In Bed With A Stranger

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In Bed With A Stranger Page 6

by Mary Wine

  “Now that won’t do.” He pulled her flush against his frame, tight enough to feel his heart beating. His gaze settled onto her mouth as he slipped a hand up the back of her neck to hold her head. “It won’t do at all. Kissing my new wife is something I’m nae in the mood to miss.”

  He touched his mouth to hers again, this time slowly. She twisted in his embrace, too many impulses shooting along her body to understand. The few kisses in her past had been stolen ones and brief. Brodick lingered over her mouth, gently tasting her lips before pressing her jaw to open for a deeper touch. His embrace imprisoned her but not painfully. He seemed to understand his strength perfectly, keeping her against him with exactly enough force, but stopping short of causing her pain.

  She shivered as the tip of his tongued glided across her lower lip. Sensation rippled down her spine as she gasped in shock. Never once had she thought that a touch might be so intense. Her hands were flattened against his chest and her fingertips were alive with new desires. Touching him felt good. She opened her fingers wider, letting them smooth over the hard ridges of muscles that his open doublet had allowed her to see. Pleasure moved through her in a slow cloud that left a haze over her mind. Forming thoughts became slow and cumbersome as he teased her upper lip, tasting her.

  “Much better.”

  His eyes were full of male enjoyment now. It was mesmerizing, so much so, she stared at him, forgetting that keeping him at arm’s length was in her best interest.

  “I see the pair of you dinnae seem to be interested in supper.”

  Cullen’s voice was full of glee. Anne felt her eyes widen in horror. She pushed against the hard chest beneath her fingers. Brodick frowned, a dangerous look entering his eyes. His arms released her a moment later as he turned to glare at his brother.

  “You don’t look like my manservant.”

  Cullen smiled like a boy. “You don’t have one.”

  “Oh, but I do, Cullen. Ye see, the man is wise enough to be invisible—like ye should be.”

  Cullen began walking toward them in spite of the growl in his brother’s voice. He winked at her as he drew closer.

  “Now is that any way to act in front of the English lass here? She’ll be thinking we’re uncivilized.”

  Brodick snorted. Anne stared at him, trying to decide if she’d really heard such a sound from an earl. “Most English think the word Scots means uncivilized.”

  The earl looked back at her, his words sounding like a challenge. His lips were set in an arrogant expression of enjoyment. The man wasn’t sorry about stealing that kiss. Not one bit.

  “No one might label you indecisive, that much is for certain.” Anne glared at him, unsure if she should be annoyed at him for being so bold or herself for enjoying it.

  Cullen laughed his amusement out loud against the darkening night. “Are ye sure ye want to keep her, Brother? I think I like her.”

  Brodick lifted one dark eyebrow as he clasped his arms over his chest. He looked more formidable than Goliath must have—a mountain of undefeatable muscle and brawn.

  “I was working on getting to know her when ye so rudely interrupted.”

  “Och well, ye can let the lass have some supper before ye get around to consummating yer union.”

  Shock slammed into her as she listened to the word “consummate.”

  “Surely not tonight!” She shook her head, wrapping her arms around her body. “Not here!”

  Brodick returned to brooding, suspicion coating his features.

  “What reason would ye have for denying me, Wife?”

  She was in dangerous waters now, that place that she had fretted about all day. How did she put the man off when he held all the legal right to claim her? Brodick’s gaze shifted to her mouth for a moment, and the tender skin on her lips tingled. Her hand rose to cover them as she tried to understand why his kiss had been so pleasurable.

  “Ye didn’t seem to be minding all that much when I was kissing ye.” He stepped closer and she shivered, the damned impulse sending a ripple along her spine in spite of her need to think of a way to avoid his touch.

  “Maybe the trail doesn’t meet yer standards, my lady.” His voice was full of mocking scorn now. The Scot in him was clearly offended that she didn’t care for his country. “Perhaps it’s too primitive.”

