Surrendered To The Alpha Dragons (BBW Dragon Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance)

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Surrendered To The Alpha Dragons (BBW Dragon Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance) Page 1

by Krista Bella

  Copyright © 2014 by Krista Bella

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  When eighteen-year old Jayna Pusset graduated from high school, she was immediately kicked out of the house by her parents and forced to find a job to survive.

  Now working at a crappy diner several years later, Jayna is unhappy with her situation. She has no car, no boyfriend, lives in a crappy hovel with only her pet snake Elroy to keep her company, and has to walk to work every day.

  Can life get any worse?

  Meanwhile, five hundred year-old Alpha dragon and warrior, Ethan Mormon has a dragon of a problem. He needs to find a mate or else his inner dragon, which demands to have a mate at all times, will go on a sexual rampage, ravaging whatever human female it can find.

  When he finds curvy Jayna working at Dixie's diner he's believed he's found the one. After all, her delectable curves set his inner dragon on fire and makes his cold blood run hot.

  Burning with desire, there is nothing Ethan won't do to make Jayna his.

  That is, until, another mysterious dragon shifter steps in and makes his claim on the unsuspecting Jayna.

  With his inner dragon at stake, can Ethan beat the upstart dragon into submission and claim Jayna as his own, or he will be forced to share Jayna's lush curves?


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  "There's gotta be more to life than this shit," Jayna Pusset muttered.

  Setting down a stack of dirty plates to be clean on the kitchen counter, Jayna sighed and wiped at the sweat kneading her brow and adjusted her black skirt, which she always wore when she was working her shift, around her large thighs.

  It was a packed house at Dixie's Diner. It always was. And Jayna was always.

  For the past several years, Jayna had worked at Dixie's, a small, but happening diner and bar, that sat smack-dab in the middle of Chalmett, Colorado. At first, she was ecstatic when she had gotten the job, having just got kicked out of the house by her parents at the tender age of eighteen. Back then, it couldn't have happened at a greater time, but now, she found it was all she could do to get through a day of work.

  Her boss, Harvey, was a demanding asshole, and her co-workers, who were all pounds lighter than curvy Jayna, were annoying bitches. If that was not enough to send Jayna over the deep end; the customers could be absolutely rude, the pay sucked...and the tips...well, the tips could be even worse.

  Jayna could not even count the many times where she had been extra polite to a rude and obnoxious family, putting up with their inane demands for a good part of a night, only to be stiffed on the tip when they left.

  Jayna would have quit her shitty waitressing job long ago if not for desperately needing the money to make ends meet to pay her rent for the hovel she lived in. It did not help matters that she had no transportation to speak of and had to walk to work back and forth every day. Luckily for her, her hovel was a few blocks away from the diner.

  And Jayna did not particularly mind the walking. It was just that walking home after her shift could be a little scary. Usually, she worked late into the night so she would often walk home in the dark.

  And you would think with all that walking back and forth, thought Jayna with disgust as she looked down at the giant breasts that were enclosed in her burgundy blouse, that I would have lost a few pounds by now.

  Jayna was a big girl. She'd always been. There was no denying it. She simply loved to eat. That did not stop her from desiring to be skinny sometimes, though, especially, when she saw her co-workers walking in around in their skimpy size-two waitress outfits.

  Still, Jayna was not ashamed of her weight. And whenever she thought about losing weight to look like one of the skinny girls, she eventually changed her mind. Food was just too good. There was no reason for her to starve herself to satisfy someone else's idea of beauty.

  She was fine just the way she was, curves and all.

  "Look on the bright side, girl," she muttered to herself as she made sure her honey-brown hair, which was pulled up into a messy bun, still looked half-way presentable, "at least I will have saved up enough for a Honda in another month."

  After she made sure her hair was fine, she walked back out into the hallway, making her way to the restaurant floor. A packed house greeted her. Dixie's had a large square bar that was illuminated by a blue led light, and the rest of the space was taken up by tables for customers who'd come to eat.

  Several of Jayna's rail-thin co-workers, who were dressed in skimpy skirts and cleavage enhancing tops that showcased their fake breasts, diligently worked behind the bar, scurrying to get drinks for the intoxicated, mostly men, patrons. Jayna watched as the men, their faces illuminated by the bar's blue light, lustily eyed the girls, and rolled her eyes.

  They looked like freaking, horny vultures, ready to pounce on fresh meat. And there were a lot of them too. There was not an empty seat around the bar.

  But that was the lure of Dixie's. Men came to see the pretty, plastic girls and got their wallets emptied in the process.

  I just hope we don't have any drama go on, thought Jayna as she scanned the room for the last family she had served, a man, his wife and his son who couldn't keep his eyes off all the skinny toothpick waitresses walking around Dixie's. So I don't have to stay over.

  Fights broke out fairly often at Dixie's, usually over one of the waitresses who had flirted just a little too much with a desperate guy. And on a crowded night like this, things were bound to get a little rowdy.

  When Jayna had located the family, she began making her way over to see if they were ready for their check, though she doubted the father and son were. They were probably too busy looking and fantasizing.

