Allies of Convenience: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 1

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Allies of Convenience: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 1 Page 7

by Sean Benjamin

  “Six downrange,” reported Tactical with all the excitement of discussing the weather.

  “Predator! Predator! Predator!” screamed pirates manning several bridge positions. Rafe smiled. Neither he, Tactical, nor Baby Doll joined in the flotilla’s tradition of yelling the ship’s name during the first shots, but he always enjoyed the ritual. He knew several compartments throughout the vessel would be echoing with the ship’s name.

  Due to the short ranges, the Empire ships saw Predator shoot almost in real time.

  “Shoot in salvo!” ordered Sky on her command frequency.

  The entire Zeke squadron shot at the cyclic rate for their missiles systems and in a few short seconds, dozens of missiles were going downrange. The missiles had no targets to lock on to, but Sky was counting on the same thing the pirates had. The OrCon ships were invisible now but would appear when they knew they had been found. The missiles with their seekers would lock onto these appearing warships. The Empire squadron was shooting at a longer range so their missiles would have a longer time to lock onto emerging targets. With good luck and good timing, there would be several hits before the emerging OrCon ship could raise their shields. Missiles were now coming at the invisible OrCon squadron from two directions.

  Predator shuddered with each launch from the three sets of twin missile tubes on the starboard side. The ship continued to vibrate as missiles rolled out of magazines and into the launch tubes. Four salvos were fired blind with no targets designated. The canister balls continued downrange with the twenty-four missiles following.

  “No, defensive only.” In the quiet of the bridge, Hawkins clearly heard Tactical upbraid Simon, the young gunner. Simon, always eager to shoot the guns, had undoubtedly asked for permission to shoot again with armor piercing rounds to engage the OrCon ships once they emerged. The plan had called for canister to mark the targets and then defensive protection from the guns, and Rafe had thought that had been clearly understood. Apparently not. Rafe made a mental note to address this at the appropriate time. He disliked it when individual crewmembers or individual ships were on their own agendas. Not on his vessel and not in his flotilla, at least not more than once.

  Predator continued to turn to port and angled downward. The ship moved away from the suspected OrCon position at an oblique angle. This was for two reasons. Turning directly away from the enemy would reduce the number of weapons that could be brought to bear in defense and the shields are weakest directly behind any ship due to disturbance from the engines. Predator arced down and away as the canister shot hit the rear of Orson formation. Shots exploded on three segments of space as the canister balls hit invisible objects.

  “Targeting,” Tactical spoke calmly.

  Hopefully, the twenty-four missiles already flying would lock onto the disturbances using their own seekers and hone in, but further missile shots would be on targets designated by Predator. All subsequent missile launches would hone in on these designated targets. One more salvo of missiles flew out of the tubes at the three designated targets.

  The three OrCon ships, which had been struck by the canister rounds, immediately sent emergency messages within their squadron stating they had been discovered and marked. There was no tactical advantage to staying in subspace and several disadvantages. The OrCon squadron had no choice and so began to emerge as the first salvo of missiles closed on target. The pirates’ first salvo of six missiles launched immediately after the guns had been fired. They were too close to adjust to the rear rank of three ships that the canister shots had hit, and they passed those three ships to strike interior targets within the emerging enemy squadron. The OrCons could not raise shields until fully emerged from subspace so they were vulnerable for four to five critical seconds. The six missiles hit four targets. Two heavy cruisers, a destroyer, and a battle cruiser absorbed hits. The explosions flared briefly as they burned up the atmosphere in the compartments penetrated. The destroyer took two hits and rolled as it lost stabilization. The two cruisers continued onward with no visible effect. The final two missiles impacted the battle cruiser. The twin explosions impacted the left rear section of the ship and knocked out the 75 mm gun turret on that quadrant. The second salvo of six missiles locked onto the three ships impacted by the canister shots. Two destroyers and a light cruiser had two hits each on their aft sections before they could get their shields up. One destroyer blew up immediately with loss of all hands. The other lost one engine and slewed sideways. The light cruiser lost its twin 150 mm gun mount on its lower stern and several compartments vented atmosphere. Loss of life would be heavy there.

