Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)

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Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1) Page 20

by Freya Barker

  "I'll get you there, sweetheart. Hang on." Grabbing her hip with one hand, Gus started thrusting his hips up in tandem with Emma's grind down and when he could feel the tightening of the walls of her pussy, he took his hand off the vibrator and slid it between them, pressing his thumb down firmly on her clit, finally sending her over. And she was taking him with her. Lost in the contractions of her body, he was unable to hold back and could feel the long strands of seed pumping from his cock.

  His back against the tile, his woman draped over him, sated, his dick still inside her getting soft. He was happy. He never had known this kind of feeling before, but he was sure this had to be it. A moment in time where everything could stop, just as it was and never change, and it would be absolute perfection. This was it. Happiness. Who'd have thought.

  Especially since just the day before, they probably had one of the worst days of their lives. And both of them were still exhausted, as was Kara. She opted to bunk with Dana in the motel, rather than take the couch or even sleep in the bed with Emma. She wouldn't hear of it. Luckily she had incurred no physical damage, but he was pretty sure she would do well with some counselling for the emotional trauma.

  And then there was Arlene, who would be okay, physically, even though she had had a beating worse than he had. And apparently had fought like a tiger. Both her and Emma were women to be reckoned with. Part of him was proud of them, but another part wanted to tan their hides. Although by the sounds of it, Seb had already called dibs on Arlene's hide. Yeah, physically she would heal, but something was off about her and that worried Gus. She never quite was clear on what happened overnight, claiming she was out cold for most of it. But there was a shadow in her eyes that wasn't there before. She might want to visit a shrink too, although he had a feeling she have to be hauled kicking and screaming. So he'd leave that up to Seb as well. One fiery independent woman was hands full enough for him.

  "Babe, what are you thinking so hard about?" Emma mumbled in his neck. "I can hear the wheels turning."

  Chuckling, he said, "Just thinking about my fierce woman."

  "Well, this fierce woman is starving."

  Giving her a slap on her butt, he nudged her upright. "Get up then. Off with you. How about you get dressed and I'll get breakfast cooking for a change."

  Her eyebrows about in her hairline, Emma gasped. "You can cook? Get out of town!"


  By the time Emma walked into the kitchen, he had a green pepper, mushroom and cheese omelet sliding onto plates. The coffee was perked and bread was popping out of the toaster. Perfect timing to make the ultimate impression, he smiled to himself.

  "Well damn. You can cook. And it smells great." Emma sat down on a stool at the counter watching him put the final touches on breakfast, when a knock at the door announced the first interruption of the day. Gus was pretty certain it wouldn't be the last.

  Opening the door he found Joe waiting on the other side, looking a little the worse for wear. "What are you doing out and about again? Haven't you had enough of us?" He teased his friend.

  "Ugh ... don't give me a hard time please. Bloody Naomi has been on my case already."

  "Yeah, well. Considering she's a physician who treated you for a nasty gunshot wound and also, you look like crap, you might want to take whatever she says a little more seriously." Inviting Joe to sit down with them in the kitchen, he added a third plate and divvied up the omelet between them. Then made some extra toast and poured them all a coffee.

  "This case is coming to a head, Gus, I can't not be in the midst of things right now." Joe grabbed his cup in both hands, looking at Gus with some concern. "Besides I needed to give you the lowdown on your brother's interviews from last night. Agents from the Durango FBI field office were going to come in this morning to have a go at him because of his connections to Silva. And get this - those connections apparently go back as far as his days in the Detroit police force."

  Stunned by that bit of information, Gus needed a minute to process. "You mean that little example of police corruption was at the hands of Silva?"

  "Apparently so. And not only that, the FBI had their suspicions all this time. There have been pockets like this over several larger police forces throughout the country."

