The Enforcers (The Blood Bar Chronicles)

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The Enforcers (The Blood Bar Chronicles) Page 12

by St. James, Caledonia

  “Can my daddy really take the pain away?”

  “Yes, little one, he can.”

  “Does he love me?”

  “Yes, very much so. Or he will once your mummy tells him about you. They haven’t reached that part yet.”

  “Why are you here, angel?”

  “Well, princess, I have to tell you some things. Things that you may be too young to understand, but you must try. I cannot help otherwise.” Hope nodded.

  “I am a big girl, I’m six years old.” If she had been standing, she might even have stomped her foot, he thought.

  “My mistake.” He laughed at the outraged tone in her voice, and the sheer mockery on her face. This little one would keep Henri on his toes, and turn that thick head of hair gray in no time. Immortal or not, the vampire was going to be run ragged trying to keep up.

  “So, tell me.”

  “First, I have to ask you to promise me something. Something you won’t like.”

  “If you know I won’t like it, then why do I have to promise?”

  “What I am going to tell you, you must not tell anyone else. And that includes your mummy and daddy. It’s not something you should do again, but this time you have to, for your own safety and theirs, baby girl.”

  “Will people be hurt if I tell them?” she asked as she worried her little bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Yes. A lot of people will be hurt very badly.”

  “Ok. I promise, but can I tell them you said so?”

  “No, baby girl, you must not tell them I was here. I will go to them next, and tell them what they need to know, but this is only for you. Can you handle that? I will always be around if you need to talk about this again. Ok?”


  “You know about heaven, so your mummy must have told you about hell as well, yes?” At her nod he continued, “Well, somehow you are the key to opening all the gates of hell and letting all the bad people out.” He watched her face. She seemed to be contemplating his words. He didn’t want to really frighten her but there was no easy way to tell anyone that they could destroy the world.

  “Am I bad?”

  “No, no. You must never think that. You’re special, that’s all. So special that I will promise never to let anything happen to you, or your mummy.”

  “And I can’t tell mummy this? Will she stop loving me if she knows this?”

  “No, baby. She will always love you. But the more people that know what you are, the more danger you and your mummy will be in. If your mummy doesn’t know what you are, then she cannot be taken from you or used against you. You understand?”

  Hope nodded. He doubted that she fully understood, but he would be there later to help her through it when she was old enough to grasp the full impact of his words.

  “Now, I have been sent to you from the high council of angels to protect you, and so I’m giving you a choice. I can take you to a beautiful place where no one will be able to find you but your mummy cannot go with you, or I can leave you with your parents but you have to keep this secret.”

  “If I go away, will everyone be safe?”


  “What will happen if I stay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “My mummy will be sad if I go.” Noah could see her turning over the possible outcomes in her little mind. For one so young she had a very old soul, he thought, as well as an expressive face. “I will stay,” she said with a nod, and a triumphant look in her eyes.

  “Very well. You are indeed a brave soul, and one that is worthy of my loyalty. I’m at your command, should you need me, little princess of twilight.”

  “Angel, why do you look so sad?”

  “I’m not sad; I just have a lot to think about.”

  “It will all be ok, angel. I have seen you too in my dreams. You were with a beautiful woman with white hair, and we were eating ice cream and she was laughing at your silly face when you swallowed a big scoop and gave yourself a brain freeze.” Hope beamed. “I like ice-cream.”

  Noah kissed her head and sent her to sleep before putting her back in bed and drifting into the darkness that would take him home. Her words filling him with the hope he needed to believe in.


  Where the hell is he?

  She couldn’t stand this not knowing. Her pacing became frantic, wearing a pattern in the carpet. A popping sound had her turning, and then she was in his arms and pinned to the silk walls, her skirt up around her waist. Noah’s cock deep inside her, his face buried in her shoulder, as he crushed her to him.