  The timing between the Empire squadron and the lone pirate vessel worked well. The Empire missiles engaged the front of the emerging formation immediately after the second salvo from the pirates hit the enemy rear. The majority of the missiles locked onto the biggest emerging target. The battle cruiser Senator was leading the squadron into the fight. She absorbed over a dozen hits prior to getting any shields up. The bow of her armored hull disappeared under the onslaught of the attack. Explosions blew sections of superstructure away from the hull and atmosphere vented into space. The ship moved through its own debris field as it staggered onward. Other hits were registered on four destroyers in the vanguard of the formation and on the two heavy cruisers just behind and above them. One destroyer dissolved in space junk and the other three staggered under multiple hits. The two heavy cruisers absorbed severe punishment but held their position in the formation.

  The two additional salvos fired blind by Predator now honed in on targets, but the majority of OrCon ships had their shields up now. The destabilized destroyer hit in the initial pirate salvo was not among that group as it drifted aimlessly. Two more missiles honed in and finished off the wounded ship. Life pods began to eject from the hulk. The remaining ten missiles impacted on enemy shields that, although reduced in strength from the hits, held firm.

  The final salvo was the one directed by Tactical on the three ships revealed by the canister shots. One of the destroyers had blown up, but the damaged light cruiser and the destroyer with one lost engine had been targeted. But the period of venerability was gone now. Four missiles were aimed at the light cruiser. Two were destroyed by defensive missiles. Decoys successfully cause a third to miss, and the last impacted harmlessly on the ship’s shields. The two remaining missiles in the salvo went for the destroyer with the one engine knocked out. It had stopped slewing sideways and launched defensive missiles and jammers. Neither pirate missile reached target.

  “We’re done here. Run!” commanded Hawkins.

  Predator leaped out at full speed. She continued to angle away and down from the OrCon squadron. Hawkins hoped the enemy would turn to starboard to parallel the Empire squadron and engage them in a running fight exchanging broadsides through the minefield while paying as little attention as possible to the lone destroyer at their rear. That is exactly what happened.

  The OrCon ships turned to starboard in formation and unleashed a salvo through the minefield at Mallory’s ships from their portside weapons. The rear ships in the formation shot at Predator.

  “Ninety-three missiles incoming,” reported Tactical.

  “Take them at max range and walk it in,” Rafe replied, somewhat unnecessarily as he knew Tactical would do exactly that. She would engage at the maximum range of their interceptor missiles and continue as the enemy missiles closed on them. She would ensure the computer launched decoys and jammers at precisely the right time and the aft 125 mm twin guns would fire high explosive rounds to detonate in front of the incoming missiles and then switch to canister rounds as the missiles came in on final approach. Finally, the smaller 75 mm guns that could be brought to bear would join in, and the short-range lasers would also be employed at the last moment. All systems would be working off OrCon weapons data inputted into the fire control computers by Baby Doll over the last several days. Years of fighting the Goths had honed her database on Goth weapons and tactics to perfection. Their knowled
ge of OrCon weapons and tactics was not nearly as extensive, but Predator was about to find out if it was acceptable.

  “Launching in salvo,” Tactical remarked quietly. She never raised her voice, unless required by a noisy battle situation. It was not required now as the bridge was very quiet.

  “Shields at maximum. Shutters down.” Baby Doll stated as armor plates now rolled down and covered the large bridge viewports. All bridge crew focused on the floating computer screens at their stations showing their own particular data needed for their tasks. These crewmembers would have multiple small windows open on their screens to monitor other events. Assuredly, all would have the one window showing the aft camera view of the incoming attack.

  “Forty-five seconds to missile intercept. One hundred twenty-four seconds to impact on us, if any.” Tactical reported again.

  Predator was in full gallop now, one of the fastest warships in the galaxy. The extra speed from the modified engines would bring additional time to engage the incoming threat. Rafe hoped it would be enough time. The ship shook as interceptor missiles continuously rolled into the tubes and streaked into space.

