Raff (The Vorge Crew Book 4)

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Raff (The Vorge Crew Book 4) Page 7

by Laurann Dohner

  “It hunts by sound. I gave it something loud to go after. I shot a blast into some rock far away. Pieces of it will keep falling for a few minutes. That should keep it busy.”

  “That thing was huge.”

  “It’s why outlanders need to live in caves where it’s impossible for most beasts to climb.”


  “People who chose to live outside of the cities.” He rolled his neck and shoulders. “How do you feel? We still have a few hours left to wait. Are you hungry?”

  “I could use some water to drink.”

  “You didn’t answer my first question.”

  “A little tender.”

  He frowned. “Did I hurt you? I tried to be gentle.”

  “You were. It’s been a while and um, you’re big down there. I’m not hurt so much as you know, tender. Like I said.”

  He leaned over, reaching for something along the floor, and pulled out a small box. She sat back to put space between them. It was a little embarrassing now that she was more awake to realize they were both naked, she was straddling his lap, and they hadn’t exactly cleaned up after sex last night. She felt wet down there and didn’t want to think about how his seat would need cleaned.

  He opened the box and removed a tube, dropped the box on the floor, and twisted it open. “Scoot back more.”

  She watched him spread clear jelly like substance on his finger, generously applying it. “What’s that?”

  He put the cap back on the tube and tossed it to back in the box, dropping that to the floor. “It will heal you.” He slid his hand between their bodies and she gasped when he rubbed it between the lips of her sex and then his finger pushed inside her.

  “Warn a girl! Geez!” She didn’t fight though because whatever had coated his finger with felt cool to the touch and instantly seemed to take away the slight pain. He had a thick finger though and he pushed inside her deep. “This is so embarrassing.”

  He chuckled, withdrawing his finger. “No, it’s not. You’re mine. I’m yours. There’s nothing we can’t say or do to each other that should cause that emotion.” He reached down again, found a rag of some sort he must have stored down there, and wiped the rest of the jelly stuff off. He tossed the rag.

  “I wouldn’t quite say that.”

  “You should.”

  She glanced around the dim shuttle. “We should probably clean up and um, put on clothes.”

  “I’ll teach you how to use the nozzle. I need to drain my bladder too.”

  Her cheeks heated. “Wow. You really aren’t shy at all, are you?”

  “No.” He gripped her hips and began to lift her off his lap. “Stand to the side.”

  She got off him, using her arms to cover her breasts to stand in the narrow area where the door was located. He’d torn open the shirt she wore last night and completely removed it when he’d turned them over to sleep, refusing to allow any clothing to stay on her. She watched as he reached back, opened the panel he’d pointed out before, and opened it.

  It shocked her when she saw the device. It looked like a mix between a large cup and a narrow, curved bowl with a white tube connected to it. It completely covered his crotch area as he lifted up a little, fitting it over his cock. He flipped the switch on the handle and she heard a slight noise like a vacuum. She averted her gaze. He was peeing. She refused to watch.

  Raff chuckled. “You amuse me, Lilly. It’s a body function. You’re bright red in the face.”

  “It’s a private body function.”

  “There’s no privacy in a shuttle this size and we’re bonded. What did I tell you? There’s no need for embarrassment between us about anything.” He finished, the device shutting off.

  To her humiliation, he held it in one hand and tapped her thigh with his other. “Spread a little.”

  She shut her eyes and kept her head averted but did as he demanded. She opened her legs. He pushed the device right up against her pussy and she gasped when he turned it on. It kind of suctioned onto her and warm water hit her from her ass where the cup rose to, all the way to just over her mound.

  “Release your bladder,” he demanded.

  “Okay.” She had to concentrate to pee standing up. It was the weirdest thing ever, uncomfortable because Raff was holding the device and she didn’t have to look at him to know he was watching. She had to admit she felt better though once she was done peeing. She’d needed to go. “Done.”