  “I cannot lose you. Not again. Never again.” He groaned. “God, Nico, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have come here. I should be trying to fix this, but I had to see you, had to find my North again. Please, please tell me you want this?” He sounded like a broken man begging for her forgiveness. An angel asking her to forgive him—was he mad? She didn’t care; he was here, and in exactly the right frame of mind to ease her shameful soul. If she only got one more chance with him, then she would make it count. Again!

  “I’m here, Noah, and I want you.” The words had barely left her mouth before he started pounding into her like a man possessed, his animalistic need causing painful pleasure. He was claiming her in the most fundamental way there was. Branding her with his essence and she was loving every damn moment of it.

  “So beautiful,” he growled, his cock throbbing inside her. Was it still growing? It felt like there was no room left, yet she could feel it thickening and lengthening, her walls stretching to accommodate him. Then all thought was forgotten as he sucked her hard nipple into his mouth, and began moving again, this time slow and deep. In and out in time with the suckling of her breast, and the combination sent her flying through multiple orgasms. She could barely find breath when the next one would hit. He was going to fuck her into unconsciousness, and if that was his plan, then it wasn’t her place to complain, especially when he picked up the pace again.

  “Oh, for fucks sake!” Noah yelled, loudly.

  Nico stilled. Were angels even allowed to cuss? Never mind cussing while fucking. He was hammering her into oblivion when he yelled, and it wasn’t a completion yell, but a frustrated one. Noah slowed his pace again, but never left her body. He looked into her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered against her lips. “I really fucking hate my job at times, but this has to be the worst.” He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I love you. Heavens above I love you so much, but I have to go again, baby.”

  Had she just heard him right? Surely he hadn’t said he loved her? Then the rest of his words sank in—he was leaving again.

  “No, please don’t leave me. Noah...”

  Noah groaned and carried her to the untouched bed. He lowered her, and with a wave of his hand dissolved the clothes off both of them. If she thought he was like a Greek god clothed, she had no words to describe the sheer picture before her now. She wouldn’t even try to find the words, she’d rather just let him soak into every fiber of her, and hold his image inside so she never forgot him.

  “I can only stop time for a little while, baby. And then I will have to leave, but I promise I won’t be long when I go. Right now, I want to lick every inch of your satin skin, and make you mine.”

  “Oh, yes. Yes, I think you should. Definitely brand... Oh, heavens that feels good… Wow. Oh, oh, oh!” His tongue was definitely designed for sinful pleasures.


  Nico woke up alone, the huge bed dwarfing her, and the sheets cold. He had really left her, again? She didn’t get to wake up in his arms, didn’t get to hear his sleepy voice. She just couldn’t understand him. You don’t know him, that’s why. You barely know his name, yet you screwed him right in didn’t you? He probably thinks that you’re some kind of slut who does this all the time. And who can blame him, when you acted like it?

  She sat heavily in the chair, the after effects of their lovemaking still thrumming through her veins. What
had she done? An angel for cripes sake, a real-life, sent from heaven, goodness personified angel. And she had acted like a she-demon! It would serve her right if he left her here to live out her days in quiet solitude, to reflect on her wanton behavior. Seducing an angel! Am I mad?

  At least this windowless, doorless prison was equipped with never-ending food and drink, so she wouldn’t starve to death. Nope, they were going to make her pay for corrupting an angel. After screaming for so long the first time he left her, she’d worked up quite the thirst, and spotting the jug and glass, had poured herself a drink of water. What surprised her was that the jug refilled itself, as did the fruit bowl, so she had no doubt the fridge would do the same. Nico, the angel-seducing nympho nincompoop!

  It had been good, though. Oh so good. It may even be worth this exile. But sitting here alone, going over the details, wasn’t helping her to get him out of her mind. Far from it. If he popped back in she might have to throw herself on him, and beg him to stay again.

  Part of her felt like his dirty secret, though. They hadn’t talked, she still knew next to nothing about him, yet she never wanted to be parted from him. It made absolutely no sense to her, but her heart was adamant. She loved him and there was little her mind could use to shift her current stubborn self.

