Redemption's Edge: Book 1, Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance

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Redemption's Edge: Book 1, Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Page 31

by Shirleen Davies


  Dax hadn’t set foot in a church for longer than he could remember. But if Rachel wanted a church wedding, that’s what she would have. He stood at the front near the altar, Luke next to him and Reverend Paige behind them. It had been two months since he’d proposed and he felt more than ready to make Rachel his.

  He looked out into a church overflowing with people. Neither Rachel nor he had lived in Splendor long, yet the entire community had come out for their wedding. A surge of warmth passed through him. He’d never felt this sense of connection, not even in Savannah where he’d grown up. He sensed Luke’s eyes on him.


  “You sure you’re ready for this?”

  Dax could see the way his brother’s eyes crinkled at the corner and his mouth quirked up. Without Luke’s help, Dax might have lost Rachel. He owed his brother a lot.

  “More than ready.”

  Luke laughed and clasped his brother on the back as the piano began to play.

  Dax’s eyes lit on the most stunning sight he’d ever seen. Rachel, in her white wedding dress, offering a brilliant smile meant just for him. She stopped beside him and he could see her lips move. I love you. His heart flipped. Dax didn’t remember much more of the ceremony.

  Suzanne, with the help of the church women, put out a big spread. Music played, punch flowed, and men tried to hide the fact they’d given their drinks a little extra boost.

  King Tolbert stood next to his daughter, Abigail, and surveyed the gathering. Although he’d been attracted to Rachel, he was happy for her and Dax. He now needed to begin his search for an appropriate suitor for Abby.

  Few in Splendor fit his precise requirements for a son-in-law. Luke Pelletier might be the only one, and he’d seen no spark between them. Certainly not Gabe Evans. The man was a hardened solider and gunman, not at all suitable for his daughter. The one other bachelor close enough to Abby’s age to make him a possible suitor was Noah Brandt. He chuckled at the thought of his daughter being attracted to the shy, taciturn blacksmith. He’d seen them on several occasions talking, always about horses or some such topic. No, his daughter would never be drawn to a man like Brandt. However, King did want to speak to Brandt on an important topic.

  “Abigail, I need to speak with someone a moment. Will you be all right on your own?”

  “Of course, Father.” She’d been hoping her father would find a reason to leave her alone. Abby had been watching Noah throughout the ceremony and celebration, but there’d been no opportunity to speak with him. Now could be her chance. She watched her father move from one group to another, shaking hands and making small talk, before deciding the time had come for her to move through the crowd toward Noah. No sooner had she made the decision when her father walked right up to him, shook his hand, and began what appeared to be an in depth conversation of some kind.

  Abby watched for a few minutes, disappointed at the lost opportunity. Once her father finished, she felt certain he’d be ready to leave for their ranch.

  “Would you care to dance, Miss Tolbert?”

  Abby glanced at the handsome cowboy standing next to her. Gil Murton, the same person who’d had a crush on her since they were young.

  “Hello, Gil. It’s so good to see you again. I’d love to dance with you.” She took his hand and felt immediately drawn into the laughter and music of the people on the dance floor. He whirled her around the floor to the lively song. When it ended, he asked for one more dance, which she accepted, never once noticing two men glaring at her from the sidelines. Her father and Noah, both for their own reasons.

  When the second song finished, Gil escorted her off the dance floor. She looked behind him to see her father approach. “Father, you remember Gil Murton.”

  King glanced at her, then Gil, giving the boy a hard stare. “Of course. I understand your brother married recently. A saloon girl, I believe.”

  Abby glared at her father and his blatant attempt to belittle Gil’s family.

  To his credit, Gil didn’t take the bait. “Yes. Ty married a wonderful woman. They’re expecting their first child any day now.”

  “I see. Well, we must be going, Abby.” King grasped her elbow.

  “Good to see you, Gil,” Abby said as her father guided her away.

  Without a backward glance at the young man, Tolbert escorted her to their buggy.

  Dax and Rachel watched the exchange, wondering about what had been said. Abby’s look of rage had been hard to miss, yet it wasn’t something either cared to figure out on their wedding day.

  “I’m glad your parents were here for the wedding.” Dax nodded toward Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, who stood across the room in deep conversation with Horace Clausen.

  “So am I, although it was a bit touchy when I introduced you and they heard your southern accent, General.”

  Dax wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Now they’re enamored with my extreme charm.” He placed a kiss on her neck, eliciting a laugh.

  Rachel’s gaze wandered to the magnificent Pinto tied to the back of their buggy—her wedding gift from her husband. “He is beautiful, Dax. Thank you so much.”

  “What will you call him?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it and believe I’ll call him Dancer.”

