Even More Wifey Status

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Even More Wifey Status Page 18

by Racquel Williams

  Azir and I will be on our way after I kill his mommy. I thought about killing the bastard too, but I decided to keep him since he reminds me of Alijah, and also so he can become my little bastard. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Sierra’s face when she realizes that we have indeed met before. I cut the music up loud as I drove to claim what’s rightfully mine.

  I got there just in time for me to start working. I noticed upon my arrival the woman of the house looked a little agitated and tired. I was going to inquire about what was going on, but I refrained. I was on a mission, and I really didn’t give a damn about what she was going through. I needed her to hurry up and leave so I could get to that safe. I figured I could shoot it open and see what they had been hiding in the basement. I planned to be gone long before she made it back home.

  I watched as she hurried off and waited around twenty-five minutes until I was confident enough that she was gone. Then I picked the door that led to the basement and jogged down the stairs to the door that led to the safe. I fired two shots in the direction of the lock, hitting my target. The lock disabled; I took it off so I could open the safe.

  I almost fainted. I leaned on the wall for support. I’d been with Alijah for years, and I have never seen this substantial amount of money. The blasted man was rich, and these federal clowns thought they confiscated all of his bank accounts and monies. He was sitting on a gold mine, and this bitch thought she was going to run me off. “Ha-ha, silly rabbit.” I bust out laughing. I couldn’t contain myself.

  I was no fool. There was no way I could drag all that money out, so I decided to grab a large black trash bag from out of the kitchen cabinet. I went back downstairs and started piling up stacks of cash. It took me a good while to fill up the bag. See, what I didn’t bargain for was how heavy the bags were going to be. I couldn’t even move an inch with it. I had to grab another bag and split the first bag. I made it upstairs with the two bags and took them to my car. I scanned my surroundings to make sure no one was spying on me.

  Quickly, I went back into the house and headed upstairs. I grabbed some of Azir’s clothes and packed them in a duffel bag that I found in the closet. I then went to his crib where he was lying. I wasn’t going to get him dressed. I did not want to delay one second after I blew his mommy’s brains all over her room. However, my thoughts were quickly interrupted.

  Sierra Rogers

  I tiptoed on my plush carpet which managed to drown out the squeaky noise of the stairs. I had my gun hidden behind my back. My heart was speeding because of the inevitable. I went directly to my room and stood in the doorway where I had a clear view of her standing over my son.

  “Get the fuck away from him!” I yelled, with the gun pointed directly at her.

  “Chile, put away that thing before you hurt yourself.” She grinned.

  “Shayna, that’s your real name, right? Get the fuck away from my son.”

  “Ha! You got me, but please put your gun down, or I will shoot this little monkey,” she said as she picked Azir up and pointed her gun at his face.

  My heart skipped a couple of beats. I see this bitch had no heart; she would go that far and point a gun at my baby. My blood was boiling. I wanted to choke the life out of her, but I did not want to startle her. I was not sure of her mental state—one wrong move on my behalf could trigger her to do something stupid.

  “OK, OK, take the gun off my baby. What do you want?”

  “What I want? I see I missed when I shot you before. So here we are again.”

  “I understand that you are upset. Please take the gun off my baby,” I pleaded while tears rolled down my face.

  “I don’t give a fuck about you pleading. You came into my life and wreaked my marriage. You didn’t care then, so why the fuck you think I give a fuck about you or this little monkey?”

  “Listen, I’ll walk away. You can have Alijah. I’ll leave him alone.”

  “Ha-ha, you one funny bitch. You thought it was a game. I never knew what he saw in a poor-ass bitch like you. Look at yo’ ass. You look like a cheap ho on a cold night.”

  I stood there ignoring everything that the deranged ho was saying. My mind was set on getting my son out of her arms.

  “You thought you were going to have him for you and this little bastard. Surprise! You thought wrong, bitch. Alijah belongs to me, ’til death do us part. You get that?” she yelled. “He was my man. You had no right to weasel yourself into our lives. He was mine!” She started to cry.

  “Please, I’m begging you, put my baby down,” I pleaded with her.

  The situation was definitely getting out of hand. This was any mother’s worst nightmare. I whispered a prayer to God and leaped toward that bitch. I was going to get my baby.

  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Shots fired off in my direction.