  Chapter 14

  Captain Skyler Mallory’s squadron continued to salvo at the OrCon squadron, but the enemy shields were up now and they were turning to parallel her ships. This would result in broadside exchanges which she could not possibly hope to win. The fact the OrCons did not emerge from subspace in the minefield had essentially taken away any chance of victory. She couldn’t win an extended broadside exchange as she was outnumbered in missile tubes by at least four to one. Those battle cruisers were a difference maker.

  “Concentrate on the cripples,” ordered Sky on her command network.

  These ships included the battle cruiser Senator, the two heavy cruisers, three destroyers damaged by the Empire ship, and the one destroyer that had lost an engine to pirate missiles. Other ships had been hit, but these seven were the most severely damaged. The enemy squadron had moved ahead of these damaged ships so were shielding them from attack. But, as the OrCon ships turned to starboard to parallel the Empire squadron, this maneuver would expose these cripples. The OrCons had turned but had not fired any offensive missiles. The Aurora Empire ships poured fire on the cripples, but the enemy was determined to defend their comrades. Waves of defensive missiles and decoys came to meet the Empire missiles and few got through. But those few missiles impacted on ships that had weak shields or no shields at all. One missile finished off one of the three destroyers damaged in the Empire’s first salvo, and two more missiles demolished the single engine destroyer crippled by the Predator. Two more missiles turned one of the heavy cruisers into a floating debris. Two additional missiles impacted the crippled Senator.

  A few offensive missiles began to fly through the minefield at the Empire vessels. Sky knew this was the light breeze heralding a great storm. The enemy had organized quickly in response to the surprise assault on their force. Their defense was in place now and they were switching to an offensive posture. To combat the anticipated OrCon attack, Sky would have to take missile tubes out of the attack and load them with interceptor missiles for defense. This, in turn, would allow the OrCons to launch more-offensive missiles because they would need fewer missiles for defense. So it would go until the Empire ships were completely on the defensive against a superior force. It would take time, but if Sky stood and fought this battle, her force would be whittled down to nothing. The numbers were simply not in the Empire’s favor.

  “Time to leave,” Sky announced. “We’ll absorb this attack and save the minefield detonation to cover our retreat. Execute the escape plan.”

  The Empire ships shot dozens of interceptors, turned to port, and accelerated away from the enemy. The destination was the nearby planet of Alejandar with nineteen moons and plenty of places to hide. The OrCons launched hundreds of missiles at them through the minefield.

  Sky watched on her monitor. She wanted to leave the minefield in place as long as possible so her force could use it for cover as they escaped. The OrCons knew the minefield could be detonated on command so would remain well clear of it and would have to go around this hazard while chasing the Empire force. This would keep them from pursuing the Empire ships in a direct line.

  Sky directed her flotilla’s defenses as her force moved toward safety. She took one second to glance at her screen window showing the pirates. Predator was speeding away with dozens of missiles in pursuit. The missiles were not closing in on the ship as rapidly as they should have. “That ship is fast,” thought Sky, and she made a mental note to have the images analyzed.

  “Ninety-three missiles in pursuit of Predator,” Commander Cassidy reported quietly to her.

  Every good operations officer had a screen set up which mimicked the captain’s screens so the ops officer would always know what the captain was looking at. It wouldn’t do to have the captain asking questions and the ops officer not having a clue as to the topic. Cassidy continued in a subdued voice. “According to the engagement tables, that is enough to destroy a lone Clan class destroyer.”

  Sky nodded, but it was in acknowledgement to the statement, not in agreement. She replied in a quiet voice, “I suspect Predator is not a typical Clan class destroyer and I am damn certain Raferty Hawkins is not a typical pirate captain.” She turned back to the pirate ship’s image for one last look. If she could have helped them she would have, but now she could do nothing.

  “Good luck, Captain Hawkins, and thank you,” whispered Sky and then she smiled, “Fair winds and following seas.” She turned back to the task at hand.

  Chapter 15

  “Eighty-two missiles and seventy seconds to impact,” Tactical droned. The defense computer had an audio to give the same countdown, but Tactical preferred to do it herself.

