As Long As You Love Me

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As Long As You Love Me Page 12

by LuAnn McLane

  And then she had to pee.

  Just ignore it, she thought, willing her bladder to grow bigger. To her credit, she lasted about ten more minutes before she couldn’t hold out any longer. Without any choice, she silently slipped from the bed . . . but dammit, it was so dark! Where the hell was the bathroom?

  Ava stood there in indecision. Should she wake Jesse? No . . . she decided, and crept forward, inch by inch, with her palms raised in front of her. Surely the bathroom must be getting closer, she thought, heart pounding, breath coming in short spurts.

  “What in the world are you doing?” Jesse asked, making Ava nearly jump out of her skin.

  “Trying to find the bathroom!”

  “Want me to turn on the light?”



  “Then I’ll fully wake up.”

  “You’re walking and talking. I think that’s fully awake.”

  “But I’m still drowsy,” she insisted, even though she was far from it. She did a yawn that sounded so fake she nearly laughed.

  “Okay, I’ll help you,” Jesse said, and before Ava could utter a protest, he was at her side with his warm hand on her elbow, smelling good while he helped her ease her way forward.

  “How do you know where to go?”

  “I live here,” he said in a tone laced with amusement.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Yes,” he said, and opened a door. “There’s a night-light, so you should be okay.”

  “Thanks, you can go back to bed.”

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  Ava thought about protesting, but she was a teensy bit afraid of the dark, and this was some serious darkness. “Okay,” she said in a small voice. She hurried in and did her business in the soft light of a seashell-shaped night-light. She washed her hands and then decided to rinse her mouth and smooth back her hair. Why? She had no idea.

  “You okay in there?”

  “Fine,” Ava replied, drying her hands and running her tongue over her teeth before opening the door.

  “Link your arm in mine so I can help you over to the bed.”

  “Okay.” Ava made the mistake of doing what he asked. She could feel the ripple of his bicep muscle, hard, like a softball. By the time they reached the bed she was so worked up that she nearly pulled him down with her. “Thank you,” she said primly.

  “No problem,” Jesse said, and left her to go to his side of the barricade.

  Ava scooted beneath the covers and pulled the silky-soft sheet up to her chin. She decided that if she remained on her back, that would eliminate tossing and turning, so she laid there, stiff as a statue. Oh God, what if she snored? Drooled? Farted?

  “Good night,” Jesse said in a regular tone . . . not in a frustrated-as-hell or afraid-of-farting tone.

  “ ’Night,” Ava replied lightly.

  “You’re not going to fall asleep, are you?”

  “I’ll probably be sleepless in Sea Breeze.”

  “I have melatonin pills if you want some.”

  “I’m okay. Wait, do you suffer from insomnia?”

  Jesse hesitated for a heartbeat. “Yeah.”

  Ava frowned, wondering about the cause, but didn’t want to pry. “Me too.”

  “Want one?”

  “I tried it, but sometimes it causes crazy dreams.”

  Jesse chuckled. “I know. But sleeping pills? I tried that too. I would get up in the middle of the night, eat odd stuff, and not remember it the next day.”

  “Odd stuff?”

  “Like a tub of Cool Whip.”

  “Yuck. Maybe we should just count sheep.”

  “If only it were that easy.”

  Ava felt another connection to him. She knew how frustrating insomnia could be and longed to reach over and hold his hand. “Sometimes I’ll turn on the television and watch HSN in the middle of the night. Then I’ll get deliveries of kitchen gadgets and odd tunics that somehow looked stylish.”

  Jesse chuckled.

  “No, seriously, I once ordered a wig.”

  “No . . .”

  “I kid you not.” She giggled.

  “You wanna watch now and order something stupid?”

  “No! I might end up with . . . I dunno, a chia pet!”

  “And what’s wrong with a chia pet?”

  “Ohmigod, you do the same thing.”

  “You’ve seen my house.”

  “You’re a million times worse than me. You need a second storage shed.” Ava laughed so hard that the bed shook. “Okay, seriously, we should get some shut-eye.”