  The water cut off the flow and warm air blasted her. She tensed but then he turned off the thing and pulled it away. She felt clean down there for sure since water had blasted her. And she wasn’t wet since it had also dried her off. She dared to open her eyes then and watched as Raff replaced it inside the panel and washed his hands with a steam of water that flowed inside the panel. It also blew warm air to dry them.

  He closed the panel and smiled at her. “We should get more sleep.” He reached for her, pulled her across his lap, and flipped the switch that caused the seat to revert into a bed. She once again ended up laying on top of him. He adjusted her until she was comfortable, her head on his chest and his arms loosely wrapped around her.

  “Sleep, Lilly.”

  “We really need to talk about this forever thing.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” He lifted his head and placed a kiss on top of her head. “You’re mine. I’m yours. We’re bonded.”

  “It’s not that simple, Raff.” She was beginning to get worked up. He couldn’t just marry her like that. They didn’t even know each other. “Just because we had sex, awesome sex, doesn’t mean we should be stuck together for life.”

  He chuckled, holding her tighter. “You could be pregnant with my child.”

  That had her gasping and her eyes going wide. What? Was that even possible? No! It couldn’t be. She tensed.

  “I’m not as Tryleskian as I appear. My cousin can only breed a litter with his human when he’s in heat. I had the medical android run a bunch of tests on me when I first moved onto The Vorge. My seed is strong and viable. It’s not just to prevent catching a disease that made me use a barrier over my shaft when I visited brothels. I didn’t want to risk impregnating a female by accident.” He kissed her head again. “With you I did it with purpose.”

  She didn’t know if she should slap him, yell, or just freak the hell out. He was admitting to trying to knock her up. Blatantly. She sat up, straddling him. “You son of a bitch.”

  “My mother was quite pleasant in personality.” A gleam of amusement sparked in his golden eyes. He kept one arm around her but his other one, he placed on her stomach. “My child could be inside you. Perhaps even a litter of them. I’m not certain how many I will create. We’ll discover that together, Lilly.”

  “Litter?” Her mind worked. She had a friend once that had a dog. It had gotten pregnant and had four puppies. Is that what he meant? She was about to hyperventilate from the shock and the outrage. Hell, the panic of maybe being pregnant with alien babies. Plural. “We can’t do that. I don’t even know you!”

  “We know each other well.” He grinned, as his hand on her belly slipped lower, brushing his knuckles lightly over her clit.

  She jerked at the sudden pleasure and wiggled away, trying to slap at his hand. He had fast reflexes though and dodged the contact. He gripped her wrist. He moved, rolling them until she was pinned under him. She struggled but he was big and strong.

  “Damn it, Raff.”

  He peered at her and then went for her mouth. She tried to bite him and he laughed harder. He avoided her lips, nuzzling his mouth against her neck instead. He began to place kisses there, using his tongue and teeth. The feel of his fangs had her stilling. He could hurt her. She almost wished it did as he kept kissing her. Her nipples beaded instead and her body started to respond.


  He froze. “I’d never betray you, Lilly.”

  “Not you. My body,” she grumbled.

  He chuckled. “It knows it belon
gs to me. As mine knows it’s yours.” He began kissing her throat again, giving her little nips with his fangs.

  It felt good. The sexy alien knew exactly how to touch her. He released her wrists, his hands exploring her breasts instead. He gave her nipples little pinches between his thumbs and fingers, making her jolt with pleasure. He applied just the right amount of pleasure and pain to have her aching between her legs.

  She spread them wider, allowing him to settle his lower body between them. His cock was hard and trapped between them. He lowered down her, trailing kisses over her collarbone and then he released her breasts with his hands, using his hot mouth instead to suck on each nipple.

  “Fuck,” she muttered.

  He growled in response. She ran her fingers over his arms and shoulders, finally ending up cradling his head. He was too good at touching her, knowing exactly how to make thinking impossible. It was all desire and need. Aliens, at least this one, made her forget everything but him.

