The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning

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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Reckoning Page 17

by Delizhia Jenkins

  Sanaya was in the wind. She took off at full speed, leaving her team and Aklia behind her, running head first into battle. White hot rage coursed through her veins as she leveled her sword, decapitating the head of a vampire who held a struggling Guardian in her grip.

  Sanaya never looked back.

  She met another vampire, a six foot two male with spiked hair and a nasty scar that ran along the side of his cheek as he materialized from the shadows in front of her. Her sword glistened under the low light of the street lamps. Taking position, she gripped her sword and faced off with the threat. He smiled, revealing a set of powerful fangs, dripping in fresh blood.

  That was all she needed.

  She became motion; a fluid, blurred vision of precision as she went airborne. She landed on her feet with the mastery of a feline while the vampire’s head hit the ground as ash.

  Archer would have been proud.

  From the corner of her eye she witnessed two Guardians hit a group of vampires materializing underneath the signing of a nearby convenience store with a C4 blast laced with silver nitrate. Their screams were silenced by the explosion of ash. She could sense Maya and King at her back, running to catch up. King did a backflip out of the reach of a hungry vamp that had attempted a sneak attack. Maya opened fire at a vamp that materialized from out of thin air, joining in on the attack.

  She rounded the corner, picking up the strong energy trail of something ancient in the shadowy alley just out of reach from the ongoing battle. Broken windows hung overhead, while shards of glass broke underneath her feet. An old dumpster reeked of mildew and day old trash and a small rodent scurried out of the shadows and onto the street. She slowed her run to a walk, and stood still. Maya, King, Danny and Maria’s heavy footsteps were closing in, and once they arrived, the group took their positions behind her.

  Everyone, Sanaya thought to the team telepathically. Be quiet. We have an old one hiding somewhere in here.

  Sanaya ignored the sounds of her team members’ heartbeats that pulsated almost as loudly as the rapid gunfire in the background. The surrounding darkness thickened. Beads of sweat dripped down her brow. Her skin prickled. And she smelled it...

  ...The faint scent of sulfur and blood, and whoever it was, had just fed and fed well.

  He materialized from the nothingness and stood just a few feet away from Sanaya. The male smiled, exposing chin-length fangs. Dark eyes greeted her along with a gaping neck wound that still oozed black blood.

  “At last we meet,” the vampire wheezed. “I have heard such great things about you, dear Slayer.”

  “Funny,” Sanaya spat. “I haven’t heard anything about you.”

  “They should have never let you out of The Academy,” Alex growled.

  The chime of Sanaya’s blade filled the air, but the shrewd vampire disappeared into mist. The group spread out, with King emptying a clip into the moving shadows. The entity reappeared and threw a dark charge in King’s direction, which Maria deflected with a kinetic force field. In a deft move, Alex attempted to snatch Maya from where she stood nearest the wall, but Sanaya was on him. In a swift move, her foot connected with the entity’s jawline from the side, while Danny hit him with a fireball from the right. Hissing, Alex summoned from the rooftops, an army of bats that pervaded the alley in a massive swarm, confusing the Guardian team. Danny threw fireball after fireball, as King continued to shoot until his clip ran out of bullets.

  Infuriated and desperate for this entity’s demise, Sanaya fought through the swarm of angry, frightened bats and sliced at Alex just as he attempted to dematerialize. The vampire screamed as the acidic burn from the silver coated blade tore through his chest cavity and brought him to his knees. The swarm of bats disappeared as the vampire lost strength. Maya came from behind Sanaya and flung a silver tipped dagger into Alex’s heart then watched as Sanaya decapitated him, leaving nothing but burning ash as evidence of the vampire’s existence.

  Breathing hard, Sanaya looked at her best friend, her eyes beaming with pride and said, “There are still too many to go. He isn’t the one behind this. I think I got a bead on something much stronger than him not too far away. I pray that it is that bitch Selene so that we can put an end on her once and for all.”

  The young Guardian team nodded, and followed Sanaya out of the alley and back out onto the street. They broke up into small groups to assist the other senior Guardians who were still battling what was left of the army of vampires. Sanaya could sense the presence of dawn approaching, which meant if some of these vampires were smart, they would be seeking refuge in whatever darkness they could find until sundown. But the bloodthirst had them in its grip, and they would continue to bleed this city dry until the sun freed them of the curse that left them in the shadows.

  A lone vampire caught her attention near the fountain of Michelangelo. She ripped out the still beating heart of another vampire and watched with smug satisfaction as it turned to ash. Odd.

  Sanaya moved quickly, her blade in hand when the vampire raised both hands in surrender. Sanaya stopped where she stood. A pair of sad brown eyes greeted her. Adinkra symbols hung in her ears. Locks tied above her head. Raw emotions flooded Sanaya’s psyche as the realization dawned her. This was a Guardian!

  “Please,” the Guardian said, as her voice cracked with emotion. “I stand with you Slayer. I have fought vigilantly, even behind the scenes. Allow me to meet the sun as an honorable Guardian.”

