Surrendered To The Alpha Dragons (BBW Dragon Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance)

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Surrendered To The Alpha Dragons (BBW Dragon Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance) Page 3

by Krista Bella

  He hadn't always been right though, and it made him shudder about the times that he had been wrong. It almost always had proven fatal for his would-be mate.

  Ethan stopped at a crosswalk and waited, casually stuffing his hands into his jean's pocket. As he was waiting for the light to turn green, his eyes fell on a bar across the street called Dixie's Diner Bar & Grill.

  "Maybe I should have a drink," he muttered to himself.

  Frustrated that his search was still proving to be fruitless, he definitely needed one. A strong spirit would prove to relax him and warm his blood, which had gone to cold...even for his standards.

  When the light turned green, he made his way across the street and into the diner.

  Inside, Ethan was greeted by a packed house and skimpily clad serving girls. Still in search-for-his-mate mode, he studied each woman, trying to assess their blood type.

  That's when he saw her.


  Coming up on a red light, Cody let out a sigh of frustration as he rolled to a stop in his black Bentley. He had jacked off at least twenty times earlier that day in an effort to appease his dragon. And even after all that jacking, his dragon was still horny.

  After work, he had jumped in his vehicle and had taken off on a drive, hoping to clear his head and his thoughts that were strife with inner turmoil.

  It hadn't proven a bad idea. He had gotten a hardon so hard, that he had to pull over onto the side of the road that had heavy traffic and relieve himself...several times.

  He glanced down at his steering wheels were stained with white.

  The seed of a dragon, he thought.

  It would take some scrubbing, but hopefully the stains would come out.

  When the light changed green, Cody made his decision. He was going to have a drink.

  Chapter 5

  Jayna sighed and placed her serving tray, which was stacked high with dirty plates and silverware, on the kitchen counter.

  She was working her usual shift, and like always, she was tired. Standing on her feet all day was harsh considering that her breasts were so large that they often gave her back trouble.

  Not to mention, her bleeding she had experienced the previous night had been awful. Jayna could not remember a time when she had gone through such a bloody cycle.

  Something must be up with what I'm eating, thought Jayna. Or maybe standing on my feet all day caused it.

  Jayna had no idea what the hell was wrong, but she hoped that what she experienced the night before, was the last time it ever happened. A part of her dreaded to see what her pad would look like when she got home.

  She spun around, startled, when a gruff voice spoke in her ear.

  "I need you to put up your apron and go work the bar. There are a bunch of drunk bastards out there that are piling up and want their drinks at a faster pace."

  After the incident form the previous night, drunk bastards was the last thing Jayna wanted to have anything to do with.

  Jayna stared at Harvey's bald head, which was reflecting the light in the kitchen. "Why?"

  For a moment, Jayna feared that Harvey would unleash on her for having the temerity to question him, but then he took a deep, relaxing breath and said, "Because one of the girls, Sandy, who I am sure you know very well, had to go home. A family emergency."

  Jayna's forehead crinkled into a frown. She hated Sandy. Why, the bitch was one of the main ones who made her life miserable at Dixie's.

  "Can't someone else do it?" Jayna dared ask. "My feet are killing me and my shift is almost over. Besides, I'm not that good at mixing drinks."

  And it's not like I have a license to practice bartending, thought Jayna. But I'm sure that doesn't matter to you, the greedy, bald douche bag, bastard that you are.

  Harvey's eyes blazed with fury. "You get your big ass out there and serve those drinks or else!" He spun on his heel and stalked out of the kitchens, muttering to himself.

  It was very hard for Jayna not to grab a nearby plate, rush down Harvey, and knock him clean-smack in the back of the head. Who did he think he was? How dare he talk to her that way?

  He only orders me around and is disrespectful because he knows how badly I need this job, thought Jayna bitterly.

  When she had gotten the job, several years back, she had made the mistake of telling Harvey how grateful she was and how desperately she needed the job, because initially, she had been shocked that he would hire her when he had skinny bimbos working for him.

