Love Under Three Titans

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Love Under Three Titans Page 7

by Cara Covington

  Instinct told her she could trust the brothers Benedict. It came as quite a shock that she realized she trusted these men more than she’d trusted anyone, ever.

  “Are we done? Not unless you want to be.” Richard used a finger on her chin to urge her to look at him. When she met his gaze, he said, “Do you want to be done?”

  “No. Not yet. I…” She blew out a breath and shrugged. “I thought I was lacking. All these years, I believed I couldn’t become aroused—or that I couldn’t be arousing.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re so damn responsive to us. We don’t even have to touch you to turn you on. Just that alone has gotten all three of us hard.”

  Maggie met Trevor’s gaze. She didn’t think he was boasting so much as simply stating a fact. Yet she couldn’t resist teasing him, just a little.

  “I’d heard Texan men were conceited.”

  “Love, we’re not conceited, we’re convinced.” Richard’s smile beamed as wide as she’d ever seen it.

  “Well, I’m not convinced, not yet. I’ve only had three kisses. How do I know they weren’t an aberration? Now, I am open to being convinced, but…” She let her sentence trail off. Oh my God, I’m flirting with these men, begging them to have me.

  “Well, now, that sounded like a challenge from over here,” Kevin said.

  “Sounded like one right here, too,” Trevor said.

  She liked this flirting. She liked it a lot. “That’s because it was a challenge. The question is, what are the three of you going to do about it?”

  “I’m just going to sit over here and watch.” Kevin sat back, apparently getting himself comfortable.

  “Watch what?” Maggie knew she was stepping into dangerous, uncharted territory. She knew she was just asking for trouble. Right then and there, she didn’t care if she was.

  They’d told her she could ask them to stop at any time, and they would. She believed them.

  They also said that she was hot and sensitive and responsive. That she didn’t particularly believe, at least not yet.

  But she was thirty-five years old and she’d only had two lovers in her life. Neither one of them had turned her on even a little. Did she believe that the heat being generated in this bedroom right now was her? No, she believed that for whatever reason, likely some strange alignment of planets and stars in the cosmos, that in this place, at this time and with these three men, she was being given the opportunity to taste something she thought she would never know.

  She wasn’t looking for a happy-ever-after. She wasn’t even looking for a happy-for-now. She just wanted to know. She just wanted to feel. Oh God, for once, she wanted to steep herself in passion and lust.

  Maggie blinked and brought herself back to the moment. She’d asked Kevin a question, but he hadn’t answered her. Beside her, Richard continued to rub the back of her hand, and Trevor continued to gently stroke her back.

  She had the sense that the three of them had understood that she’d just submerged herself in her own thoughts, so they waited until she was with them, mentally, again.

  “Why, Miss Maggie, I’m going to watch you get hot and horny.”

  “You’re going to watch?”

  “Mm. I’m not ashamed to say there’s more than a bit of the voyeur in me. I’m looking forward to seeing you catch fire, baby.”

  Maggie didn’t know what to say to that. Of course she’d heard of voyeurs, but she’d never once considered…

  “Maggie, love, are you going to catch fire for us?”

  Was she? Maggie felt a wildness, a sense of daring, fill her. She looked down, then slowly met Richard’s gaze.

  “I guess my answer is…that’s entirely up to you.”

  Chapter 7

  The intensity of the look in Richard’s eyes made her shiver, and Maggie wondered for one moment if she hadn’t just asked for more than she could handle.

  Then he cupped the side of her face in the palm of his hand, brought her mouth just that much closer to his, and kissed her.

  His lips moved over hers with a flavor of domination that left tentative in the dust. Hot and hungry, this kiss branded her. He drank her, using big, bold sips that seduced her and compelled her to simply give and give and give.

  His tongue swept her mouth, stroked her tongue, and smoothed over her teeth. The taste of him overwhelmed her so that she almost believed she would drown in him—and didn’t care if she did. Shivers of delight raced all through her body, setting loose butterflies in her stomach and turning her nipples to diamond-like points that felt as if someone had pinched them.

