back. They will never be able to keep up with her!”

  “Eve has a point,” Congo added. “Plus, it has become clear that her mate, King-they need each other. And right now, she probably needs him more than ever. He is possibly the only one who can stand between her and Cain until she is ready to face off with him on her own.”

  Aklia sighed. “Times are indeed different. Fine. Gather them together and I will send Natasha and Sheba here to escort them to our realm.”

  “So I don’t have a say so in this?” Archer grumbled. “Last I checked-“

  “It is what is best for now. You are and will always be her Primary Guardian Archer,” Aklia informed him calmly. “You two share a link that is unbreakable. No Guardian or Council member will ever be able to replace it.” Returning her attention to Sanaya, Aklia continued, “I must be going young Slayer. Rest well. As for the rest of you, prepare for the worst. When the time is right, I will return Sanaya and her team to The Academy.” Without another word, Aklia turned and entered into a portal of soft purple light that led directly to Council chambers.

  “Well, I guess that’s it kid,” Archer said shaking his head. “The Council has spoken. But before she whisks you away, you and I have to conduct a broadcast to the surviving Guardian teams around the world…”

  Sanaya’s eyes widen. “Why?”

  “Because you are the last stand between them still fighting or walking away. They want to see you…Aklia picked a fine time to want to relocate you.” Archer ran a palm over his shaved head. “So get some rest. You are going to need it.”


  Chapter Twenty-One

  Daemon did not think for one minute that his life was not on the line the moment The Beast left. He was more than certain that The Beast was headed straight for his lair to strike a deal with Annalia before healing her. There would be no more returning to his favorite place of residence. Selene would be safe for now strictly because she is Cain’s heir and the only vampire female available that can reproduce – at least, as far as he knew. Petronius and Alex made it clear during the meeting that they wanted nothing to do with him, which was fine. But the game was not over yet. Annalia was just one of the remaining Four that he could connect with…Time was however of essence.

  He needed to bring The Beast an offer that he would not be able to refuse: information; Cain on a silver platter…and then an idea struck him. The Beast said he wanted an environment suitable enough to bring his heir into the world. Corruption, loss of hope, cries for salvation, pain and disease…yes, he can create a world just perfect for a son or daughter of The Beast. A world full of darkness. A dawn of eternal night.

  Closing his eyes, he materialized into the night as a bat, embracing the warm air underneath his wings. He needed to feed and tonight, he would feed well. Taking flight high above the city, he surveyed the scene for a while before choosing to land just on the outskirts of Manhattan in the twisted shadows of an alley nearest a bus stop. A woman in her mid thirties stood alone underneath the dim light of the street lamp, tapping her foot against the pavement.

  Ahh yes, he thought as he materialized into his human form. She will do.

  He smiled as he approached, pleased with the fact that she would never hear or see him coming. Strawberry blonde hair hanging loosely past her shoulders; a black pack on her shoulder, and her black and white uniform from her job as a waitress clung to her thin body. Her scent carried multiple scents of the humans she served. He waited for her to once more look down the dark street hoping to see the taillights of the bus before springing from his dark corner in the shadows. He moved with lightning speed, snatching her by the back of her neck, muffling her scream with his palm. With a single deft move, he yanked her neck back, sinking his fangs deep into her throat. He tore through muscle, puncturing her arteries while she struggled against his grip.

  Dragging her deeper into the shadows, he vaguely caught the presence of an entity much darker and older than himself. His victim’s blood gushed from the wound like a fountain, and he greedily drank, taking in deeper pulls, long after her heart came to an abrupt halt.

  “I see why the vampire nation is in the present state that it is in,” came a deep menacing voice from behind.

  Daemon instantly tossed the victim’s body to the side and spun around to face the intruder. “Who is there?” Daemon demanded with fangs fully extended, and his already large build bulking for battle.

  From out of the ethers of darkness emerged a male with eyes as black as the abyss, bronze skin and dreadlocks that had grown to the center of his back. Dressed in a black suit, he coolly approached Daemon, taking a napkin from his jacket pocket and calmly wiping the blood that dripped from Daemon’s chin.

  “I hear you have been looking for me,” the entity mused. “Well here I am. In the flesh…son.”

  Sudden realization slammed into Daemon as he stared into the dark eyes of the Father of All Vampires. For the first time in his three thousand year existence, a combination of pure awe and terror infiltrated his senses. Materializing his own handkerchief, Daemon coolly began to wipe the blood and tissue from his own mouth, taking the time to put together a new plan.