  Harvey had quickly shattered her illusion that maybe he thought of her as attractive when he had told her, "Every place like this needs its ugly duckling."

  And that had been the start to a long and abusive relationship.

  Jayna was beyond tired of it, but for now, she would have to put up with it. She had bills to pay and a Honda to buy.

  Sucking up her pride, she put away her waitress apron, made her way into the diner area and headed to the bar.

  "Jayna!" Sarah exclaimed when Jayna got there, a cocktail in both hands. "Thank god you're here! These assholes are eating me alive!" Her skinny friend was dressed sultrily, in fishnet stockings, thigh-high boots, a crop top and a very short skirt that barely covered her scrawny ass.

  "Tell me about it," Jayna muttered surveying the rowdy crowd, which was filled with boisterous, drunken men. Being eaten alive was the last thing that Jayna wanted to happen. "Harvey practically threatened to fire me if I didn't come serve these guys....all because Sandy took off for the night."

  Sarah rolled her eyes. "She always does that shit. The bitch." She frowned. "I'm sorry Harvey is such an asshole to you Jayna. You deserve to be treated just like he treats the other girls."

  Jayna shrugged it off, just wanting to get it all over with. "I'm used to it." She glanced around the bar again, grimacing at all the redneck trash that was present. "Now, where do you need me?"

  Sarah nodded at the end of the bar. "Over there." She began to walk away when she noticed Jayna's hesitation. "Don't worry about being perfect. They are all just a bunch of dogs."

  Then she walked off to serve her cocktails.

  Keeping Sarah's words in her mind, Jayna was able to go about serving drinks with surprising ease. She was on her fourth customer when she saw a man that made her breath catch in her throat.

  He was absolutely gorgeous. Honey blonde hair, ice blue eyes, a chiseled jaw and a body to die for.

  Jayna could only stare, gaping at this fine specimen sitting amongst all the riff-raff. What shocked her even more, was that he was staring right back at her.

  He's looking right at me! Jayna thought. Or is he really looking behind me at one of the scantily clad toothpicks?

  Her questioned was answered when he gave her a slight nod and motioned her over.

  Jayna hesitated for several moments before gathering her courage and walking over.

  "Hi, my name is Jayna, your bar girl for the evening," Jayna said loudly over the din of the bar, "what will it be?"

  The sexy stud leaned back in his chair and smiled at her, causing butterflies to flitter within her stomach. "Jayna, huh? That's a pretty name. I like it." His voice was a deep, rich baritone. The kind of voice that sent a shiver down Jayna's spine.

  Warmth flowed through Jayna's breasts and a blush settled over her plump cheeks. No guy this handsome had ever given her such a compliment.

  "Thank you."

  The stranger's grin grew wider and his cheeks were overtaken by cute dimples. It was almost enough to make Jayna swoon. "No problem. My name is Ethan, by the way."

  Jayna felt like she was melting under his gaze. It was so intense. Then she noticed something. His beautiful blue eyes...for some reason they reminded her of Elroy, her pet snake's eyes. Which was odd when she thought about it, because Elroy's eyes were like a faded out green marble. Lifeless.

  "Nice to meet you, Ethan."

  Ethan nodded at the rack of alcohol bottles behind Jayna. "I'll have a shot of vodka."

  "Shot of Vodka coming right
up." Her face burning, Jayna turned away and went over to the drink mixer.

  While she was preparing Ethan's drink, Sarah came walking up to her with an empty shot glass, her movements quick and excited. "Oh my God, girl!" she squealed. "Who is that sexy hunk that you were talking to?"

  "His name is Ethan," Jayna informed. "And he's fricken hot!" It had been a long time since Jayna had felt any desire for a man, having been without sex for so long. But this Ethan fellow looked so good, she could not help but desire him.

  Sarah shook her head. "Hot is an understatement. He's on fire!!" Then, glancing back over at Ethan, she leaned forward into Jayna and whispered furtively, "Can I take over for you please? Give me his drink and I'll take it back to him and tell him that you had to serve someone else."

  Jayna stared at Sarah, appalled. Who did Sarah think she was? Did she believe she was entitled to serve Ethan because she was skinny and Jayna wasn't?