  She writhed under him, wrapping her legs around his hips. He rose up when she was whimpering, almost begging him to fuck her. He stared into her eyes as he worked his thick, hard length inside her body. The soreness was gone and there was only pleasure. He rocked his hips, driving deeper inside her.

  There was a bump at the top of his cock, what felt like a ridge. It vibrated right against her clit. She cried out, digging her fingernails into his shoulders she clutched. He was like one of those sex toys she’d bought, only way better. His chest rubbed against her breasts as he pinned her tight under him, restricting her movements.

  His strength turned her on more. He fucked her harder. The vibrations increased with ever stroke of his hips, her clit swelling and the need to come building.

  She cried out his name when the pleasure crested and exploded. She clung to him, revealing in the ecstasy he gave her. He pressed his mouth against her shoulder, muffling the sounds he made, and she could feel warm heat filling her.

  The vibrations against her clit made her almost scream from how strong they had become but she had to take it since he refused to let her buck away. Another climax hit and she lost the ability to think at all.

  * * * * *

  Raff woke to a soft beep. He opened his eyes and realized he was mostly sprawled on top of Lilly. He’d fallen asleep after they’d had sex. Panic hit as he pushed up, terrified he’d suffocated her. She was too small to sleep under him. Her chest rose and fell though, her eyes closed in sleep. He felt relief. Another beep drew his attention again.

  He turned his head, spotting it was the comms. He crawled down the bed, careful not to wake Lilly, and adjusted the volume. He stared outside. The sun had risen and there were no signs of life out there.

  “Raff here.”

  “It’s about time,” Marrow snapped. “I’ve been pinging you for five minutes.”

  “I was sleeping.” He turned his head, smiling as he watched Lilly turn on her side, curling up into a tight ball. She had the cutest ass and he could see it now. He also liked that it was his seed that gave her sex slit that glistening appearance.

  “Well, wake up. I’m coming to get you.”

  “We both are,” Dovis growled. “We’ve been monitoring the area you’re in. There’s four shuttles doing search patterns. I’m guessing they will attack when we come down to get you.”

  He leaned forward, peering out of the window. In the distance he caught view of a shuttle low to the surface. “Fuck.”

  “You must have been your normally charming self,” Marrow chuckled. “Looks like you pissed them off badly by snatching that human I heard about. There’s two more shuttles to the east of your cave. That makes six in all searching for you. You never do anything without making a lot of enemies, do you?”

  “I’m no longer in the cave.” He admitted. “The dropped bombs on the mountain.”

  “I thought no one knew about your cave.” Dovis sounded pissed.

  “Long story.” Raff didn’t want to tell them he hadn’t realized they’d penetrated his hull with a tracker. “I can fly up and land in the back if you open up for me.”

  Marrow began to curse loudly.

  “No way,” Dovis snarled. “You’ll damage us. You’re not that good at flying, Raff. You fuck up even by a foot and both shuttles will be damaged if you slam into the side of the hold. We’ll probably also be under fire. We’re not dropping our shields. You’ll get us all killed. Leave the shuttle. Where are you? We’ll swoop in and pick you both up. We’ll do a Cregion maneuver.”

  He hated to lose his shuttle but his gaze went to Lilly. His female was the most important thing. She must be exhausted since she still slept over their conversation. “Fine.” He tapped a message to The Vorge, giving their location. “Time?”

  It took seconds for Marrow to answer. “Four minutes. I’ll dive in fast, hover, and you run for it. I take it you’re shielded since I’m reading only rock there.”


  “Four minutes,” Marrow muttered. “From now. We’re undocked. Mark.”

  “Mark,” he muttered, touching his arm band, setting the timer.

  He twisted to where he’d left his pants, putting them on fast. He shoved on his boots next but didn’t bother with a shirt. He grabbed it though, reached back, and snagged Lilly by her ankle. He dragged her closer.

  “Wake up!”

  His harsh, loud tone did the trick. She jerked awake and sat up, looking confused.