  Chapter Five

  Noah had one more call to make before he could rest beside his love. Henri. The idiot was the reason he had had to stop time, just so he didn’t leave Nico in the midst of an orgasm, or right after. She would have had his balls for leaving her again so suddenly, and he rather liked them where they rested, all warm and reassuring. After his visit with Hope and his mental check on her parents, Henri and Noelle, he’d stupidly thought they would be able to work this out between themselves and he wouldn’t have to get involved at this point. He wanted to stay as far away from the drama about to unfold as possible, but while he had been with Nico his vision had flashed and he’d seen Henri walk away from Noelle. A fate that could not happen if Hope was to live and the gates to hell remain closed. Noah knew that Henri would interpret his presence as a threat, since they had never met, but all supes in his presence knew who he was instantaneously and they all acted the same way without fail. Henri, being a vampire would be no different, even if he was centuries old and powerful in his own right.

  Henri, we need to talk.

  “What brings you to my house at this hour, Enforcer?” Henri said, his jaw clenching, fangs distending slightly.

  He obviously wasn’t happy having the enforcer show up, and Noah didn’t blame him. As far as the supernatural population were concerned, you didn’t invite the Enforcer round to shoot the shit and have a beer. So why would Henri be any different? Noah leashed his temper. It’s not like he chose this path. Fuck, he actually used to be a nice guy with friends. Breathing through his clenched teeth, Noah decided to ignore his own desire to have a friend—it was never going to happen.

  “I’m here to offer you advice,” he eventually answered.

  “I am protecting her. You don’t need to advise me of anything else. I know the rules, and I will not break them,” Henri hissed.

  “Didn’t you learn that some rules are designed to be broken?” Noah couldn’t help it and he smiled. It probably came off as a smirk, but he was genuinely enjoying pulling the vamp’s chain. He might not be able to befriend the vamp, but he could utilize his once witty collection of communication skills.

  “Still, this one will not be broken. You have my oath on that.”

  Noah sensed Noelle approaching, and in order to get this out in the open and heading in the right direction, he decided to take a risky approach to the problem at hand.

  “The way I see it, your oath is meaningless. You have two choices. Walk away and I take the child or turn the mother and I will leave you and your family in peace.” Noah let Noelle hear this conversation, so she would face her future. Why the hell hadn’t she told Henri about his daughter yet?

  “What? What child? I’d heard you were insane, Enforcer, but even this is beyond ludicrous. Are you so bored that you would need to instigate a violation in order to sate your need for violence?”

  “There is a child and it is yours. I will leave you, now. Noelle is looking for you.”

  “Non, c’est impossible!” The anguish Noah heard and saw on the vamp face was heartening. He would make the right choice, and be a good father to his daughter. If he didn’t kill the mother for keeping him in the dark, that was. Well he only had himself to blame for that one since he had wiped Noelle’s memory of him, but now that the truth was out, Noah just hoped for humanities sake that these two star-crossed lovers would finally get their shit together.

  Good Morning, Noelle. I see you found him, Noah projected into her mind.

  “Get out of my head, you, you, freak! And stay the hell away from my daughter!”

  Noah chuckled, amused by her brave little spitfire act. Like mother like daughter. Oh, Henri was in for a few showdowns of mammoth proportions in his not so distant future. Noah was sure. “You may want to teach your woman some manners, Henri. You know what you have to do. She isn’t strong enough to protect the child.” Making sure Noelle couldn’t over-hear, he addressed Henri before leaving. “I’m guardian to Hope now, and will—if need be—take her from you both. She is far too vulnerable right now. Don’t think to run or hide her, or tell her mother to do so, because I’m under orders.” At Henri’s raised brow he continued “Yes, there are higher powers than myself, and even I cannot fuck with them. Break the rules, Henri, and change her, then go see your daughter. Don’t fear me on this matter.” Noah faded into the darkness, with a light heart and a sadistic smile. Noelle was going to chew Henri’s ass, and then she would make him the happiest man-vamp alive.