  “I find your country quite pleasing but there are standards expected and we must make sure to follow traditions.” Her mind was working frantically as she held a hand out in front of her. “Yes, traditions.”

  “I heard ye the first time.”

  Taking a deep breath she forced her heart to stop racing while she considered her next words. “My lord, I meant no inconvenience; however, I have but one maidenhead and must be careful that it is intact for my husband.”

  “I am yer husband.” He stepped toward her, his arms uncrossing.

  Anne held her chin high, refusing to cower. Little David had felled Goliath after all.

  “Yet, I have not been inspected and it is possible that after that task is seen to, you may wish to rethink our union.”

  A smirk appeared on Brodick’s face. “Well lass, that’s exactly what I was getting to doing when my brother showed up. I’ll be happy to inspect every bit of ye. Personally.”

  Cullen frowned, his face darkening. It almost looked as though he might be jealous.

  “Now that is ludicrous.”

  “I disagree.” The earl was back in full commanding form now. “I believe that inspecting my bride has full merit.”

  “I’ll not be inspected by you.”

  “And why not?” He glared at her as formidable as she’d always heard Scotsmen were. This was not a man who would bend simply because she told him no.

  Anne stiffened. “Because you are not a midwife. What could you possibly know about a woman’s body?”

  His lips twitched up again as his attention dropped to her chest. Heat snaked along her skin until it touched her breasts behind her stays. Her nipples actually tingled as her lips had done. A sudden picture of him kissing the tip of her breast blossomed inside her mind, sending a torrent of heat through her blood. It was heavy with dark temptation to allow him to do it, to discover if it felt as delightful as his kiss had against her lips.

  “I assure ye I know a great deal about the gentle sex.”

  A flame of jealousy touched her as she listened to the mocking tone of his voice.

  He has a mistress for sure…

  Philipa’s words rose from her memory as she raised her chin stubbornly, determined to not allow herself to be used without a struggle.

  “Lust has no bearing on a woman’s fertility. Inspection of a bride is done by a senior midwife and sometimes the groom’s mother, but it is not something to be mocked, sir. I might spend tonight as your leman and find myself on my way back to my father at sunrise with no one to defend me.”

  She moved a few paces up the hillside, toward the camp and its many pairs of eyes to offer her sanctuary.

  “Yer mother should have seen to having ye inspected.”

  “It is customary for the groom’s family to choose the midwife. Everyone knows that. You could easily refute my mother’s midwife.” It was a tradition that went back for centuries. She should have recalled it sooner. When a woman was married by proxy, her dowry was legally in the hands of her husband’s family. If he sent her back to her father, it might take years to fight through the legal system to regain the monies and lands. By the time the battle was over, the discarded bride was often too old to marry and ended her days a pauper, dependent upon her relatives for everything.

  The tradition of inspection protected a woman because if a senior midwife pronounced her fertile and strong, there was no court that might annul the marriage. In a world run by men, it was a woman’s saving grace when fate took babes to death early or worse still, a bride failed to conceive. Some midwives even boldly suggested that some men might be sterile. Such a charge was rejected among men of course but midwives still main
tained their authority on the subject of whether or not a woman’s hips and womb were correct for bearing children.

  “Inspection before consummation is custom in both our countries.”

  Brodick’s expression darkened. Clearly the man was not accustomed to having someone else upset his plans. Anne stood tall, facing his displeasure. It was something she was going to have to become familiar with. Becoming compliant would land her on her back in his bed.

  “Now I know I like her.” Cullen sounded gleeful, exactly like a younger brother teasing his older sibling. The only thing missing was a governess chasing after him, to tug on his ear.

  “With family like ye, I dinnae need enemies.”

  Cullen didn’t flinch under the force of Brodick’s words, instead he grinned. But the earl stared at her, trying to buckle her under his fierce displeasure.