  Needy, greedy, and more than a little giddy, Maggie wound her arms around Richard’s neck and pressed as close to him as she could. She heard a whimper and realized she’d made that noise when she couldn’t get as close to him as she wanted to be.

  Then her world tilted and she knew Richard had solved the dilemma for her by easing her down on the bed and ranging himself half over her.

  Richard tapered his kiss, then spread butterfly kisses on her cheek, across her eyes, and down her neck.

  “Will you let us touch you, love?” He raised his head, and his gaze seared her. “We want our hands on you.”

  “Yes.” She wanted more, and wanted more than anything to feel their hands on her. Trevor moved, easing off the bed gently. She shifted her gaze even as she wondered where he was going. He squatted down by her feet and removed her shoes. Maggie’s arousal kicked up a notch at that, as if being relieved of those sandals was somehow a naughty, sensuous act.

  He met her gaze and climbed back onto the bed beside her. “Let me taste you again, sweetheart.”

  “I want to taste you again, too.” She reached for him and caught sight of Kevin, sitting on that chair just a few feet from the bed, his gaze riveted on her. His expression was so focused that Maggie felt a lightning bolt of pure lust spear her.

  Then Trevor turned her head gently to face him and covered her mouth with his.

  Maggie gasped with the resurgence of arousal. She could taste both men on her tongue at the same time. Savory and sexy, their flavors went straight to her head, enticing her, intoxicating her. The heat from them both enveloped her, and she marveled at the sensation of being kissed by one man while another gently, so very gently, ran his hand down the front of her blouse and across her breasts.

  Her tongue danced and dipped with Trevor’s as Richard began to unbutton her blouse. Trevor’s lips slid silkily back and forth over hers, his tongue filled her mouth, and cool air kissed her chest, just above her bra.

  Trevor bussed a trail of light kisses across her cheek and down her neck, and Richard kissed a trail down her chest as he released each button from its mooring and her flesh emerged, uncovered.

  Fingers danced across the top of both breasts, dipping under the edge of her bra to tease her nipples. Maggie moaned as pure pleasure became a thrill that shimmered over her skin, a layer of sensuality that both fed and famished her. Both men were touching her, discovering her, and setting her ablaze.

  “More.” How could she have not known she could feel like this? How could she have no idea of all the different degrees and facets of arousal a woman could enjoy?

  “Lift up, love.”

  Maggie’s body moved before her brain could recognize the words. The instant her back lifted from the bed, Richard lifted her blouse from her body.

  “My, my, sweetheart. What a pretty little bit of lace you’re wearing.” Trevor propped himself up on his elbow and gazed down at her, his eyes drinking in their fill. He treated her to such a look of lust that Maggie could have sworn his gaze actually caressed her.

  Her eyes sought out Kevin. Leaning forward in that chair, he winked at her and licked his lips. On her left side, Richard also had his gaze riveted on her breasts, and for the first time in her life, Maggie felt sexy and desirable.

  “How convenient, love, that the clasp of that sexy bra is in the front.” Richard leaned over and placed a very gentle kiss on the top of her left breast that
surged above her bra. “Will you let us bare your breasts now, love? We want to look at them. We want to put our hands and our mouths on your skin.”

  “Oh, God. Yes. Please.” Trust? Here was proof to her mind that her body trusted these men completely. She’d never received any pleasure in the past from having her breasts touched or tongued. Yet just the suggestion from Richard, and her pussy lips quivered as more of her juices slicked her passage. She was finally discovering what it meant to be a woman. Excitement slid into desperation.

  “Shh, love. You don’t have to beg, Maggie. We’ll take care of you.”

  She felt his hand work the clasp, and then the bit of lace loosened. Trevor eased back the right side, and Richard the left.

  “Mm, such pretty peach nipples.” Kevin’s voice shot a shard of excitement straight to her clit. “Tell me, baby, are your breasts soft to the touch?”

  Maggie barely made sense of the question. Her naked breasts were being avidly stared at by three men at the same time. Were her breasts soft? “I…I guess so. Maybe.”