  The floor was crowded, so she had to walk past the bar to get to the table. Half-way there, she suddenly felt a pinch on her ass. Anger flaring up her breasts, Jayna spun around.

  A man with short brown hair, a nasty neck beard, and messed up teeth greeted her.

  "Hey baby," he slurred, looking pointedly at Jayna's big thighs. "You just had too much junk in that trunk and I couldn't resist."

  Jayna checked the urge to smack the ugly bastard across the face. Who did he think he was? Did he think just because she was heavy that he could just put his grubby hands on her and that she would like it?

  "Don't you ever," Jayna grated, putting all the disgust she felt at the man in her words, "fucking touch me like that again!" She placed her hands on her wide hips and scowled at the man. "Or I will have you thrown the fuck out of here, you got me?"

  Jayna did not like getting into it with customers, usually avoided it whenever she could, but she had already dealt with so much shit from Harvey and her co-workers that she was fed up. The man had crossed a line in putting his hands on her and there was no way she was simply letting it slide.

  "Aw, don't get so bent out of shape, baby," the man said with a mock hurt expression. "You're the only big girl working here. I thought you would take me grabbing your big juicy ass as a compliment."

  Jayna gaped in disbelief. Really? Was this guy serious? He couldn't possibly be serious, but yet, as Jayna stared at him, she realized he was.

  Upon realizing this, it took everything inside of Jayna not to grab someone's be
er bottle from the bar and knocked the man upside his thick noggin with it.

  Instead, she grabbed someone's bottle of Heineken and poured it over the man's head. Then she tossed the empty bottle into his lap as he sputtered with surprise and stalked off back into the hallway.

  Once there, she collapsed against the wall and began breathing deeply, trying to calm the rage that had caused her to lose her cool. She was in trouble. She had lost control when she was supposed to be professional. Despite the fact that the man had violated her personal space, she was certain that her boss Harvey was not going to see it that way.

  It was just the way he was, the curmudgeon, old bastard.

  And sure enough, Harvey tracked her down a minute later.

  "What the hell do you think you were doing pouring that bottle of Heiny on that man's head?" he demanded angrily, scowling.

  Jayna stared up into Harvey's angry, black eyes. Standing at six-foot- four, Harvey practically towered over Jayna, his beer belly sticking out like he was pregnant, his bald head reflecting the dim light in the hallway.

  Jayna knew that Harvey liked being taller than other people. It made it easier for him to intimidate them.

  "He grabbed my ass," Jayna replied slowly, not expecting any sympathy. "So I doused em'."

  Harvey placed his hands on his waist and snorted with disbelief. "Are you kidding me? With all those skinny broads walking around in there? You mean to tell me that he grabbed YOUR ass?" Harvey threw back his head and laughed. "Give me a break! You don't have the sex appeal."

  What the hell is that supposed to mean? thought Jayna, her face burning from anger and embarrassment. He thinks I don't have sex appeal because I'm a big girl?

  Did Harvey really think that just because Jayna had curves that she was undesirable?

  "I'm going to need you to go back out there and apologize to that man," Harvey demanded. "Now."

  Jayna shook her head angrily. Was Harvey serious? It was all she could do to keep from erupting on his ass. "No way, no how."

  Fire me if you have to, but I'm not going to apologize to some inbred redneck that doesn't even know how to tie his shoelaces.

  Harvey stepped forward, getting in her face. "You're going to apologize, young lady, if you think you're going to keep this job."

  "No. I'm not." Jayna stood her ground, glaring up into Harvey's scowl.

  After a tense of battle of wills, Harvey looked away and snarled, "Apologize to that man or don't come back to work tomorrow."

  With that, he spun on his heel and stalked off. When he was gone, Jayna slumped against the wall, feeling defeated. Though she had wanted very badly to tell Harvey to go fuck himself, the fact remained that she had rent to pay.

  She could, of course, use some of the money she had saved to buy new car to sustain her while she looked for a new job, but then that would set her back. And on top of that, with no college education, who knew if she'd be able to find another job in time before her money ran out.

  "Shit!" she cursed, slamming her fist against the wall.

  She had little choice but to go out there and apologize if she did not want things to get worse.

  What made her more angry about the situation though, was that Harvey not only did not believe her about the man grabbing her ass, but he also thought she was not attractive enough for a man to lust after her.

  Despite being delectably voluptuous, Jayna thought she was a pretty, if not beautiful, woman. Her honey-brown hair was waist-length long and she had charming green eyes. Her face was chubby, but in a very endearing way. Her dimples that took over her cheeks when she smiled only enhanced this feature.

  Jayna's only problem was that she hadn't ever really gone all the way with a guy before, partly because all the guys she had been with had been insecure little assholes.

  Screw Harvey, thought Jayna. He's an old, bald-headed bastard. What would he know about a big woman having sex appeal?

  Still it bothered her that he did not believe her story just because of her weight, when she knew damn well, had it been one of those skinny bitches claiming that they had been groped, he would be jumping at the chance to kick the offender out.

