The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1)

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The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1) Page 2

by Warren Thomas

  There was no doubt he would bed the woman. In her scanty red dancing silks which displayed her breasts so enticingly, gaudy jewelry, and spike-heeled shoes, she could be nothing but a tavern girl. He already knew the Ten Horses didn't own any slaves or keep bond servants. So instead tavern girls like this one danced for tips and sold their bodies by the hour, with the tavern owner renting them rooms to ply their trade and taking a small cut of their earnings.

  Loudly slapping the bar top, "An ale here, and whatever the lady wants."

  "Wine, please." She gave him a wanton look, biting her lip seductively, black eyes sparkling. "You just ride in, Sir Knight?"

  "That I did," he said, taking his ale and draining half right off. It was good, dark Tyrian ale. "By the Gods, that's good! The steppe nomads make the worst ale I've ever tasted. Their beer isn't much better." Then screwing up his face in distaste, "And kumiss is just nasty."

  "The Steppes? I thought with that deep tan you had just returned from my native desert," she said with a mischievous smile. "I am Taag."

  Danic was surprised. The Taag were one of the most fierce, warlike tribes on the desert. And one of the most secluded. Few outsiders every saw a Taag woman, and for one to be a tavern girl...

  "How did you get here?"

  "I underestimated my new husband's favorite wife."

  "Enough said," Danic replied. He doubted she wanted to reveal too much, and it was probably painful. Danic suspected her husband's favorite convinced their husband that she was doing something very bad, and got her sold to passing traders. That would make her an escaped slave, something she wouldn't want to admit too. "I have a thing for black-haired beauties."

  She turned up the heat with her sultry black eyes. Danic was lost within her gaze a long moment. It was good. Her lips parted, and suddenly he hungered to taste her kisses.

  "What about the rest of me, Sir Knight?"

  "You're gorgeous. My name is Danic," he said.

  "I am Jamilah," she said, snuggling in close and nuzzling his neck.

  Sitting on a stool, he pulled her onto his lap. She giggled and took a sip of her wine as he buried his face in her soft fragrant hair and kissed her neck. Then as his hands cupped her breasts, she set her wine down and gave him a hard look.

  "You don't waste much time, do you?"

  Danic grinned, "Life is short. Besides, I just got in and I only have two things on my mind."

  "Talking isn't one of them?"

  "You're very perceptive," he said and lowered his face to her bosom.

  There was a simple clasp holding her halter top together. It was between her breasts and Danic deftly unfastened it. The top was tight, so snapped away to reveal her glory. Jamilah bowed her back, grinding her butt into his crotch. Her breasts were small but firm, with erect dark pink nipples. He kissed, nibbled, and rubbed his face all over her smooth, warm, oiled skin.

  "Shall we just go upstairs?" she said after several minutes.

  "Better yet, lead me to the bathhouse out back," he said. He cupped her face and kissed her. "We can have a good time and I can get a bath."

  She quickly took in the caked dirt and grime clinging to his clothes and exposed skin, his dull dusty hair, and the stench of three months of hard work and sweat.

  Wrinkling her nose, "Normally I wouldn't, but considering how handsome you are... But it'll cost you extra."

  "You're worth it," he said, standing with her in his arms.

  Elfhaven had a real public bathhouse. It was huge and grand, and the slaves working within would do anything he wanted for a much smaller fee than Jamilah would demand. But they wouldn't be as beautiful, or as eager to please. The tavern had a small bathing room attached to the back, with four huge copper tubs. Two men jumped to their feet when Danic strode in with Jamilah.

  "Fill a tub," Danic said. He set her down, untied his coin purse and gave one of the men a copper pence. The men moved with a sense of urgency after that. "This is going to be so good."

  "Oh? Me or the bath," Jamilah asked with a sultry smile as she stripped.

  "Both," Danic said.

  The servants quickly filled the tub and departed. Danic climbed in, and settled down. The tub was more than big enough to accommodate even Carl's massive frame. First thing, he submerged his head. Jamilah stepped in, straddled his waist and sat facing him.

  "Let me take care of you, my lord,” she purred, picking up a sponge.