  “I have,” Daemon replied finally as he tossed the bloodied handkerchief onto the pavement.

  Cain chuckled. “Bold of you to admit that. You obviously are a vampire who loves to strike deals. Right?”

  “I am a man who love
s a good bargain,” Daemon said calmly.

  “Good,” Cain growled. “Because you work for me now, and I have something I want you to do…”

  Daemon fought hard to maintain a cool exterior. Swallowing thickly, he said, “And what exactly is that?”

  “Come with me,” Cain said with a grin. “And I will show you.”


  This time when Sanaya woke up, the torturous pain that threatened to strip away her sanity was reduced to a dull ache in the side of her neck where she’d been bitten. The nausea was still present followed by extreme fatigue, that left her feeling like her arms and legs had anvils strapped to them. But she wanted a shower, and then some food. Archer and the other senior Guardians were gone. Aklia had long since returned to the Council realms. And she was certain that her friends were all in class by now.

  She took her time raising herself off the bed. Pressing her elbows against the thin mattress she pushed herself forward only to instantly be knocked down with sudden vertigo.

  “This is ridiculous,” she mumbled placing her arm across her face.

  After a few minutes of mentally preparing herself for whatever might happen, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, and again had to fight through the overwhelming dizziness and loss of depth perception. She then took her time swinging one foot over the bed followed by the other. After a minute, with one quick shove, she was up on her feet.

  Finally, she thought to herself. On shaky feet she wobbled to the bathroom, which happened to be just a few feet away from the bed. Praying that she would not topple off the toilet, she thanked the heavens that she was at least able to empty her bladder without incident. Taking a shower may be a bit of a challenge.

  When I see that bitch again, Sanaya fumed to herself. I am going to gut her like a pig.

  Reaching across the white tiled flooring of the shower stall for the nozzle there was a hard rap at the door. Despite still feeling a little cloudy, Sanaya could sense who the knock belonged to and her heart almost leaped out of her chest.

  “Come in!” She shouted from the bathroom.

  The door swung open and in came King accompanied by none other than Maya and Danny.

  “Hey guys!” Sanaya greeted, clutching the back of her hospital gown to make sure she did not have a wardrobe malfunction.

  “Oh my GOD girl you had us all scared!” Maya screamed as she knocked King out of the way and barreled into Sanaya’s arms. “Seriously!”

  “I thought that was it for me too,” Sanaya admitted when her friend finally released her.

  “Don’t you ever do that to me again!” Maya fussed.

  King calmly approached Sanaya and carefully took her in his arms and held her. “‘Naya…you had us all ready to go to war…”

  “Man seriously,” Danny added, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ve witnessed some nasty vamp attacks before, but damn…you are one super bad ass chick Sanaya. That’s all I can say.”

  “Boo, when you went down the entire team went nuts,” King told her as she gently pulled away to face him.

  “Yeah man,” Danny added. “We went for broke. That vampire tramp didn’t know what hit her.”

  “The Council Slayers played no games ‘Naya,” Maya chimed in. “They were awesome.”

  “Archer, man! He busted out with some Thai Kwon Do moves on homegirl,” King said with awe. “It didn’t matter that he ain’t fully healed yet. Both he and the leader of The Council whooped on the ol’ girl. Archer is strong as shit. Much respect to your Guardian, boo.”

  “But your best friend,” Danny said with a grin, his focus now solely on Maya, “she summoned every demon from Hell. There was no stopping it. When that vampire chick got snatched away at the last minute by some other vamp, Maya sent every demon she could after them-“

  “Man ‘Naya you gon’ have to do something about your friend,” King teased, despite his look of concern. “That is some scary shit right there.”

  “Oh stop it King,” Maya fussed. “It wasn’t that bad…I ended up blacking out soon afterwards anyways.”

  “But still baby,” Danny continued. “The point is you were amazing.”

  “Until those demons made a goddamn U-turn after she blacked out,” King pointed out, fighting the grin that was threatening his cool demeanor. “Then we had bigger problems to deal with.”

  “I’m sorry-“

  “Bullet zipping all over the place in confusion…Congo damn near blew up the Sistine Chapel going after some of those demons…Lois and Maria struggling to get to Eve who was almost dragged down to the pits of Hell…Seriously Maya, you need some help with controlling those powers of yours,” King said shaking his head.