  “Take a moment now, baby. Reach up and touch them. Play with them. Let your fingers stroke the undersides of your breasts. Tell us how it—how they—feel.”

  She met Richard’s gaze and then Trevor’s. Both men’s gazes were riveted on her, and she could read the lust in their eyes.

  “Do it, love. Caress your breasts for us.”

  Oh, God. This was something she’d never done, not even under the cover of the darkness in the privacy of her own room. What would have been the point? Yet here and now, just the thought of touching herself in front of these three men did something to her stomach, making her nerves go tight and her skin shiver with delight.

  She reached up but kept her gaze on Richard. His focus on her hands and her breasts was absolute, and because she watched, she saw him inhale sharply, and saw the sweat break out on his forehead, and his tongue moisten his lips.

  She used a gossamer touch, a light trailing of her fingers over the plump flesh of her breasts. Her intent was to tease and titillate the men—no pun intended—but what she discovered was, in doing so, she pleasured herself.

  “Tell me.” Kevin’s voice sounded strained, and Maggie smiled.

  “Like silk, and warm. Mm… Do you see how my nipples tightened just then? I didn’t realize my breasts were so sensitive right there on the underside of them.” Where did that sultry tone of voice come from? Where had that siren been hiding all of her life?

  “Jesus.” Kevin’s voice was more than strained.

  “Lord, sweetheart. You’ve got me hard as a rock already.”

  Trevor hadn’t moved from his position on her right, stretched out beside her. It proved a simple matter to look to the side and down. Even as inexperienced as she was, she recognized the sight of an aroused cock pressing against denim when she saw one.

  “Mm.” She continued to pet herself, stroking the underside of her breasts, back and forth in a slow, sultry rhythm.

  She liked the sensation of her fingers on her own flesh, but she wondered, “Do you think it will feel different for me if one of you did this?”

  “Let’s find out.”

  Richard gently lifted her left hand away from her body, replacing it with his own.

  Maggie couldn’t resist the impulse to arch her back and push her breast into his hand. Nothing had ever felt this erotic. A world of difference lay between the feel of her own feminine fingers on her breasts, and Richard’s very masculine ones. I wonder if Trevor and Kevin’s hands will feel—

  Trevor copied his brother’s movements, and Maggie had her answer. Just as their kisses tasted different and they had different styles of kissing, the brush of their fingers on her heated flesh felt different, too.

  Their touches felt different one from the other but just as wonderful and just as arousing. Maggie wondered that she needed to flex her pelvic floor muscles but followed the urge. Oh my, I’ve just discovered an entirely new use for my Kegel exercises.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” The glide of their palms and the brush of fingertips over her nipples thrilled her. She closed her eyes to better focus on the pleasure of it, arching again and again into their touch.

  Her hips undulated, too, in response to some never-before-felt instinct. Maggie shivered because the pleasure kept building, slow and sweet.

  A touch on her face urged her toward the left. Richard brushed his lips over hers, then opened his mouth on hers and plundered.

  Emboldened by the moment, by the way her body’s needs kept changing and growing, Maggie sucked Richard’s tongue into her mouth and stroked it languidly with her own. Inexperienced she may be, but ignorant she was not. She knew full well the not-so-subtle suggestion she’d just given him.

  She’d never believed she would ever be in a position where she would want to try sucking a man’s cock. But right now, she entertained thoughts of sucking three of them.

  Oh, God, just thinking about having their cocks in my mouth makes me hot!

  Richard’s lips left hers. “You’re so delicious and responsive, Maggie. You’ve got me so damn triggered, too.” He flicked a gaze at Trevor.

  Then Richard brought her hand to the front of his pants and pressed it against the ridge of his cock.

  Maggie felt her lips spread into a smile. She pressed her hand on him and measured the length and girth and strength of him. Even with the denim there, she felt the heat of him, and that heat thrilled her.

  In the next moment, Trevor touched her chin and guided her face toward him. Eager to taste him again, she opened her mouth for him.