  “I shut my eyes. I just don’t fall asleep.”


  “You really think that’s gonna happen?”

  “You mean you weren’t sleeping earlier?” Ava asked softly, smiling into the darkness.

  “There’s no way. Having you in my bed brings insomnia to a new level.”

  “Then why did you ask me to sleep in here?”

  “I wanted you next to me,” he said simply. “Aw, dammit.” He removed part of the barricade.


  “Only enough to hold your hand,” he said. “Not that I don’t want smithereens.”

  Ava smiled when he reached over and took her hand. And in that magical moment, her armor cracked, allowing hope to creep into her heart. Her fingers threaded with his, Ava felt a sense of calmness. She didn’t need a barricade to trust him.

  Her eyes fluttered shut, and within minutes, she fell fast asleep.

  Ava woke up in small degrees, engaging all her senses. First, her fingers encountered something soft and smooth, and she sighed, sinking into the sensation. She inhaled a deep breath of . . . mmmm . . . clean citrus, woodsy musk. With a sleepy sigh she stirred and felt her leg slip over something strong, solid. Her mouth was pressed against velvety warmth and when she licked her lips there, her tongue touched . . . skin?


  Ava opened her eyes a mere slit and saw skin . . . lots of skin, a dusting of chest hair. She swallowed, and her heart picked up speed when she realized the so-called barricade had become demolished sometime in the dead of the night. She was wrapped around Jesse like kudzu, and the even rise and fall of his chest indicated he was fast asleep.

  Ava frowned, trying to piece together how she’d gotten into this position. They hadn’t . . . no, she would have remembered every detail of making love to Jesse Heart. But how did she get draped over him?

  Ava inhaled another deep breath, noting the fingers of sunlight that reached through the blinds and indicated that morning had broken. Now what should she do?

  She pressed her lips together, wondering if she could oh-so-slowly untangle herself without waking Jesse. Then, she decided that savoring the feeling of being entwined would be okay for just a few more heavenly minutes—maybe she’d even drift back to sleep—so she closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Are you awake?”

  Ava’s eyes flew open, but then she wondered if she should fake sleep, and then surprise at being in his arms. Should she immediately demand an explanation? Shove him away? But then it dawned on her that she was draped over him. Damn. Okay, but maybe he was the one who’d torn down the barricade, thus initiating the . . . entanglement.

  “Ava? I know you’re awake,” Jesse said in a tone laced with humor.

  “How did the barricade disappear?” she asked in what she hoped was a rather accusatory tone, but she sounded breathless instead. Damn, again.

  “Well, you tossed and turned, basically destroying it.”


  “And then you snuggled closer and closer.”

  “Oh,” Ava repeated. “Sorry,” she said in a small voice.

  “I’m not in the least,” he said in a deep, sleep-graveled voice that slid over her like silk. “In fact, I’ve been awake, trying to stay as still as possible just to prolong having you wrapped around me. I’m not afraid to say it.”

  Not knowing what to say, Ava remained si

  “And trying to fight what you’re doing to me . . . but failing. Miserably.”

  Ava blinked, realizing what he was saying. She longed to slide her hand south to touch the erection she could feel poking under her leg. In fact, she wanted to explore his entire body inch by delicious inch.

  “We either have to get going or I’m going to roll over and kiss you the way I’ve been fantasizing about for the past God-knows-how-long.”

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth!”

  “We can remedy that.”

  “Jesse . . .”

  “Okay, I’ll stop,” he said, but when he made a move to get up, Ava pressed her hand to his chest. “Jesse,” she said again. She could feel the rapid thud of his heart, and she knew what she had to tell him.



  Jesse didn’t know he’d been holding his breath until Ava spoke his name for the third time. “You know, you have to say something after you say my name,” he said gently. He reached up and took her hand resting on his chest. Threading his fingers through hers, he said, “Okay, I’ll make this easy. If you want to make love, just nod your head or squeeze my hand.” He held his breath again, but she failed to move a muscle. “You could try sending me a telepathic message. I have skills.”