  Thick tears flowed down the Guardian’s cheeks as Sanaya fought back her own.

  “Selene is behind this,” the Guardian continued. “She wanted an army of fallen Guardians. She...”

  “Oh my God-” Sanaya covered her mouth to muffle out the Most High’s name as the Guardian fell to her knees and cried out in pain.

  “Please! Do not torment me with his name! I am cursed! Not until I am free, can I say his name,” the Guardian pleaded.

  “Let me help you,” Sanaya whimpered, unsure of what she could do.

  “There is no help for me. I have not fed from humans. Just animals…and still, you can’t help me. Just let me fi-“

  The Guardian’s request ended mid sentence as a hand materialized from the darkness, ripped into her chest cavity from behind and yanked out her heart. The Guardian’s eyes widened with her mouth agape as she instantly melted into ash. Those were the last images Sanaya would forever have buried into her mental rolodex.

  The entity responsible materialized into full form, standing in the center of what was left of the fallen Guardian.

  Emerald green eyes glared back at Sanaya. Instant recognition filled her with rage and Sanaya felt the shift in her spirit as her spirit host too filled with rage.

  Sanaya lunged.

  Cain’s daughter met Sanaya blow for blow when she materialized a black blade into her own hand. All Sanaya could see was red. For every innocent that bled at Selene’s hand, the Millennium Blade chimed.

  For the fallen Guardian—a kick, punch, swipe.

  For The Academy—chime!

  “You can’t defeat me Slayer,” Selene hissed as she landed a blow to Sanaya’s chin, stunning her. She hit Sanaya with several black charges, which Sanaya deflected using her palms.

  Aklia stepped out of a violet opening followed by Natasha, Raya and another former Slayer that happened to be the Queen of Sheba herself. The four women stood behind Sanaya, their own blades drawn.

  “You bitches have been testing me since the day I was born,” Selene growled. “You want to see what I’ve got? Let me show you what I’ve got…”

  Emerald eyes turned blood red. Selene clasped her palms together, extended them and unleashed a concentrated energy blast, the equivalent of a nuclear explosion, knocking Aklia, Sheba, and Natasha backwards.

  “Sanaya!” Aklia called out as she flew backwards. “Summon the Phoenix! She wants out!”

  Sanaya buried her heels into the ground, absorbing the searing heat into her skin. She felt the spirit Guardian shift again, whispering i
nto the depths of her mind, trust me… From her mind’s eye she witnessed it all take place. Maya, Danny, and King were the first to witness the reddish-orange silhouette of a bird overshadow her physical form. For a moment, the fighting came to an end as all wanted to bear witness to the scene taking place. Selene’s eyes widened for a split second as the spirit image of a large bird emerged from Sanaya’s body, unfurled its wings and unleashed its own fury upon her. Selene’s screams filled the city, stopping time and hearts. The spirit entity of her Phoenix blasted Selene again with a concentrated fiery, energy that threatened to implode the vile vampire from the inside out, until there was nothingness. Selene’s screams echoed throughout the city when from out of nowhere Cain appeared with his accomplice Daemon, and snatched Selene from The Phoenix’s grip.

  He sent a weak, dark bolt of energy at The Phoenix, which simply ricocheted and hit him back with it. Injured and severely weakened, Cain held his daughter closely to his chest and disappeared, a second before The Phoenix could send another round of energy in his direction.

  For a moment, the world held its breath as the Phoenix in all of her glory, slowly retreated back into Sanaya. When she was gone, Sanaya stood, transfixed by the rays of the sun. She waited for her spirit Guardian to nestle back in, next to her own spirit and whispered to her, thank you.

  You’re welcome, The Phoenix whispered back.

  She heard the heavy sounds of feet rushing towards her. Warm hands touched her, rubbed her back…inspected her. Her team mates had surrounded her.

  “That was awesome,” Maya whispered with awe.

  “Damn boo,” King said, pulling Sanaya into an embrace. “That is all I can say…”

  “Students, now is not the time for hugs,” Natasha shouted, rising to her feet. “We still have to root out the city. The sun is rising, and whatever is left will be seeking shelter. Selene is gone for now. Let’s go!”

  Sanaya glanced at her friends and offered her hand to the center of their group. Maya laid hers on top of Sanaya’s followed by King, Danny, Troy and Maria. “Let’s go kick some vampire ass!” She declared. The group shouted before they retreated back into the middle of the city to join the other Guardians in another epic battle that was one indeed for the history books.

  Chapter Thirty- Two

  One hundred and fifty turned Guardians had returned to ash by the time the sun positioned itself high into the sky. Aklia, Natasha and Sheba led the Guardian teams throughout the city rooting out any remaining vampires that struggled to seek refuge in the shadowy underworld including cemeteries, and abandoned buildings. Seventy five out of the one hundred Guardians, who had fought bravely against the attacks, now congregated in the St. Augustine chapel. Some leaned on each other for support, while others who were surrounding Sanaya and her team offered up hugs and warm pats on the back. Archer finally arrived with vans of medical support, and food while Aklia stood next to Sanaya and King, who silently observed everything taking place. She was the first to approach Archer, and instead of meeting a hard scowl from Sanaya’s primary Guardian, he offered her a welcoming hand shake.

