A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance Page 45

by T. J. Brandow

  Amerta gave him a puzzled look; and John realized that he’d probably unloaded too many colloquialisms at her. Amerta was very good with English due to the fact that the language is taught in Harignot schools in order to teach the citizens about their biggest enemies. First the children are put through various tasks to find their particular interests and styles of learning. Then, they are paired with a guide that stays with them until their sixteenth year.

  “I’m sorry to shoot all of those words at you at once that you’ve probably never heard.”

  She laughed. “No, John I was looking at you like that because I can’t believe that’s the most exciting and bad thing you’ve ever done.” John hung his head because he knew it was true.

  “I’m only teasing you,” she said, laughing again. “That is what I like about you. You aren’t one of those males going around strutting like they are in charge of everything. You have a quiet, reserved way, but it’s still powerful.” John looked at her and smiled as her eyes shifted to something that fell out of John’s pocket. It was the small journal.

  “What are you writing in there? Are you going to share it with me?” Amerta asked anxiously.

  “Maybe. Maybe I’m writing all about you- about this whole journey,” he said.

  “Will you make it into a book one day?”

  “That depends on how it ends,” he answered.

  “Well if things don’t go the way you wanted them to you could always just write a different ending,” she suggested as she put her hand on his.

  “True. That is if I live to write an ending.”

  “What kind of talk is that? Come on, we can do this.”

  Before long, they spotted Reginot up ahead. All of the clear pathways were beginning to fold towards one another towards the hazy city. When John first viewed the outskirts of the larger city of Jarignignot, there was no smoggy veil hanging over it. He could not even make out the distinct shapes of the buildings- only the very tops of the rusty towers.

  “Why is there so much haze there?” he asked.

  “Oh, well let’s just say that Reginot doesn’t hold itself to the standards that other cities do. There’s not much law and order. It’s much like the Old West in your country.”

  “How do you know so much?”

  “It’s the way we’re educated. We were taught all about Earthlings and their history.”

  “But why?”

  “There’s an old Harignot proverb that says it best: One must seek to understand one’s enemies by learning everything one can about their ways.”

  “Sounds smart. If only our two planets weren’t such enemies.”

  “Well wishing for it won’t help anything,” she said. John was beginning to realize that Amerta was much less emotional and more practical than he was. There was an inner strength about her that he admired.”

  “What are you thinking over there?” she asked as he looked at her, deep in his own thoughts.

  “I’m wondering what we’re going to do about our accommodations,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, are we going to get one room? Two rooms?”

  “Oh, I see. Well, I only have 2,489 parsigs left so I guess we’ll get one room,” she said, still not thinking about what John was thinking.

  “How much would parsigs equal in dollars?” John asked, having no frame of reference.

  “Only about $250,” she said.

  “Oh, I see.”

  “And you do want to eat tonight, I take it?” she said.

  “Yes, I do.”

  The haze of the city began to reveal more about the buildings being shrouded. The towers were thicker and less tall than in Jarinignot. There also seemed to be a more twisted and gnarled quality to the spires that topped most of the towers. A rust-like film had stained the once clear constructions. As they grew even closer, they could see all of the different beings traveling back and forth on foot. He saw such a wide variety of creatures, John couldn’t make out their distinct shapes for identification. Soon, a landing area between four tightly packed buildings came into view.

  “So I suppose we need to talk about how we are going to get clearance to land here,” John said.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve already got it worked out. Put these on,” she said, handing him a pair of vice-like clamps. They were cushioned on the inside, but covered in hard, silver metal on the outside.

  “Put them on your wrists. You’re my prisoner,” Amerta said with a sly grin.

  “I think I like where this is going,” John said, lifting an eyebrow. Reluctantly, he snapped on the Harignot version of handcuffs.

  Chapter 10

  “Identify yourself for landing clearance,” a gravelly voice spoke in Harignot. John switched on his language decoder so he could understand what was being said.

  “Darigno Klacinot,” she said as she reached under her seat and pulled out a folder of fake credentials. It included a photograph of her with the name she had spoken to the attendant printed under it.

  “Scan credentials,” the gruff voice responded. Amerta took out a circular card with a bar scan and held it up to a laser scanner on the dash.

  After a few seconds the voice spoke again. “Credentials verified. Where are the passenger’s credentials?”

  “He is a human slave. His credentials are still being processed as the sale has just been completed,” she said.

  “Explanation accepted,” the voice said. In Reginot, slave selling was legal and there weren’t many questions asked about slaves being transported into the settlement. Human slaves in particular, were rare and in high demand.

  As the hover car landed, John took a deep breath.

  “Well, getting clearance was easy enough,” he said.

  “Yes, but remember you are my slave and must act the part until we’re out of sight,” she said.

  “Yes ma’am!” he said.

  There was a clear, round multi-level structure just in front of them that opened up. It was a parking garage of sorts, but it wasn’t in very good condition. Some of the crystal used to build it had fractured in places giving it a slum-like look.

