Allies of Convenience: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 1

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Allies of Convenience: Pirates of the Badlands Series Book 1 Page 28

by Sean Benjamin

  The Zekes led the way to the shelter of the asteroids. They maintained a slower speed to allow the gap to close between them and their enemy. This would allow their interceptors to impact the expected enemy assault at the earliest moment. It would also put the Zeke ships on the edge of the enemy’s missile range.

  “Zekes slowing down,” Tactical called out from her station. “They look like they want to trade shots with the GorCons.”

  Hawkins nodded. “Noted. She’s not playing it safe.” He now turned to Tactical and looked at his OpsO. She felt his eyes on her and looked over her screens at him. “Target all missiles on the flagship. We can’t destroy the battle cruiser but we need to put a couple scars on her.” He added quietly, “If we rattle their cage, it might piss them off enough to continue to chase us to the rocks.” He then smiled the dark smile of a predator on the hunt.

  Tactical returned the grim smile. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll make it happen.” She returned to her screen and coordinated the attack over her operations net.

  Five seconds ticked by with no missiles shot as each side fully stocked their launchers and deliberately selected targets. This would be the moment of all-out effort by every participant. Once the Zekes and pirates reached the spinning rocks, the dynamics of the battle shifted in their favor. The GorCons and their reinforcements would have to attack across open space while the pirates and Zekes would shoot from behind cover. This would offset the difference in firepower between the two sides and greatly blunt the impact of the oncoming reinforcements.

  The Zekes fired first, trying to get interceptors downrange to meet the incoming attack as early as possible and inflict maximum attrition. The pirates fired missiles just as the Zeke swarm swept over them. All ships continued to pump out missiles at a cyclic rate.

  The GorCons fired before the sight of their foes shooting reached them. They also fired at the cyclic rate. Hordes of missiles closed on each other in a long stream. The Zeke and pirate missiles covered the most distance and met the incoming attack close to the GorCon ships. The majority of the missiles impacted the GorCon attack projectiles, but Alpha squadron had shot offensive projectiles and they sped through the swarms and locked onto Republic. They closed on the big ship. The OrCons responded with lasers, guns, and decoys as they continued to shoot offensive missiles. The pirate attack was reduced as they sped to their target. Seventeen missiles impacted the shields before two leaked through and impacted on the armor to no effect. Eleven more missiles impacted shields before four got through. They hit the same section of armor as the previous two and the last punched through to open the compartment to space. A fire briefly flared to exhaust the oxygen and ensure the deaths of all crewmembers in that section. The compartment was the storage ring for ready rounds directly below a forward 300 mm triple gun turret. The turret went silent as the steady stream of rounds to the guns was disrupted. Several more rounds impacted shield sections and then three forced their way through the weakening protection to hit the armor and opened up another compartment.

  Captain Korlov noted the impacts via cameras, and scanned his computer output for damage assessments, but did not consider asking the Admiral to allow him to shoot interceptors. His ship was the only one being targeted, and he knew why. If the pirates could force him to go on the defensive, a significant number of missiles would be taken away from the attack. He realized this attack was the last best hope of bringing their quarry to heel and, if their enemies got into the rocks, his forces would pay a dear price to root them out. He would have to absorb the hits and hope the close-in defenses and sheer size of his vessel would see him and his crew through the blizzard of incoming missiles.

  Now the pirates and Zekes began their defense as the attacking GorCon missiles entered their terminal phase of flight and locked onto individual ships. Lasers, decoys, and guns whittled down the incoming threat, but there was never any doubt that many missiles would get to ships’ shields and some would get beyond that. Missiles exploded under gunfire, split apart due to a laser cut, and veered off course chasing decoys, but there were always more to take their places.