  Jayna felt like that was probably what Sarah thought and it really pissed her off.

  The first thing she wanted to do was tell Sarah off, but then she knew she would need her to drive her home. Her feet were absolutely killing her.

  "Don't worry," Jayna told Sarah firmly. "I got it."

  Sarah looked doubtful. "You sure?"


  With a roll of her eyes, Jayna walked back over to Ethan...only to find an equally handsome young hunk sitting right next to him.

  This one had blonde hair, smooth green eyes, and from the looks of it, had a body just as glorious as Ethan's. Unlike Ethan, who was simply dressed in some jeans and a white shirt, this guy had expensive clothing on, which meant he probably had a boatload of money.

  "Here's your drink." Her eyes flickering back and forth between the two handsome men, she set the Vodka down in front of Ethan. Then she stared at the guy sitting next to him who was grinning at her.

  "Do you guys know each other?"

  You must be related to be as equally hot and handsome, thought Jayna.

  Ethan took his glass and took a sip, casting an almost hostile glance to the man seated next to him. "We do actually. But not in the way you would expect."

  Jayna furrowed her brow. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

  "Name's Cody," the blonde stud said, offering her his hand. Like Ethan's his voice was deep, but it carried a more carefree note in it. Cody, it seemed, was all play and no work.

  Jayna stared at it for a moment before taking it. His grip was strong, smooth, his flesh cool. Jayna was surprised, with how hot Cody was, she thought for sure one touch from him would reduce her body into cinders.

  "I'm Jayna."

  Cody's smooth green eyes twinkled against the bar light. "I like that name. It's pretty like you."

  Beside him, Ethan snorted as if he hadn't used a similar line on Jayna. "Oh, come on."

  Meanwhile, it was all Jayna could do to keep from gawking. Had she died and gone to heaven? When was the last time two hot guys had approached her and given her compliments about her name and appearance? One word. Never.

  "Thank you,"

  Cody looked her up and down, and for a moment, Jayna thought he was checking out her double d breasts with lust in his emerald eyes. "How long have you worked here, Jayna?"

  "About two years." There was something familiar about Cody's eyes that reminded Jayna of Ethan's eyes, which was strange, because they were sitting right next to each other. "It's a crappy job and I hate it."

  Don't go telling your life story now.

  Jayna was quick to check her instinct to start complaining about how she hated her job to two perfect strangers. They probably could care less. They had just come in to buy some drinks...and maybe, just maybe one of them might actually be interested in her.

  "I don't doubt it." Cody leaned forward in his seat, not seeming to sense the animosity that was emanating from Ethan. "And where do you live?"

  Jayna rocked back on her heels, surprised by his intense interest. This might have been actually going somewhere. "A few blocks from here."

  Was this some sort of job interview? Jayna could not for the life of her figure out why Cody was asking her these questions. She shouldn't have even answered the last one, but for some reason, she couldn't help herself. Cody's gaze was mesmerizing.

  Cody smiled as if she had just given him some tantalizing secret. "Interesting."

  Since he was asking questions, Jayna might as well have asked her own. "What about you?"

  "I work at the Greyson firm in the center of town. You heard of it?"

  That explains why he has money, thought Jayna. "I think so." She looked over at Ethan, who seemed to have become extra agitated by Cody's presence, not wanting him to think she had forgotten about him. "What about you, Ethan? Where do you work?"

  Ethan threw back the rest of his shot glass and then sat it down with a smack. "I don't work."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I live off the land."

  Jayna had nothing to say to that. In fact, she wished she could live off the land. Then she would not have to pay anymore bills and not have to worry about a car.

  "That must be...interesting. How do you survive?"

  "By being," Ethan stared at Cody with a challenging look, "strong."

  Excitement tickled Jayna's skin. Was Ethan jealous of Cody because he had seemed to take an interest in her? Or was she just imagining things?

  Cody returned Ethan's gaze, unfazed. "I'd say I'm strong enough to have what he was drinking."