  Trevor kissed her, and she reveled in the heat and the passion, in the firmness of his lips on hers and the fine trembling she felt as his one hand held her chin. The other took her right hand and placed it over his engorged, denim-covered penis.

  His cock felt just as hard and just as hot and just as large as his brother’s.

  Richard used his tongue to lay a broad, hot lick upon her breast. He blew on her moistened skin, and Maggie pulled her mouth away from Trevor, gasping at the white-hot bolt of bliss that shot from her nipple to her clit.

  Then he sucked her nipple into his mouth. The pressure did unbelievable things to her, making everything inside her sing. Her breathing hitched and her heart raced, and even as she tried to absorb and understand all the electric sensations that seemed to be spiraling all through her body, she felt it change. The spiral, the rise, became a race.

  Was she racing toward something? How was this supposed to happen? What was she supposed to do? It seemed more, oh, so much more than she’d ever imagined it could be. She knew she was going to have an orgasm, and she trembled and whimpered and stretched out with all that she was within and tried to grasp it for her own. But how? How do I make it come?

  “Here, love. Let me just…” Richard didn’t finish the sentence. Instead, he slid his hand up her leg, under her skirt, and stroked his hot, clever fingers over her panty-covered pussy.


  Maggie’s body felt on fire as Trevor brought her face toward him once more and fastened his mouth on hers again. Richard continued to suckle her left nipple and stroke her pussy. She felt her own dampness against his touch and couldn’t help but shiver as she felt his fingers begin to delve beneath the nylon of her panties and then run back and forth over the lips of her hot, wet cunt.

  Maggie whimpered, wrenching her mouth from Trevor’s as a wave of sensuality sizzled through her. Close. So close!

  Then Kevin left his perch on the chair and hunkered down on the floor so very close to her outstretched legs. He turned his head and kissed the inside of her thigh.

  “Come for us, baby. Fly for us. Give us your climax.”

  Cocooned in the heat of these men, open and exposed and yet still miraculously enclosed, Maggie gasped for breath and grasped for ecstasy.

  Trevor stretched out and fastened his mouth on hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth in a bold, feral rhythm her inner woman recognized
at once. The rhythm of mating.

  And then Richard thrust two fingers into her wet, hungry pussy and brushed the nub of her clit with his thumb.

  Maggie’s passion exploded out of her, a climax so sudden, so strong, it lifted her from the bed, her body bowing in ecstasy. Shimmering spasms of sex swept her up and over and above, again and again and again. She cried out, the pleasure so much more than she imagined, her senses reeling from the awesome assault.

  Male sounds, feral and basic, smoothed over her, a kind of emotional comfort blanket. She realized, as the climax began to ebb, that all three men were caressing her, crooning to her, wrapping her in their care and attention.

  Richard eased his hand away from her pussy and smoothed her skirt back down. Trevor moved closer to her on the bed and placed gentle kisses on the top of her head.

  “Beautiful.” Kevin, still on his knees by her legs, had taken her right hand in his and twined their fingers together.

  “I don’t… You didn’t…” Now that arousal had cooled, Maggie felt awkward and unsure. She’d had an orgasm, but they hadn’t. Wasn’t she supposed to do something about that?

  “Personally, I’m going to count this as one of the most fulfilling moments of my life.” Richard lay back down on her left and placed his hand on her stomach. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as the look on your face when you come.”

  Trevor leaned down and gave her a very brief kiss. “It’s enough for now, sweetheart. We don’t have to get our rocks off to find pleasure. Watching you catch fire was simply awesome—and pleasure enough for now.”

  Maggie looked down at Kevin. He grinned back at her. “We wanted to show you how wonderful fun and games could be, baby. It really is enough for us, for now.”

  Maggie gave up and laid her head back on the bed. “You confuse me, the three of you, you really do.”

  “That’s only because you don’t know us very well, yet.” Richard kissed her much as Trevor had done, then got up from the bed.

  Kevin stood and held his hands out to her. When she took them, he gently eased her into a sitting position. Then he fastened her bra and helped her with her blouse.


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