  She washed Danic's hair, taking her time while he indulged his love of her breasts. His hands were all over her, touching, feeling, squeezing, and caressing. Danic kissed, sucked, and nibbled on her breasts, neck, and shoulders, loving it when she squeaked, squealed, and shuddered with sensuous moans. Soon they were both panting, stealing intense, hungry looks.

  "Shave?" Jamilah said, lifting a straight razor.

  "Please," Danic said.

  While she lathered up his face, Danic maneuvered her into a better position over her. She started to pant harder, biting her lip, but otherwise staying focused on her job. Danic grinned and guided himself up into her.

  "Ugh," she grunted, back bowing and one hand on his shoulder to steady herself. Jamilah closed her eyes and tensed up a long moment. He started pumping into her, driving deeper and deeper. She finally opened her eyes and caught his. "Are you sure you want to do this while I have a razor to your throat?"

  "Yes," Danic said. He started fondling her breasts. "Shave me."

  "So be it," she whispered, a little worry in her eyes.

  Jamilah slowly pulled the razor across his cheek, beginning the shave. Danic watched her face while he thrust into her, over and over. She struggled to remain focused, and he admired her deft touch. The Taag beauty gave him a quick, close shave and did it with only one nick. And then she set the razor aside, grabbed his shoulders tightly, and took over.

  "Yes," she whispered. "Such a man. Most men would've already come, but not you, my lord. Oh no, not you."

  Danic palmed the back of her head and pulled her down for a deep, passionate kiss. Her nails dug into his shoulder while she continued to bounce up and down his shaft, and he thrust up into her in rhythm with her movements. Water splashed out of the tub.

  "Mmm," she groaned, and caught his lower lip between her teeth. She pulled, and kissed him again. "Faster, my lord. I'm so close. Please. Faster."

  Danic released her breasts, grabbed her waist, and thrust up harder and faster. Jamilah increased her speed, too. Her back bowed, bringing her breasts up to his face. He sucked a hard nipple in, making her squeal and tremble.

  "Yes!" she cried, and froze in place. "Aaaggh…yes."

  With her climax, Danic stopped trying to hold it back. He relaxed, continuing to thrust into her trembling body. Her vagina muscles pulsed around him, driving him crazy. Then, a familiar tingle flowed into his thighs. Danic's hands tightened around her waist, and he groaned as intense pleasure exploded within. His climax pulsed with every ejaculation into her.

  Danic released a shuttering laugh as Jamilah collapsed atop him.

  * * * * *

  Danic sat behind a long, ale-stained, knife-scarred table, enjoying the cool night breeze wafting in through the open door. A half empty mug of ale sat before him all but forgotten, while a pretty blonde tavern girl sat on his lap, her face buried in his neck kissing and nibbling. Her silk dress was all but pulled off by Danic's pawing of her shapely body. Stepping inside, Carl paused to admire her exposed beauty a moment.

  "Carl!" Danic cried out happily. "Where have you been?"

  Danic looked considerably better, having shaved and bathed since last Carl saw him.

  Grinning from ear to ear, Carl answered, "Comforting a poor, lonely beauty."

  The big Tyrian plopped down on the bench opposite Danic. Both men had shed their armor, but not their weapons. The bartender, an old acquaintance, watched the valuable armor behind the bar. They would retrieve it before retiring for the night.

  "I'll bet you an ale that I've had more women than you today," Dan
ic said.

  "Ha! Where's that ale, lad," Carl cried. "I've taken three since we rode in this noon."

  "Five. I've had five," Danic said, winking. "And they were all extremely grateful."

  "Ouch! Just cut my heart out here!" Carl said. "Don't torture your friend like this."

  "Buy me my ale, and maybe I'll have mercy and not give you all the details." Danic said, laughing at Carl's consternation and squeezed the pretty blonde on his lap, who squealed with delight. It wasn't often Danic out-caroused the big barbarian. Kissing the blonde's warm pink lips, "Maybe you'll be number six."

  She kissed him hard on the ear, "After me, you wouldn't need a seventh."

  "You hear that, Carl? I've finally found a woman worthy of my talents and appetites!"

  Carl gave her an appraising look. "She doesn't look comatose to me."

  Winking at the blonde, "His jealousy never ceases to amaze me."