  Jesse waited, but all he heard was her breathing.

  Finally, Jesse gave her hand a light squeeze. “If it takes you that long, then I should get up,” he said, careful not to let his disappointment get in the way of her decision. He wanted Ava to be sure about this, so he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “I’ll go make coffee,” he said, and let go of her hand.

  Ava nodded.

  Jesse padded into the kitchen, made coffee, and then opened the fridge, standing there as he always did, hoping food would magically appear. He tried to convince himself that just having Ava stay the night was enough to give him some hope for a possible future together, but after holding her close in his arms, he longed for so much more. “Patience is a virtue,” he reminded himself under his breath. He’d promised her he would be a patient man, and he was determined to keep his word.

  Jesse opened the cabinet and was reaching for coffee mugs when he suddenly felt arms go around his waist. He froze.

  “Why did you leave?” Ava asked, placing tiny kisses on his back.

  Jesse frowned, wondering if he was dreaming this. “I . . . thought—”

  “I nodded.”

  “I thought the nod was for coffee.”

  “Mmmm, the coffee smells divine, but it will stay hot and . . .”


  “I brushed my teeth,” she said in a low, seductive tone that caused him to instantly get hard.

  Jesse was about to question her decision, but she slid one hand lower, under the waistband of his shorts, and put her hand on his cock, making all thought process flee except for wanting her back in his bed. When she moved her hand oh so lightly over his shaft, Jesse sucked in a breath. He turned around and looked into her eyes and knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her . . . and that was all he needed.

  Jesse took her hand and led her back to his bedroom. “Give me a minute to brush my teeth too,” he said.

  “One minute.” Ava held up one finger and gave him a saucy smile.

  “That’s all I need.”

  “We’re talking brushing your teeth, right?”

  Jesse laughed and nodded as he hurried into the bathroom. But while furiously brushing his teeth, he decided to take a thirty-second shower, drying off with his final seconds and walking into the bedroom.

  “You showered?” Ava asked from beneath the covers. Her bare shoulders indicated she was naked, making Jesse forget what she’d asked.

  “I should shower then too!” she protested, but before she could leave the bed, Jesse was underneath the covers, beside her.

  “Don’t go,” Jesse pleaded, and then smothered her protest with a deep, hot kiss. She tasted of mint and woman and he could not get enough. He kissed her on and on while exploring her body with his hands. She moaned when his exploration reached her breasts. He cupped their fullness, and when he rubbed a thumb over a taut nipple she arched her back, offering him more . . . and he took it. A hot wave of desire washed over him, a deep longing unlike anything he’d felt before. Without breaking the kiss, Jesse trailed his fingertips over her torso and then dipped between her thighs, finding her silky, wet heat. He pulled his lips from hers and then captured a nipple between his teeth, licking, teasing.

  “God!” Ava cried. “Jesse . . .” she said in a throaty, needy tone.

  Jesse paused ever so briefly to locate a condom and roll it on before turning back to her. Tossing the covers back, he knelt above her and gazed down at her, taking in her beauty. Her dark hair fanned out over the white pillow and her face was simply gorgeous: not because she was blessed with beauty, but because his feelings for her were already deepening. Her breasts were full but perky, nipples a dusky pink and wet from his mouth.

  “I want this,” she said, mistaking his pause to drink in her beauty for hesitation.

  “So do I,” he said, looking down into her eyes. “Ava, you’re . . . stunning is the only word that I can think of.” He admired her lithe but strong dancer’s body. He wanted those long legs wrapped around him.

  Ava reached up to cup his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Jesse leaned over and started a trail of kisses down her belly. She moaned, reached up, and threaded her fingers through his hair. Needing to taste her, he kissed the top of her mound and then pressed his mouth to her core. She gasped and arched her hips, and he kissed her there, teasing, licking, until she tugged at his hair.

  “No . . . I want . . .” she said, panting.