  Missiles now impacted shields in a steady rain. The two pirate squadrons switched places to allow shields to replenish themselves, but it was a delaying tactic at best. Two missiles hit Predator’s armor and blew out a sensor array. Nemesis took three missiles, and one compartment opened to space. Desperado absorbed hits along her entire length. Atmosphere vented from a dozen gaps, and she slowed to a crawl as one engine pod flared with fire blazing from every opening along the nacelle. Vandal took similar damage and fell out of formation as she rotated slowly in a flat spin. Without being directed, pirates' ships moved to cover their injured comrades, placing themselves between the crippled ships and the enemy.

  The Zekes also took hits. Mackenzie, as the flagship, had been singled out as the primary target in their formation and over one hundred missiles had targeted her. This had been reduced to twenty-four as they impacted the shields. She was the newest ship in the battle so had the latest in shield technology, and this is what saved her. As with all warships, when a shield section absorbed hits, it would automatically draw on ship’s power for reinforcement. Mackenzie’s shields went further by drawing not only on ship’s power, but on other shield sections and, as a last resort, the computers governing the shields would let missiles through to give itself the few precious seconds needed to reinforce the beleaguered section. The missiles would impact the hull, but better to take limited damage than have a shield section fail and the ship take several sustained hits in rapid succession. She now took several hits on one shield section, and three missiles struggled through to the hull. The big cruiser staggered but kept firing. More missiles impacted her shields, and two missiles were let through as the shields regenerated. Again, Mackenzie shook under the hits, but fought on.

  The little destroyer, Garnet, absorbed eleven hits on one shield section and tried to turn away, but was not fast enough. Two missiles got through the shields and impacted her bridge, blowing gaping holes in her hull. She continued to swing away as missiles impacted on her starboard shields, forced their way through, and struck along her entire length. She evaporated in explosions.

  Raferty watched as his formation went ragged around him. He was calm as the bridge buzzed in semi-quiet activity. He had not wanted to take this attack. The initial plan had called for a single exchange on the edge of the asteroid belt and then a quick duck into the spinning turmoil of the rock belt. He had come to the regrettable conclusion that a quick exchange with little or no damage to his forces would not entice the enemy to a fight in the rocks. They had to get the scent of flowing blood, and come to the conclusion that victory was so very close for them and, with a little more effort, the day would be theirs. Despite the turmoil around him, Rafe again allowed himself a predator’s smile. There were no days in space, only eternal night. His smile was also due to the view in his rear camera. The three freighters were up and shooting again. Their barrage of missiles cleared the asteroid belt, passed over the two friendly forces, and zeroed in on the continuing GorCon attack. This response and the continuing defense would allow the pirates and Zekes to make the rocks.

  He spoke over his command net. “All ships, go defensive. Get to the rocks and establish the briefed defensive perimeter.”

  Ships picked up speed, but only as fast as the wounded vessels could go. Desperado and Vandal moved at best speed, and the other pirate ships stayed between them and the continuing enemy assault. The Zekes continued to shoot as they integrated into the pirate formation.

  Now the freighter swarm streaked down on the missiles closest to the formation. The two hundred twenty-five missiles destroyed the entire wave of incoming projectiles, and the resulting gap in the steady stream of incoming missiles allowed the formation’s interceptors to reach further out to begin attriting the next group of attackers.

  Admiral Stavka stared at his screens. The freighter interceptors had taken out a large segment of hi
s attack. His missiles were now being intercepted further away from the pirates and Zekes. It was clear the pirates and Zekes would make the Nomad asteroid belt, so the next decision was now upon him. He had limited options. He could pursue the enemy into the rocks for a deadly game of hide and seek. He could await the arrival of the reinforcements and push on the rocks at that time. It was not a tough decision. If he waited, the enemy would have an opportunity to establish a line of defense, designate fields of fire, and start emergency repairs on damaged ships. The pirates and Zekes could organize secondary positions further in the belt and create a defense in depth. They also could leave a few fast ships in the belt as a rear guard and have the majority of ships depart on the other side to speed away to fight at another time and place. He inhaled a deep breath. Victory was so close. His forces had inflicted significant damage on his enemy. Pirate ships had been hit, one Zeke destroyer killed, and the flagship damaged. He could win here. He could feel it. Just a little more effort ...