  "Gods be praised!" Carl whispered. "Danic, take a look at what just arrived."

  The blonde standing just inside the door seemed hesitant for second. A haughty look quickly returned to her flawless face, her stance proud and confident. She seemed to be looking for someone, scanning the room slowly.

  "A Goddess if I ever saw one," Danic said, a look of near awe covering his face.

  Her blue silken dress brought out her eyes, while doing little to hide all of her dangerous curses. Her arms were bare, but her skirt fell to her ankles.

  "That one's no tavern girl, my friend," Carl said.

  "Ten crowns copper says I'll bed her within the hour," Danic said.

  Danic felt hunger building as he looked her over. She was a shapely beauty, with a thick luxurious mane of waist length golden blonde hair and the brightest sapphire blue eyes he'd ever seen. Everything about her — her graceful carriage, her air of confident arrogance — screamed noble. He especially took note of all the gold jewelry she wore. Not a wise thing to do in a place like that. Not a wise thing to do in Elfhaven, period.

  "I'll take that bet," Carl said.

  "What about me?" the blonde tavern girl asked in a tiny voice.

  Danic slipped her a crown copper. "Go away."

  With an angry snort, she left in a swirl of silky blonde hair and cheap perfume.

  "I swear, Danic, you know how to make a wench feel special," Carl chuckled.

  Danic shrugged.

  "And I'll have that beauty feeling special shortly," he said as he left.

  She noticed him as he moved toward her. He could tell she was sizing him up, and liked what she saw. Noble or not, he figured she would not be easy. He suddenly felt inadequate to the job, something he wasn't accustomed to feeling.

  "My Lady," Danic bowed. "Let me introduce myself. Sir Danic of Drakehorn, Knight of the Dragon, your humble servant."

  "A Jarland knight...excellent," she purred low, eyes sparkling with delight. Danic noted her eyes were slightly slanted, something he had only seen in elves before. Automatically, his sharp eyes darted to her half-concealed ears. When she cocked her head to look at him, he saw that her ears were pointed. Offering her hand, she recaptured his astonished attention, "I am Taara."

  There were two kinds of elves in his part of the world — Forest Elves and

  High Elves. He was most familiar with the High Elves, who were one and all mages, and they lived almost exclusively in citadels within human cities. And High Elves were exceedingly vicious and dangerous. While the Forest Elves lived in the distant and mysterious Elven Empire.

  Forest Elves and High Elves were mortal enemies.

  He gently took her hand in his, silently thanked the Gods his hand wasn't shaking and roundly cursed the fact he had very little experience with the elven people. It was widely believed that the elves possessed the most advanced civilization in the world, and the most complicated and demanding social customs.

  He quickly recovered his wits, turning his full attention to the elfmaid before him. Raising her hand to his lips, he paused to admire its beauty. Her long delicate fingers were impeccably manicured and tastefully adorned with a fortune in exquisitely wrought gold, diamond, and sapphire rings, and scented with her delicate perfume. Matching bangles of silver and gold jingled on her slender wrists. Even her long nails were painted with a coat of shiny red lacquer.

  "I am honored, Lady Taara," he said, softly kissing her fingers. "Tell me what I must do to please you."

  Smiling, "I like your attitude, Sir Knight."

  "And I love your perfume," he said in low a voice as he breathed the delicate scent deeply. "I must admit to some surprise at finding a lady of obvious high birth here in the Ten Horses. Though you haven't given a noble title, I suspect you are a royal princess traveling discretely. Possibly an ambassador of your people on your way to a secret meeting with the ruler of some powerful kingdom."

  Even as her sultry laugh danced through the air on a musical lilt, seducing him, he couldn't stop admiring her features. She possessed an oval face, with soft cheek bones and dark blue eyes They were eyes, he realized that could easily possess a man

  Now that he knew, he could easily see the Elven features. Not only were her almond-shaped eyes slightly slanted, but he noted a bit of a slant to her eyebrows. However, since she was only the second elf he had ever seen, he was unable to discern any other traits that were different from humans in general.

  "You flatter me, Sir Danic." Taking hold of his arm, "But I'm dying of thirst."

