Emberly (Tails Book Three)

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Emberly (Tails Book Three) Page 6

by R. E. Butler

  Chapter Nine

  Emberly wasn’t nervous to introduce her parents to Diesel. She figured as long as they actually did get married at some point, so her dad could walk her down the aisle, they’d be content. They walked into the shop.

  “Well, welcome,” her father said, when the door swung shut behind them. He finished taking payment for a coffee and then called for her mom.

  Em hugged her parents. “Mom, Dad, this is Diesel Cowan. These are my parents, Chris and Amy.”

  “Welcome to the family,” Chris said, shaking his hand. “I understand you’re mated and that means we’re family in our book.”

  “We hug in this family, by the way,” Amy said, giving him a swift embrace. “We can sit and chat. Em, let’s get some coffee for everyone.”

  “Sure thing, Mom.”

  She gave Diesel’s hand a squeeze and then followed her mom behind the counter. She fixed two mugs for herself and Diesel of the light roast, adding milk and sugar to both. Her mom carried two similar mugs, joining her dad and Diesel at one of the booths against the window, where they sat across from each other.

  “Diesel was just about to tell me how you two met, but I figured we should wait for Mom.”

  “Thank you, dear,” Amy said.

  Em smiled at her mate. “Go ahead.”

  He told the story of how they’d met, and while he left out the part where Chloe had turned out to be a hater of every sort of shifter in existence, Em didn’t mince words, telling her parents how she’d been kicked out of the wedding.

  “Well, I never pegged her family for acting like that,” Chris said, stroking his chin. “But I remember when Jeb died. The family was absolutely torn to pieces over it, especially Chloe’s mom. But I think it’s less to do with the fact it was a shifter who caused the accident than what they figured out after he died.”

  “What do you mean?” Em asked.

  “Jeb was the one who controlled the family money. They weren’t crazy rich, but they were all fairly well off. He parceled money out to everyone when he became the patriarch after his and Denise’s father passed away. When he died, the family was expecting bank accounts and property titles to be transferred to Denise. But it turned out that he’d been gambling away the family fortune for years. To make up for his terrible luck at gambling, he’d taken out second and third mortgages on all the properties. Eventually the banks took everything, including their childhood home.”

  Em’s eyes went wide. “I don’t remember ever hearing about that.”

  “Well, they kept it pretty quiet,” Amy said. “And it took them a few months to figure out what he’d done, so they were able to keep it out of the public rumor mill.”

  “Chloe said she hates shifters because of the accident.”

  Chris took a sip of coffee. “It was probably easier for them to blame shifters for their problems than it was to face the reality that Jeb had been embezzling from the family for years and was apparently a terrible gambler.”

  “Wow, that’s so awful. Do you think Chloe knows the truth?” Em asked.

  “Probably not,” Chris said. “The only reason we know is that we heard gossip around town. They tried to keep it out of the public eye, but small-town gossip has a way of spreading.”

  “It’s too bad that her family is encouraging hatred of a single group of people in an effort to cover up the bad deeds of a family member,” Diesel said. “But I guess people do what they think is right to protect their family.”

  “Very true,” Chris said. “I wouldn’t worry about that family, though. They’ve always thought they were too good for this town, and after they lost everything, they moved out of the city limits and don’t come around much. I don’t think we’d ever hear about them if it weren’t for Em and Chloe’s friendship.”

  “Which is dead now,” she said. “I feel bad for her, but she’s an idiot so I’m not going to worry about it anymore.”

  “Good for you. She’s not worth the effort if she’s going to discount someone as nice as Diesel without getting to know him,” Amy said with a smile.

  “So...” Chris said, clearing his throat.

  Em put her hand up. “You’re going to ask about work. Or living arrangements. Or a wedding. Right?”

  “All three?” Amy offered.

  “Kedrick isn’t far from here, so I think the unofficial plan is for me to move into Diesel’s house. As far as a wedding, he hasn’t asked me yet, but we will get married at some point. And for work, I’d really, really love to take Tuesday off, too.”

  Her parents looked at each other for a moment and her dad said, “That’s fine, honey. You know, Diesel, if you ever have a day off and want to help out, I could totally use another pair of strong hands around here.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Diesel said.

  They finished their coffee and chatted with her parents for a while longer.

  “So, you don’t have to work until Wednesday,” Diesel said with a curious hum as they left the coffee shop an hour later.

  “I know, right? What will we do with the time?”

  “Well, for sure we’re going to need to be naked for most of it,” he said with a chuckle. He opened the car door for her and closed her inside, then got behind the wheel and turned on the engine. “But I have to work tonight.”


  “But I want you to meet Duke and his mate, Ree. I texted him and he asked if we’d like to meet them out for dinner before my shift.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Where?”

  “There’s a little diner in town, it’s owned by an older pride couple. On the weekends they have an all-you-can-eat meat buffet. It’s pretty damn great.”

  She smiled. “But we’ve got some time before we need to meet them, right?”

  “Lots of time, sweetheart.”