  Jesse came up to his knees and then eased into her wet heat, moving slowly, trying to hold back, but she was at the brink, so he picked up the pace, watching the play of emotion on her beautiful face while he made sweet, sweet love to her. When she wrapped her legs around his waist, Jesse plunged deep, and when she cried his name he flew over the edge with her.

  For a few moments, he stayed buried deep, loving her clinging to him, murmuring words, making sounds of pleasure that had him smiling. Finally, he rolled to the side, pulling her up against his chest. “I would say that was amazing, but that word hardly does what just happened between us justice.”

  “I know. Maybe we should come up with our own word for magnificence?”

  Jesse chuckled, loving this relaxed side of her, and he had to wonder if this had been her true personality before A² tore her down. He guessed the answer was yes.

  “Amazeballs . . . well, that’s been taken.”

  Ava chuckled. “Awesome sauce?”

  “Taken too.”

  “Hmmm, maybe we’ll have to keep doing this until the word comes to us . . . no pun intended.”

  Jesse laughed, wiping the corners of his eyes. “You’re funny,” he said with a sense of wonder.

  “I used to be,” she said slowly.


  “It feels good getting back to being . . . me.”

  Jesse felt emotion clog his throat and he stroked her hair. He held her closer and although it was too soon to express words of love, he felt it. “Ava?”


  “I want to spend the day with you on the water.”

  “Oh, Jesse, we should probably rehearse.”

  “Let’s play hooky. I promise to work extra hard the entire week. Just give me today.”

  “What will we do?”

  “We can take Oliver’s boat out. He’s got a kick-ass cabin cruiser. We can stop at the grocery story and get a picnic lunch, head out for the day? The weather is perfect and the water will be warm enough to get in if you like.”

  “But I don’t have makeup or anything here.”

  “You don’t need it. And the blue bikini will do nicely. What do you say?” he asked with enough pleading and excitement that she would sure
ly agree. He added a smile for good measure.


  “Yes!” He tilted her face up so he could kiss her.

  “Where will we go?”

  “I know lots of places, but one in particular happens to be my favorite.”

  “Take me there.”

  Jesse gave her another quick kiss. “We’ll put the coffee in to-go mugs, ice up a cooler, and be on our way.”

  “Where’s the boat?”

  “Docked in a slip at the Sea Breeze marina. Not far. I’ll get the coffee while you get dressed. I’ve got plenty of sunscreen and anything else we need on the boat.”

  “That sounds fun,” Ava said with a smile that tugged at his heart.

  “It will be. All we need is a quick stop at the grocery store and we’ll be good to go. And Ava?”


  “One more thing.”

  “What?” she asked softly.

  “Make no mistake, you are sensual and incredibly passionate,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Jesse put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her tenderly. He felt her lips tremble and he pulled her closer. In that magical moment, he knew he would do anything in his power to make her happy. Anything.

  Less than thirty minutes later they pulled up in front of the grocery store in Jesse’s VW bus. Other than backfiring a few times, the old bus ran like a top, and Ava was delighted to no end. She kept bounding in her seat, waving back to people.

  “Do people always wave to you?”

  “When I’m driving the bus.”

  “Do you drive it often?”

  “Only on special occasions,” he said with a smile.

  Ava tilted her head. “So, going boating is a special occasion?”

  “No, but being with you is.”

  Ava gave him a shy smile. “Are you always this romantic?”

  “Not until now, and I aim to stay that way.”

  Jesse came around and opened the door for Ava. “Watch your step,” he said, offering her his hand.

  “And are you always this much of a gentleman?”

  “Yes, my parents taught me well.”

  “They sure did.” Ava smiled, and then fell into his arms, laughing. The parking lot wasn’t very full, but Jesse knew they would get some attention, making him concerned about Ava’s reaction. If Ava was worried, however, she didn’t show it, putting his mind at ease. He took her hand, wondering how she’d feel about the public display, but she smiled and walked hand in hand with him into the store.


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