  Stavka also wondered if the reinforcements would help in the attack. The commander of the reinforcements might outrank Admiral Kaufmann, take command of all Goth forces, and continue the pursuit of the pirates and Zekes on his own terms. Worst-case scenario was the Goth force would drop out of the fight, and Stavka and his few Orion ships would be alone. Stavka needed to strike now. He turned to his command net.

  “We will continue the pursuit. We have time, as their freighters must reload. We cannot allow them to establish a defensive line in the rocks. Come to port forty-five degrees. We will enter the asteroid belt upstream from them and then turn and flow downstream in the attack.”

  The Admiral knew his Goth counterpart would have heard the order and might balk at continuing the fight, but he was betting Kaufmann would not bow out and let the record stand as it was currently written. Stavka knew if Kaufmann quit now, once the Goth naval hierarchy reviewed this mission, his career would be over. He was sure Kaufmann knew that also. Stavka had had no communication with the incoming Goth reinforcements, but he knew Kaufmann must have had several updates on their arrival. Since the Goth Admiral was participating in this fight without waiting for the reinforcements, Stavka believed Kaufmann wanted the victory just as badly as he did. Although not a word was exchanged between the two commanders, the Goth ships keep pace with the Orion squadron as they changed course forty-five degrees to port.

  The pirates and Zekes arrived at the belt of slowly tumbling rocks and quickly moved into cover behind and between the rotating stones. The ships pivoted and adjusted their positions to quickly establish two lines of defense within the belt. Their shields warded off collisions from smaller bodies as they maneuvered around the larger debris. The last of the pursuing missiles impacted harmlessly among the belt. The Orion and Goth ships ceased fire, turned forty-five degrees to port, and continued to close on the belt at an angle. Their clear objective was to breach the asteroid belt further upstream away from the line of defense. Once in the rocks, they could turn, go downstream with the moving field, and enter combat on equal terms. The pirates and Zekes turned amid the rocks and moved upstream in the debris to prevent their enemy from free entry into the rocks. Neither side shot missiles as they closed the distance.

  “Time to freighters?” Rafe asked as he looked over the closing enemy force.

  “They’ll shoot in forty seconds,” Tactical responded. “We’ll shoot in thirty seconds to allow them time to rise above the belt, fire, and get back down without taking any incoming.”

  “Do it,” he replied somewhat distractedly. He was computing the closure rate of the two forces and the GorCon’s closure on the belt. The enemy could make maximum speed in open space while his forces had to maneuver through the asteroid field at a reduced speed. Rafe frowned. This would be close. If the GorCons achieved the rock belt, then the fight would become a close range melee among the spinning clods. The enemy had the advantage in missile launchers and guns. The close range fighting would favor their superior numbers plus they would benefit from going downstream with the tumbling rocks. Matching speed with rocks would reduce collisions on their shields and allow for easier navigation. Their advantages would be offset by their need to push forward giving pirates and Zeke ships the first shot from ambush. The fight would be bloody and, if it dragged out, the approaching reinforcements could enter the asteroid belt behind the pirates and Zekes and trap them between the two forces.

  Rafe spoke on his command net, “We can’t let them gain the rocks in any great numbers. When we shoot on command, keep firing until your launchers melt. When you get gun range on them, shoot nova rounds. We got to get max hits while they’re in the open.”

  “Go with it,” Mallory commanded her ships. She was all for the course of action and they needed to act in concert here. This was the critical point in the battle. If the enemy got in the rocks in big numbers, her side would lose. If they were kept out, her side would win. Simple but simple could be hard to do.

  The mixed flotilla maneuvered among the icy rocks and began to shoot. Missiles flew out at the GorCon squadron as the range closed. Seconds later, the freighters rose from the far side of the belt and let loose their broadside. The two hundred and twenty-five missiles chased the first broadside toward the oncoming GorCons.