  "I'll go apologize to the bastard just to pacify Harvey for now," Jayna muttered to herself, "but as soon as I can find a new job, I'm outta here."

  Gathering her pride, Jayna walked back into the restaurant with a fake smile on her face, looking for the bastard who had molested her.


  Jayna walked into her small shack that she rented, completely exhausted. Working the stressful shift, having to apologize to the inbred idiot, and Harvey's demands, had worn her out and she was ready to collapse for the night.

  She was grateful that she had gotten a ride home from one of her co-workers, a skinny blonde she could actually tolerate named Sarah. Otherwise, she had no idea how she would have made it home had she been forced to walk.

  Lights briefly flashed through the living room window as Sarah pulled out of Jayna's raggedy driveway and drove off.

  "Thank God that we actually get along and I can bum a ride from her every now and then when I need it," Jayna muttered, shouldering off her coat and purse.

  Sighing, Jayna walked into the living room and dumped her belongings onto the worn-out couch that sat low to the floor. Then she went over to check her voice messages on her house phone that sat on a brown night stand next to the couch. She pressed the play button and listened for the beep. Immediately, her ears were assaulted by her mother's high pitched voice, asking why didn't her daughter ever call her or keep in touch.

  "Because you and daddy kicked me out of the house with nowhere to go," Jayna growled at the machine. "That's why I never call you. Duh."

  She didn't understand it. Her mother, Carol, had jumped at the chance to start demanding Jayna leave as soon as she hit eighteen. Her and Jayna's father, Gavin, hadn't even let Jayna try to decide if she would go to college or not. They simply wanted her out.

  But as soon as Jayna had gotten out on her own, her mother, Carol, had acted as if she had wanted her back. Badly.

  She should have been more patient with me, thought Jayna. Instead of demanding I leave right away.

  Despite her annoyance at her mother's complaining, and the fact that she should stay angry with her parents, Jayna promised herself that she would call her mother before her shift the next day.

  After she had gone through most of her messages and made sure there was nothing important on them, she made her way to her room.

  Her room was much like the shack she lived in. Small, and neat, except for the shoddy paint job on the walls. Her bed lay in the corner, a pink, fluffy comforter covering it.

  She had a large body-length mirror, one dresser and a stand with a container, that held her pet, a ball python named Elroy, in it.

  "How's your day been Elroy?" she asked, walking over to the container and staring through the glass. Elroy stared back at her, his cold, golden eyes emotionless.

  Naturally, Elroy did not reply to Jayna's question, and she chuckled, grabbing out some snake feed that she had sitting beside the container.

  Jayna had no idea why she had gotten a snake for a pet when she had moved into the shack. She just had felt the urge to. There was something about snakes, their long, slithering bodies, that appealed to her.

  When she was done feeding Elroy, she went over to her dresser and took out of her pajamas and threw them onto the bed. Then she began to disrobe. Once done, she grabbed her pajama to put them on, but stopped when she smelled the dried sweat on her body. As much as she didn't want to, she was going to have to shower.

  But before she could move into the bathroom that was adjoined to her bedroom, her naked reflection caught her eye. She stood in front of the mirror, studying her large breasts and the curves of her lush body.

  "Harvey said I didn't have sex appeal, Ely," Jayna murmured to her snake that stared at her emotionlessly with his slit eyes.

  But Jayna did not believe Harvey. She ha
d large double d breasts, breasts that the skinny bitches at Harvey had to pay thousands of dollars to get. And even then, their breasts were a fake caricature of the real thing. Not only that, half of them were hard as bricks and men couldn't have really enjoyed feeling on them.

  "I say the hell with Harvey," Jayna growled. She admired her thick body for several moments before heading into the bathroom.

  She took a quick hot shower. The bathroom was filled with steam when she stepped out onto the tiled floor. Careful not to slip, she reached for her polka-dot towel that hung on a rack.

  When she was about to start wiping herself, she felt something hot and thick run down her thighs. Immediately, Jayna felt a sense of foreboding. This was not water from the shower.

  Sure enough, when she looked down, she was greeted by the sight of blood. Thick. Dark. Red. Blood.

  Chapter 2

  The flap of giant wings filled the mountain range and a shadow passed over the full moon. A large, snake-like shadow settled down at the foot of the mountain trail and then shifted into a human one.

  Ethan Mormon took in a deep breath, taking in the crisp Colorado air, and exhaled sharply. Then he clenched his fists in anger, holding back a roar of frustration.

  He had failed to find a suitable mate again...and time was running out for him. If he did not find a mate soon, it would not be long before his inner dragon took matters into its own hands.

  Cursed by witches of ancient past, male dragons, who were immortal, needed a new mate every so often. This was because female dragons were outnumbered by male dragons, so the male dragons were forced to take human females as mates.

  The problem with that was; the human females lived short life spans, so new ones were needed often.

  If a dragon shifter did not find a new mate after his last one died, then his dragon would take over. This wouldn't be a problem if it were not for insatiable appetite of the dragon, which would go on a sexual rampage, taking any woman that it found to be mating material by force.


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