  The first wave of interceptors had met the incoming OrCon attack and successfully taken out eleven incoming missiles. The interceptors would continue to cut down the attack as the enemy missiles closed in on the fleeing Predator.

  “Seventy-one and sixty seconds.”

  Quiet ruled the bridge as everyone worked their tasks. Baby Doll was analyzing the results of the pirate and Zeke attacks on the OrCons. Eli finely tuned the helm to ensure the ship stayed on the optimum course for escape while ensuring weapons could still be brought to bear. Simon ensured the guns would be ready when called on. Arky Smith, the navigator was laying in the course to be followed after the battle. Madison had taken off the white phones and was monitoring sensors. Tactical ensured the defense plan was running smoothly and Rafe monitored all the bridge personnel.

  “Sixty-one and fifty.”

  The jammers and decoys flared away from the ship. Aimed forward of the ship’s heading, Predator flew through her decoys and jammers and the ship’s signature would, hopefully, be lost to the pursuing missiles’ seekers. It was rare to fool more than a percentage of the incoming missiles. Predator kept pumping out decoys and jammers at three-second intervals. The twin 125 mm guns in the rear turret joined in as the range closed. High explosive shells with proximity fuses exploded in front of the pursuing missiles and showered them with shrapnel. Several pursuing missiles spun out of control. The ship shook and shuddered as missiles, guns, decoys, and jammers worked to secure Predator’s survival.

  “Forty-five and forty.”

  The guns switched to canister and clouds of explosive balls flew out in the wake of the ship. Lasers crossed behind the ship in wild patterns. The smaller 75 mm guns were firing canister now. Tension rose on the bridge. Work ground to a halt as eyes became fixated on the nearest screen.

  “Back to it, people,” Rafe’s voice calmly rang out, “You watching won’t help, and we need to be ready to execute after this little sideshow is over.”

  People returned to their work while glancing often at the screens.

  “Thirty-two and thirty.”

  “This is going to be close,” thought Rafe, “too damn close.” He shifted in his chair and idly co
nsidered the amount of ordnance being expended by his ship. Couldn’t be avoided, but ordnance didn’t grow on trees. He would have to insist the Empire provide resupply for services rendered. Hopefully, Captain Mallory would be alive to say yes. If she died, Hawkins decided he would find that very inconvenient.

  “Nineteen and twenty seconds.”

  The ship’s defensive systems worked magnificently. The horde of incoming missiles had been cut down significantly, maybe enough, maybe not. The decoys and jammers shut off. The enemy missiles were too close now and had a hard lock on Predator.

  “Eight and ten seconds.” Tactical’s tone and volume still suggested a mildly boring conversation with no particularly important ramifications.

  Predator’s missile systems stopped firing. The inbounds were inside the lock on envelope for the interceptors.

  “Five and five.”

  The main guns ceased firing, but the lasers and smaller guns continued. One last missile broke apart as a laser beam swept through its body, and pieces of that missile hit the shields on the starboard quarter. Four missiles impacted the shields. Shield strength dropped with each hit, ninety-five percent, eighty-five percent, seventy-five percent, sixty percent. The ship shook under the impacts. All impacts had been on the same starboard quarter section and the rapidity of the impacts did not allow for shield reinforcement. But shield reinforcement was not needed; the attack was over and the ship would be out of range before a second attack could reach it. The OrCons thought they had launched enough missiles to finish off an Edinburgh System Clan class destroyer and, indeed, they had. But Predator was not a Clan class destroyer but a pirate flotilla leader. A mistake in identity they would come to regret in the near future.

  “Show’s over,” Rafe tried to sound bored and almost succeeded. “Munitions count, please. Nav, lay in a course to Gammatiga. Helm, execute the course change at your convenience, and proceed at best sustained speed. We need to present a bill to the Zekes for munitions expended on their behalf. Tactical, set up a rendezvous with Dragon near the Zeke base. Baby Doll, I want an evaluation of OrCon tactics and an accounting of their casualties.”


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