  "Why the hell wasn't I informed of this?" Putting both hands in his hair he pulled in frustration. "No. Scratch that. What I'd really like to know is how it is possible to have me assigned to this task force, when the powers that be knew all along my brother was involved with the same man who was under investiga—" His eyes opening wide he roared out in anger and slammed his fist on the counter as the twisted truth of it all hit him. "You guys fucking set me up! You used me as bait. Worse, you decided to use Emma as bait, just to be able to get a hand on one of Silva's inner circle. You bastards!" He saw blood and had Joe up by the collar against the kitchen wall, before Emma's voice broke through the raging in his ears.

  "Gus - Let him go. He's trying to tell you something, you've gotta let him go."

  Reluctantly loosening his grip on Joe's neck, he took a step back, put his hands on his hips and waited.

  "I swear to you, I had no idea. Gus - think about it. Do you think the FBI would let a lowly Chief Deputy of a County Sheriff's Office in on the secrets of a national investigation? Think!" Walking back to the counter, he sat down heavy and took a long drink from his coffee. "I started suspecting something when the fingerprints came back from the rental truck they found. I found out the same time you did, that they belonged to your brother. At the same bloody time, Gus. You could've come to the same conclusions I did."

  "Wait," Emma was holding up a hand, her eyes searching his face anger evident in hers. "You knew about your brother's involvement before Kara and Arlene were taken?"

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. How was he going to explain that he hadn't wanted her to know how soiled he had felt, how guilty, how responsible, for her life possibly being invaded and threatened by someone of his own family. He settled for a simple, "Yeah."

  "Out. Get out. I can't believe this. You asked me to trust you? Even knowing what we would be walking into, you asked me to trust you? Knowing you were lying to me the whole time? Get the fuck out of my house, Gus."

  Like a punch to his midsection would, all the air was sucked out of his lungs and he was left gasping for his next breath. Emma stalked off to her bedroom and slammed the door.

  "Christ, I'm sorry buddy, I had no idea you hadn't told her."

  "I was so ashamed, Joe." He choked out. "Just the thought that someone related to me might be responsible for putting her through all that misery simply was too much. I was struggling with the urge to want to kill my own brother for all that was done to my woman. And damn if that wouldn't make me as miserable a bastard as he was." Sinking down on a stool, he let his head hang down dejected. "I can't blame her for wanting me gone. Especially not after finding out I was part of an elaborate bait operation, even if I wasn't aware of it myself."

  Pushing himself off, he gathered plates and cups, quickly washing them in the sink.

  "Come on, let's leave her alone." He clapped his friend on the shoulder. Joe stopped him at the door.

  "Gus? You're an idiot."

  Chapter 30

  "So how long are you gonna make him suffer?" Arlene wanted to know when she went to visit her in the hospital with Kara later that morning. Kara had already given her hell for sending Gus packing, telling her she was being way too harsh and not thinking things through. And now here was Arlene, the one person she had expected to back her up one hundred percent, questioning her as well?

  "What the hell is wrong with you people? The man lied to me. About something pretty damn important, I might add. And don't start on me about how it must've all been a big shock to him. I get that that. But what you guys don't get is that he should've trusted me enough to tell me, knowing it wouldn't have made a difference."

  "I get that, Ems, but aren't you cutting off your nose to spite your face? You're making your point, bu
t does he know why it is you are really so mad at him? Did you bother to explain this to him? He isn't a mind reader either, you know." Arlene scolded her. And fuck if she didn't have a point.

  "Well shit. You know I hate it when you're being all reasonable."

  Chuckling, Arlene patted her hand. "Always more sides to a point than the one you're sitting at, Bestie."

  "Why don't you kiss my ass, Arlene."

  "Not planning to any time soon, but I happen to know the name of someone who would gladly." She deadpanned, sending Kara into a fit of giggles.

  "All right you two. Enough of that. I guess I'd better see if I can find the man and have a chat."


  Kara chose to keep Arlene company a bit longer and promised to hitch a ride with Seb later, who would be by after the lunch rush at the diner. So Emma was alone when she pulled into the motel parking lot, keeping an eye open for the familiar Yukon. She knew it had been retrieved from the Mesa Verde parking lot by a deputy the day before. But she didn't see it. Dana's rental was there though, so Emma got out of her Escape and knocked on the door of the unit she knew housed the team's temporary headquarters.