  The roadway wound up several levels before they found an available spot. Once they parked the car, Amerta activated the car’s force field and came around the other side to help John get out of the car in his handcuffs.

  “Are you sure this place is safe enough to leave your uncle’s Hador?” he asked.

  “Shh, you’re my slave, John. You have to act like one. We could encounter someone any minute,” she said. Sure enough, a tall male Harignot with a grey and black robe walked past them, giving Amerta the full eye treatment. She glared back as she led John on to the matter reorganizer. Within seconds, they were on the ground floor in the midst of a tremendous amount of foot traffic. All above them were flashing signs advertising things in Harignot that John couldn’t understand. The other pedestrians were of every stripe, although the majority of them were Harignot. There were also short, squat Loomanglians with their six enormous eyes and tall, green Elgibians with their large feet and enormous ears. John’s mouth fell wide open as he gazed around him. Amerta gave him a shove from behind to get him moving faster.

  “Move slave!” she commanded. Every now and then one of the creatures would give John a strange look. It was obvious that humans were a rare sight around those parts. John thought that he even saw a group of young, male Harignots pointed at him and talking amongst themselves.

  “I don’t like this,” John said, quietly.

  “Shh,” Amerta said, making for a slender, cylindrical tower at the end of the street. There were several oval windows pointing out from it a few of which were broken.

  Amerta hurried towards the entrance as a couple of male Elgibians came over to them. Amerta switched on her language decoder.

  “Hey there! My friend and I want to spend the night with you. How much?” he asked. Amerta frowned up at him and put one hand on her laser pistol that was strapped on the inside of
her leg underneath her purple skirt.

  “I am not for sale, and I suggest that you move along if you don’t want trouble,” she said with a scowl. John was quite impressed.

  The taller Elgibian laughed at his friend and then turned to walk away.

  “Come, Hiloba that one is very beautiful, but far too feisty,” the creature said.

  “Let’s get inside,” she said, pushing John into the doorway of the small hotel.

  A short, elderly male Harignot appeared behind a counter just to their left.

  “How much are the rooms?” Amerta asked, not waiting for a greeting.

  “They are 645 parsigs,” he said in a squeaky voice.

  “Ouch, here you are,” she said taking a handful of tiny, carved spires of crystal and putting them on the counter.

  “Dwelling number 45b, top floor,” he answered as he scooped up the parsigs and handed her an oval card with a code on it. “And be sure to clean up after your slave! The last time we had a slave trader here the place was left a mess.”

  “Yes, I understand,” Amerta said. They walked onto a moving walkway that curved upwards in a spiral. This building was older than the ones that contained re-animators to transport people from one floor to another.

  Once they got to the correct level, Amerta hurried to the end of the hall to get to their room. Another female Harignot came out of a room and looked Amerta up and down disapprovingly. She disappeared down the corridor and was followed by a muscular male Harignot who turned and undressed Amerta with his eyes. Amerta and John reached the door of their room just as the male Harignot began to speak to them. She typed in the code on the oval card and pulled John inside hurriedly, slamming the door behind them. They both collapsed on a round, couch-like seat that looked stained and tattered.

  “Great place this Reginot,” John said. Amerta looked at him and laughed. As their laughter died down, they began to look deeply into one another’s eyes. John admired the iridescent depth of Amerta’s large blue eyes and her perfectly-sculpted cheek bones as Amerta admired John’s handsome darker blue eyes and kindly smile. John touched the side of Amerta’s face, taking in the soft nature of her flesh. Harignot flesh seemed more smooth, but strong to John. There was no hair on their bodies, except for what grew from their heads. Even Harignot hair seemed to maintain a soft, silky quality that human hair did not. John ran his hands through her light, brown hair. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get the words out, Amerta’s lips fell on his. He closed his eyes and took in the moment, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her. To him, Amerta smelled like a field of some unidentified flower. Her tongue caressed his own as their fingers began to explore one another’s chests. John dared to slowly reach underneath the silk-like top she wore. Amerta gasped quietly with delight as he caressed her. Slowly, they began to remove one another’s clothes. Then, they continued to kiss and caress one another.

  “So this is how you express deep affection, then?” she whispered to him.

  “Is it not how you express it?” he asked.

  “No, that is to say- we can, but most choose to bind auras,” she said.

  “To bind what?” he asked.

  “John Norman, I have feelings for you that I have never felt towards anyone and I want to share with you the most intimate thing that we can share with one another.”

  “I want the same. I also want to show you how humans express intimacy,” he said.

  “Yes, I want that too,” she said. She stood up, standing naked before him for the first time. John’s eyes washed over her perfect contours, heaving breasts and endless legs.

  “You should stand too,” she said, smiling. John stood up feeling slightly embarrassed standing there naked before Amerta. She looked over his physique, thinking that he was actually more muscular than she had initially thought.