  Leading her to an empty table, "Are you perhaps returning to your native lands? Or going to the Jarlands? If so, I'd be honored to join your escort."

  Danic didn't really care, but her answer might help him determine if she was Forest Elves or High Elves. He had no intention of calling off the chase, he just wanted to know how dangerous she was to him.

  She gave him an amused look. "You've finally figured out that I'm an elf."

  "Yes," he said, and winked at her. "Though I haven't determined if you are of the Forest Elves or the High Elves."

  She graced him with one wag of her brows. "So you don't know if I'm a mage or not."

  Danic grinned. "I find you quite enchanting, either way."

  "Actually, I was born in Horth, over in the northern Amazon Empire. I've never been to the Elven Empire," she said. "But I haven't lived in the Amazon Empire for quite a long time."

  That did not answer whether she was a Forest Elf or High Elf. If she was High Elf, why mention she's never been to the Elven Empire? No High Elf would ever even want to go to the Elven Empire. The Forest Elves would kill them on sight, if they were lucky. A Forest Elf's fate at the hands of the High Elves was far worse.

  A Forest Elf that's never been to the Elven Empire?

  If he had use of his magic, Danic could easily determine if she was magical or not. He would know if she was a Forest Elf or High Elf. When he was young, Danic was taught magic. He was quite talented, too. And so powerful he frightened the powers that be. His is family was famous for their magic power, and one mage in particular who tried to enslave the world with his magic. Danic showed the same level of talent and power, and the same dark side his ancestor displayed. So for the safety of all, they suppressed his magical talents. Fortunately, he was equally skilled with weapons.

  "I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to live in the Empire, either," Danic said.

  Lady Taara paused, looking surprised, and then laughed. He joined her, glad she saw the humor.

  He knew little about the far off Amazon Empire, except that Amazons were well known for their brazen behavior. At least the warriors were. The only men inside the Empire were slaves held for breeding purposes. Some event that he was not privy to had caused the women of the Empire to kill or expel all of their men almost three centuries back. Protected by powerful magic, high mountains, and the world's largest army, they had lived relatively unmolested ever since.

  Amazon female warriors were common enough as mercenaries. The nobility of the Deserts Sultanates, Jarlands, and Tyrians also preferred th
em for harem guards, paying high wages for their services. They were known to be reliable and loyal, as long as they were paid on time. Mostly, they were known as wild carousers in taverns.

  "The Empire's loss is my gain," he said. "I think you're a Forest Elf."

  "Perhaps," she smiled. Danic thought, maybe for a brief moment, there’d been an evil glint to her exotic eyes.. Then she laughed. "Yes, I am Forest Elf in ancestry. Like I've said, though, I've never been to the Elven Empire and I do not owe them any loyalty."

  That could only mean one thing. Taara's parents were outcasts. Expelled from the Elven Empire. Which meant she was neither Forest Elf or High Elf, and had to avoid both.

  "What is your pleasure?"

  Taara laughed low in her throat at the question. "Wine, Sir Danic, white wine." However, her eyes betrayed her true desires. He hoped, especially since white wine would be the most expensive drink in the tavern. If they even had any. Much to his surprise the serving girl didn't even flinch when he ordered it.

  Two glasses of cool white wine were soon brought. It proved to be to both their liking.

  "I'm surprised to find such a quaint vintage here," Taara said with a smile of approval.

  "You and me both, but not as surprised as finding such a beautiful, exotic woman as yourself."

  Running her foot up the inside of his leg, "You mean that?"

  Danic was ecstatic. She was actually trying to seduce him! He knew he was a bit unpolished when it came to women of quality. Indeed, he rarely had dealings with them since taking up the life as a roving swordsman at sixteen. Most women he bedded were either slaves, bond servants, or commoners. Or, most often, Amazon and barbarian swordwomen who were more likely to be the one to proposition him, and be quite specific in what they wanted, too. Carl would have a stroke when he led this beauty upstairs. Later, when Danic told him she was an elf, the big barbarian would be left speechless for the next month. A first for Carl.

  "I've never meant anything more in my life," he said, giving her a meaningful look straight in her sapphire eyes. Her shiver sent waves of pleasure through him as well. "My only desire is to please you."


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