  * * *

  Em thought the alpha couple was really sweet. She’d been a little nervous to meet them, because Duke was like the president of the lions, and it was clear that Diesel had a great deal of respect for him. Duke was a big man like her Diesel, and he emanated power in a way that made something ancient within her recognize that he was a predator and she needed to be wary. She was aware that Diesel also was a predator, and she was a puny human without an ounce of fighting skills, but she felt very safe with her mate and didn’t think of him that way. Duke, on the other hand, was kind of scary, even when he smiled.

  Ree had long, auburn hair and kind eyes, and gave Em a warm hug when they met. The two couples sat across from each other in a booth and they ordered dinner – Em a BLT and Diesel two double cheeseburgers and an extra plate of fries.

  “In case you didn’t notice,” Ree said with a chuckle when their orders were placed, “lions like to eat a lot. Especially the males.”

  “I noticed.” Em smiled at Diesel.

  Duke settled back in the booth and put his arm around Ree. “First, we wanted to say congratulations on finding your heart-match. I really feel like the bar is the new hot spot for meeting our other halves. You’re the third male to find his mate there in a little over a month.”

  “We should make that an advertising campaign,” Ree said. “Come for the drinks, stay for the heart-matches.”

  Duke snorted.

  Diesel chuckled. “Thanks.”

  “So, tell us everything,” Ree said.

  Diesel told the story of their meeting, including the loss of her friend.

  “Wow, that sucks about your friend,” Ree said. “Some humans can be so narrow-minded.”

  “And some lions as well,” Duke said. “Did Diesel tell you about the problems we had in the pride?”

  Em nodded.

  “The good news is those assholes are gone from the pride,” Ree said. “So no lion has to choose between his or her pride and heart-match, no matter if they can shift or not.”

  “That’s wonderful news,” Em said. “I would feel bad if Diesel lost the pride because of me.”

  “I felt the same way, trust me,
” Ree said. “But lions love fiercely. When they find their heart-match, nothing else matters except being with that person.”

  Duke smiled at his mate and then looked at Diesel. “Have you thought about living arrangements?”

  “Em’s going to move into my place,” Diesel said. “She was a little concerned about not being welcome, but I explained that with the mating laws changed, that she’s welcome to move in with me.”

  “That’s true,” Duke said.

  Ree nodded. “My sister Mercy and I kind of paved the way for changes with the pride, so you’re not the only human.”

  “You can join the pride,” Duke said, “as a full member. You’ll be under my protection as alpha. If you should have any children, whether they can shift or not, they’ll be welcomed into the pride. If you ever need anything, Ree and I are a phone call away.”

  “And I hope you’ll come hang out with me and my sister, too,” Ree said.

  “I’d love to,” Em said.

  The food arrived and no one spoke for a little while as everyone dug in. Em thought the BLT was the best one she’d ever had, the toast perfectly browned and crispy and the thick-sliced bacon dusted with brown sugar. She ate her sandwich, but gave her fries to Diesel, who had no problem eating every last one.

  On their way out, Duke pulled Diesel aside and spoke to him for a moment, and then they all said goodnight.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as he pulled out of the parking lot to take her home.

  Diesel glanced at her with a smile. “Yeah. A few weeks ago, some pride members attacked my friend Barron at the bar. They attempted to hurt him and threaten his mate so he’d send her and Ree packing. They didn’t want the pride laws to change to include humans. Those people have been exiled and would face a shit-ton of problems with Duke if they showed up in our territory, including the bar, but he suggested that I don’t have you come into the bar while I’m working.”

  “Oh,” she said. “That’s a bummer.”

  “If you’d like to come into the bar, I can bring you when I’m not working so we can hang out together. Duke doesn’t want Ree or Mercy in the bar, either. He just wants to ensure that things are settled before he encourages that.”

  “I understand.”

  He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles with a sigh. “I hate having to take you to your place and then go to work. It’s making my lion crazy.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I know, sweetheart, but we’re newly mated. It’s a primal, protective thing.”

  “I don’t really want us to be apart, either. But this is our reality. You work nights and I work days. We’ll have to make spending time together a priority.”

  “One hundred percent.”

  Once they were at her house, he stayed as long as he could, but before she knew it, she was standing on the front porch and watching him drive off until she couldn’t see the taillights anymore. With a sigh, she shut and locked the door. She had a long, lonely night ahead of her. She hoped the time went by fast.

  Chapter Ten

  Friday morning, Diesel got up at the ass-crack of dawn to go with Em to help out for the day at Wide Awake. He’d worked at Tails until closing time, so he was tired as hell, but he wouldn’t miss a chance to spend the day with his gorgeous mate and get to know her parents better. All week he’d been coming to the coffee shop to help out after he woke for the day. He’d spend a few hours doing whatever Chris and Amy needed a hand with, a seemingly endless list of things that he could do for them.

  Em had been packing up her house after her shift and bringing boxes and bags to the house in the territory. He loved walking into his house and seeing her things mixed among his – her feminine clothes hanging in the closet, her jewelry box on the dresser, her blanket on the bed. It made him feel like they were moving forward, and even though it had only been a week, he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.

  “You sure you don’t want to sleep in and come to the shop later?” she asked, clucking with concern as she looked at him.