  Oh, he was angry. Even if she was a virgin, she instinctively understood what was flickering in his eyes. It was as old as time and part of her in a way she didn’t truly understand yet. But she felt her belly tighten and her nipples draw into hard points. Something inside her was awakening.

  “Leave us, Cullen.” There was an edge of undeniable authority in his voice. The playful expression melted off Cullen’s face before he nodded his head in acknowledgment. The younger brother turned and left them, moving up the hill and into the darkness. The sun was completely gone now, leaving her alone in the night with Brodick. The sound of the river would mask their words as well.

  “What game are ye playing?”

  He spoke quietly but she wasn’t lured into thinking that he was relaxed. She’d heard her father use that tone before and nothing good had ever come from it. There was a hardened nobleman in Brodick who managed his people with an iron hand.

  “Answer me, lady. Why are you avoiding our union?”

  “I’m not.”

  He snorted. “Are ye a coward?”

  She held her denial behind clenched teeth. “I have displeased you. You should send me to my father.”

  A soft male chuckle was her response. He was half in shadow in the moonlight, his frame lit with silver light. For a moment, it felt as if they were in some fairy ring. She watched his hand move, fascinated by the play of night shadows.

  “Clearly that is what ye want.”

  His hand landed on her waist, the fingers hooking into the thick cartridge pleats that formed the skirt. With a jerk, she tumbled into his embrace. He locked an arm across her back, securing her as he captured the back of her head in one hand.

  “But I would never have survived very long as the Earl of Alcaon if I gave up so easily. Fortune favors the bold.”

  He kissed her again. This time it was a demanding press of lips. The hand on the back of her head held her in place as he took a deeper taste, his kiss pushing past her protesting lips until her mouth opened to allow his tongue to delve inside. She twisted in his arms, unable to sort out all the impulses racing through her. His scent filled her senses, unlocking desires she’d never encountered before. She wanted to touch him. Her fingertips felt sensitive and longed to discover what his bare skin felt like. She sought out the opening of his shirt where she’d glimpsed his flesh. His tongue invaded her mouth, seeking out hers. He teased her, stroking along her tongue until she allowed hers to tangle with his. It was a wicked dance that sent pleasure through her, the sweet intoxication sweeping aside all thoughts of what she needed to do. All that remained was what she wanted to do.

  His mouth broke away from hers, trailing kisses along her cheek. She shivered as the skin of her neck begged for a touch from his lips. Her fingers pushed deeper beneath his shirt so that her entire hand might be flush against his body. Her heart was thumping hard, working hard.

  “Ye shall have your inspection, lass, but ye’ll also have a taste of frustration.”

  A tiny bite was placed on the column of her neck before he released her. She stumbled as he let her go and the night air cruelly swirled around her. The separation of their embrace made her shiver. He cupped her chin, a hint of a scowl on his lips.

  “Ye’ll take the same longing to sleep tonight that I will, and maybe by sunrise you’ll cease talking about returning to yer father.”

  He clasped both sides of her face, holding her for his kiss. This time he didn’t begin with teasing touches. His mouth took her, pushing aside her effort to hold him off. His tongue thrust deeply inside, stroking the length of hers. A tiny moan caught between their joined mouths as desire pounded through her. It didn’t begin softly this time but rose instantly. His mouth left hers, trailing hot kisses along her cheek and onto her neck. Never once had she noticed how sensitive the skin of her neck was. Each kiss sent a shaft of need through her. But Brodick didn’t just press his lips against her; he used his teeth to gently nip her. Her hands curled into talons on his shirt, an insane impulse to tug the fabric away from his skin making her shove away from him. She didn’t understand such an idea or why it was so vivid. Her breathing was rough as she staggered back several paces from him, fear actually tingling through her.

  But not fear of him; it was far worse. She was frightened of what she wanted to do to him.

  He followed her but forced himself to stop. His body shook as she heard him draw in a ragged breath. He crossed his arms over his wide chest, almost like he needed to keep himself from pulling her back into his embrace.

  It would feel good if he did.