  Just as Danny opened his mouth to defend his woman, Sanaya could not hold it in any longer. Picturing the Guardians running, cursing in total confusion behind Maya’s unstable powers was too much. Yes, she still ached all over. Yes, she was dizzy. And yes, she still felt like puking her guts out once again, but the humor was too much. Sanaya gripped the sides of her waist and laughed. She struggled to contain herself as her best friend, Danny and King looked at her with concern, but once she caught a glance at Maya’s blank stare it was a wrap. Danny and King found themselves chuckling right along with her until Maya could no longer deny the humor and joined in on the laughter.

  The four laughed until Sanaya had to lie back down on the bed from exhaustion. Her shower would just have to wait.

  “Oh my God you guys,” Sanaya said wiping a tear. “I really needed that.”

  “Well I am glad that my disasters amuse you,” Maya said, smiling.

  “Just picturing the Guardians running around in chaos…” Sanaya giggled. “Really made my day.”

  “So,” Maya began. “When are they letting you out of here? Professor Grizoni is worried about you.”

  “Well, see about that,” Sanaya said. “I -we- might be leaving soon. Aklia won the battle against Archer and-“

  “Are you serious? Where is she taking us?” Maya quizzed. “I mean, I’m down to blow this joint. I’ve been wanting to get out of here forever.”

  “I think The Council realms first,” Sanaya said. “After that, I don’t know. At first she was talking about the Bermuda Triangle. But after everything that went down, who knows.”

  The group’s conversation was cut short when, in came Lois carrying a pink duffel bag and Congo.

  “Hey guys,” Lois chirped. “No surprise seeing the three of you in here.”

  Congo laughed. “Especially you two,” he said, pointing to King and Maya.

  “Sanaya, Archer wants you to get dressed. I know you are not exactly at one hundred percent just yet so if you need some help, please let me know,” Lois continued.

  “And the three of you need to get out of here and get ready for training,” Congo instructed. “You all just witnessed what we are up against now and there is no time for fun and games.”

  King, Danny and Maya groaned.

  “Well you’ve seen her. Now let’s move shall we?” Congo ordered sternly, his attention focused on Maya.

  With a huff, Maya tossed her thick braid over her shoulder and hugged Sanaya before hopping off the bed. “See ya girly,” she said sadly.

  “Now to go have our asses voluntarily kicked,” Danny grumbled, walking out of the room. “Later Sanaya!”

  “Bye you guys!” Sanaya croaked. King cautiously approached her bed and gave a quick peck on the cheek.

  “See you later baby,” He told her. His eyes met hers and upon connecting, her mind opened to his, whispering I love you.

  I love you too, King shot back to her mentally as he turned to leave.

  Lois waited until King, Danny and Maya were gone before speaking. “Archer wants you dressed and ready to go in an hour. He is about to do a worldwide broadcast to the Guardian Network. Plus, we have a couple of teams that have arrived that are anxious to meet you.”

  Now it was Sanaya’s turn to groan. “Not without my team.”

bsp; “You are going to have to take that up with Archer sweetheart,” Congo added.

  “Again,” Sanaya said more firmly. “Not without my team.”

  Congo and Lois shared an uneasy glance. “Shower first,” Lois told her. “And then we will talk.”

  Sanaya sighed. “Fine.” Pushing herself off the bed, Lois went to cut the shower water on for her before handing her the duffle bag.

  “Holler if you need me,” Lois told her just as Sanaya closed the door behind her.

  This was going to be an exceptionally long night.

  Chapter Twenty -Two

  Selene watched from high above the skyline, on the top of a hundred-stories building overlooking upstate New York. She tossed a stray lock of hair over her shoulder as she embraced the chill of the night air. The Beast had played her, and she regretted allowing her desire to carry a child cloud her judgment. Now, she must appease The Beast with an ultimate gift: her father. She already betrayed him once, and lived to regret it. And here she is once again, prepared to do it a second time.

  Her army of Dark Guardians was out in the streets feeding, sending the local law enforcement agencies into a world of confusion. Bodies were dropping everywhere, disappearing from morgues and answering her calls. In a few days, it would become an almost epidemic and the world would be hers for the taking. She would also help with the installation of a few players in the political arena to help push her dark agenda. The vampire nation would rise once again with her at the head of the throne, and while the beings in the higher realms were too distracted with trying to save what was left of mankind from total destruction, her dark heir would be born.

  Smiling at the thought, she heard the terrified screams of another victim off in the distance, followed by several rounds of gun shots. More Guardians. Or at least what was left of them. Another dark thought ran through her when she felt the presence of an entity she secretly hoped The Beast would have left as ash at the conclusion of their meeting.


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