  He released her and tossed the shirt at her. “Put it on. The shuttle is going to be here in minutes.”

  He pushed the button to convert the bed back into a chair and stood to the side, having to couch in the confined space next to the door. Once he opened it, the shuttle would register on sensors. He stared out the front of window, spotting that damn shuttle in the distance still. He really wanted to kill Prix for not giving up the search.

  Lilly gasped and he fought back a grin when she saw her struggling to put on a shirt while being effectively dumped into the seat the bed had become. He grabbed his bag from the storage area, shoved as many of his things he could into it, and checked the timer on his wrist. The shuttle should be in view. He peered out the front, up at the sky. A dark mass showed, barreling toward them.

  He grinned then. Marrow was a damn good pilot and he remembered the time they’d been under siege on Cregion planet. Marrow had hurled the shuttle at the surface, making everyone on the ground think it was about to crash and explode.

  She hadn’t slowed the speed until she’d almost done exactly that. Cathian had screamed at her while they’d made their escape that the bottom of the shuttle probably had skid marks on it from the ground.

  “Stand,” he ordered Lilly.

  She fastened the shirt front together and did it. She had to press up tight against him to find room in the cramped space.

  “This is going to happen fast. Just don’t fight me.”

  Her mouth opened.

  “Trust me.” He grabbed his goggles he kept in a panel section of the console, putting them over his eyes.

  She looked scared but gave him a nod. “What’s going to happen?”

  “Better you don’t know.”

  He shouldered his travel bag, glanced outside, and saw the hulking shape of the shuttle still coming right at them. Marrow was probably listening to a lot of alarms screaming at her with impending collision warnings.

  He wanted to laugh. Dovis would be snarling and cursing. The male had no sense of humor. They’d probably have to replace the seat Dovis sat in from his claws digging into the material.

  He grabbed Lilly around the waist, drawing her closer, and hit the door release. It opened, blowing hot air inside. The scent tickled his nose. He stepped out, straightened, and hauled Lilly out. It was easy to lift her and he threw her over his shoulder. She gasped but then grabbed at the waist of his pants. He saw the other shuttle in the distance begin to come closer and the sound of engines grew louder from above. He looked up, spotting his crew hurtling toward him

  “Close your eyes,” he yelled at Lilly. “And hold your breath!”

  The roar of engines grew louder. He couldn’t hear if she responded, just hoping she listened. He probably should have wrapped cloth over her head but there hadn’t been time.

  The thrusters came on hard as the shuttle nose swerved up, the ground violently shaking and dirt flying. Hell broke loose as the shuttle almost slammed into the surface a good forty feet away. He held his breath and ran for the side of the shuttle that came to a sudden stop a few feet above the ground. It was hard to see with all the debris filling the air but Marrow had done this before. The doorway that opened suddenly lit up bright lights to help him see it through the dust.

  He ran, holding on tight to his precious female over his shoulder, and jumped. He landed inside the cargo hold. He still couldn’t breathe since dust came in with them. He glanced around, saw straps lining the wall opposite him, and lunged forward to grab hold.

  The door behind them closed and the shuttle surged upward. It made his body feel even heavier with the gravitation pull of the speed in which the thrusters shot them upward into the sky. With the weight of Lilly and the bag, it almost collapsed his knees. He braced against the wall and clung to his female and the straps. The dust settled and he sucked in a sharp breath of air, panting.

  The shuttle suddenly surged forward and he adjusted Lilly, allowing his shoulder to take most of the impact as he slammed into the wall. The straps cut into his fingers but he ignored the pain. The engines were loud in the cargo hold but he heard blasts. They were under attack.

  A scream came from Lilly. He was glad to hear it. It meant she hadn’t tried to breathe through the dust and suffocated. He released the back of her legs and fisted the shirt she wore, dragging her down the front of his body.

  She almost fell but he caught her, holding her tight to his front. She wrapped her arms around his middle. He turned more, shoving his back to the wall, and got a better hold on the straps.


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