  Chapter 52

  Light Admiral Dietrich watched the fight on his sensors as his force closed on the battle site at maximum speed. It was clear the mixed force was striving to finish the battle before his ships would arrive to lend assistance. He shook his head. He was watching two admirals who knew their careers were on the line, and who had no qualms about pushing their ships and crews to try to salvage this mission and their own futures. He wasn’t surprised to see it, but it still rankled him. The pirates and Zekes were moving slowly upstream in the rocky turmoil as they tried to keep their speeding enemies from gaining the asteroid belt upstream of them. If that happened, the Orion and Goldenes Tor ships could ride the shifting rocks downstream on their enemies. They might not win the resulting shootout amid the stony mayhem, but it would be their best opportunity. However, they would have to gain the belt first, and they would pay a price to do that. The Zekes and pirates would see to that.

  Dietrich spoke over his command net. “Change course to two hundred seventy-five level. We will close on the asteroid belt below the enemy, outside of missile range, and attempt to trap them between our two forces. The two battle cruisers will not enter the belt but remain just outside. The remaining ships will enter the belt and we all will proceed upstream against the enemy at best possible speed.”

  Dietrich didn’t like staying outside the asteroid belt but his two big battle cruisers could not navigate within the spinning maze without the risk of damage. The smaller, more nimble ships could dodge the larger bodies, and their shields could absorb multiple hits from the smaller stones. His large vessels would have to depend on shields alone as their bulk did not allow them the darting maneuvering required in the bedlam. Every asteroid hit on the shields would be the same as absorbing a missile. The shields could take the hits, but if several enemy missiles hit a shield section that had already taken many asteroid collisions, the section could collapse at a very inopportune time. It was best the two big ships moved up alongside the belt abreast the ships in the belt. They would approach the enemy from the rear together.

  Chapter 53


  All ships reacted to Hawkins’ command with a mass of missiles erupting from all tubes. This seemed to be the culmination point of the battle. The pirates and Zekes fired at the cyclic rate. The Orion and Goth destroyers had formed a picket line between their larger ships and their enemy. They absorbed the blunt of missiles. Interceptors, decoys, and guns worked against the majority of the incoming missiles but soon missiles were impacting on shields. The Goth destroyer, Schneewolke, took dozens of impacts along her length. She slowed rapidly as her starboard engine compartment took multiple hits. The destroyer fell out of position as her comrades sped past he
r. She was soon followed by the Orion destroyer, Bodryy, a victim of a succession of hits followed by a two internal explosions. Both small ships absorbed more hits as they lost the supporting fires of their squadrons, and their own fighting systems fell offline. The two ships began to spew survival pods.

  The distance between the two opposing forces closed as the OrCons and Goths were almost at the belt of spinning rocks, and the pirates and Zekes continued upstream in the asteroids. Soon a deadly game of hide and seek would begin.

  “What the hell … ?”

  The tone in Tactical’s voice drew Raferty from his missile computations to quickly scan all his floating screens. He saw it immediately. The pirate corvette Vandal had been on the far right of the line when the formation had established its fighting line upon arrival in the asteroids. When all ships had turned to starboard to move “upstream” to counter the enemy’s maneuver, Vandal was now in the forefront of the formation as they moved among the spinning rocks. She was closest to the enemy force as it moved at an angle to gain the rocks and was now the closest ship to two crippled enemy destroyers. The pirate ship now departed the rocks into open space and raced at the two slowly moving enemy ships. Rafe knew exactly what was happening. Vandal had lost all her families at Ulatar. The ships responsible for that attack were now in Vandal’s gun sights in open space, and in a few short minutes, these same enemy ships would be playing hide and seek with the pirates and Zekes among the rocks. Vandal was badly damaged and would not be very nimble in the upcoming fight among the asteroids. The little ship was not letting the opportunity for shooting on stationary targets pass, even if it meant sacrificing herself to do it.


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