  I didn’t shoot back in fear of hitting my son. I fell right by his crib. I was trying to take a quick glance at my baby’s face one last time.

  “See, bitch, I told you to leave us alone, and you didn’t listen.”

  Moments later, I heard footsteps, lots of them, running up the stairs.

  “Sierra, can you hear me? Oh my God! Get an ambulance here right now,” Jeanette yelled. “Baby, hold on, please. I can’t lose you. Azir needs you,” she pleaded.

  I knew I was dying. I wanted to hold my baby for one last time. Just one last time.

  “Baby, please hold on. Help is on the way. I love you.” She cried as she hugged my bullet-riddled body.

  “Please take care of my baby. Please let him know that I love him.”

  “You will be here to tell him yourself. Don’t you talk like that, you hear me?” She hugged my bloody body.

  I squeezed her hand as I dozed off. I knew this was my last time seeing the woman that gave me life. The breath was leaving my body, and I was going home to Grandma. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. My level of consciousness diminished, and my body started to shiver. I began to breathe rapidly as the pain became unbearable. I wasn’t ready to go. I was feeling scared and lonely. I wanted Alijah and my son by my side.

  “The ambulance is here. Let’s go people! We need to get her to the hospital.”

  “Oh, somebody done done me wrong (Done Me Wrong). My eyes to the ceiling all night long (All night long) Time is slippin’ away from me (Away from me) And it ain’t no tellin’ when I get home, I gotta get home, yeah.” K-Ci & JoJo lyrics played in my mind.

  “Come on, sugar, Grandmamma is here. You are safe now,” she said as I collapsed in her arms.

  Shayna Jackson

  I thought I had everything under control after I got the money. I just needed to wait until she came home; then I would kill her and leave. But the plan changed. She popped up on me, and when she did, she already knew who I was. So I see she was smarter than I thought.

  People might think I was a fool because I was fighting for a man that doesn’t even want me, but we weren’t always like that. We had a bond; we said till death do us part. I was supposed to be his everything, but he let an underprivileged bitch come between us. I wasn’t fighting over him; I was fighting to get my respect. If I let that one bitch come in and fuck up my marriage, that will only open the door for all the other man-snatchers who think they can.

  That ho had the audacity to pull a gun on me. I had to show her that I wouldn’t think twice about blowing that little monkey’s brains out. She was no match for me. I didn’t care that he was young; the sin of the mother carries over to him. Her ass realized fast that I was dead-ass serious. The big bad Sierra vanished, and the little poor bitch that I knew she was appeared, begging me not to hurt her baby.

  I already knew I was going to kill her, so when she leaped at me, I pulled the trigger and lit that black ass up while I held her son in the other hand. I was getting ready to put one in her brain, but I needed to get out of there. I grabbed the boy and ran down the stairs, but stopped in my tracks when I heard the front door breaking down. I knew right then it was the police, but who called them?

  I thought I had it all figured out until the feds burst in the room and demanded that I put the gun down. I had no idea they knew where I was. I left the microphone at home, and I told them I was ill. I thought I was slick, but I guess they never trusted me. I see they were playing me just like I thought I was playing them. I had no intention to go to jail. I was not made for that; instead, I made the decision to end it all. I held Azir close to me; then I lunged forward, shooting at Agent Rozzario. She returned fire. Surprisingly, I was only shot in the shoulder. She ran over to me and snatched the little bastard out of my arm. The room flooded with agents.

  A few of them rushed me up against the wall.

  “Shayna Jackson, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. You can choose to exercise these rights at any time.” Agent Rozzario read me my rights as she cuffed me.

  “Bitch, you should’ve killed me.” I looked her in the eyes.

  “No, that’d be too easy. I will make sure you rot in prison for the rest of your life.”

  “Fuck you, bitch. I won’t do a single day. You need me to testify against Alijah,” I spat.

  “I am sorry to inform you, Mr. Jackson was killed this morning, and I don’t need you for a damn thing.”

  That was the second-worst news that I heard in my life. The first was the death of my daddy. I wonder if that bitch was bluffing, but then again, what if she wasn’t? That would mean that I would be convicted of murder. Oh well, at least I knew Alijah and his ho would never see another day. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as they led me out of the house.

  I saw the news station vehicles and all the neighbors crowded around. I hope I still looked damn good for my role. I pushed out my chest and held my head high. After all, I was the head bitch in charge!

  The End




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