  Dax looked at the three-year-old mare he’d gotten on his last trip to Big Pine. The lively animal would be a good match for his wife.

  He turned Rachel in his arms, placing a kiss on her cheek. The celebration had gone on for over two hours and Dax could think of another place he’d rather be.

  “Do you think anyone would notice if we disappeared?”

  She smiled at him. “Should we chance it?”

  “Okay, you two. Don’t be making any plans to run off just yet.” Luke walked up and handed both a whiskey. “I understand this is your drink of choice, Mrs. Pelletier.”

  “It certainly is.”

  The three toasted as they watched the crowd.

  “It’s a good town. I’m glad you made the decision to stay.” Luke took another sip of whiskey, then faced Dax.

  “I’ve been thinking. Everyone still calls our ranch the old Hanes place or, sometimes, the Pelletier ranch. I believe we need a real name for it.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Dax began to imagine all the options Luke might say.

  “Redemption’s Edge.”

  Dax looked at Luke, then shifted his gaze to Rachel. They let the name roll around their heads before each smiled.

  He clasped Luke on the shoulder as they all raised their glasses before Dax made one more toast. “To Redemption’s Edge.”

  “And its great success,” Luke added.

  They finished their drinks as Luke’s eyes locked on someone near the food table. “Excuse me a minute.” He winked at them both, then walked away.

  Rachel watched Luke stopped in front of a lovely young woman with golden brown hair. “Who’s he talking to?”

  Dax shifted his eyes from his wife to Luke. “That’s Ginny. She works for Amos Henderson.”

  “At the saloon?” Rachel’s asked, her surprise obvious.

  He chuckled. “Yes. Amos has a little different arrangement with her than the other girls. She serves drinks, nothing more. Ginny and her sister came into town with the settlers a few months back. She told Amos they had no real reason to travel on to Oregon with the others, so they stayed.”

  “And Luke’s fascinated by her.” Rachel took another sip of her whiskey.

  “From what Al at the Rose said, he couldn’t take his eyes off Ginny the first time they met.” Dax nuzzled her neck. “Not much different from the way I felt about you.” He glanced around, then grabbed Rachel’s hand. “Come on.”

  Dax whistled for Hannibal and waited while the large animal obeyed the command. He lifted Rachel onto the saddle, then swung up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist before placing a soft kiss on her neck.

  “Are you ready?” Dax asked, anxious to get h
er to the ranch.

  Before she could respond, they both looked up to see what appeared to be a lone rider, slumped in his saddle, coming toward them. It wasn’t until he was within a few yards that they saw the arrow protruding from his back.

  “My, God, Dax. He’s hurt. I need to help him.”

  Dax shook his head, frustrated by the delay, yet knowing he had no choice. He dismounted before helping her down and grabbing the reins of the stranger’s horse. Dax wrapped his arms around the wounded man and pulled him from the saddle, laying him on the ground as a group of wedding guests formed a circle around them.

  “Does anyone know him?” Dax asked, looking up at those peering down.

  The responses confirmed no one recognized the injured man.

  “Get him to the clinic.” Doc Worthington ordered.

  “I’ll get the wagon,” Noah said.

  Dax, Luke, and Bull placed their arms under him as Noah pulled alongside.

  “Attacked us…” The words were strained, raspy, and barely audible.

  “Who attacked you?” Dax asked.

  The man’s eyes opened to mere slits. “They’re coming...”

  “Who’s coming?” Dax question became more urgent.


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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.

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  Other Books by Shirleen Davies

  Tougher than the Rest – Book One

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate, fast-paced story set in the untamed western frontier by an exciting new voice in historical romance.”

  Niall MacLaren is the oldest of four brothers, and the undisputed leader of the family. A widower, and single father, his focus is on building the MacLaren ranch into the largest and most successful in northern Arizona. He is serious about two things—his responsibility to the family and his future marriage to the wealthy, well-connected widow who will secure his place in the territory’s destiny.

  Katherine is determined to live the life she’s dreamed about. With a job waiting for her in the growing town of Los Angeles, California, the young teacher from Philadelphia begins a journey across the United States with only a couple of trunks and her spinster companion. Life is perfect for this adventurous, beautiful young woman, until an accident throws her into the arms of the one man who can destroy it all.

  Fighting his growing attraction and strong desire for the beautiful stranger, Niall is more determined than ever to push emotions aside to focus on his goals of wealth and political gain. But looking into the clear, blue eyes of the woman who could ruin everything, Niall discovers he will have to harden his heart and be tougher than he’s ever been in his life…Tougher than the Rest.