  “I’m fine, I promise. Lucky for me there will be plenty of coffee there, right?”

  “True.” She hooked her arms around his waist and smiled sweetly up at him. “I’m so glad you’re coming to work with me.”

  “Me too.” Barron worked Fridays at the door, so Titus had given Diesel the night off. While it meant he couldn’t take his sweetheart out on a date on Saturday, it did mean he had the night for whatever they had planned – after they worked their shift at the Wide Awake, of course.

  She’d brought him a work shirt, a black short-sleeved tee with the shop’s logo on the back. His leg had been acting up more than usual, and he’d made sure to tuck another pain pill into his pocket in case it got to be too much. Doc Flaherty, the pride’s physician, had been taking care of Diesel his whole life. While Diesel didn’t normally take pain meds – typically sticking to a special pain-relieving oil Doc had prepared – he figured with all the extra activity he was engaging in with his mate that it was aggravating the injury. Sometimes he’d wake up with a terrible cramp, or the pain would make him have to stop everything and rub the oil into his skin. He didn’t like Em knowing how much his leg was bothering him, but she seemed to notice every wince, which he both adored and hated. He didn’t want her thinking less of him, even though he did enjoy when she used the oil and her talented fingers to massage his aching muscles.

  The coffee shop opened at six, but her parents were there by five to get the coffee brewing and bake the frozen pastries they kept stocked. He’d confessed to not knowing anything about coffee, and Em had promised to teach him whatever he wanted to know.

  “Morning,” Chris said brightly from behind the counter when they walked inside a few minutes before open.

  “Morning, Dad,” Em said.

  “I’ve got an apron for you,” Chris said, handing one to Em and one to Diesel.

  Em put her purse in the back office and greeted her mom, who smiled warmly at Diesel. “How much sleep did you get last night?” Amy asked as she replaced a full pot of coffee with an empty one and set it to brew.

  “Um, not much, but I’m good.”

  “Being up late is for the young,” Chris said. “Enjoy it.”

  After Em switched the sign to open, Chris put Diesel to work power washing the patio furniture and cleaning the colorful umbrellas. It was nearly lunchtime when he finished the whole area, including the sidewalk and stone patio. The mid-July sun was boiling hot, but he enjoyed being outside in the daytime. He normally slept the day away to get ready for his shift.

  Wiping his brow, he put the power washer in the storage shed at the back of the shop and walked in through the kitchen, where the scent of bread baking made his mouth water. Em was at one of the wall ovens, peering through the glass.

  He thought she looked adorable. “A watched oven never bakes. I think.”

  She looked at him and giggled. “I don’t want to burn the sandwich.”

  He joined her, looking at the sub on a tray. A timer buzzed and she opened the door, using a potholder to remove it.

  “That smells amazing,” he said.

  “It does, doesn’t it? It’s my favorite. Roast chicken with sliced apples and cheddar on honey wheat. I can make them for us for lunch. Are you hungry?”

  He cupped her face and kissed her. “Starving.”

  “Let me get this to the customer and I’ll be right back.”

  He leaned against the counter and yawned, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “You did an amazing job out there,” Chris said, coming into the kitchen. “The sun has already dried a lot of the tables and chairs, too. Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  Chris motioned with his hand and Diesel followed him out onto the back patio. He sat on a picnic table across from Chris, curious about the serious look on the male’s face.

  “I was wond
ering if you want to be a bouncer your whole life.”

  Diesel’s brows rose. “Not really. It’s good work, it pays well. And I like hanging out with the pride. But no, I can’t see myself checking IDs when I’m fifty.”

  Chris chuckled. “Amy and I’d like to have you think about coming to work here. Em said you knew our family’s plan was always for her to take it over at some point. While I don’t see that happening anytime soon, Em can’t run it by herself so we aren’t even able to take a vacation or meet my parents up somewhere for a visit while they’re doing their RV traveling.”

  “Em loves the coffee shop,” Diesel said. And I love her, he added silently. He just hadn’t told her yet.

  “I hope you’ll come to love it, too. But in the meantime, think about it. I know you’re invaluable at the bar – you’re clearly a hard worker. I mean, you’ve come here every day this week and done anything and everything we asked.”

  “My mom always said do things right the first time.”

  “My dad used to say something similar. There’s no rush for a decision, of course. Think about it, talk it over with Em. If it’s not the right time for you to make the change now, we won’t be offended in the slightest.”

  “Thanks. While I have you here privately,” Diesel’s voice lowered, and a frisson of nerves skated up his spine. “I’d like to ask for your blessing for me and Em to get married.”

  Chris’s brows winged up and he grinned. “Of course! I’m so happy you asked me.”

  “We’re technically married by pride standards since we’re mates, but I love her, and I want her to be mine in every way.”

  Chris extended his hand and Diesel shook it. “You’ve got my blessing. I’ll keep mum on the engagement, so I don’t spoil the surprise.”

  “Thank you.”

  “There you are!” Em said, leaning out the door.

  “We were just having a chat,” Chris said.

  “I’m making chicken sandwiches, Dad. Do you want one?”

  “No thank you, honey.”


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