  “Alright, you must open your heart to me. Concentrate on your feelings for me, then reach inside yourself and try to bring forth the essence of your being,” she said. John looked a little puzzled.

  “Just try it! You will see,” she said.

  “Ok,” he said. Amerta closed her eyes and within a couple of minutes, a gold and reddish orb appeared above her and moved in John’s direction.

  “Now you,” she said, urging him on. John closed his eyes and relived the moments that he’d spent with Amerta so far, thinking about how much she had come to mean to him in such a short span of time. Then, he could feel himself wanting to give over everything that was John Norman to her, searching deep within himself for what she described as his essence. In just a few shot moments, he was astonished to see a faint blue orb above him not as bright as Amerta’s but still quite colorful. John looked at Amerta just as the two orbs joined together in between where they stood. A beam emerged from the spot where the two orbs had met that shot back at Amerta and John. John could feel his entire body pulsating with an energy that he’d never experienced before. It was as if he was being gently caressed both outside and in and all of his thoughts were consumed with what could only be described as Amerta’s essence. Amerta experienced the same sensation, locking eyes with the human that she now knew that she loved with all her heart.

  After just a few minutes, the energy from the auras dissipated and both of them collapsed onto the bed.

  “Wow, that was absolutely amazing,” John said as he took Amerta’s hand.

  “And that, John Norman is how we express intimacy,” he said.

  “Ok, my turn,” he said, getting on top of her. His tongue filled her mouth before she could respond. She closed her eyes and gave in to his soft, wet kisses and gentle caresses.

  “Are you ready?” he whispered in her ear. She nodded, opened her eyes and smiled.

  As their bodes became one, rising and falling in convulsive undulations, Amerta’s mouth fell open in a gesture of pleasure.

  “Oh John!” She said, feeling the waves of pleasure growing to the rousing crescendo of orgasm; the first of it’s kind that she’d ever experienced. John had to keep his eyes closed for fear of ending it all too quick. The sheer beauty and grace of Amerta’s lithe form were too much for him to view at that point.

  Finally, he opened his eyes to take her in, feeling himself lose all control.

  “Oh God! Oh Amerta!” he said as his mouth fell open.

  For hours, they lay together with their arms wrapped around one another.

  There was no need to speak for quite a long time. Finally, Amerta broke the silence.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “So was the aura bouncing,” he said.

  “Aura binding,” she corrected him with a laugh.

  “What are we going to do, John? How are a human and a Harignot going to be able to carve out a life together?”

  “I don’t know, Amerta. Maybe we should just enjoy what we have now and we can work out the future when we come to it.”

  “We will have to think about soon enough. We haven’t even talked about what we plan to do once we get the weapon out of Sergeant Miller’s hands or how we plan to do that,” she said.

  “Well can we use the cloaking device to sneak up on them?”

  “I suppose it could work, but it would be difficult to disguise the sound of our movements,” she said. “It’s quite late. Let’s get some rest and we will make firmer plans in the morning.”

  “Agreed,” John said. They both enjoyed the most sound sleep either one of them had enjoyed in quite some time.


  The Alien Invasion Trap

  An Alien Romance Story

  T.J. Brandow

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Click here to receive INCREDIBLE SciFi Alien Romance Books ABSOLUTELY FREE.

ter 1

  The assignment to Konkoma was the project of a lifetime. I hadn’t expected to land it so soon after graduating with my doctorate. Sure, I was an overachiever: I had degrees in Xenopsychology and Anthropology. But I hadn’t counted on luck making me the first researcher to the newly-contacted Konkoma people.

  “Don’t screw this up,” my mentor, Dr. Weaver, had said before hugging me like a doting mother.

  I arrived on Komaron Prime after two months of travel through unoccupied space, the blue and purple planet a welcome sight after the anxious stretch of research, study, and waiting. I quickly jetted to my host home on the Northern Continent, smiling as I stepped off the airtrain to find the sign “Welcome to Bonarin” in Basic, Konkomanese, and English. I tried to dampen my excitement at seeing the three languages together for the first time. Being Human and Earth-born, English was my native language and I’d learned Basic in grade school like everyone else. But Konkomanese was new to me. I’d spent six months tackling it and I could easily read this sign. I figured that was a promising start.

  I grabbed one of the hovers idling at the station, giving the driver my destination address. The male Konkoma gave a gruff sound of approval and started off.

  I pulled my InterStellar out of my purse and sent a quick typed message to Dr. Weaver to let her know that I’d arrived safely. She replied quickly with a simple “Good luck.” My heart thumped happily at the simple phrase.

  “We’ve arrived,” the driver announced in Basic a few minutes later, turning his head slightly so I could finally catch sight of his profile instead of the back of his head. His light, lavendar-ish skin glinted slightly in the day’s sunlight, the spines outlining his dark eyes sending small spots of reflected light onto the inside of the hover. In photos, the Konkoma had always struck me as reptilian, but up close, they seemed less so.


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