  “Best ye ken me now, madam. Our bed is not to be a chilly one. Ye can have yer inspection, but when that’s past, ye will have done with yer standoffish nature. I’ll have none of it.”

  “Or what? You cannot change who I am. You should take this night to consider how ill matched we are.”

  “Why would I do that when ye have such passion locked behind that cool exterior?” He stepped toward her and she retreated without thinking. A warm hand cupped her chin, allowing her to feel his strength once again. “I dinna need to change ye, lass, I just need to do my part of introducing ye to yer own nature.”

  Horror flooded her as she shook her head. The fingers cupping her chin tightened, stilling her denial.

  “Aye, lass, ye kissed me back and that is all I needed to ken. We’ll learn to make our union work. But feel free to deny that yer body is burning with need. Tell me yer nipples aren’t hard.”

  They were.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “I shouldna state the truth? We’re married, it’s nae a sin to discuss passion.”

  He ran his hand over her face, clicking his tongue as his fingers stroked the blush the night covered up.

  “Ye’re blushing for me. It’s a basic form of communication. Yer body is trying to attract my attention and I find it very pleasing.” His thumb pressed down onto her lip and her breath caught as sensation erupted from the touch.

  “Most couples in our station aren’t so lucky.”

  He removed his hand, slowly, and her skin begged her to lean forward just a tiny amount to prolong the contact.

  “I’ve been negotiating with yer father for over two years and I’m nae going to give up just because ye don’t value a union between us as much as I do. Our marriage is for the benefit of more than just the pair of us. Better set yer mind to thinking about all the people that will have better lives.” He moved closer again, curling his hands around her upper arms. He leaned close so that she could see his face clearly in the dim light.

  “Best ye ken that Brodick McJames will nae be told no by his own wife. You are mine, madam. We shall share a bed…often, and I intend to kiss each of yer nipples.”

  He turned her loose, giving her a push towards the camp. She stumbled but regained her footing.

  “I belong to no one.” The words left her mouth before she thought about them.

  “Well now, that’s something I’m going to enjoy showing ye the error of yer ways.”

  Her words were far too bold for any woman, even a queen. Women did have a harder life and their male rel
atives held a great deal of authority over them. That was the law in both England and Scotland. Brodick wasn’t abnormal in his thinking that she belonged to him. Every court in the land would agree with him.

  “Up to camp with ye, as ye have a mind to see tradition honored. I agree that it is the custom in a marriage such as ours. Once the midwife pronounces ye fit to bear my children, maybe ye’ll settle down. I suppose a maiden is allowed to be a bit nervous the first time her husband kisses her. Even if ye do learn the art of kissing quickly.”

  “Twas more than a kiss…” Anne shut her mouth quickly before her ignorance showed any further. She’d never known that a man used his tongue when kissing.

  His teeth flashed in the moonlight. “Aye, that it was and such a delight when our tongues mingled.”

  Heat speared through her as she stared at him. She was frozen in a moment of shock mixed with excitement, her lips tingling and clamoring for another moment beneath his.

  “Does that look mean ye’ve changed yer mind?” He hooked her around the waist once again, closing the gap between their bodies so that the chill of the night was cut off. He handled her so simply, his strength far superior to hers. “Ye don’t appear to be very interested in returning to camp.”

  “You’re distracting me, my lord. I’m not accustomed to turning my back on someone who is speaking to me. I was taught that to do so is rude.”

  “Leaving yer lord with unrelieved desire is also unkind.”

  Her eyes widened but her chin rose, too. Brodick gritted his teeth before baiting her further. It was his duty to act with honor, not taunt her into a passionate tryst. At least that was what he had heard. When it came to marriage, he was inexperienced. Now women, he liked them and didn’t enjoy waiting to claim what he desired.

  He didn’t give a damn about a midwife’s inspection. But it was the custom and he’d be acting like an uncivilized ruffian to refuse her request for tradition to be honored.


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