  "You sure about that?" asked Jayna.

  My God, thought Jayna lustfully. They look like two demi-gods challenging each other over me.

  Cody's eyes remained on Ethan. "Yep. Make it double."

  "Okay. Coming right up." Jayna turned away and went over to the drink mixer, her heart pounding in her chest. Not only were two hot guys appearing to be interested in her, they were also fighting over her.

  She could hardly get her head around it.

  "What the hell, Jayna?" Sarah demanded, as she came walking up and set down an empty daiquiri glass on the counter. "Now you're serving another hot guy? And look how he's dressed. He must have money!"

  Jayna shook her head as she began mixing Cody's drink. "I don't know what's going on. It must be my night, because they both seem to like me."

  Sarah placed her hands on her hips and leveled a disbelieving stare on Jayna's full-figured form. "You're kidding."

  "No, I'm not. They are literally fighting over me. With how they were looking at each other, I won't be surprised if the fists start flying soon."

  Sarah laughed. "You're imagining things."

  Anger flared through Jayna. What I'm imagining, is moping the floor with your boney ass, she thought.

  Sarah continued to eye her in disbelief, shaking her head. "There is no way that they are fighting over you with all the other skinny girls walking around here. They are probably just messing around. Guys like them like hot, skinny chicks." She turned back around and stared at Cody and Ethan, fixing her top so that it would show more cleavage. "Sorry girl, but I'm taking over from here. You can take over for me and serve Brutus whose waiting on his Rum over there." Sarah nodded to a fat slob at the end of the bar.

  Then she rudely snatched Cody's drink out of Jayna's hand and sashayed over to the two studs.

  Jayna watched in disbelief as Sarah playfully set Cody's drink down and began flirting with the two men, bending so far over the counter, that she exposed her bony ass, to her co-workers behind the bar.

  Sarah began flirting with the men, laughing and carrying on, reaching over the counter to touch them, making jokes. Ethan and Cody seemed to not mind Sarah's company and were actually responding to her flirts.

  The more Jayna watched Sarah flirt with them, the angrier she got. How dare she? Finally, Jayna had had enough. Working for Harvey, putting up with her bimbo co-workers.

  It was time to take action.

  Jayna stomped over to Sarah who was still shamelessly flirting with Co
dy and Ethan and snatched her by the head.

  "Ow!" Sarah cried, surprised by the sudden assault. "Let go of me, Jayna. You're hurting me!"

  "Shut up!" Jayna growled angrily, slapping away Sarah's attempts to free herself. "You just couldn't stand that two hot guys were talking to me and not your stupid, skinny ass and you had to go ruin it!"

  The bar went completely silent.

  Jayna looked around. Cody, Ethan, and everyone else were staring at her. But while most people had shocked expressions on their faces, Cody and Ethan looked amused.

  Were they laughing at her for thinking that they were interested in her? Jayna would never know, because Harvey was suddenly there, his bald head red with anger.

  Ashamed, Jayna let go off Sarah. Sarah fell away from her sobbing, running into the arms of a fellow co-worker.

  "What do you call yourself doing to Sarah?" Harvey growled.

  Jayna searched for an explanation. What had she called herself doing? Attacking Sarah just because she felt that she had disrespected her?

  "I was..." Jayna's words broke off.

  As if to punctuate her guilt, several of Sarah's blonde hairs fell from her fingers and floated to the floor.

  "You know what, Jayna? I don't want to listen to a word you have to say." Harvey jabbed a finger at the front door. "You're outta here!"


  "Stupid Sarah," Jayna muttered as she walked out of Dixie's with her belongings.

  The first time guys, handsome, heart-aching studs, no less, had showed interest in her, someone had to come along and ruin it.

  While Jayna was not one-hundred percent sure that they had liked her, now she would never know. To make matters worse, she was out of a job.

  I should have just let her have her fun, thought Jayna with remorse. It wasn't worth losing my job over my own imagination.

  Still, the comments Sarah had made about the guys only wanting the skinny girls and that she must have been imagining that they liked her just because she was plus-sized pissed her off.


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