  Faster than the Rest – Book Two

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Headstrong, brash, confident, and complex, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will captivate you with strong characters set in the wild and rugged western frontier.”

  Handsome, ruthless, young U.S. Marshal Jamie MacLaren had lost everything—his parents, his family connections, and his childhood sweetheart—but now he’s back in Fire Mountain and ready for another chance. Just as he successfully reconnects with his family and starts to rebuild his life, he gets the unexpected and unwanted assignment of rescuing the woman who broke his heart.

  Beautiful, wealthy Victoria Wicklin chose money and power over love, but is now fighting for her life—or is she? Who has she become in the seven years since she left Fire Mountain to take up her life in San Francisco? Is she really as innocent as she says?

  Marshal MacLaren struggles to learn the truth and do his job, but the past and present lead him in different directions as his heart and brain wage battle. Is Victoria a victim or a villain? Is life offering him another chance, or just another heartbreak?

  As Jamie and Victoria struggle to uncover past secrets and come to grips with their shared passion, another danger arises. A life-altering danger that is out of their control and threatens to destroy any chance for a shared future.

  Harder than the Rest – Book Three

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “They are men you want on your side. Hard, confident, and loyal, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will seize your attention from the first page.”

  Will MacLaren is a hardened, plain-speaking bounty hunter. His life centers on finding men guilty of horrendous crimes and making sure justice is done. There is no place in his world for the carefree attitude he carried years before when a tragic event destroyed his dreams.

  Amanda is the daughter of a successful Colorado rancher. Determined and proud, she works hard to prove she is as capable as any man and worthy to be her father’s heir. When a stranger arrives, her independent nature collides with the strong pull toward the handsome ranch hand. But is he what he seems and could his secrets endanger her as well as her family?

  The last thing Will needs is to feel passion for another woman. But Amanda elicits feelings he thought were long buried. Can Will’s desire for her change him? Or will the vengeance he seeks against the one man he wants to destroy—a dangerous opponent without a conscious—continue to control his life?

  Stronger than the Rest – Book Four

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Smart, tough, and capable, the MacLarens protect their own no matter the odds. Set against America’s rugged frontier, the stories of the men from Fire Mountain are complex, fast-paced, and a must read for anyone who enjoys non-stop action and romance.”

  Drew MacLaren is focused and strong. He has achieved all of his goals except one—to return to the MacLaren ranch and build the best horse breeding program in the west. His successful career as an attorney is about to give way to his ranching roots when a bullet changes everything.

  Tess Taylor is the quiet, serious daughter of a Colorado ranch family with dreams of her own. Her shy nature keeps her from developing friendships outside of her close-knit family until Drew enters her life. Their relationship grows. Then a bullet, meant for another, leaves him paralyzed and determined to distance himself from the one woman he’s come to love.

  Convinced he is no longer the man Tess needs, Drew focuses on regaining the use of his legs and recapturing a life he thought lost. But danger of another kind threatens those he cares about—including Tess—forcing him to rethink his future.

  Can Drew overcome the barriers that stand between him, the safety of his friends and family, and a
life with the woman he loves? To do it all, he has to be strong. Stronger than the Rest.

  Deadlier than the Rest – Book Five

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate, heartwarming story of the iconic MacLarens of Fire Mountain. This captivating historical western romance grabs your attention from the start with an engrossing story encompassing two romances set against the rugged backdrop of the burgeoning western frontier.”

  Connor MacLaren’s search has already stolen eight years of his life. Now he is close to finding what he seeks—Meggie, his missing sister. His quest leads him to the growing city of Salt Lake and an encounter with the most captivating woman he has ever met.

  Grace is the third wife of a Mormon farmer, forced into a life far different from what she’d have chosen. Her independent spirit longs for choices governed only by her own heart and mind. To achieve her dreams, she must hide behind secrets and half-truths, even as her heart pulls her towards the ruggedly handsome Connor.

  Known as cool and uncompromising, Connor MacLaren lives by a few, firm rules that have served him well and kept him alive. However, danger stalks Connor, even to the front range of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains, threatening those he cares about and impacting his ability to find his sister.

  Can Connor protect himself from those who seek his death? Will his eight-year search lead him to his sister while unlocking the secrets he knows are held tight within Grace, the woman who has captured his heart?

  Read this heartening story of duty, honor, passion, and love in book five of the MacLarens of Fire Mountain series.

  Wilder than the Rest – Book Six

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A captivating historical western romance set in the burgeoning and treacherous city of San Francisco. Go along for the ride in this gripping story that seizes your attention from the very first page.”

  “If you’re a reader who wants to discover an entire family of characters you can fall in love with, this is the series for you.” – Authors to Watch


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