  "Hey, it's you." Dana said as she pulled the door open. "Come in. We're just packing up and getting ready to head back to Grand Junction. I was going to stop in to say goodbye before hitting the road, though, but you save us a trip."

  Of course, they would be heading home. Her mind hadn't even processed this far. She was gonna miss them, Dana especially.

  "I'm just now clueing in that you guys have a home to go to. I'm so sorry, I've been so self-absorbed I never even stopped to consider all you left behind. I feel awful now."

  "Nonsense, no one is waiting for us at home. My kids are all grown and too busy for me most of the time and Neil is single and his family is back in Denver, right Neil?" She said over her shoulder to the man in question, who was on his knees under a table trying to untangle a knot of cables.

  "Hey Neil, didn't see you there."

  "Emma, so happy it's over for you." Looking a bit sheepish he added, "How's Kara this morning, she doing okay after yesterday's ordeal?"

  "Yes thanks, she'll be alright, although I'm thinking the worst of is probably still going to hit, but we'll be ready. Thanks."

  "No problem, erm ... tell her I said hi and it was nice meeting her, okay?" A ruddy blush was creeping up the young man's cheeks as he was doing his best to avoid her eyes. If she wasn't mistaken, someone had a wee thing for her daughter.

  "Sure thing."

  "Can I get you anything?" Dana wanted to know.

  "No thanks, I was actually just looking for Gus."

  "Well he's already gone. You missed him by about thirty minutes. Came in, told us to pack up and go home and said he had to get back right away." Seeing the shock on Emma's face, she grabbed her hand. "Did he not say goodbye? That's not like him - Did something happen? Emma?"

  By now big tears were rolling down Emma's face. She could not believe he up and left. Well. She did tell him to. But she only meant for him to leave her house, to give her some breathing space. Would he have heard it that way though? Could he have thought she was cutting him off completely? She may have just fucked up big.

  Decidedly uncomfortable with the drama unfolding in the motel room, Neil skipped out claiming a sudden need for coffee, leaving Emma with a fussing Dana.

  "Oh honey, did you two fight?"

  Bawling and using up the one measly little box of tissues assigned to the room, Emma spilled everything to the older woman. From her insecurities to his patience with her, from their instant connection to their declarations of love. Concluding with their promise of honesty to his lies by omission and her subsequent reaction.

  "I see." Was all Dana said.

  "What do you mean, you see?" She sniffled.

  "Did he tell you how he came about starting up GFI?"

  "What's GFI?"

  "That's the name of his investigative company, Gus Flemming Investigations. Did he tell you anything about his family?"

  "Yes, he did. Everything actually, at least I think so."

  "So you know that he carries a lot of guilt over putting his father and brother away, and his father dying in prison. And you also know that until his mother, whom he was very close to, fell ill with Alzheimer's. He hadn't seen her for many years because she blamed him as well. He must've mentioned his wife's abandonment when things got tough. And frankly, that's about all the experience he's had. People get mad or disappointed, they walk away. In his world there is no turning back from that, he's never had anyone fight with him and stay. Do you get what I'm saying?

  Yes she did. She understood perfectly. She had effectively enforced his belief that love came with a myriad of strings, conditions and restrictions. And that if even one was broken, it was over. Instead of making him see that despite disagreements, arguments, trust-issues, love was always a good cause to fight for. Dammit. She really did need to fix this fast.

  "I gotta go." Getting up, she gave Dana a big hug before making her way to the door where she stopped and turned around.

  "Oh, could you write me down the address for his home and office? In case he won't answer my calls?"

  "Absolutely." Dana smiled, already grabbing for pen and paper.

  Chapter 31

  To say Kara and Arlene were angry at her would have been an understatement. But at this point it wasn't enough to make her reconsider. Neither of them apparently thought she should or could drive to Grand Junction on her own. She kindly but firmly reminded them that a scant three months ago, she drove all the way across the frickin' country by herself! Then they went on to state the obvious, like why didn't she call instead of going. Seriously? Of course she had called, but the man wasn't answering his phone. Or maybe just not calls from her. She didn't know, and didn't care anymore at this point. All that mattered was getting to him and setting this straight, once and for all.