  “She can’t go back to The Academy,” Archer began. “At least for now.”

  “I know…we have prepared for the Guardian team on the other side of the world, for Sanaya and her team’s arrival. Cain rescued Selene at the last minute though,” Aklia informed him.

  Archer sighed. “That means that the deal between the two is over, and now this officially means war.”

  “Indeed,” Aklia nodded. “The Guardian team in San Cristobal, Mexico anxiously awaits her.”

  Archer nodded. “We will assist you in the evacuation of The Academy before you join her there. Cain will more than likely spend the next few weeks attempting to heal his critically mutilated daughter from the curse of The Phoenix, though I doubt Selene will survive in the long run.”

  “That is some powerful stuff our girl has flowing in her veins,” Archer said, taking note of Sanaya as she looked at him and smiled.

  “It is. You have done an excellent job training her. She is only going to get stronger from here on out.”

  Archer nodded, and approached Sanaya and pulled her into a tight hug. “Kiddo,” he began. “You and your pals gotta go for a while. It is no longer safe for you and the rest of the students.”

  “I know…Cain,” Sanaya said softly. “Are you going to be okay, Archer?”

  “You know I am. I will join you guys later on once The Academy is emptied out. In the mean time, remember everything that I taught you. Got it?”

  Sanaya nodded, and hugged her primary Guardian once more.

  Archer turned to face King before pulling him into an embrace. “Take care of her,” he told him. “Otherwise I will personally –“

  “Kick my ass,” King said with a slight grin.

  “Good. You are learning…and Maya?”

  “Yes?” Maya asked as she turned away from Danny.

  Archer frowned. “Stay out of trouble...seriously. I have been meaning to have a conversation with you and fire boy too-“

  “Dang Archer! You ain’t gotta say all that!”

  The group erupted with laughter. Even the ancient huntresses tilted their heads back with laughter until Aklia decided it was time for them to go. She opened a violet portal and stood by as the senior Guardians looked on with curiosity.

  “Come on students,” she encouraged as Maya skipped on through.

  “Awww man,” Bullet moaned. “Where are we going now?”

  “Shut up, B,” Trent laughed.

  “Every time I step in that thing I feel like I am going to lose my guts,” Bullet continued to complain as he reluctantly stepped inside the portal.

  “You guys are going to another Guardian stronghold,” Aklia announced. “So head on in.”

  Sanaya followed Maya and stepped inside, saddened that this part of her life, The Academy, had to be left behind for an undetermined amount of time. Cain was a serious threat that was not to be taken lightly, but to see Archer standing behind her, slowly waving goodbye, tugged at her heart strings. She could not wait for the day when she could plunge the Millennium Blade into the center of Cain’s black heart.

  That day would soon come and when it did, she would be ready.


  Annalia woke to the sound of running water high up in the mountainous regions of the Alps. She removed the sheets that had covered her bare skin, and she jumped up in surprise since she no longer felt the burn of silver, still tormenting her as it ate its way through her system. She examined her skin. It had returned to the creamy alabaster white instead of the grey parlor of death. The Beast had healed her.


  She looked down at the night stand, noticed a note written in a beautiful form of calligraphy with her name at the top. She opened it and read:

  I gave you daylight. Now return the favor and give me what I want.


  Swallowing thickly, she turned to face the curtains that covered the window which overlooked the valley. She dropped the note, allowing it to float down and land on the carpeted floor of the one- story dwelling. Slowly, she crept towards the window. With trembling hands she removed the curtains and in poured the bright rays of the sun. She screamed, thinking that she had caught fire as she’d expected. But soon her senses calmed and she now knew that she had not.

  She had not seen the sun in over one thousand years. She fell to her knees and wept.

  “Whatever you want oh Great Fallen One,” she vowed through her tears. “I will deliver.”


  Cain cursed as he poured his own black blood into his only daughter’s mouth. He was hoping to chase away the residual burning fire that Selene felt from the Phoenix that still ate away at her from the inside out. But it seemed to be of no avail. He cursed as Selene coughed up more of his blood and cried out in pain. He rolled her on her side and covered her with a throw blanket. He cursed as he glanced out the window of his Penthouse apartment that
overlooked the terrorized city of Rome.

  The bargain between himself and the Slayer was now void, as his daughter drifted on the edges of a true death. The game and its rules had changed and he was running out of time. Sanaya would be his whether she wanted to or not. He tried the easy way. Now, he will make her suffer until she begged him for forgiveness. And every Guardian will pay for her refusal.

  And as far as his dear sister Aklia, she would pay too.

  His eyes narrowed into slits as he continued to stare into the city that was once known for its hedonistic culture and decadence. The world would be his kingdom once again.

  And he finally found his queen to help rule it.

  The game had just become interesting.

  Stay tuned for book 4 in The Vampire Hunters Academy saga, The Cursed…coming in 2018

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