  “I see you’ve made yourself at home.”

  Nico held her breath, trying to convince herself that she was not going to throw herself at him like a demented fool, and beg him to take her again. Oh god, she was so going to hell.

  He chuckled as she launched herself at him to be caught in his waiting arms, before smothering him in kisses. “Did you miss me, baby?”

  Way to go, girl! When you mess up you really go for broke!

  “I take it that’s a yes, then?” he asked, once he extracted her mouth from his. “As much as I love your mouth on mine,” he said breaking the kiss, “we need to talk and I can’t while you’re doing that.”

  “No. No talking. No thinking, just feeling. I don’t care what you are. All I care about is spending what time I have with you...before I’m struck down for defiling you, or sent to hell for doing it again, and again.”

  “With talk like that, baby, we may never leave this room again. But I fear that you will need to interact with your friends, and I need to keep humanity safe. Which means that we cannot stay here eternally.”


  “You seem to be under the impression that you were the seductress. I seem to remember it differently, but no matter. I’m not—hear me, woman—not an angel. I am the Enforcer. The one who keeps the supernatural in their place. I’m not the innocent that you think you’ve tainted, but rather an emotionless body that you have filled with love. Does that ease your mind?” he asked, before kissing her open mouth.


  After making love three more times they finally got around to talking. Nico thought they were doing rather well, considering she just wanted to dive into him and never surface. Every time he spoke his voice did funny things to her insides, and she wondered if she would ever get used to it, or if it would always cause her to go weak at the knees and send her heart fluttering.

  “Nico, I think you should look at something, but I don’t want you to worry, ok?” Noah breathed into her ear, sending chills delightfully dancing a path to her pussy, until his words registered. Instantly she started to worry. Well, who wouldn’t, when you hear the words “don’t worry” you automatically start to do just that. Didn’t men know these things? “I
told you not to worry. It’s just something I don’t want you to be surprised about, and if I don’t show you now, and you find out on your own, then you might panic.”

  “I’m panicking now, you big oaf. Show me already so we can move on to something I know I like.” She tried to smile, but knew it looked as weak as it felt.

  She didn’t see it at first. She was sitting in his lap when he held the mirror for her to look into, but she was distracted with his gorgeous face over her shoulder. Then she realized that her eyes were both blue and yelped. What the fuck?

  “It’s ok, baby. I think I can explain it.”

  “You think you can explain it? That’s reassuring, because I’m all out of explanations. Unless you did some voodoo to my eyes, the same way you dissolved my clothes.”

  “I didn’t voodoo anything. Your clothes fell off you.” He chuckled. “Okay, Okay.” He laughed when she glared at him. “I did use magic to render you at my complete, naked disposal, but I didn’t do anything to your eyes.”

  “When did they change?” she wondered aloud while peering closer at her eyes trying to find any hint of the once green. Wow, nothing. There was no green left at all. Not even a fleck. “How long have they both been blue?”

  Still trying to find some remnants of the green that had always labelled her a freak she wondered why it had always been the green she hated and not the blue. Most people loved green eyes, blue were so common but she had never liked the green eye and had always wanted to get a blue contact to cover it. Delicious shivers raced down her spine as Noah kissed his way up her neck to her ear.

  “Since the moment my cock gave you your first orgasm.”

  Picturing the moment, Nico groaned. God she could make love to him all day and all night and still it wouldn’t be enough. Noah had become like a drug to her, or maybe the orgasms were the drug and Noah was the supplier. Either way she wanted him all the time. Now, she wanted him inside her right now. What were they talking about? Right her eyes!

  “So, you did change them then! It was you fucking me that changed them, is that what you’re saying?” She groaned, hardly more than a whisper that was preciously close to a whimper as her nipples peaked for his fingers and heat gushed in her core.


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