  She hated things breaking down because of lack of proper communication. And she hated it even more when she was to blame for it.

  So here she was, on the road, just leaving Cortez behind. A small overnight bag, her medication and a map on the passenger seat beside her with what was supposed to be the fastest route. It would take her through Utah, which made no sense to her, but whatever. She would apparently pass through Moab, which she had heard was gorgeous and hadn't had a chance to visit yet. Maybe on the way back ...

  An odd sense of well-being came over her. After spending the last few weeks under constant scrutiny and for the most part confined to her house or restricted in her movements, she felt quite liberated and free. Whizzing down the highway, by herself, chasing down the man she intended to fight for, love and keep forever.

  Disabled, my ass!

  Next chance she had she wanted to stop for some gas and a few snacks, so she could drive right through without anymore stopping. She was anxious to find Gus, battling down the occasional pang of fear that it might be too late. She was probably not too far behind him, only an hour or so. On the off chance he might stop somewhere for food, she would drive through any town slowly, checking to see if she could spot his Yukon.

  Assuming he was on the same route, although it being the fastest way, that seemed likely.

  Passing through a place named Pleasant View, she didn't really see anything, except an old grain elevator and a few outbuildings. No gas station. She really had to get filled up before long, but hadn't wanted to turn east into Cortez to get it. She was heading in the opposite direction. Fuck. The gage was hitting the red zone on her dashboard. Better find something soon or her sorry ass was gonna be stranded by the side of the road. And that'd be that for this rescue mission.

  It wasn't much longer before she drove into a little town. She hadn't seen a sign, or maybe she missed it, but it sure looked big enough to have gas somewhere. It took her until she was almost through town to find a pump on the opposite side of the road.

  Pulling in, she was pleased to see that att
ached to it was a small sized supermarket. Perfect. She could scoot in after she filled up and grab some food and drinks.

  Gassed up and paid up, she pulled the car up to the market and pulled out her walker. Inside, she popped a basket on top and grabbed some fruit, water bottles, a box of crackers and headed to the cash register. There she also snagged a few chocolate bars, for energy.

  "Excuse me," She asked the pretty young woman manning the register, "where am I exactly? What's the name of this town?"

  "Dove Creek. You're in Dove Creek." She smiled.

  "Huh, such a pretty name. Fits the place. Thanks ..." Taking a quick peek at her name tag, "Rena. Have a great day."

  "You too."

  Bag with reinforcements perched on the seat of her walker, she pushed open the door, just as it was pulled from the outside, and with the forward pressure, she went stumbling outside. And would've landed face first, if a strong arm hadn't caught her mid-fall. A strong arm that felt very familiar. And a smell that was familiar too.

  "Gus" She breathed out when her eyes finally reached his face. "I was coming after you."


  Picking up her groceries and pulling her and her walker to the side of the door, he turned to her.

  "Good to know, Peach, cause I decided I couldn't leave, so I was coming back to you. Prepared to tie you down and carry you off if I had to."

  "I'm sorry... " They both started at the same time.

  "I need to go first." Emma said. "I was angry, and had reason to be angry, but I should've explained what the reason was. Instead I let you think up your own reasons and they were probably way worse than the truth. I didn't want you to leave for good, Gus. I just needed space to cool down. I was mad. Not done." Putting her hand up to his cheek, she claimed his full attention. "I didn't stop loving you."

  He dropped his forehead against hers, not once losing eye contact.

  "I'm an idiot." She snorted at that. "I know, everybody has told me so, myself included. But you kind of go with what you have been taught to expect, you know? And that's not a reflection on you, it is on me. My head knows this, my heart seems to need a little time to get used to things, it's way out of practise, you see." He gave her a little wink and wrapped her in his arms, his back against the wall.


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